106 resultados para gendered landscapes


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Management of fire for biodiversity conservation is a global issue. This research provides new insights into the distribution of mammals in fire-prone eco-systems. A key outcome of this thesis is that understanding the role of fire over broad spatial scales and long time periods will benefit ecological and conservation management.


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This study aimed to investigate the relationships between workability, organizational factors and psychosocial factors related to worker health and wellbeing. The cross sectional study involved participants from a general worker population (N = 305). Surveys were distributed through participants' organizations. and completed online. Findings of this study. suggest that many of the factors that predict workability are in fact modifiable organizational factors. Findings suggested whilst individual factors remained important predictors of work ability, organizational nurturance values, leadership effectiveness, occupational stress and job satisfaction were significant organizational factors.


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Renewing engagement with literature and integrating technologies in order to address the needs of an increasingly diverse student cohort are some of the challenges confronting 21st century English teachers as they go about implementing the Australian Curriculum: English. This chapter reports on an action research cycle of classroom inquiry into the interpretation and creation of poetry, drawing on both multimodal and traditional poetic forms. Three middle school teachers, in partnership with three university-based researchers, sought to explore the possibilities of one-to-one computing for creating differentiated literacy curriculum based on personalised learning goals and harnessing the affordances of multimodal literacy pedagogies. The learning gains achieved through this collaboration exceeded the expectations of all concerned: teachers, students and researchers. Student achievement was shown by their enhanced knowledge and creativity when interpreting and composing poetry. Furthermore, students increased their capacities in other ways, through collaborating and problem-solving, as well as increased technological mastery, meta-cognition and self-assessment. Such transformations in student learning challenge standardised notions of accomplishment in English and the kinds of pedagogy necessary to support their learning. The teachers involved in this research engaged in rich forms of collaboration, engaging in professional learning that matched the learning of their students. For academics, the co-creation of professional praxis with middle years teachers and students reaffirmed their sense of the value of generating literacy pedagogies through reflective dialogue within local, situated knowledge communities


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Despite acknowledgement that paid caregivers have a significant impact on the lives of people with intellectual disability, the subjective experience of staff gender is rarely considered in research. Qualitative data from a study on the sexual health needs of men and boys with intellectual disability is presented. We designed this study to determine what impact staff gender has on the sexual health needs of men and boys with intellectual disability. Findings suggest that although staff traverse the same geographies of care, they do it in uniquely gendered ways. Staff gender is an important consideration when dealing with sexual health matters and can enhance the type and quality of relationships between people with intellectual disability.


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Cultural landscapes are intended to increase awareness that heritage places (sites) are not isolated islands and that there is an interdependence of people, social structures, and the landscape and associated ecological systems. The paper explores whether the recognition of the 1992 World Heritage Cultural Landscape categories, the IUCN Protected Landscapes and the 2005 merging of cultural and natural criteria for World Heritage purposes have been effective in bridging the gap between culture and nature philosophically and in practice. With particular reference to opportunities presented in the Asia-Pacific region, where traditionally culture and nature are not regarded as separate, people are part of nature, the paper will further critically review the nature–culture link and its implications for North American-style national parks where cultural associations may not be seen to be necessary or even desirable. It suggests the imperative of highlighting and respecting in heritage nominations and inscriptions deep cultural associations of traditional communities with natural sites and implications for management to protect cultural and biological diversity and the need for thematic studies.


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Predation is often described as an underlying mechanism to explain edge effects. We assessed the importance of predation in determining edge effects in seagrass using two approaches: a video survey to sample predators at small scales across seagrass edges, and a tethering experiment to determine if predation was an underlying mechanism causing edge effects. Underwater videos were placed at four positions: middle of seagrass patches; edge of seagrass; sand immediately adjacent to seagrass and sand distant from seagrass. Fish abundances and the time fish spent in view were measured. The main predatory fish (Australian salmon, Arripis spp.) spent more time over adjacent sand than other positions, while potential prey species (King George whiting, Sillaginodes punctata (Cuvier), recruits) were more common in the middle of seagrass patches. Other species, including the smooth toadfish, Tetractenos glaber (Freminville), and King George whiting adults, spent more time over sand adjacent to seagrass than distant sand, which may be related to feeding opportunities. King George whiting recruits and pipefish (Stigmatopora spp.) were tethered at each of the four positions. More whiting recruits were preyed upon at outer than inner seagrass patches, and survival time was greater in the middle of shallow seagrass patches than other positions. Relatively few pipefish were preyed upon, but of those that were, survival time was lower over sand adjacent to seagrass than at the seagrass edge or middle. Video footage revealed that salmon were the dominant predators of both tethered King George whiting recruits and pipefish. The distribution of predators and associated rate of predation can explain edge effects for some species (King George whiting) but other mechanisms, or combinations of mechanisms, are determining edge effects for other species (pipefish).


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This paper explores the implications of the neglect of emotions in critical masculinity studies and profeminist masculinity politics. This neglect in part results from feminist and profeminist critiques of the literature on emotional inexpressiveness as a tragedy for men that ignores male privilege and men's social power. To focus on men's emotions is seen by some profeminist commentators as psychologising men at the expense of sociological understandings of men's social power. However, in neglecting the place of emotions in men's lives, critical masculinity studies has overlooked the ways in which men's emotional attachment to privilege can perpetuate oppressive gender relations and male violence against women. By exploring men's emotional investment in unequal gender relations, the article outlines ways in which emotions can also be used as a catalyst to disrupt men's attachment to male privilege.


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Landscape planning in many countries is predicated upon on fulfilling the functions for human living objectives. Many land use practices have been plotted for living, busines~, trading, industrial, farming as well as providing places for dead people primarily through cemeteries. Research in Palm Beach County, FL, has demonstrated the need to plan for 30 years of demand of land use functions to service death (Coutts, Basmaj ian et al. 20 I I). Coutts et al assert that planners are required and responsible for the planning of funeral necessities. Therefore, the protection of landscapes of death is an important consideration in the planning of landscapes. Bali is popular with its beautiful landscape, hospitality, and traditional architecture as demonstrating the integrity between human, environment and God, as expressed in the Balinese Tri Hita Karana concept. Balinese commemorate life from birth to death through their traditional ceremonies which informs their traditional cultural landscape. One of the most important landscapes, which cannot be separated fi·om Balinese life are graveyards which are used for deceased ceremonies. This landscape is an integral part of traditional village patterns across Bali. Culturally, Balinese people have their own traditional cremation ceremony which is call the Ngaben Ceremony. The Ceremony takes place in graveyards and thereupon ashes are placed in the sea waters surrounding Bali. An interesting point of planning in Bali is how to enable eco-friendly interment extensions to villages. This is occurring because of the increasing number of corpses that require cremation thus necessitating no accretions in land provision of graveyards. This research investigates the landscape of death in Bali expressed in its traditional values in the area of planning which implicate sustainable environments and land conservation topics. Other functions of graveyards, as noted by Strangstad ( 1988), include ceremonial and their role as educational tools for history lessons, art, sociology, geology, English lessons, as well as for scavenger hunts.