61 resultados para inter-surfacing interval data


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 This research proposed a new methodology to extend algorithms to accept interval-based uncertain parameters. The methodology is applied on scheduling algorithms, including heuristic and meta-heuristic algorithms and produced optimal results with higher accuracy. The research outcomes are effective for decision making process using uncertain or predicted data.


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Uncertainty is known to be a concomitant factor of almost all the real world commodities such as oil prices, stock prices, sales and demand of products. As a consequence, forecasting problems are becoming more and more challenging and ridden with uncertainty. Such uncertainties are generally quantified by statistical tools such as prediction intervals (Pis). Pis quantify the uncertainty related to forecasts by estimating the ranges of the targeted quantities. Pis generated by traditional neural network based approaches are limited by high computational burden and impractical assumptions about the distribution of the data. A novel technique for constructing high quality Pis using support vector machines (SVMs) is being proposed in this paper. The proposed technique directly estimates the upper and lower bounds of the PI in a short time and without any assumptions about the data distribution. The SVM parameters are tuned using particle swarm optimization technique by minimization of a modified Pi-based objective function. Electricity price and demand data of the Ontario electricity market is used to validate the performance of the proposed technique. Several case studies for different months indicate the superior performance of the proposed method in terms of high quality PI generation and shorter computational times.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to examine whether depressive symptoms predict anxiety and stress or whether anxiety and stress precede depressive symptoms in fathers during the antenatal period. Background: The findings of previous studies suggest that there is an association between paternal depression, anxiety and stress during the antenatal period. However, the temporal inter-relationship between these variables has yet to be investigated. Method: Data were collected from 150 expectant couples at approximately 18, 25 and 33 weeks’ gestation. Results: After accounting for the relative stability of depression, anxiety and stress over time, for men higher levels of anxiety earlier in pregnancy predicted higher levels of depression and stress in middle pregnancy, which predicted higher depression during late pregnancy. A similar relationship remained after partialling out the effects of partner’s depression, perceived social support and sleep quality. Further analyses also revealed significant differences in the manifestation of distress symptoms between men and women, but not between first-time and non-first-time fathers. Conclusion: Our findings indicated a possible inter-relationship between depression, anxiety and stress for men antenatally. Our findings also showed that men who reported elevated depression, anxiety and stress earlier in the antenatal period also reported elevated symptomology at later time points. Finally, the current findings revealed that antenatal paternal stress may play a key role in the development of depression and anxiety later in pregnancy. Therefore, it may be important to screen for early levels of antenatal stress in men, as well as depression and anxiety.


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The nonlinear, noisy and outlier characteristics of electroencephalography (EEG) signals inspire the employment of fuzzy logic due to its power to handle uncertainty. This paper introduces an approach to classify motor imagery EEG signals using an interval type-2 fuzzy logic system (IT2FLS) in a combination with wavelet transformation. Wavelet coefficients are ranked based on the statistics of the receiver operating characteristic curve criterion. The most informative coefficients serve as inputs to the IT2FLS for the classification task. Two benchmark datasets, named Ia and Ib, downloaded from the brain-computer interface (BCI) competition II, are employed for the experiments. Classification performance is evaluated using accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and F-measure. Widely-used classifiers, including feedforward neural network, support vector machine, k-nearest neighbours, AdaBoost and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, are also implemented for comparisons. The wavelet-IT2FLS method considerably dominates the comparable classifiers on both datasets, and outperforms the best performance on the Ia and Ib datasets reported in the BCI competition II by 1.40% and 2.27% respectively. The proposed approach yields great accuracy and requires low computational cost, which can be applied to a real-time BCI system for motor imagery data analysis.


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Uncertainty of the electricity prices makes the task of accurate forecasting quite difficult for the electricity market participants. Prediction intervals (PIs) are statistical tools which quantify the uncertainty related to forecasts by estimating the ranges of the future electricity prices. Traditional approaches based on neural networks (NNs) generate PIs at the cost of high computational burden and doubtful assumptions about data distributions. In this work, we propose a novel technique that is not plagued with the above limitations and it generates high-quality PIs in a short time. The proposed method directly generates the lower and upper bounds of the future electricity prices using support vector machines (SVM). Optimal model parameters are obtained by the minimization of a modified PI-based objective function using a particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique. The efficiency of the proposed method is illustrated using data from Ontario, Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland (PJM) interconnection day-ahead and real-time markets.


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With the explosion of big data, processing large numbers of continuous data streams, i.e., big data stream processing (BDSP), has become a crucial requirement for many scientific and industrial applications in recent years. By offering a pool of computation, communication and storage resources, public clouds, like Amazon's EC2, are undoubtedly the most efficient platforms to meet the ever-growing needs of BDSP. Public cloud service providers usually operate a number of geo-distributed datacenters across the globe. Different datacenter pairs are with different inter-datacenter network costs charged by Internet Service Providers (ISPs). While, inter-datacenter traffic in BDSP constitutes a large portion of a cloud provider's traffic demand over the Internet and incurs substantial communication cost, which may even become the dominant operational expenditure factor. As the datacenter resources are provided in a virtualized way, the virtual machines (VMs) for stream processing tasks can be freely deployed onto any datacenters, provided that the Service Level Agreement (SLA, e.g., quality-of-information) is obeyed. This raises the opportunity, but also a challenge, to explore the inter-datacenter network cost diversities to optimize both VM placement and load balancing towards network cost minimization with guaranteed SLA. In this paper, we first propose a general modeling framework that describes all representative inter-task relationship semantics in BDSP. Based on our novel framework, we then formulate the communication cost minimization problem for BDSP into a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem and prove it to be NP-hard. We then propose a computation-efficient solution based on MILP. The high efficiency of our proposal is validated by extensive simulation based studies.


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Recent advance in virtualisation technology enables service provisioning in a flexible way by consolidating several virtual machines (VMs) into a single physical machine (PM). The inter-VM communications are inevitable when a group of VMs in a data centre provide services in a collaborative manner. With the increasing demands of such intra-data-centre traffics, it becomes essential to study the VM-to-PM placement such that the aggregated communication cost within a data centre is minimised. Such optimisation problem is proved NP-hard and formulated as an integer programming with quadratic constraints in this paper. Different from existing work, our formulation takes into consideration of data-centre architecture, inter-VM traffic pattern, and resource capacity of PMs. Furthermore, a heuristic algorithm is proposed and its high efficiency is extensively validated.


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This paper presents a novel design of interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems (IT2FLS) by utilizing the theory of extreme learning machine (ELM) for electricity load demand forecasting. ELM has become a popular learning algorithm for single hidden layer feed-forward neural networks (SLFN). From the functional equivalence between the SLFN and fuzzy inference system, a hybrid of fuzzy-ELM has gained attention of the researchers. This paper extends the concept of fuzzy-ELM to an IT2FLS based on ELM (IT2FELM). In the proposed design the antecedent membership function parameters of the IT2FLS are generated randomly, whereas the consequent part parameters are determined analytically by the Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse. The ELM strategy ensures fast learning of the IT2FLS as well as optimality of the parameters. Effectiveness of the proposed design of IT2FLS is demonstrated with the application of forecasting nonlinear and chaotic data sets. Nonlinear data of electricity load from the Australian National Electricity Market for the Victoria region and from the Ontario Electricity Market are considered here. The proposed model is also applied to forecast Mackey-glass chaotic time series data. Comparative analysis of the proposed model is conducted with some traditional models such as neural networks (NN) and adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). In order to verify the structure of the proposed design of IT2FLS an alternate design of IT2FLS based on Kalman filter (KF) is also utilized for the comparison purposes.


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Accurate forecasting of wind power generation is quite an important as well as challenging task for the system operators and market participants due to its high uncertainty. It is essential to quantify uncertainties associated with wind power generation forecasts for their efficient application in optimal management of wind farms and integration into power systems. Prediction intervals (PIs) are well known statistical tools which are used to quantify the uncertainty related to forecasts by estimating the ranges of the future target variables. This paper investigates the application of a novel support vector machine based methodology to directly estimate the lower and upper bounds of the PIs without expensive computational burden and inaccurate assumptions about the distribution of the data. The efficiency of the method for uncertainty quantification is examined using monthly data from a wind farm in Australia. PIs for short term application are generated with a confidence level of 90%. Experimental results confirm the ability of the method in constructing reliable PIs without resorting to complex computational methods.


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In this paper, a hybrid training model for interval type-2 fuzzy logic system is proposed. The hybrid training model uses extreme learning machine to tune the consequent part parameters and genetic algorithm to optimize the antecedent part parameters. The proposed hybrid learning model of interval type-2 fuzzy logic system is tested on the prediction of Mackey-Glass time series data sets with different levels of noise. The results are compared with the existing models in literature; extreme learning machine and Kalman filter based learning of consequent part parameters with randomly generated antecedent part parameters. It is observed that the interval type-2 fuzzy logic system provides improved performance with the proposed hybrid learning model.


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The extent to which animal migrations shape parasite transmission networks is critically dependent on a migrant's ability to tolerate infection and migrate successfully. Yet, sub-lethal effects of parasites can be intensified through periods of increased physiological stress. Long-distance migrants may, therefore, be especially susceptible to negative effects of parasitic infection. Although a handful of studies have investigated the short-term, transmission-relevant behaviors of wild birds infected with low-pathogenic avian influenza viruses (LPAIV), the ecological consequences of LPAIV for the hosts themselves remain largely unknown. Here, we assessed the potential effects of naturally-acquired LPAIV infections in Bewick's swans, a long-distance migratory species that experiences relatively low incidence of LPAIV infection during early winter. We monitored both foraging and movement behavior in the winter of infection, as well as subsequent breeding behavior and inter-annual resighting probability over 3 years. Incorporating data on infection history we hypothesized that any effects would be most apparent in naïve individuals experiencing their first LPAIV infection. Indeed, significant effects of infection were only seen in birds that were infected but lacked antibodies indicative of prior infection. Swans that were infected but had survived a previous infection were indistinguishable from uninfected birds in each of the ecological performance metrics. Despite showing reduced foraging rates, individuals in the naïve-infected category had similar accumulated body stores to re-infected and uninfected individuals prior to departure on spring migration, possibly as a result of having higher scaled mass at the time of infection. And yet individuals in the naïve-infected category were unlikely to be resighted 1 year after infection, with 6 out of 7 individuals that never resighted again compared to 20 out of 63 uninfected individuals and 5 out of 12 individuals in the re-infected category. Collectively, our findings indicate that acute and superficially harmless infection with LPAIV may have indirect effects on individual performance and recruitment in migratory Bewick's swans. Our results also highlight the potential for infection history to play an important role in shaping ecological constraints throughout the annual cycle.


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Complexity analysis of a given time series is executed using various measures of irregularity, the most commonly used being Approximate entropy (ApEn), Sample entropy (SampEn) and Fuzzy entropy (FuzzyEn). However, the dependence of these measures on the critical parameter of tolerance `r' leads to precarious results, owing to random selections of r. Attempts to eliminate the use of r in entropy calculations introduced a new measure of entropy namely distribution entropy (DistEn) based on the empirical probability distribution function (ePDF). DistEn completely avoids the use of a variance dependent parameter like r and replaces it by a parameter M, which corresponds to the number of bins used in the histogram to calculate it. When tested for synthetic data, M has been observed to produce a minimal effect on DistEn as compared to the effect of r on other entropy measures. Also, DistEn is said to be relatively stable with data length (N) variations, as far as synthetic data is concerned. However, these claims have not been analyzed for physiological data. Our study evaluates the effect of data length N and bin number M on the performance of DistEn using both synthetic and physiologic time series data. Synthetic logistic data of `Periodic' and `Chaotic' levels of complexity and 40 RR interval time series belonging to two groups of healthy aging population (young and elderly) have been used for the analysis. The stability and consistency of DistEn as a complexity measure as well as a classifier have been studied. Experiments prove that the parameters N and M are more influential in deciding the efficacy of DistEn performance in the case of physiologic data than synthetic data. Therefore, a generalized random selection of M for a given data length N may not always be an appropriate combination to yield good performance of DistEn for physiologic data.


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OBJECTIVES: To examine quality and safety in inter-professional clinical handovers in Post Anaesthetic Care Units (PACUs) and make recommendations for tools to standardize handover processes.
DESIGN: Mixed methods combining data from observations and focus groups.
SETTING: Three PACUs, one public tertiary hospital and two private hospitals.
PARTICIPANTS: Observations were made of 185 patient handovers from anaesthetists to nurses. Eight focus groups were conducted with 62 staff (15 anaesthetists and 47 nurses) across the study sites.
INTERVENTION: Inter-professional clinical handovers in PACU's.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Characteristics of the structure and processes that support safe inter-professional PACU handover practice.
RESULTS: Characteristics of the process, content, activities and risks during anaesthetist to nurse patient handover into the PACU were integrated into four steps in the PACU handover process summarized by the acronym COLD (Connect, Observe, Listen and Delegate), a verbal communication tool (ISoBAR), a checklist of critical information for safe patient transfer into PACU and a matrix of factors perceived to increase handover risk.
CONCLUSIONS: The standard structure and checklists for optimal content of patient handovers were derived from existing practices and consensus, hence, expected to provide ecologically valid and practical resources to improve quality and safety during clinical handovers in the PACU.


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Forensic entomology involves the use of insects and other arthropods to estimate the minimum time elapsed since death, referred to as minimum postmortem interval (minPMI). This is based on the assemblage of insects found in association with remains, and most often, the time required for development of the first colonizing insects to develop to their size/life stage at time of collection. This process involves the accumulation of appropriate data for the development of the species of insect at a variety of relevant temperatures and consideration of the other biotic and abiotic factors that may affect developmental rate. This review considers the approaches to the estimation of minPMI, focusing largely on the age estimation of specimens collected from remains and the limitations that accompany entomology-based PMI estimations. Recent advances and newly developed techniques in the field are reviewed in regard to future potential.


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Few habitat models are available for widespread, obligate, high-energy sandy shore vertebrates, such as the Eastern Hooded Plover Thinornis cucullatus cucullatus. We examined habitat attributes which determined the difference between sites where plovers breed and randomly-selected absence sites (determined from long-term systematic monitoring). A variety of habitat variables were derived from aerial photography and bathymetric and terrestrial Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) data. Logistic regression against eight candidate variables, in a model selection framework, revealed considerable support for four variables with respect to explaining the presence of breeding territories. In particular, the amount of unvegetated dune and foredune which was unvegetated, and the amount of intertidal and sub-tidal reef were positively associated with the presence of breeding territories. Thus, plovers apparently select certain habitat in which to breed, involving sub-tidal, intertidal and supra-tidal habitat elements. The model also helps explain the virtual absence of breeding plovers from long sections of superficially suitable habitat, such as the fourth longest continuous beach in the world.