77 resultados para newspaper-laboratory


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This paper reconceptualises the role of the small “local” newspaper in a new media environment and argues that definitions and concepts currently used to describe and define such publications are becoming increasingly problematic as newspapers shift into both print and online formats. The paper highlights the continued importance of geography for such newspapers at a time when there is wide academic debate on the relevance of territory and boundaries and the impact of time–space compression in a new media world. It argues, however, that a focus on a newspaper’s geographic connection must also acknowledge the increasing boundlessness and openness of the social space in which a newspaper operates. Ultimately this paper suggests the concept of “geo-social” news may be a more appropriate framework for scholars to consider such publications. I draw on the work of geography scholars, and discussions around “space” and “place” to construct the notion of “geo-social” news, highlighting some exemplars of small commercial newsroom practices in Australia, the United Kingdom and Canada and discussions with newspaper editors in Australia to demonstrate the relevance of the “geo-social” concept.


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Non-contact landings have been identified as a common activity associated with injury in netball. Investigating injury risk factors during landing via laboratory-based analysis warrants the performance of sportspecific landing tasks with the inclusion of “game- like” factors to enhance ecological validity of testing protocols. Understanding how players perform landing tasks in a competitive environment is, therefore, essential.

The purpose of this study was to perform a descriptive analysis of in-game landings performed by netball players, with regard to the landing techniques used and game events surrounding these landings; with the intent of providing information to enhance the ecological validity of laboratory-based testing environments. Landings were categorised according to landing technique and game events surrounding the landing.

A total of 1328 landings were observed across the three matches analysed. Differences in the distribution of landing techniques performed were seen across the various court positions. Specific game events were frequently present regardless of the landing technique performed. However, certain game events were found to occur more frequently with specific landing techniques. The findings from this study provide researchers with data to inform evidence-based decisions and enhance the ecological validity of laboratory testing environments when investigating landings in a netball sporting context.


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Side effects of the medications used for procedural sedation and analgesia in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory are known to cause impaired respiratory function. Impaired respiratory function poses considerable risk to patient safety as it can lead to inadequate oxygenation. Having knowledge about the conditions that predict impaired respiratory function prior to the procedure would enable nurses to identify at-risk patients and selectively implement intensive respiratory monitoring. This would reduce the possibility of inadequate oxygenation occurring.

To identify pre-procedure risk factors for impaired respiratory function during nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory.

Retrospective matched case–control.

21 cases of impaired respiratory function were identified and matched to 113 controls from a consecutive cohort of patients over 18 years of age. Conditional logistic regression was used to identify risk factors for impaired respiratory function.

With each additional indicator of acute illness, case patients were nearly two times more likely than their controls to experience impaired respiratory function (OR 1.78; 95% CI 1.19–2.67; p = 0.005). Indicators of acute illness included emergency admission, being transferred from a critical care unit for the procedure or requiring respiratory or haemodynamic support in the lead up to the procedure.

Several factors that predict the likelihood of impaired respiratory function were identified. The results from this study could be used to inform prospective studies investigating the effectiveness of interventions for impaired respiratory function during nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory.


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Aims and objectives
To explore issues and challenges associated with nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory from the perspectives of senior nurses.

Nurses play an important part in managing sedation because the prescription is usually given verbally directly from the cardiologist who is performing the procedure and typically, an anaesthetist is not present.

A qualitative exploratory design was employed.

Semi-structured interviews with 23 nurses from 16 cardiac catheterisation laboratories across four states in Australia and also New Zealand were conducted. Data analysis followed the guide developed by Braun and Clark to identify the main themes.

Major themes emerged from analysis regarding the lack of access to anaesthetists, the limitations of sedative medications, the barriers to effective patient monitoring and the impact that the increasing complexity of procedures has on patients' sedation requirements.

The most critical issue identified in this study is that current guidelines, which are meant to apply regardless of the clinical setting, are not practical for the cardiac catheterisation laboratory due to a lack of access to anaesthetists. Furthermore, this study has demonstrated that nurses hold concerns about the legitimacy of their practice in situations when they are required to perform tasks outside of clinical practice guidelines. To address nurses' concerns, it is proposed that new guidelines could be developed, which address the unique circumstances in which sedation is used in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory.

Relevance to clinical practice
Nurses need to possess advanced knowledge and skills in monitoring for the adverse effects of sedation. Several challenges impact on nurses' ability to monitor patients during procedural sedation and analgesia. Preprocedural patient education about what to expect from sedation is essential.


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Undergraduate engineering students require exposure to an appropriate level of practical activities to complement the theory delivered in their course. This not only serves the purpose of catering to students’ different learning styles but in contributing to developing practical skills important to achieving an adequate level of job-readiness. The mode by which practical activities are implemented can vary widely across different units of study and different institutions. Electronics practicals within the School of Engineering at Deakin University have traditionally involved the construction and analysis of bread board circuits. Recently however, the practicals have changed to utilise modern computer-integrated Lab Volt FACET board equipment.

This paper discusses electronics practicals using two very different types of laboratory equipment and reports on student perceived efficacy. The aim of the study is to gain an understanding of student perceptions so as to be able to refine the practicals to increase student engagement.

Design / method
This paper discusses two very different types of laboratory equipment employed in electronics practicals within the School of Engineering at Deakin University. This study focuses on students in electronics-related engineering disciplines and their perceived efficacy of the different equipment with the aim of providing valuable insight regarding student engagement. Survey data was collected from first and second year students who had completed successive classes using the different types of laboratory equipment.

When compared with the electronics practicals and equipment previously used at Deakin University, the Lab Volt FACET boards provide a well-structured and resource efficient method for conducting practicals. The preliminary survey results indicate that there are mixed preferences for which type of laboratory equipment students perceive to be the better learning tool. The results also indicate that these perceptions appear to align with students in specific disciplines. These observations suggest that discipline specific characteristics of students are an important consideration in achieving improved student engagement and a positive learning experience.

The outcomes of the preliminary study suggest that there are discipline specific characteristics which affect students’ perceptions of the efficacy of laboratory equipment. These outcomes will assist Deakin’s School of Engineering to refine the use of the Lab Volt FACET board laboratory equipment to achieve improved student engagement. Future research will build upon these findings to investigate expectations of students in different disciplines and whether there is a difference in preferred learning and any correlation to student perceptions.


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The results from experiments conducted in a 2m high flow compartment at large Reynolds numbers are reported in this paper. Flow entered the compartment through an opening at the base on one side of the compartment and exited from an opening at the bottom of the opposite wall of the compartment. A shear layer is formed at the boundary between the incoming flow and the ambient fluid in the compartment. The impingement of the shear layer on the opposite wall of the compartment gives rise to periodic vortex formation and highly organized oscillations in the shear layer. When a density interface is present inside the compartment, resonance conditions were set up when the oscillations of the internal standing waves were “locked in” with the shear layer oscillations. Under resonance conditions, internal standing waves with amplitudes of up to 0.1m were observed. The formation of the internal standing waves is linked to the shear layer oscillations. Resonance conditions result when the shear layer is oscillating close to the natural frequency of the stratified fluid system in the compartment. The results of this investigation are applicable for fresh water storage in floating bottom-opened tanks in the sea, where under resonance conditions, entrainment rates could be significantly increased.