210 resultados para learning analytics framework


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Midwifery educators have to provide students with stimulating curricula that teach academic and vocational content, as well as transferable skills. The Research Skills Development (RSD) framework provides a conceptual model that allows educators to explicitly scaffold the development of their students’ research skills. This paper aims to demonstrate the effective use of the RSD framework and constructive alignment theory to redesign a second-year Midwifery assessment task.The assessment task was changed into a scenario-based question to better reflect the unit learning objectives and expected graduate attributes. Students were provided with extra time in class to explore the assessment task in a peer environment. Following the return of their assessments, students were asked to complete a questionnaire to evaluate the effectiveness of the assessment redesign. We show that using a constructively aligned scenario-based assessment task in a second year unit more successfully articulated the expected graduate attributes of midwives. Qualitative and quantitative feedback suggested that students and staff appreciated a more clinically- relevant assessment task. This paper demonstrates that the use of the RSD framework to constructively aligngraduate attributes, learning experiences, and assessment tasks allows for the transformation of undergraduate assessment into a learning experience relevant to clinical practice.


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In this paper a review of the pedagogical, technological, policy and research challenges and concepts underlying mobile learning is presented, followed by a brief description of categories of implementations. A model Mobile learning framework and dynamic criteria for mobile learning implementations are proposed, along with a casestudy of one site that is used to illustrate how the proposed model can be applied. Implementation challenges including pedagogical challenges, technological challenges, policy challenges, and research challenges are described. These align well with the themes of EduSummIT 2013 that hosted the dialogue resulting in this paper.


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Teamwork has been included as a major component of graduate attributes in all engineering programs at universities. In spite of enormous research advances in theoretical aspects of learning and working in teams, anecdotal evidence suggests that most engineering academic staff are inundated by student complaints of not being able to learn and work in teams due to numerous reasons. In order to facilitate engineering academic staff and engineering schools, this study develops a simplified framework for managing learning teams in engineering subjects that integrates theoretical conceptions, empirical evidences and anecdotal practices by reviewing a substantial body of existing literature. The framework identifies that in addition to managing student complaints about learning and working in teams more effectively and efficiently, engineering academic staff and engineering schools need to focus on specifying learning outcomes of teamwork, identifying appropriate approaches to achieve these learning outcomes, judging the suitability of teamwork-based learning in a particular educational context, developing a clear plan for implementing teamwork, implementing and monitoring teamwork, and reflecting and re-evaluating teamwork. The developed framework can be a useful tool to help understand these essential components and complexities of team learning.


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A major issue confronting educators is the extent to which they wish to conform to so-called paradigm shifts in teaching and learning. In the contemporary world of tertiary education these shifts embrace both pedagogy (from instructivist to constructivist) and technology (from classroom to online). As teachers and learners are faced with the potential of these new learning environments, the extent to which learning outcomes are achieved remains a high priority and subject to a wide range of evaluation strategies. Conventionally, evaluation has been positioned at the end of the instructional development cycle, to assess first whether or not the creative effort achieved the original product goals and second whether or not the desired learning outcomes were realized. In the context of online teaching and learning environments, however, the level of understanding teachers, learners and developers have of the medium can impact the ultimate effectiveness of the product. This paper articulates an additional dimension to post-development evaluation processes in proposing proactive evaluation, a framework that identifies critical online learning factors and influences that will better inform the planning, design and development of learning resources. This notion of proactive evaluation advocates resource development being undertaken where all planning activities are assessed against the evaluation criteria that would normally be applied during formative assessment. By performing these evaluation checks proactively, online learning resources will, in principle, work first time as all relevant factors and issues will have been considered and resolved. More importantly, for those participants who are new to online environments, proactive evaluation will perform a scaffolding and professional development role by enhancing online teaching or learning competencies.


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To test the potential value of McVay's (2000) Readiness for Online Learning questionnaire for research and practice, the instrument was administered to 107 undergraduate university students drawn from a range of courses in the United States and Australia. The questionnaire was subjected to a reliability analysis and a factor analysis. The instrument fared well in the reliability analysis, and yielded a two-factor structure that was readily interpretable in a framework of existing theory and research. Factors identified were "Comfort with e-learning" and "Self-management of learning." It is suggested that the instrument is useful for both research and practice, but would be enhanced through further work on 5 of the 13 items. Additionally, further work is required to establish predictive validity.


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Designing e-learning environments for quality professional education is a challenge for education designers, as the continuing practice of simply moving courses online can be surprisingly disabling. We argue that as universities strive to educate for excellence in professional practice, design approaches for the e-learning components must be conceptualized in a broader view of a contemporary learning environment involving integrated virtual and physical dimensions. These are comprehensively considered in an integrated way to facilitate learning experiences providing an emphasis on grounded practice. Our paper considers learning environments in the service of a broader understanding of a professional "practicum." In providing the more flexible, immediate and evolving virtual experiences, e-learning as a feature must take account of a range of education design considerations we model in a framework of elements. These are outlined, and broader issues are illuminated through a comparative case analysis of educational technology developments at Deakin University in the two professional fields of teaching and journalism. The Education Studies Online (ESO) project and the HOTcopy newsroom simulation project exemplify elements of the approach recommended in addressing the challenges of quality professional education. We highlight the generative role of the education designer in adopting an integrative and strategic stance, when creating such environments. Implications for the selection and use of various e-learning resources and corporate e-learning systems become evident as we highlight the dangers of a returning "instructional industrialism" as we risk allowing courses to "move online", rather than moving towards proposed features of contemporary learning environments.


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This paper outlines the development of a framework - the Science in Schools (SiS) Components - that describes effective science teaching and learning and that has become a central focus for the Science in Schools Research project that is being implemented in 225 Australian schools. The description is in a form that provides a basis for monitoring change, and which can be validated against project outcomes. The SiS Components were partially based on interviews with a small number of primary and secondary teachers identified as effective practitioners, and have been subject to a variety of validation processes. The focus of this paper is on a particular form of validation involving interviews with an expanded set of effective primary teachers, from three Australian states. Case descriptions of core elements of these teachers' beliefs and practice were constructed, and a review and mapping process used to examine the extent to which the SiS Components, as a distinct 'window into practice', align with and capture these core elements, and differentiate the practice of these effective teachers from other primary teachers in the project.


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While there has been widespread take-up of the concept 'flexible learning' within various educational environments—and equally frequent references to the flexible 'natures' of the computer and communication technologies that often underpin flexible learning initiatives—the relationship between technologies and flexibility is not a simple one. In this paper we examine some of the more persistent myths about technologies that are intertwined with discourses of flexibility. We highlight some of the more common 'muddles' that these myths can lead us in to and argue that the 'mess' that so often results from well-intentioned moves to 'be more flexible' is largely a result of the ways that CCTs, or indeed any new educational technology or strategy, is theorized. Drawing on a recent study of online teaching and learning in higher education, we outline a new framework for examining these and related issues as they apply to teacher education.


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Using a sample of 314 Australian university students the Readiness for Online Learning questionnaire was tested for its technical characteristics of reliability and factorability, with results indicating the instrument has promise both for research and for practice. The factor analysis identified a factor associated with self-management of learning, and one of comfort with e-learning. These factors are interpreted and discussed within a framework of the broader literature on learning preferences associated with flexible delivery and resource-based learning.


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Compared with conventional two-class learning schemes, one-class classification simply uses a single class in the classifier training phase. Applying one-class classification to learn from unbalanced data set is regarded as the recognition based learning and has shown to have the potential of achieving better performance. Similar to twoclass learning, parameter selection is a significant issue, especially when the classifier is sensitive to the parameters. For one-class learning scheme with the kernel function, such as one-class Support Vector Machine and Support Vector Data Description, besides the parameters involved in the kernel, there is another one-class specific parameter: the rejection rate v. In this paper, we proposed a general framework to involve the majority class in solving the parameter selection problem. In this framework, we first use the minority target class for training in the one-class classification stage; then we use both minority and majority class for estimating the generalization performance of the constructed classifier. This generalization performance is set as the optimization criteria. We employed the Grid search and Experiment Design search to attain various parameter settings. Experiments on UCI and Reuters text data show that the parameter optimized one-class classifiers outperform all the standard one-class learning schemes we examined.


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A major issue confronting educators is the extent to which they wish to conform to so-called paradigm shifts in teaching and learning. In the contemporary world of tertiary education these shifts embrace both pedagogy (from instructivist to constructivist) and technology (classroom to online). As teachers and learners are faced with the potential of these new learning environments, the extent to which the learning outcomes are achieved remains a high priority and subject to a wide range of evaluation strategies. Conventionally, evaluation is often conceptualised as occurring at the end of the development process, to assess first (formatively) whether or not the creative effort has achieved the original product goals and second (summatively) whether or not the desired learning outcomes were achieved. However, in the context of imperatives to implement online learning paradigms, the level of understanding teachers and developers have of the medium can impact the effectiveness of the product. This paper presents an additional perspective to the post-development, reactive evaluation processes in proposing the concept of proactive evaluation, a framework that identifies critical online learning factors and influences to better inform the development of learning resources. In essence, the proposal advocates an approach where development is undertaken within an environment where all activities are assessed using the evaluation criteria that would be applied when the product is assessed reactively. By performing these checks proactively, online learning resources will, in principle, work first time as all relevant factors and issues will have been considered and resolved.


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This paper addresses the creation of materials and resources for use in online learning, focusing on the new and emerging roles for teachers and learners in conjunction with developments in our understanding of the human-computer interface. As more educational providers adopt network-based technologies as delivery portals, the demand for skills in the creation of effective online resources is becoming critical. If we are to provide the learner with online resources that will enhance knowledge construction and the teacher with clear measures that these activities are effective, then we as resource developers must resurrect the role of what might be termed the online alchemist. Our first task is to ensure that new digital resources are not simply transferred from their original format but repurposed to ensure learner(s) accessing those resources are able to interact with both the content and their collaborative partners with new levels of flexibility and manipulation. We must transcend the too frequent use of technology as a means to replicate existing resources and conceptualise environments that engender new paradigms for teaching and learning. Our challenge remains to ensure the gold we have in effective teaching strategies and learning resources is not tarnished through ineffective applications within the online learning context. One strategy to achieve this is through proactive evaluation, a framework that integrates a set of factors and influences to better inform the development of online learning resources.


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Many qualitative studies position the researcher as either an impartial observer or as an active participant in any given gathering of humanistic data. This paper presents the researcher in a different paradigm and emphasises the importance of the researcher's story being told as well as those of the participants. The paper presents the research of a doctoral study that used a phenomenological framework and adopted a narrative inquiry approach. Narrative inquiry was used as it recognised that particular research interests often have their genesis in the researcher’s own experience and background. This study focused on how you can explore the role of self-as-researcher in order to be open to listen and report on the findings of those who we study.


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This paper reports on the development of an innovative teaching strategy: an eRoadmap.  Based on the theory of conceptual mapping, the eRoadmap provides an interactive, hierarchical structure for course delivery, using the readily accessible platform provided by Microsoft PowerPoint.  For the student, the eRoadmap provides a self-paced learning environment which encourages student engagement; for the teacher, it provides an environment for the development of a course framework, and the integration of teaching materials from a variety of sources.  Futher advantages of the eRoadmap from the perspectives of both students and teachers are discussed, and future directions for development, evaluation and research are outlined.


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The development of critical skills in social work students and practitioners has been a major focus of social work education and training in recent years. Critical incident analysis has developed as a tool to aid critical reflection in practice, in health and social work. This paper provides an overview of the use of the tool in these fields. It then reports on a demonstration project which sought to examine how critical incident analysis might be used as a form of assessment and as a supervisory tool by social work students and practice teachers. An evaluation of the project is provided. Completion of critical incident analyses using the framework was found to provide a structured approach to critical reflection. It assisted the integration of theory and practice and the examination of value issues. Students and practice teachers identify its use in supervision and its potential as an assessment tool. The paper concludes with a discussion on the potential uses of critical incident analyses, with particular attention given to its use to develop anti-oppressive practice.