114 resultados para alliance sharing


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This paper reports an empirical study of the factors affecting burden sharing among OECD's 22 DAC members in 'bankrolling' the multilateral aid agencies. Annual data over 1970–2000, pooled across the donor countries, form the basis for the empirical estimation of each donor's share in the ODA aid receipts for each multilateral agency. Our findings suggest the existence of reverse exploitation, i.e., the financial burden of the agencies is disproportionally carried by the smaller donors. The study also finds that factors such as inherent donor generosity, donor concern for domestic egalitarianism, and the extent to which donors are pro-poor in their bilateral aid policies have an impact on their readiness to support multilateral agencies financially. Size of the donor government and its budgetary balance positively influence burden sharing of contributions to other multilateral agencies. But neither the phase of economic cycle nor the rate of economic growth affects the burden-sharing responsibility of donors. It was also observed that contributions by EU members to the EC do not appear to crowd-out their contributions to other multilateral aid agencies and that right-wing donor governments are generally more parsimonious with regard to financial assistance to multilateral aid agencies. The preferred alternative, particularly among EU member countries, appears to be the EC.


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Based on the knowledge sharing model by Nonaka (1994), this study examines the relative efficacy of various Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) applications in facilitating sharing of explicit and tacit knowledge among professional accountants in Malaysia. The results of this study indicate that ICTs, generally, facilitate all modes of knowledge sharing. Best-Practice Repositories are effective for sharing of both explicit and tacit knowledge, while internet/e-mail facilities are effective for tacit knowledge sharing. Data warehousing /mining, on the other hand, is effective in facilitating self learning through tacit-to-tacit mode and explicit-to-explicit mode. ICT facilities used mainly for office administration are ineffective for knowledge sharing purpose. The implications of the findings are


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This paper explores the question or whether Call Center Operators (CCO) share information or knowledge with their clients and if their knowledge sharing behavior has any impact on the sustainability of their relationships with their clients.


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The problem addressed in this paper is how to ensure data privacy concerns when data is shared between multiple organisations. In domains such as healthcare, there is a need to share privacy-sensitive data among autonomous but cooperating organisations. However, security concerns and compliance to privacy regulations requiring confidentiality of the data renders unrestricted access to organisational data by others undesirable. The challenge is how to guarantee privacy preservations for the owners of the information that are willing to share information with other organisations while keeping some other information secret. Therefore, there is a need for privacy preserving database operations for querying data residing at different parties. To address this challenge, we propose a new computationally efficient framework that enables organisations to share privacy-sensitive data. The proposed framework is able to answer queries without revealing any useful information to the data sources or to the third parties.


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Trials are occurring around Australia and across education systems to test the veracity and feasibility of various models of job sharing in the Principalship. Currently it appears that Catholic schools are more likely to entertain such arrangements than other schooling sectors (Di Stephano, 2002), however, trials are currently underway in government schools in several Australian states (Department of Education and Children's Services, 2009). These trials arise from the need to encourage more people into the Principalship and to retain experienced Principals. There is scarce research in this area in Australia, but job sharing is an emerging trend in the Principalship that could grow in popularity. There are many reasons given for job-sharing in the Principalship. First is the incumbent's desire to acquire 'worldlife balance'. With an average working week of sixty hours or more (DEl 2004), sharing the leadership load is attractive. Principals currently trialling a shared arrangement cite the desire for more personal time, age and stage issues such as the need to care for ageing parents, and the hope for a transition period to retirement. Education departments see the part-time/shared option as being attractive to leadership aspirants at a time when there's a shortage of Principals and the increasing 'baby-boomer retirement problem to address. Another reason is an emerging interest in re-designing the Principalship, with various constructions being explored (Lacey, 2006). This article considers these new configurations of the Principalship.


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This article is a study of the Australian government's exchanges with the Chamberlain government over the ultimately unsuccessful attempt to negotiate a Grand Alliance between the United Kingdom, France and the Soviet Union during 1939. Robert Menzies and Stanley Bruce carefully weighed the arguments for and against before deciding to support the proposal for an Alliance. Yet there was considerable ambivalence about their support as evidenced by Bruce's panicky response to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. In its own very small and distant way the Menzies government contributed to the inertia that marked the British Empire's failure to secure a Grand Alliance in 1939.


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The continuous growth of the users pool of Social Networking web sites such as Facebook and MySpace, and their incessant augmentation of services and capabilities will in the future, meet and compare in contrast with today's Content distribution Networks (CDN) and Peer-to-Peer File sharing applications such as Kazaa and BitTorrent, but how can these two main streams applications, that already encounter their own security problems cope with the combined issues, trust for Social Networks, content and index poisoning in CDN? We will address the problems of Social Trust and File Sharing with an overlay level of trust model based on social activity and transactions, this can be an answer to enable users to increase the reliability of their online social life and also enhance the content distribution and create a better file sharing example. The aim of this research is to lower the risk of malicious activity on a given Social Network by applying a correlated trust model, to guarantee the validity of someone's identity, privacy and trustfulness in sharing content.


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The desired outcome of psychotherapy is positive change. A substantial body of empirical research now supports the importance of the therapeutic alliance in predicting therapeutic change. Research on therapeutic process has also been increasing. Despite these achievements, there is little theoretical understanding of how the therapeutic alliance develops and is maintained. What are the key variables in the establishment of a collaborative relationship between therapist and client that can elicit positive change in the client? Recent interest in client responsivity and effective therapy process with offenders has shed light on how little relevant theory and research exists on process issues in offender rehabilitation, compared to conventional psychotherapy. Although the general ingredients of a therapeutic alliance may be similar across therapy contexts, difficulties in creating these alliances with offenders can prompt a more complete examination of these ingredients. This article examines and critiques the dominant model of the therapeutic alliance proposed by Bordin [Bordin, E.S. (1979). The generalizability of the psychoanalytic concept of the working alliance. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 16, 252–260.], and then integrates it with recent research, theory, and clinical observation from the field of offender rehabilitation, to propose a Revised Theory of the Therapeutic Alliance that is particularly relevant for therapists who work to reduce future risk of criminal behavior.


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Tacit knowledge is difficult to transfer. It is also context specific. Hence it is often argued to be a key strategic asset and as such attention to how it is created and transferred in organisation in critical to strategists. The transfer of tacit knowledge is however still a challenge. It is known that shared communication and socialization are important processes in the transfer of tacit knowledge and person–organization fit (POF) is associated with such phenomena. Hence we argue that POF is likely to shape the transfer of tacit knowledge with higher levels of one resulting in higher levels of the other. We explore the interaction of tacit knowledge and POF fit and develop a matrix that suggests a complex interaction between the two.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to elucidate information on what creates the different types of knowledge.

Design/methodology/approach – In the conceptual model it is argued that the concept of social capital provides an interesting view on the creation of market-specific and firm-specific knowledge.

Findings – The major finding from the paper is that knowledge is an important by-product of an alliance forming process, a process commonly termed as alliance learning.

Research limitations/implications – Both market-specific and firm-specific knowledge have implications on two main types of alliance learning, that of mutual and non-mutual learning.

Practical implicationsAlliance managers need to be aware that knowledge is a key driver as well as a beneficial outcome in the formation of alliances.

– This paper examines how the different types of knowledge evolve and how these different types of knowledge impact upon alliance learning.


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While studies on alliances have been substantial in the international business literature, much is still unexplored in understanding what alliance performance really is and how superior alliance performance is facilitated (Das & Teng 2003). Drawing from research on alliances, we develop a theoretical framework to examine alliance performance by integrating a partner analysis approach, focusing on alliance trust, alliance partners' social capital, and knowledge development from alliance relationships. We consider the level of mutual trust between alliance partners to be the precursor to such relationship (Das & Teng 1998). Trust, we argue, subsequently builds and enhances the partners' social capital. Two types of social capital are considered in this article: internal social capital and external social capital. In developing our framework, we further subscribe to the notion that knowledge is a contributing factor to superior alliance performance, and consider how such relationships influence the development of partners' knowledge in terms of the development in the tacit firm-specific and the more explicit market-specific knowledge. Key managerial implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the importance of an organization's learning orientation in developing alliance relationships.

Design/methodology/approach – The paper is based on research conducted on organizations involved in alliances as well as practical evidence.

Findings – The paper finds that alliance managers need to focus on developing learning capabilities within their organizations to achieve superior alliance performance.

Practical implications –
The paper has practical implications for managers involved in alliances as it shows the importance of an organization focusing on learning. With the relatively small number of alliance relationships that succeed, it is important that managers harness their organization's learning potential in the context of an alliance.

Originality/value – The paper is unique as it highlights the importance of an organization's learning orientation in an alliance context.