56 resultados para layout-automatico testo-a-fronte VDP


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In this paper, we study the sound tracks in films and their indexical semiotic usage by developing a classification system that detects complex sound scenes and their constituent sound events in cinema. We investigate two main issues in this paper: Determination of what constitutes the presence of a high level sound scene and inferences about the thematic content of the scene that can be drawn from this presence, and classification of environmental sounds in the audio track of the scene, to assist in the automatic detection of the high level scene. Experiments with our classification system on pure sounds resulted in a correct event classification rate of 88.9%. When the audio content of a number of film scenes was examined, though a lower accuracy resulted with sound event detection due to the presence of mixed sounds, the film audio samples were generally classified with the correct high-level sound scene label, enabling correct inferences about the story content of the scenes.


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Movie directors and producers worldwide, in their quest to narrate a good story that warrants repeated audience viewing, use many cinematic elements to intensify and clarify the viewing experience. One such element that directors manipulate is lighting. In this paper we examine one aspect of lighting, namely flashing lights, and its role as an intensifier of dramatic effects in film. We present an algorithm for robust extraction of flashing lights and a simple mechanism to group detected flashing lights into flashing light scenes and analyze the role of these segments in story narration. In addition, we demonstrate how flashing lights detection can improve the performance of shot-based video segmentation. Experiments on a number of video sequences extracted from real movies yields good results. Our technique detects 90.4% of flashing lights. The detected flashing lights correctly eliminates 92.7% of false cuts in these sequences. In addition, data support is compiled to demonstrate the association between flashing light scenes and certain dramatic intensification events such as supernatural power, crisis or excitement.


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Understanding the magneto-hydrodynamic forces generated due to the external magnetic field and current density distribution within the cell (current in cell linings) is important in the optimization of cell dynamics. It is well documented that these factors play a crucial role in establishing the metal-pad stability of the cell. Conventional cells use the cathode-collector-bar assembly to carry the current through molten aluminium, the cathode and the steel collector-bar to nearest external bus. The electrical conductivity of the steel is so poor relative to the molten aluminium that the outer third of the collector bar carries the maximum load, which in turn increases the horizontal components of the current within the cell. Previous studies have modelled improvement in the cell instability through external magnetic compensation by redistributing current in the cathode busbar. Very little to date has been published on work to improve the current distribution within the cell. In this work, the current distribution in an aluminium electrolysis cell with copper collector-bar was predicted using finite element modelling. A 2D cross-section of a commercial cell was used under steady conditions of electrical fields in anode, electrolyte, molten aluminium and copper cathode-assembly. Different shapes and sizes of the cathode assembly are also considered to optimise the distribution of current throughout the cathode lining. The findings indicated that the copper-bar of similar size to steel could save voltage up to 150 mV. There is a reduction of more than 70% in peak current density value due to the copper inserts. The predicted trends of current distribution show a good agreement with previously published data.


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Optimisation techniques have become more and more important as the possibility of simulating complex mechanical structures has become a reality. A common tool in the layout design of structural parts is the topology optimisation method, which finds an optimum material distribution within a given geometrical design space to best meet loading conditions and constraints. Another important method is shape optimisation, which optimises weight given parametric geometric constraints. In the case of complex shaped parts or elaborate assemblies, for example automobile body structures, shape optimisation is still hard to do; mainly due to the difficulty in translating shape design parameters into meaningful analysis models. Tools like the parametric geometry package SFE CONCEPT are designed to mitigate these issues. Nevertheless, shape methods usually cannot suggest new load path configurations, while topology methods are often confined to single parts. To overcome these limitations the authors have developed a method that combines both approaches into an Integral Shape/Topology Method (IST) that is capable of finding new optimal solutions. This is achieved by an automated optimisation loop and can be applied for both thin walled structures as well as solid 3D geometries. When optimising structures by applying IST, global optimum solutions can be determined that may not be obtained with isolated shape- or topology-optimisation methods.


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Multimedia contents often possess weakly annotated data such as tags, links and interactions. The weakly annotated data is called side information. It is the auxiliary information of data and provides hints for exploring the link structure of data. Most clustering algorithms utilize pure data for clustering. A model that combines pure data and side information, such as images and tags, documents and keywords, can perform better at understanding the underlying structure of data. We demonstrate how to incorporate different types of side information into a recently proposed Bayesian nonparametric model, the distance dependent Chinese restaurant process (DD-CRP). Our algorithm embeds the affinity of this information into the decay function of the DD-CRP when side information is in the form of subsets of discrete labels. It is flexible to measure distance based on arbitrary side information instead of only the spatial layout or time stamp of observations. At the same time, for noisy and incomplete side information, we set the decay function so that the DD-CRP reduces to the traditional Chinese restaurant process, thus not inducing side effects of noisy and incomplete side information. Experimental evaluations on two real-world datasets NUS WIDE and 20 Newsgroups show exploiting side information in DD-CRP significantly improves the clustering performance.


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We report the development of an affective domain instrument for the assessment of undergraduate students’ attitudes toward forensic science. Assessment of attitudes of the respondents is important to understand mediating factors in student motivation and ultimately success in the discipline. The instrument was developed using an iterative process based on responses from an expert panel of Australian forensic science educators to an array of forensic science and teaching related topics, and refined using further feedback from the panel on more specific items. The layout of the instrument, with regard to both the wording and placement of items, was developed with regular test takers (i.e., students) in mind and through the application of basic psychometric principles. The engagement of forensic science colleagues across Australia has resulted in an outcome that could provide a source of credible and relevant evidence of student attitudes toward forensic science.


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Physical environments of clinical settings play an important role in health communication processes. Effective medication management requires seamless communication among health professionals of different disciplines. This paper explores how physical environments affect communication processes for managing medications and patient safety in acute care hospital settings. Findings highlighted the impact of environmental interruptions on communication processes about medications. In response to frequent interruptions and limited space within working environments, nurses, doctors and pharmacists developed adaptive practices in the local clinical context. Communication difficulties were associated with the ward physical layout, the controlled drug key and the medication retrieving device. Health professionals should be provided with opportunities to discuss the effects of ward environments on medication communication processes and how this impacts medication safety. Hospital administrators and architects need to consider health professionals' views and experiences when designing hospital spaces.


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So you want to be a Journalist? Unplugged is a fully revised guide to the world of journalism. This new edition of Bruce Grundy's guide for journalists takes us through new media's impact on the structure and practice of journalism today, with its 24-hour news cycle of multi-platform, interactive media audiences. The book contains instructions on writing for news media as well as practical advice on all facets of reporting. Skills involved in finding information, interviewing, writing news and features, research and investigation, basic subbing, layout and design are covered, along with the essentials of grammar, the law, and practical tips on ethical and professional behaviour. New to the second edition: • online journalism incorporated throughout the text • vignettes and case studies that bring the text to life • examples from Australian, New Zealand and international media • extended section on ethics • extensively updated research section, to help students recognise quality internet research • extensive companion website including further writing practice


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This paper details the investigation into the design and control of merging bottlenecks of conveyor-based baggage handling systems, encompassing the merging control algorithm and the impact of the merge's physical layout. A methodology for the analysis of simulation model results is presented. Results show that the layout of the merge influences bag throughput and when the physical configuration is in a preferred position, input variance has no effect on bag throughput performance. These results have potential application to other material handling systems, such as those used in manufacturing and warehousing.


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In early 2015 Barwon Water received State government funding to rationalise and renovate its various Geelong-based administrative offices into one complex. Integral to the renovations is a new green-star retrofit of the existing Ryrie Street complex by GHD Woodhead. The project will consolidate all of Barwon Water’s offices onto one site, increase floor space, provide a new ‘green’ atrium, and adopt an open plan layout. Having set a new strategic direction, Barwon Water is now undergoing a wholesale cultural and operational change in order to realise these strategic objectives. Aspirations for workplace design have been identified as: environmentally sustainable; foster innovation and creativity; establish connections; improve communication and collaboration; provide efficient space for effective work; flexibility over time; welcoming and connected to the community; healthy; and, up to date technology. This paper investigates Barwon Water staff perceptions and apprehensions of this prospective consolidation, particularly the proposed open plan office environment. While most research in this topic is informed by an immediate pre-design workshop of staff needs, this research provides a longitudinal perspective of human perceptions about work place environment change and a review of how changes in office environment synergistically align to architectural responses and changes in corporate strategies.


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BACKGROUND: Dementia residential facilities can be described as traditional or non-traditional facilities. Non-traditional facilities aim to utilise principles of environmental design to create a milieu that supports persons experiencing cognitive decline. This study aimed to compare these two environments in rural Australia, and their influence on residents' occupational engagement. METHODS: The Residential Environment Impact Survey (REIS) was used and consists of: a walk-through of the facility; activity observation; interviews with residents and employees. Thirteen residents were observed and four employees interviewed. Resident interviews did not occur given the population diagnosis of moderate to severe dementia. Descriptive data from the walk-through and activity observation were analysed for potential opportunities of occupational engagement. Interviews were thematically analysed to discern perception of occupational engagement of residents within their facility. RESULTS: Both facilities provided opportunities for occupational engagement. However, the non-traditional facility provided additional opportunities through employee interactions and features of the physical environment. Interviews revealed six themes: Comfortable environment; roles and responsibilities; getting to know the resident; more stimulation can elicit increased engagement; the home-like experience and environmental layout. These themes coupled with the features of the environment provided insight into the complexity of occupational engagement within this population. CONCLUSION: This study emphasises the influence of the physical and social environment on occupational engagement opportunities. A non-traditional dementia facility maximises these opportunities and can support development of best-practice guidelines within this population.