69 resultados para mammary glands


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Lactation is an important characteristic of mammalian reproduction sometimes referred to as the quintessence of mammals. Comparative genomics and transcriptomics experiments are allowing a more in-depth molecular analysis of the evolution of lactation throughout the mammalian kingdom and these recent results are reviewed here. Milk cell and mammary gland gene expression analysis with sequencing methodology have started to reveal conserved or specific milk protein and components of the lactation system of monotreme, marsupial and eutherian lineages. These experiments have confirmed the ancient origin of the complex lactation system and provided useful insight into the function of specific milk proteins in the control of the lactation programme or the role of milk in the regulation of growth and development of the young beyond simple nutritive aspects.


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Lactation, an important characteristic of mammalian reproduction, has evolved by exploiting a diversity of strategies across mammals. Comparative genomics and transcriptomics experiments have now allowed a more in-depth analysis of the molecular evolution of lactation. Milk cell and mammary gland genomic studies have started to reveal conserved milk proteins and other components of the lactation system of monotreme, marsupial, and eutherian lineages. These analyses confirm the ancient origin of the lactation system and provide useful insight into the function of specific milk proteins in the control of lactation. These studies also illuminate the role of milk in the regulation of growth and development of the young beyond simple nutritive aspects.


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RNA sequencing and gene expression data related to lactation (mammary gland, milk and their sub compartments) obtained in a number of species (buffalo, mice, human, seal, wallaby, platypus).


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Allergenic proteins present in pollen grains, when inhaled, interact with the airways to cause an attack of asthma in susceptible humans. In one system, grass pollen grains rupture osmotically in rainfall, releasing allergen-containing inhalable particles into the atmosphere. In contrast, birch tree pollen grains do not rupture under these conditions, yet the major allergen, Bet v 1, has been detected in the atmosphere in inhalable particles of unknown origin. It is possible that Bet v 1 may diffuse from intact settled pollen grains and the allergenic material may again become airborne, interacting with settled fine particles from other sources prior to resuspension. This study investigates the mechanism for the release of birch pollen allergen-containing inhalable particles from pollen grains. We propose the hypothesis that (1) airborne birch pollen grains settle on nearby leaf surfaces; (2) then, following light rainfall, the grains germinate and, (3) later, pollen tubes burst, releasing inhalable particles carrying Bet v 1 into the atmospheric aerosol.   We used microscopic analyses of pollen behaviour following anther opening, a Burkard volumetric trap for pollen counts and a high volume air sampler with a two-stage cascade impactor for quantitative immunochemical analyses of Bet v 1. On dry days of high birch pollen count (48 grains/m3, 1.5 ng/m3 of Bet v 1), we found that the surfaces of birch leaves became coated with pollen. This ”pollen rain” is a source of secondary emission of allergens into the atmosphere. We observed that following light rainfall (<1 mm per day), about 80% of the birch pollen grains germinated, producing pollen tubes, especially in the sticky surface secretions of leaf glands. These pollen tubes may grow up to 300 μm in length prior to rupturing, each releasing about 400 starch granules coated with allergen molecules that may, after drying, be dispersed into the aerosol. On these days following light rainfall, the highest atmospheric levels of Bet v 1 (1.18 ng/m3) are associated with inhalable particles. Following heavy rainfall, both pollen and inhalable particles are washed from the atmosphere. Immunoprinting studies show that Bet v 1 is associated with starch granules rather than the smaller orbicules. Bet v 1 is present in the atmosphere in large particles, i.e. in particular pollen grains and in inhalable particles, i.e. in particular starch granules.


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Mammary gland involution requires co-ordination of milk production, immune responses, apoptosis and remodeling. Initiation and progression of each of these components involves integral control by the mammary gland. Although cell-based culture models and genetically manipulated animals have shed light on these processes, the factors controlling each step in the involution cascade are still poorly understood. The fur seal displays a unique lactation phenotype. During the lactation cycle the mammary gland downregulates milk production and initiates an immune response but fails to initiate the apoptotic phase of involution, allowing the female fur seal to undertake long foraging trips of up to 28 days between suckling bouts. Upon return to shore the female continues feeding her pup following resumption of lactation and milk production. Expression profiling of genes involved in this lactation cycle provides valuable tools for investigation of the factors responsible for the initiation of apoptosis at involution.


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Copper transport and accumulation were studied in virgin and lactating C57BL/6 mice, with and without expression of ceruloplasmin (Cp), to assess the importance of Cp to these processes. One hour after i.p. injection of tracer 64Cu, liver and kidney accounted for 80% of the radioactivity, and mammary gland 1%, while in lactating Cp+/+ mice 2–4 days post partum, uptake by mammary gland was 9-fold higher and that of liver and other organs was decreased, with 64Cu rapidly appearing in milk. Parallel studies in Cp−/− mice (siblings from same colony) gave virtually identical results. However, their milk contained less 64Cu, and actual copper contents determined by furnace atomic absorption were less than half those for milk from normal dams. Liver copper concentrations of pups born to Cp−/− dams also were half those of pups from wild type dams. Copper in pup brains was unaffected; but iron concentrations were reduced. We conclude that absence of Cp, while not affecting entry of exchangeable copper from the blood into the mammary gland, does have a significant effect on the availability of this metal to the newborn through the milk and in the form of stores accumulating in gestation.


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Monotremes are the only oviparous mammals and exhibit a fascinating combination of reptilian and mammalian characters. They represent a component of synapsidal reproduction by laying shelled eggs which are incubated outside the mother’s body. This is accompanied by a prototherian lactation process, marking them as representatives of early mammals. The only extant monotremes are the platypus, and the short- and long- beaked echidnas, and their distributions are limited to Australia and New Guinea. Apart for a short weaning period, milk is the sole source of nutrition and protection for the hatchlings which are altricial and immunologically naive. The duration of lactation in these mammals is prolonged relative to the gestational length and period of incubation of eggs. Much of the development of monotreme young occurs in the non-sterile ex-utero environment. Therefore the role of milk in the growth, development and disease protection of the young is of significant interest. By sequencing the cDNA of cells harvested from monotreme milk, we have identified a novel monotreme- specific transcript, and the corresponding gene was designated as the EchAMP. The expression profile of this gene in various tissues revealed that it is highly expressed in milk cells. The peptides corresponding to the EchAMP protein have been identified in a sample of echidna milk In silico analysis indicated putative antimicrobial potential for the cognate protein of EchAMP. This was further confirmed by in vitro assays using a host of bacteria. Interestingly, EchAMP did not display any activity against a commensal gut floral species. These results support the hypothesis of enhancement of survival of the young by antimicrobial bioactives of mammary gland origin and thus emphasize the protective, non- nutritional role of milk in mammals.


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We have investigated the role of bone sialoprotein (BSP), a secreted glycoprotein normally found in bone, in breast cancer progression. To explore functions for BSP in human breast cancer invasion and metastasis, the full-length BSP cDNA was transfected into the MDA-MB-231-BAG human breast cancer cell line under the control of the CMV promoter. Clones expressing BSP and vector control clones were isolated. BSP producing clones showed increased monolayer wound healing, a faster rate of stellate outgrowth in Matrigel and increased rate of invasion into a collagen matrix when compared to control clones. Clones were also examined in models of breast cancer growth and metastasis in vivo. BSP transfected clones showed an increased rate of primary tumor growth following mammary fat pad injection of nude mice. BSP transfected clones and vector control clones metastasized to soft organs and bone at a similar rate after intra-cardiac injection as determined by real-time PCR and X-ray analysis. Although these organs were targets for both BSP transfected and non-transfected cells, the size of the metastatic lesion was shown to be significantly larger for BSP expressing clones. This was determined by real-time PCR analysis for soft organs and by X-ray analysis of bone lesions. For bone this was confirmed by intra-tibial injections of cells in nude mice. We conclude that BSP acts to drive primary and secondary tumor growth of breast cancers in vivo.


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Stephen utilised the unique lactation strategy of the tammar wallaby to identify factors within the mammary gland that determine the composition of milk and how the milk composition changes throughout lactation in order to provide immunity both to the nursing mammary gland and the suckling.


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Cell culture systems are instrumental in elucidating regulation of normal function and mechanisms of its perturbation by toxic substances. To this end, three applications of epithelial cells cultured with 3T3 feeder layer support are described. First, treatment of the premalignant human epidermal keratinocyte line SCC-12F2 with the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate suppressed cell growth and differentiation. This agent produced a biphasic growth response greatly inhibiting cell growth at 1 to 10 nM, but much less above 100 nM. Expression of the differentiated functions involucrin and transglutaminase was found to be inhibited markedly at concentrations above 10 nM. Second, 3-methylcholanthrene toxicity was surveyed in a variety of rat epithelial cell types. The two most sensitive to growth inhibition were epidermal and mammary epithelial cells, while those from bladder, prostate, thyroid, and endometrium were insensitive to growth inhibition. Great differences were evident even among those cells derived from stratified squamous epithelia (epidermal, esophageal, vaginal, forestomach) despite their expression of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activities to similar degrees. Finally, expression of estrogen receptors in rat endometrial cells was shown to be stimulated by the cAMP-elevating agent forskolin. Maximal stimulation of 3- to 6-fold occurred in 6 hr, compatible with a requirement for protein synthesis. Although expressing keratinocyte character (transglutaminase activity and envelope forming ability), the cells thus retain some hormonal character that may be modulated by cAMP-dependent kinase activity. Pursuit of such results will aid in understanding differences in response among cell types and species, in elucidating mechanisms of action of known toxic substances and, ultimately, in predicting toxicity of less well understood agents.


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 This project focused on the novel S100A19 protein, expressed exclusively in marsupials and monotremes, identifying it as an important component of the innate immune system. Data showed that S100A19 is differentially regulated in the pouch and mammary gland of the wallaby to protect the infant when most susceptible to infection.


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Lactation is a key aspect of mammalian evolution for adaptation of various reproductive strategies along different mammalian lineages. Marsupials, such as tammar wallaby, adopted a short gestation and a relatively long lactation cycle, the newborn is immature at birth and significant development occurs postnatally during lactation. Continuous changes of tammar milk composition may contribute to development and immune protection of pouch young. Here, in order to address the putative contribution of newly identified secretory milk miRNA in these processes, high throughput sequencing of miRNAs collected from tammar milk at different time points of lactation was conducted. A comparative analysis was performed to find distribution of miRNA in milk and blood serum of lactating wallaby.