58 resultados para juvenile delinquents


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Little is known about the fuel stores that arctic-breeding waders put on before departure from the breeding grounds. During a ship-based expedition to arctic Canada, we caught waders at seven, mainly coastal sites, with-in 68°-76°N and 139°-67°W, from 28 July to 31 August 1999. More than two hundred waders of twelve species were trapped, mainly White-rumped Calidris fuscicollis, Semipalmated C. pusilla, Baird's C. bairdii and Buff-breasted Sandpipers Tryngites subruficollis. The vast majority of the birds were juveniles. Body masses and visual fat stores were low, close to the lowest values found anywhere during the non-breeding season for the different species. The relatively fattest birds were Buff-breasted Sandpipers, but they were still far from their maximum body mass on spring migration. We conclude that juvenile arctic waders depart from their natal areas with only small fuel stores, which is in concordance with a time-minimising migration strategy.


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Consistent individual differences in behaviour have been well documented in a variety of animal taxa, but surprisingly little is known about the fitness and life-history consequences of such individual variation. In wild salmonids, the timing of fry emergence from gravel spawning nests has been suggested to be coupled with individual behavioural traits. Here, we further investigate the link between timing of spawning nest emergence and behaviour of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), test effects of social rearing environment on behavioural traits in fish with different emergence times, and assess whether behavioural traits measured in the laboratory predict growth, survival, and migration status in the wild. Atlantic salmon fry were sorted with respect to emergence time from artificial spawning nest into three groups: early, intermediate, and late. These emergence groups were hatchery-reared separately or in co-culture for four months to test effects of social rearing environment on behavioural traits. Twenty fish from each of the six treatment groups were then subjected to three individual-based behavioural tests: basal locomotor activity, boldness, and escape response. Following behavioural characterization, the fish were released into a near-natural experimental stream. Results showed differences in escape behaviour between emergence groups in a net restraining test, but the social rearing environment did not affect individual behavioural expression. Emergence time and social environment had no significant effects on survival, growth, and migration status in the stream, although migration propensity was 1.4 to 1.9 times higher for early emerging individuals that were reared separately. In addition, despite individuals showing considerable variation in behaviour across treatment groups, this was not translated into differences in growth, survival, and migration status. Hence, our study adds to the view that fitness (i.e., growth and survival) and life-history predictions from laboratory measures of behaviour should be made with caution and ideally tested in nature.


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Barramundi (Lates calcarifer), a catadromous teleost of significant and growing commercial importance, are reported to have limited fatty acid bioconversion capability and therefore require preformed long-chain PUFA (LC-PUFA) as dietary essential fatty acid (EFA). In this study, the response of juvenile barramundi (47·0 g/fish initial weight) fed isolipidic and isoenergetic diets with 8·2 % added oil was tested. The experimental test diets were either devoid of fish oil (FO), and thus with no n-3 LC-PUFA (FO FREE diet), or with a low inclusion of FO (FO LOW diet). These were compared against a control diet containing only FO (FO CTRL diet) as the added lipid source, over an 8-week period. Interim samples and measurements were taken fortnightly during the trial in order to define the aetiology of the onset and progression of EFA deficiency. After 2 weeks, the fish fed the FO FREE and FO LOW diets had significantly lower live-weights, and after 8 weeks significant differences were detected for all performance parameters. The fish fed the FO FREE diet also had a significantly higher incidence of external abnormalities. The transcription of several genes involved in fatty acid metabolism was affected after 2 weeks of feeding, showing a rapid nutritional regulation. This experiment documents the aetiology of the onset and the progression of EFA deficiency in juvenile barramundi and demonstrates that such deficiencies can be detected within 2 weeks in juvenile fish.


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The authors investigated whether male violent juvenile offenders demonstrate any differences in local functional connectivity indicative of delayed maturation of the brain that may serve as a biomarker of violence. Twenty-nine violent juvenile offenders and 28 age-matched controls were recruited. Regional homogeneity (ReHo) method was used to analyze resting-state magnetic resonance images. Violent offenders showed significantly lower ReHo values in the right caudate, right medial prefrontal cortex, and left precuneus, and higher values in the right supramarginal gyrus than the controls. These regions had both high sensitivity and specificity in distinguishing between the two groups suggesting that dysfunction in these regions can be used to correctly classify those individuals who are violent. Dysfunction in the right medial prefrontal-caudate circuit may, therefore, represent an important biomarker of violence juvenile males.


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Background : Whilst impulsivity is most commonly linked to the development of internalizing disorders, high levels of impulsivity, anxiety, and depression have been found in detained juvenile offenders. We therefore sought to determine whether impulsivity is associated with the development of self-reported anxiety or depression in a sample of detained juvenile offenders.

Methods : 323 male juvenile offenders and 86 typically developing controls, aged 15–17 were assessed. The Schedule for Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children Present and Lifetime (SADS-PL) was used to assess psychiatric diagnoses, the Barratt Impulsivity Scale (BIS-11) was used to measure impulsivity, and the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) and the Birleson Depression Self-Rating Scale (DSRS) were used to assess self-reported anxiety and depression respectively.

Results : Compared to controls, juvenile offenders had significantly higher scores on the BIS-11 total, as well as on the motor and nonplanning subscales (all p values <0.001), as well as higher DSRS (p < 0.001) and SCARED (p < 0.05) scores. Within the juvenile offender group, scores on the SCARED correlated positively with BIS-11 total, attention subscale, motor subscale, and total DSRS (all p values <0.01). DSRS scores correlated positively with BIS-11 total, attention subscale, nonplanning subscale, and total SCARED scores (all p values <0.01). Participants were then categorized low, middle or high impulsivity according to scores on the BIS-11. One-way ANOVAs demonstrated a significant difference between these tertiles on DSRS [F(2,320) = 4.862, p < 0.05] and SCARED total scores [F(2,320) = 3.581, p < 0.05]. Specifically, post-hoc analyses found that the high impulsivity tertile scored significant higher than the remaining tertiles on both DSRS (16.1 ± 0.3 vs. 14.0 ± 0.6, p < 0.05) and SCARED (23.3 ± 0.9 vs. 18.4 ± 1.4, p < 0.05) scores. Using multiple linear regression, BIS-11 attention scores, number of months served in custody, age, and BIS-11 nonplanning scores predicted higher levels of anxiety, whilst only BIS-11 attention and nonplanning scores predicted higher levels of depression.

Conclusions : In detained juvenile offenders, high impulsivity may be an important risk factor not only for the externalizing disorders, but also for anxiety and depression. Results of this study, therefore, suggest that specific facets of impulsivity may represent one mechanism underlying the emergence of anxiety and depression in this population.


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Barramundi (Lates calcarifer), a catadromous teleost of commercial interest, perform well when fed a wide range of dietary oils. However, the range of alternative oils now being explored is typically rich in saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids (SFA and MUFA). In this study, the response of juvenile barramundi (47.0 g per fish initial weight) fed isolipidic and isoenergetic diets with 82 g kg−1 added oil was tested. The experimental test diets had a 2 : 1 or 1 : 2 ratio of SFA to MUFA (SFA-D and MUFA-D, respectively) compared to a control diet (CTRL-D) fed for 8 weeks. The diets containing mostly olive oil (dietary MUFA-D) and mostly refined palm oil (dietary SFA-D) did not impact the growth performance or feed utilization parameters of the barramundi. The in vivo beta-oxidation activity was consistent with the dietary fatty acid composition, with the most dominant FA being heavily beta-oxidized. Together, the in vivo whole-body mass balance of fatty acids showed that n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) were most efficiently utilized in the SFA-D- and MUFA-D-fed fish. This study provides evidence that additional dietary MUFA and SFA are suitable lipid classes for juvenile barramundi and they are both equally efficient at sparing LC-PUFA from an oxidative fate.


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An experiment was conducted to assess the response of juvenile barramundi (Lates calcarifer) to four diets containing either marine- or non-marine derived neutral lipid (NL) or polar lipid (PL) sources for eight weeks in a 2 × 2 factorial design. The four diets contained 8.2% added lipid composed of a 1% fish oil base with 7.2% test lipid (n - 3 NL: Fish oil, n - 3 PL: Krill oil, n - 6 NL: Soybean oil, n - 6 PL: Soybean lecithin). The results demonstrated that the different lipid sources (either n - 3 or n - 6 omega series from either NL or PL class) had significant effects on growth performance and feed utilisation with some interaction terms noted. Growth was negatively affected in the n - 6 NL fish and the feed conversion (FCR) was highest in the n - 6 PL fish. Digestibility of total lipid and some specific fatty acids (notably 18:2n - 6 and 18:3n - 3) were also negatively affected in the n - 6 PL fish. Analysis of the whole body neutral lipid fatty acid composition showed that these mirrored those of the diets and significant interaction terms were noted. However, the whole body polar lipid fatty acids appeared to be more tightly regulated in comparison. The blood plasma biochemistry and hepatic transcription of several fatty acid metabolism genes in the n - 6 PL fed and to a lesser extent in the n - 6 NL fed fish demonstrated a pattern consistent with modified metabolic function. These results support that there are potential advantages in using phospholipid-rich oils however there are clear differences in terms of their origin. Statement of relevance: Juvenile barramundi may benefit from dietary phospholipid.


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Salmons raised in aquaculture farms around the world are increasingly subjected to sub-optimal environmental conditions, such as high water temperatures during summer seasons. Aerobic scope increases and lipid metabolism changes are known plasticity responses of fish for a better acclimation to high water temperature. The present study aimed at investigating the effect of high water temperature on the regulation of fatty acid metabolism in juvenile Atlantic salmon fed different dietary ARA/EPA ratios (arachidonic acid, 20:4n-6/ eicosapentaenoic acid, 20:5n-3), with particular focus on apparent in vivo enzyme activities and gene expression of lipid metabolism pathways. Three experimental diets were formulated to be identical, except for the ratio EPA/ARA, and fed to triplicate groups of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) kept either at 10°C or 20°C. Results showed that fatty acid metabolic utilisation, and likely also their dietary requirements for optimal performance, can be affected by changes in their relative levels and by environmental temperature in Atlantic salmon. Thus, the increase in temperature, independently from dietary treatment, had a significant effect on the β-oxidation of a fatty acid including EPA, as observed by the apparent in vivo enzyme activity and mRNA expression of pparα -transcription factor in lipid metabolism, including β-oxidation genes- and cpt1 -key enzyme responsible for the movement of LC-PUFA from the cytosol into the mitochondria for β-oxidation-, were both increased at the higher water temperature. An interesting interaction was observed in the transcription and in vivo enzyme activity of Δ5fad-time-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis pathway of EPA and ARA. Such, at lower temperature, the highest mRNA expression and enzyme activity was recorded in fish with limited supply of dietary EPA, whereas at higher temperature these were recorded in fish with limited ARA supply. In consideration that fish at higher water temperature recorded a significantly increased feed intake, these results clearly suggested that at high, sub-optimal water temperature, fish metabolism attempted to increment its overall ARA status -the most bioactive LC-PUFA participating in the inflammatory response- by modulating the metabolic fate of dietary ARA (expressed as % of net intake), reducing its β-oxidation and favouring synthesis and deposition. This correlates also with results from other recent studies showing that both immune- and stress- responses in fish are up regulated in fish held at high temperatures. This is a novel and fundamental information that warrants industry and scientific attention, in consideration of the imminent increase in water temperatures, continuous expansion of aquaculture operations, resources utilisation in aquafeed and much needed seasonal/adaptive nutritional strategies.


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Both habitat patchiness and behaviorally-mediated indirect effects (BMIEs; predator- induced changes in prey behavior that affect the prey's resources) are important in many food webs, but the relationships between these 2 factors have yet to be investigated. To explore effects of habitat patchiness and variation in perceived risk of predation on food-web dynamics, we conducted a factorial experiment in a model aquatic food chain of predator-prey-resource using 2 contrasting predators (adult blue crab Callinectes sapidus and toad fish Opsanus tau), juvenile blue crab as prey, and mussel Geukensia demissa as resource. Both predator presence and habitat patchiness influenced the prey's preference for consuming resources at patch edges instead of interiors. The preference of prey for consuming resources at habitat edges was 4 times stronger in continuous oyster reef habitat than in smaller habitat patches. This suggests that interior resources in continuous habitat experience a refuge from consumption, but this refuge is largely lost in patchy habitat. The mere presence of predators reduced the prey's preference for consuming resources at habitat edges. This BMIE was significant for the ambush predator (toadfish) and the treatment containing both predators, but not for the actively hunting predator (adult blue crab). We conclude that habitat patchiness and predator presence can jointly affect resource distribution by inducing shifts in prey foraging behavior, revealing a need to incorporate BMIEs into habitat fragmentation studies. This conclusion has broad and growing relevance as anthropogenic factors increasingly modify predator abundances and fragment coastal habitats. © Inter-Research 2012.


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Fine-scale differences in behaviour and habitat use have important ecological implications, but have rarely been examined in marine gastropods. We used tri-axial accelerometer loggers to estimate activity levels and movement patterns of the juvenile queen conch Lobatus gigas (n = 11) in 2 habitat types in Eleuthera, The Bahamas. In 2 manipulations in nearshore areas, queen conchs were equipped with accelerometers and released in adjacent coral rubble or seagrass habitats. Queen conchs were located approximately every 6 h during daylight by snorkeling, to measure individual differences in linear distance moved, and after 24 h they were relocated to an alternate habitat (24 h in each habitat). We found significant inter-individual variability in activity levels, but more consistent levels of activity between the 2 habitat types within individual queen conchs. Four (36%) of the individuals placed in seagrass moved back to the adjacent coral rubble habitat, suggesting selectivity for coral rubble. Individuals showed variable behavioural responses when relocated to the less preferable seagrass habitat, which may be related to differing stress-coping styles. Our results suggest that behavioural variability between individuals may be an important factor driving movement and habitat use in queen conch and, potentially, their susceptibility to human stressors. This study provides evidence of diverse behavioural (activity) patterns and habitat selectivity in a marine gastropod and highlights the utility of accelero meter biologgers for continuously monitoring animal behaviour in the wild.


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A two part experiment was conducted to assess the response of barramundi (Lates calcarifer; initial weight = 10.3 ± 0.03 g; mean ± S.D.) fed one of five diets with varying eicosapentaenoic acid (diets 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 g/kg) or one of four diets with varying arachidonic acid (1, 6, 12, 18 g/kg) against a fish oil control diet. After 6 weeks of feeding, the addition of EPA or ARA did not impact on growth performance or feed utilisation. Analysis of the whole body fatty acids showed that these reflected those of the diets. The ARA retention demonstrated an inversely related curvilinear response to either EPA or ARA. The calculated marginal utilisation efficiencies of EPA and ARA were high (62.1 and 91.9 % respectively) and a dietary ARA requirement was defined (0.012 g/kg(0.796)/day). The partial cDNA sequences of genes regulating eicosanoid biosynthesis were identified in barramundi tissues, namely cyclooxygenase 1 (Lc COX1a, Lc COX1b), cyclooxygenase 2 (Lc COX2) and lipoxygenase (Lc ALOX-5). Both Lc COX2 and Lc ALOX-5 expression in the liver tissue were elevated in response to increasing dietary ARA, meanwhile expression levels of Lc COX2 and the mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation gene carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (Lc CPT1a) were elevated in the kidney. A low level of EPA increased the expression of Lc COX1b in the liver. Consideration should be given to the EPA to ARA balance for juvenile barramundi in light of nutritionally inducible nature of the cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase enzymes.


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Population outbreaks of adult Acanthaster planci cause significant reductions in coral cover and reduce the resilience of coral reefs, but little is known about the behaviour and food preference of juvenile A. planci. In 2014, food preferences and feeding rates of recently settled (<1 year) juvenile A. planci were tested and determined at the National Sea Simulator facilities of the Australian Institute of Marine Science. Juveniles were offered eight species of coral (Acropora formosa, A. millepora, A. tenuis, Pavona cactus, Echinopora lamellosa, Pocillopora damicornis, Stylophora pistillata and Porites lutea), known to be either consumed or avoided by adult sea stars, in a multiple-choice and a no-choice experiment. In the multiple-choice experiment, a preference for A. tenuis was detected, while S. pistillata, E. lamellosa and P. lutea were avoided. The no-choice experiment showed that the avoidance of these species was not influenced by the presence of other coral species, the exception being E. lamellosa, which was only consumed when no other choice was offered. Interestingly, all juveniles consuming E. lamellosa died post-predation. The study suggests that as A. planci matures it feeds on a wider range of species, even those which would have been lethal to them if consumed as a juvenile.


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Social networks are often inferred from spatial associations, but other parameters like acoustic communication are likely to play a central role in within group interactions. However, it is currently difficult to determine which individual initiates vocalizations, or who responds to whom. To this aim, we designed a method that allows analyzing group vocal network while controlling for spatial networks, by positioning each group member in equidistant individual cages and analyzing continuous vocal interactions semi-automatically. We applied this method to two types of zebra finch groups, composed of either two adult females and two juveniles, or four young adults (juveniles from the first groups). Young often co-occur in the same social group as adults but are likely to have a different social role, which may be reflected in their vocal interactions. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that the social structure of the group influences the parameters of the group vocal network. We found that groups including juveniles presented periods with higher level of activity than groups composed of young adults. Using two types of analyses (Markov analysis and cross-correlation), we showed that juveniles as well as adults were more likely to respond to individuals of their own age-class (i.e. to call one after another, in terms of turn-taking, and within a short time-window, in terms of time delay). When juveniles turned into adulthood, they showed adult characteristics of vocal patterns. Together our results suggest that vocal behavior changes during ontogeny, and individuals are more strongly connected with individuals of the same age-class within acoustic networks.