177 resultados para habitat filtering


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Australasian gannets (Morus serrator) breed in the cool temperate waters of south-eastern Australia and also at several localities around New Zealand, where they are a major marine predator feeding on commercially-exploited pelagic fish. This study investigated the foraging behaviour and habitat utilization of gannets at Pope’s Eye Marine Reserve during the 2005-2005 breeding period using GPS-depth-loggers. GPS data were recorded for a total of 45 foraging trips from 20 individuals. Gannets were found to forage at average maximum distances of 52.7 km (± 29.6 km) from the colony, with total foraging path lengths of 177.1 km (± 93.4 km) and foraging trip durations of 16.5 h (± 9.9 h). During foraging trips gannets spent on average 31.5% (± 11.4) of the time flying at an average flight speed of 47.3 km h-1 (± 2.9 km h-1). Gannets made an average of 39.8 (± 35.2) dives per trip and 3.8 (± 5.6) dives per daylight hour. Dives had an average depth of 3.5 m (± 1.1 m) and a mean maximum depth of 7.0 m (± 3.0 m), lasting for a mean dive duration of 5.3 sec (± 1.3 sec). Gannets foraged predominantly in shallow coastal waters and there was some evidence for foraging site fidelity. Considerable individual variation in foraging strategies was also observed. The results highlight the potential of GPS technology to reveal the fine-scale foraging behaviour of marine predators, thereby improving our understanding the interaction between marine predator populations, commercially exploited fish stocks and the marine environment.


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The Victorian Marine Mapping Project will improve knowledge on the location, spatial distribution, condition and extent of marine habitats and associated biodiversity in Victorian State waters. This information will guide informed decision making, enable priority setting, and assist in targeted natural resource management planning. This project entails benthic habitat mapping over 500 square kilometers of Victorian State waters using multibeam sonar, towed video and image classification techniques. Information collected includes seafloor topography, seafloor softness and hardness (reflectivity), and information on geology and benthic flora and fauna assemblages collectively comprising habitat. Computerized semi-automated classification techniques are also being developed to provide a cost effective approach to rapid mapping and assessment of coastal habitats.

Habitat mapping is important for understanding and communicating the distribution of natural values within the marine environment. The coastal fringe of Victoria encompasses a rich and diverse ecosystem representative of coastal waters of South-east Australia. To date, extensive knowledge of these systems is limited due to the lack of available data. Knowledge of the distribution and extent of habitat is required to target management activities most effectively, and provide the basis to monitor and report on their status in the future.


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In this habitat mapping study, multi-beam acoustic data are integrated with extensive, precisely geo-referenced video validation data in a GIS environment to classify benthic substrates and biota at a 33km2 site in the near shore waters of Victoria, Australia. Using an automated decision-tree classification method, 5 representative biotic groups were identified in the Cape Nelson survey area using a combination of multi-beam bathymetry, backscatter and derivative products. Rigorous error assessment of derived, classified maps produced high overall accuracies (>85%) for all mapping products. In addition, a discrete multivariate analysis technique (kappa analysis) was used to assess classification accuracy. High-resolution (2.5m cell-size) representation of sea floor morphology and textural characteristics provided by multi-beam bathymetry and backscatter datasets, allowed the interpretation of benthic substrates of the Cape Nelson site and the communities of sessile organisms that populate them. Non-parametric multivariate statistical analysis (ANOSIM) revealed a significant difference in biotic composition between depth strata, and between substrate types. Incorporated with other descriptive measures, these results indicate that depth and substrate are important factors in the distributional ecology of the biotic communities at the Cape Nelson study site. BIOENV analysis indicates that derivatives of both multi-beam datasets (bathymetry and backscatter) are correlated with distribution and density of biotic communities. Results from this study provide new tools for research and management of the coastal zone.


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The Rufous Bristlebird Dasyornis broadbenti is a ground-dwelling bird that is listed as nearthreatened (Lower Risk) in Victoria. The species has been observed in a variety of habitats ranging from thickets of shrubs in coastal gullies, shrubland and heathlands on limestone cliffs to sheltered gullies. This study aimed to assess the distribution and habitat preferences of a population of the species in Portland, southwest Victoria. Monthly surveys were conducted on foot in the study area for one hour following sunrise and one hour prior to sunset, and bird presence was recorded on the basis of calls and sightings. Observations outside of the survey times were also recorded to determine habitat utilisation. Vegetation floristics and structure and food availability were measured in areas where birds were present as well as surrounding areas where they were absent to determine habitat preferences. A population size of between 45 and 60 individuals was estimated in the 200ha study area. Bird presence was significantly positively correlated with increasing vegetation density. No significant associations were found between Rufous Bristlebird presence and the floristic associations. Although Rufous Bristlebirds occupy a variety of vegetation communities, results indicate that the key common factor appears to be structure of the vegetation. The findings of this study will be incorporated into a Geographic Information System to develop a spatial model of suitable habitat.


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In recent years there has been an increase in community-based monitoring programmes developed and implemented worldwide. This paper describes how the data collected from such a programme could be integrated into a Geographic Information System (GIS) to create temperate subtidal marine habitat maps. A differential Global Positioning System was utilized to accurately record the location of the trained community-based SCUBA diver data. These georeferenced data sets were then used to classify benthic habitats using an aerial photograph and digitizing techniques. This study demonstrated that trained community-based volunteers can collect data that can be utilized within a GIS to create reliable and cost-effective maps of shallow temperate subtidal rocky reef systems.