59 resultados para non-conscious cognitive processing (NCCP) time.


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Individuals who engage in non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) were meaningfully separated into three groups. The number of different methods used within the last 12 months supported a continuum of relative risk of recent and repetitive behaviour. The groups varied in the magnitude of emotional processing deficits as well as ruminative thinking.


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Cognitive symptoms and impairment are central to schizophrenia and often an early sign of this condition. The present study investigated biological correlates of cognitive symptoms and performance in individuals at ultra-high risk (UHR) for psychosis. The study sample comprised 80 neuroleptic-naïve UHR individuals aged 13-25 years. Associations among erythrocyte membrane fatty acid levels, measured by gas chromatography, and cognitive functioning were investigated in UHR patients. Subjects were divided into terciles based on their scores on the cognitive factor of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. The Zahlen-Verbindungs Test (ZVT) (the number-combination test) was also used as a measure of information-processing speed. Exploratory analysis was conducted to investigate the relationship between membrane fatty acid levels with the size of the intracranial area (ICA), a neurodevelopmental measure relevant to schizophrenia, in half of subjects (n=40) using magnetic resonance imaging. The adjusted analysis revealed that omega-9 eicosenoic and erucic acid levels were significantly higher, but omega-3 docosahexaenoic acid levels were significantly lower, in the cognitively impaired than in the cognitively intact group. We found a significant negative association of eicosenoic, erucic, and gamma-linoleic acids with ZVT scores. A negative association between ICA and membrane levels of eicosenoic acid was also found. This is the first study to demonstrate the relationship between membrane fatty acids and cognitive function in neuroleptic-naïve subjects at UHR for psychosis. The study findings indicate that abnormalities in membrane fatty acids may be associated with the neurodevelopmental disruption associated with the cognitive impairments of individuals at UHR for psychosis.


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Recent predictive processing accounts of perception and action point towards a key challenge for the nervous system in dynamically optimizing the balance between incoming sensory information and existing expectations regarding the state of the environment. Here, we report differences in the influence of the preceding sensory context on motor function, varying with respect to both clinical and subclinical features of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Reach-to-grasp movements were recorded subsequent to an inactive period in which illusory ownership of a prosthetic limb was induced. We analysed the sub-components of reach trajectories derived using a minimum-jerk fitting procedure. Non-clinical adults low in autistic features showed disrupted movement execution following the illusion compared to a control condition. By contrast, individuals higher in autistic features (both those with ASD and non-clinical individuals high in autistic traits) showed reduced sensitivity to the presence of the illusion in their reaching movements while still exhibiting the typical perceptual effects of the illusion. Clinical individuals were distinct from non-clinical individuals scoring high in autistic features, however, in the early stages of movement. These results suggest that the influence of high-level representations of the environment differs between individuals, contributing to clinical and subclinical differences in motor performance that manifest in a contextual manner. As high-level representations of context help to explain fluctuations in sensory input over relatively longer time scales, more circumscribed sensitivity to prior or contextual information in autistic sensory processing could contribute more generally to reduced social comprehension, sensory impairments and a stronger desire for predictability and routine.


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In this paper, a general class of Halanay-type non-autonomous functional differential inequalities is considered. A new concept of stability, namely global generalized exponential stability, is proposed. We first prove some new generalizations of the Halanay inequality. We then derive explicit criteria for global generalized exponential stability of nonlinear non-autonomous time-delay systems based on our new generalized Halanay inequalities. Numerical examples and simulations are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the obtained results.


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Cocoa supplementation has been associated with benefits to cardiovascular health. However, cocoa's effects on cognition are less clear. A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial (n = 40, age M = 24.13 years, SD = 4.47 years) was conducted to investigate the effects of both acute (same-day) and sub-chronic (daily for four-weeks) 250 mg cocoa supplementation on mood and mental fatigue, cognitive performance and cardiovascular functioning in young, healthy adults. Assessment involved repeated 10-min cycles of the Cognitive Demand Battery (CDB) encompassing two serial subtraction tasks (Serial Threes and Sevens), a Rapid Visual Information Processing task, and a mental fatigue scale over the course of half an hour. The Swinburne University Computerized Cognitive Assessment Battery (SUCCAB) was also completed to evaluate cognition. Cardiovascular function included measuring both peripheral and central blood pressure and cerebral blood flow. At the acute time point, consumption of cocoa significantly improved self-reported mental fatigue and performance on the Serial Sevens task in cycle one of the CDB. No other significant effects were found. This trial was registered with the Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry (Trial ID: ACTRN12613000626763). Accessible via http://www.anzctr.org.au/TrialSearch.aspx?searchTxt=ACTRN12613000626763&ddlSearch=Registered.


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Statistically significant association between energy consumption and economic growth is now well established in the literature. However, it still remains an unsettled issue whether economic growth is the cause or effect of energy consumption. The importance of identifying the direction of causality emanates from its relevance in national policy-making issues regarding energy conservation. Energy conservationissue is more important when energy acts as a contributing factor in economic growth than when it is used as a result of higher economic growth. In this backdrop, it is justified to search causal relationship between energy consumption and national output (GDP) of those countries that are expected to have higher energy consumption in future. Evidence shows that countries classified as non-OECD Asia will have the highest growth in energy consumption (3.7 percent) over the period 2003-2030. This forecasted energy consumption in these countries will have significant policy implication in the area of energy conservation. Hence, the present paper attempts to identify the direction of causality between energy consumption and output in the context of six major energy dependent non-OECD Asian countries.However, since the traditional bivariate approach suffers from omitted variable problems (Stern 1993, Masih and Masih, 1996 and Asafu-Adjaye, 2000), this paper employs a trivariate demand side approach consisting of energy consumption, income and prices. The countries selected for this purpose are Bangladesh, China, India, Malaysia, Pakistan and Thailand. Moreover, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA) data of 2005, these six countries contribute 81.35% of the energyconsumption by all non-OECD Asian countries (aggregate energy consumption of 2005 by all non-OECD Asian countries is 113.60 quadrillion BTU while for these six countries alone the consumption is 92.42 quadrillion BTU).


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This study examines the mediating effects of cognitive trust and affective trust on the relationship between supervisors' participative leadership behavior and subordinate work outcomes, using data obtained from 247 dyads in a manufacturing organization located in mainland China. Structural equation modeling revealed that while affective trust fully mediated the relationships between participative leadership of supervisor and subordinate job performance and organizational citizenship behavior, cognitive trust had non-significant effects. These findings underscore the importance of interpersonal interactions between the supervisor and subordinate for engendering subordinate work outcomes. They also lend support to the exchange (relationship)-based explanation as to how trust enhances the response of subordinates to the participative leadership behavior of their immediate supervisor, given that affective trust involves a process of social exchange between both parties over an extended period of time. © 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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OBJECTIVES: Cognitive deficits are apparent in the early stages of bipolar disorder; however, the timing and trajectory of cognitive functioning following a first episode of mania remains unclear. The aim of this study was to assess the trajectory of cognitive functioning in people following a first episode of mania over a 12-month period, relative to healthy controls. METHOD: The cohort included 61 participants who had recently stabilised from a first treated manic episode, and 21 demographically similar healthy controls. These groups were compared on changes observed over time using an extensive cognitive battery, over a 12-month follow-up period. RESULTS: A significant group by time interaction was observed in one measure of processing speed (Trail Making Test - part A,) and immediate verbal memory (Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test - trial 1), with an improved performance in people following a first episode of mania relative to healthy controls. On the contrary, there was a significant group by time interaction observed on another processing speed task pertaining to focussed reaction time (Go/No-Go, missed go responses), with first episode of mania participants performing significantly slower in comparison with healthy controls. Furthermore, a significant group by time interaction was observed in inhibitory effortful control (Stroop effect), in which healthy controls showed an improvement over time relative to first episode of mania participants. There were no other significant interactions of group by time related to other measures of cognition over the 12-month period. CONCLUSION: Our findings revealed cognitive change in processing speed, immediate memory and one measure of executive functioning over a 12-month period in first episode of mania participants relative to healthy controls. There was no evidence of change over time for all other cognitive domains. Further studies focussed on the at-risk period, subgroup analysis, and the effects of medication on the cognitive trajectory following first episode of mania are needed.


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INTRODUCTION: High-fidelity simulation-based training is often avoided for early-stage students because of the assumption that while practicing newly learned skills, they are ill suited to processing multiple demands, which can lead to "cognitive overload" and poorer learning outcomes. We tested this assumption using a mixed-methods experimental design manipulating psychological immersion. METHODS: Thirty-nine randomly assigned first-year paramedicine students completed low- or high-environmental fidelity simulations [low-environmental fidelity simulations (LFenS) vs. high-environmental fidelity simulation (HFenS)] involving a manikin with obstructed airway (SimMan3G). Psychological immersion and cognitive burden were determined via continuous heart rate, eye tracking, self-report questionnaire (National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index), independent observation, and postsimulation interviews. Performance was assessed by successful location of obstruction and time-to-termination. RESULTS: Eye tracking confirmed that students attended to multiple, concurrent stimuli in HFenS and interviews consistently suggested that they experienced greater psychological immersion and cognitive burden than their LFenS counterparts. This was confirmed by significantly higher mean heart rate (P < 0.001) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index mental demand (P < 0.05). Although group allocation did not influence the proportion of students who ultimately revived the patient (58% vs. 30%, P < 0.10), the HFenS students did so significantly more quickly (P < 0.01). The LFenS students had low immersion resulting in greater assessment anxiety. CONCLUSIONS: High-environmental fidelity simulation engendered immersion and a sense of urgency in students, whereas LFenS created assessment anxiety and slower performance. We conclude that once early-stage students have learned the basics of a clinical skill, throwing them in the "deep end" of high-fidelity simulation creates significant additional cognitive burden but this has considerable educational merit.


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There are several studies that suggest that different people deposit different quantities of their own DNA on items they touch, i.e. some are good shedders and others are bad shedders. It is of interest to determine if individuals deposit consistent quantities of their own DNA, no matter the occasion, as well as the degree of variability among individuals. To investigate this, participants were tested for their ability to deposit DNA by placing right and left handprints on separate DNA-free glass plates at three set times during the day (morning, midday and afternoon) on four different days spaced over several weeks. Information regarding recent activities performed by the individual was recorded, along with information on gender, hand dominance and hand size. A total of 240 handprint deposits were collected from 10 individuals and analyzed for differences in DNA quantity and the type of the DNA profile obtained at different times of the day, on different days, between the two hands of the same individual, and between different individuals. Furthermore, the correlation between the deposit quantity and the ratio of self to non-self DNA in the mixed deposits was analyzed to determine if the amount of non-self DNA has an effect on overall DNA quantities obtained. In general, this study has shown that while there is substantial variation in the quantities deposited by individuals on different occasions, some clear trends were evident with some individuals consistently depositing significantly more or less DNA than others. Non-self DNA was usually deposited along with self DNA and, in most instances, was the minor component. Incidents where the non-self portion was the major component were very rare and, when observed, were associated with a poor depositor/shedder. Forensic DNA scientists need to consider the range and variability of DNA a person deposits when touching an object, the likelihood of non-self DNA being co-deposited onto the handled object of interest and the factors that may affect the relative quantity of this component within the deposit.


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In this paper, the problem of global exponential stability analysis of a class of non-autonomous neural networks with heterogeneous delays and time-varying impulses is considered. Based on the comparison principle, explicit conditions are derived in terms of testable matrix inequalities ensuring that the system is globally exponentially stableunder destabilizing impulsive effects. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the obtained results.