60 resultados para deciduous tree


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Nicotiana glauca (Argentinean tree tobacco) is atypical within the genus Nicotiana, accumulating predominantly anabasine rather than nicotine and/or nornicotine as the main component of its leaf pyridine alkaloid fraction. The current study examines the role of the A622 gene from N. glauca (NgA622) in alkaloid production and utilises an RNAi approach to down-regulate gene expression and diminish levels of A622 protein in transgenic tissues. Results indicate that RNAi-mediated reduction in A622 transcript levels markedly reduces the capacity of N. glauca to produce anabasine resulting in plants with scarcely any pyridine alkaloids in leaf tissues, even after damage to apical tissues. In addition, analysis of hairy roots containing the NgA622-RNAi construct shows a substantial reduction in both anabasine and nicotine levels within these tissues, even if stimulated with methyl jasmonate, indicating a role for the A622 enzyme in the synthesis of both alkaloids in roots of N. glauca. Feeding of Nicotinic Acid (NA) to hairy roots of N. glauca containing the NgA622-RNAi construct did not restore capacity for synthesis of anabasine or nicotine. Moreover, treatment of these hairy root lines with NA did not lead to an increase in anatabine levels, unlike controls. Together, these results strongly suggest that A622 is an integral component of the final enzyme complex responsible for biosynthesis of all three pyridine alkaloids in Nicotiana.


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Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is a popular safety and reliability analysis methodology for examining potential failure modes of products, process, designs, or services, in a wide range of industries. Despite its popularity, there are a number of limitations of FMEA, and two highlighted issues are the bulky FMEA form and its intricacy of use. To overcome these shortcomings, we introduce the idea of visualisation pertaining to the failure modes or control actions in FMEA. A visualisation model with an incremental learning feature, i.e., the evolving tree (ETree), is adopted to allow the failure modes or control actions in FMEA to be clustered and visualized. The failure modes or control actions are grouped and visualized with consideration of their Severity, Occurrence, and Detection scores. Our proposed approach allows the failure modes or control actions to be mapped into a tree structure for visualisation. The devised approach is evaluated with a benchmark problem. The experiments show that the control actions of FMEA can be visualised through the tree structure, which provides a quick and easily understandable platform of the FMEA spreadsheet to facilitate decision making tasks.


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Modern healthcare is getting reshaped by growing Electronic Medical Records (EMR). Recently, these records have been shown of great value towards building clinical prediction models. In EMR data, patients' diseases and hospital interventions are captured through a set of diagnoses and procedures codes. These codes are usually represented in a tree form (e.g. ICD-10 tree) and the codes within a tree branch may be highly correlated. These codes can be used as features to build a prediction model and an appropriate feature selection can inform a clinician about important risk factors for a disease. Traditional feature selection methods (e.g. Information Gain, T-test, etc.) consider each variable independently and usually end up having a long feature list. Recently, Lasso and related l1-penalty based feature selection methods have become popular due to their joint feature selection property. However, Lasso is known to have problems of selecting one feature of many correlated features randomly. This hinders the clinicians to arrive at a stable feature set, which is crucial for clinical decision making process. In this paper, we solve this problem by using a recently proposed Tree-Lasso model. Since, the stability behavior of Tree-Lasso is not well understood, we study the stability behavior of Tree-Lasso and compare it with other feature selection methods. Using a synthetic and two real-world datasets (Cancer and Acute Myocardial Infarction), we show that Tree-Lasso based feature selection is significantly more stable than Lasso and comparable to other methods e.g. Information Gain, ReliefF and T-test. We further show that, using different types of classifiers such as logistic regression, naive Bayes, support vector machines, decision trees and Random Forest, the classification performance of Tree-Lasso is comparable to Lasso and better than other methods. Our result has implications in identifying stable risk factors for many healthcare problems and therefore can potentially assist clinical decision making for accurate medical prognosis.


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Riparian ecosystems are among the most degraded systems in the landscape,and there has been substantial investment in their restoration. Consequently, monitoring restoration interventions offers opportunities to further develop the science of riparian restoration, particularly how to move from small-scale implementation to a broader landscape scale. Here, we report on a broad range of riparian revegetation projects in two regions of south-western Victoria, the Corangamite and Glenelg-Hopkins Catchment Management Areas. The objectives of restoration interventions in these regions have been stated quite broadly, for example, to reinstate terrestrial habitat and biodiversity, control erosion and improve water quality. This study reports on tree and shrub composition, structure and recruitment after restoration works compared with remnant vegetation found regionally. Within each catchment, a total of 57 sites from six subcatchments were identified, representing three age-classes: <4, 4–8 and >8–12 years after treatment, as well as untreated (control) sites. Treatments comprised fencing to exclude stock, spraying or slashing to reduce weed cover, followed by planting with tube stock. Across the six subcatchments, 12 reference (remnant) sites were used to provide a benchmark for species richness, structural and recruitment characteristics and to aid interpretation of the effects of the restoration intervention. Vegetation structure was well developed in the treated sites by 4–8 years after treatment. However, structural complexity was higher at remnant sites than at treated or untreated sites due to a higher richness of small shrubs. Tree and shrub recruitment occurred in all remnant sites and at 64% of sites treated >4 years ago. Most seedling recruitment at treatment sites was by Acacia spp. This assessment provides data on species richness, structure and recruitment characteristics following restoration interventions. Data from this study will contribute to longitudinal studies of vegetation processes in riparian landscapes of south-western Victoria.


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The maximum a posteriori assignment for general structure Markov random fields is computationally intractable. In this paper, we exploit tree-based methods to efficiently address this problem. Our novel method, named Tree-based Iterated Local Search (T-ILS), takes advantage of the tractability of tree-structures embedded within MRFs to derive strong local search in an ILS framework. The method efficiently explores exponentially large neighborhoods using a limited memory without any requirement on the cost functions. We evaluate the T-ILS on a simulated Ising model and two real-world vision problems: stereo matching and image denoising. Experimental results demonstrate that our methods are competitive against state-of-the-art rivals with significant computational gain.


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Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) latex, the source of natural rubber, is synthesised in the cytoplasm of laticifers. Efficient water inflow into laticifers is crucial for latex flow and production since it is the determinant of the total solid content of latex and its fluidity after tapping. As the mature laticifer vessel rings are devoid of plasmodesmata, water exchange between laticifers and surrounding cells is believed to be governed by plasma membrane intrinsic proteins (PIPs). To identify the most important PIP aquaporin in the water balance of laticifers, the transcriptional profiles of ten-latex-expressed PIPs were analysed. One of the most abundant transcripts, designated HbPIP2;3, was characterised in this study. When tested in Xenopus laevis oocytes HbPIP2;3 showed a high efficiency in increasing plasmalemma water conductance. Expression analysis indicated that the HbPIP2;3 gene was preferentially expressed in latex, and the transcripts were up-regulated by both wounding and exogenously applied Ethrel (a commonly-used ethylene releaser). Although regular tapping up-regulated the expression of HbPIP2;3 during the first few tappings of the virginal rubber trees, the transcriptional kinetics of HbPIP2;3 to Ethrel stimulation in the regularly tapped tree exhibited a similar pattern to that of the previously reported HbPIP2;1 in the virginal rubber trees. Furthermore, the mRNA level of HbPIP2;3 was associated with clonal yield potential and the Ethrel stimulation response. Together, these results have revealed the central regulatory role of HbPIP2;3 in laticifer water balance and ethylene stimulation of latex production in Hevea.


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Despite the popularity of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) in a wide range of industries, two well-known shortcomings are the complexity of the FMEA worksheet and its intricacy of use. To the best of our knowledge, the use of computation techniques for solving the aforementioned shortcomings is limited. As such, the idea of clustering and visualization pertaining to the failure modes in FMEA is proposed in this paper. A neural network visualization model with an incremental learning feature, i.e., the evolving tree (ETree), is adopted to allow the failure modes in FMEA to be clustered and visualized as a tree structure. In addition, the ideas of risk interval and risk ordering for different groups of failure modes are proposed to allow the failure modes to be ordered, analyzed, and evaluated in groups. The main advantages of the proposed method lie in its ability to transform failure modes in a complex FMEA worksheet to a tree structure for better visualization, while maintaining the risk evaluation and ordering features. It can be applied to the conventional FMEA methodology without requiring additional information or data. A real world case study in the edible bird nest industry in Sarawak (Borneo Island) is used to evaluate the usefulness of the proposed method. The experiments show that the failure modes in FMEA can be effectively visualized through the tree structure. A discussion with FMEA users engaged in the case study indicates that such visualization is helpful in comprehending and analyzing the respective failure modes, as compared with those in an FMEA table. The resulting tree structure, together with risk interval and risk ordering, provides a quick and easily understandable framework to elucidate important information from complex FMEA forms; therefore facilitating the decision-making tasks by FMEA users. The significance of this study is twofold, viz., the use of a computational visualization approach to tackling two well-known shortcomings of FMEA; and the use of ETree as an effective neural network learning paradigm to facilitate FMEA implementations. These findings aim to spearhead the potential adoption of FMEA as a useful and usable risk evaluation and management tool by the wider community.


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Teleoperation is integral to society's uptake of modern robotic systems. Given the wide array of readily available robots, ranging from simple mobile platforms and UAVs to advanced humanoid robots such as ASIMO and PR2, teleoperation is required in many different forms. The recent advances in virtual reality systems, interactive input controls and even haptic devices facilitate a wide range of new approaches to teleoperation control. This paper considers a dynamic user interface for improving the operator's ability to teleoperate heterogeneous robotic systems in dynamic and challenging environments. In order to achieve the proposed dynamic user interface the robot(s) comprising the heterogeneous robotic system and their active components need to be categorized. The recent uptake of ROS means that many robots are now represented within the standardized Unified Robot Descriptive Format (URDF), and this paper proposes a method for searching the URDF for active serial chains in individual robot systems. Results demonstrate the ability of the approach to determine active serial chains and associated kinematic information for the Baxter torso robot.


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Targeted liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) technology using size exclusion chromatography and metabolite profiling based on gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) were used to study the nickel-rich latex of the hyperaccumulating tree Sebertia acuminata. More than 120 compounds were detected, 57 of these were subsequently identified. A methylated aldaric acid (2,4,5-trihydroxy-3-methoxy-1,6-hexan-dioic acid) was identified for the first time in biological extracts and its structure was confirmed by 1D and 2D nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. After citric acid, it appears to be one of the most abundant small organic molecules present in the latex studied. Nickel(II) complexes of stoichiometry NiII:acid = 1:2 were detected for these two acids as well as for malic, itaconic, erythronic, galacturonic, tartaric, aconitic and saccharic acids. These results provide further evidence that organic acids may play an important role in the transport and possibly in the storage of metal ions in hyperaccumulating plants.