168 resultados para Wireless Networks


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Mobility service for hospital technicians involved in telemedicine applications is one of the key issues in providing more flexible and efficient in-house or remote health care services. Today, the Internet based communication has widened the opportunity of event monitoring systems in the medical field. The session initiation protocol (SIP) can work on a variety of devices and can be used to create a medical event notification system. Its adoption as the protocol of choice for third generation wireless networks allows for a robust and scalable environment. One of the advantages of SIP is that it supports personal mobility through the separation of user addressing and device addressing. In this paper, the authors propose a possible solution framework for telemedicine alert notification system based SIP-specific event notification.


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A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a group of sensors that are geographically distributed and interconnected by wireless networks. Sensors gather information about the state of physical world. Then, after processing forward them to the main destination. To be able to provide this service, there are many aspects of communication techniques that need to be explored. Supporting quality of service (QoS) will be of critical importance for pervasive WSNs that serve as the network infrastructure of diverse applications. To illustrate new research and development interests in this field, this paper examines and discusses the requirements, critical challenges, and open research issues on QoS management in WSNs. A brief overview of recent progress is given.


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Multicast is an important mechanism in modern wireless networks and has attracted significant efforts to improve its performance with different metrics including throughput, delay, energy efficiency, etc. Traditionally, an ideal loss-free channel model is widely used to facilitate routing protocol design. However, the quality of wireless links would be affected or even jeopardized by many factors like collisions, fading or the noise of environment. In this paper, we propose a reliable multicast protocol, called CodePipe, with advanced performance in terms of energy-efficiency, throughput and fairness in lossy wireless networks. Built upon opportunistic routing and random linear network coding, CodePipe not only simplifies transmission coordination between nodes, but also improves the multicast throughput significantly by exploiting both intra-batch and inter-batch coding opportunities. In particular, four key techniques, namely, LP-based opportunistic routing structure, opportunistic feeding, fast batch moving and inter-batch coding, are proposed to offer substantial improvement in throughput, energy-efficiency and fairness. We evaluate CodePipe on ns2 simulator by comparing with other two state-of-art multicast protocols, MORE and Pacifier. Simulation results show that CodePipe significantly outperforms both of them.


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We explore the multicast lifetime capacity of energy-limited wireless ad hoc networks using directional multibeam antennas by formulating and solving the corresponding optimization problem. In such networks, each node is equipped with a practical smart antenna array that can be configured to support multiple beams with adjustable orientation and beamwidth. The special case of this optimization problem in networks with single beams have been extensively studied and shown to be NP-hard. In this paper, we provide a globally optimal solution to this problem by developing a general MILP formulation that can apply to various configurable antenna models, many of which are not supported by the existing formulations. In order to study the multicast lifetime capacity of large-scale networks, we also propose an efficient heuristic algorithm with guaranteed theoretical performance. In particular, we provide a sufficient condition to determine if its performance reaches optimum based on the analysis of its approximation ratio. These results are validated by experiments as well. The multicast lifetime capacity is then quantitatively studied by evaluating the proposed exact and heuristic algorithms using simulations. The experimental results also show that using two-beam antennas can exploit most lifetime capacity of the networks for multicast communications. © 2013 IEEE.


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Cognitive radio improves spectrum efficiency and mitigates spectrum scarcity by allowing cognitive users to opportunistically access idle chunks of the spectrum owned by licensed users. In long-term spectrum leasing markets, secondary network operators make a decision about how much spectrum is optimal to fulfill their users' data transmission requirements. We study this optimization problem in multiple channel scenarios. Under the constrains of expected user admission rate and quality of service, we model the secondary network into a dynamic data transportation system. In this system, the spectrum accesses of both primary users and secondary users are in accordance with stochastic processes, respectively. The main metrics of quality of service we are concerned with include user admission rate, average transmission delay and stability of the delay. To quantify the relationship between spectrum provisioning and quality of service, we propose an approximate analytical model. We use the model to estimate the lower and upper bounds of the optimal amount of the spectrum. The distance between the bounds is relatively narrow. In addition, we design a simple algorithm to compute the optimum by using the bounds. We conduct numerical simulations on a slotted multiple channel dynamic spectrum access network model. Simulation results demonstrate the preciseness of the proposed model. Our work sheds light on the design of game and auction based dynamic spectrum sharing mechanisms in cognitive radio networks.


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Multicast is an important mechanism in modern wireless networks and has attracted significant efforts to improve its performance with different metrics including throughput, delay, energy efficiency, etc. Traditionally, an ideal loss-free channel model is widely used to facilitate routing protocol design. However, the quality of wireless links is affected or even jeopardized resulting in transmission failures by many factors like collisions, fading or the noise of environment. In this paper, we propose a reliable multicast protocol, called CodePipe, with energy-efficiency, high throughput and fairness in lossy wireless networks. Building upon opportunistic routing and random linear network coding, CodePipe can not only eliminate coordination between nodes, but also improve the multicast throughput significantly by exploiting both intra-batch and inter-batch coding opportunities. In particular, four key techniques, namely, LP-based opportunistic routing structure, opportunistic feeding, fast batch moving and inter-batch coding, are proposed to offer significant improvement in throughput, energy-efficiency and fairness.Moreover, we design an efficient online extension of CodePipe such that it can work in a dynamic network where nodes join and leave the network as time progresses. We evaluate CodePipe on ns2 simulator by comparing with other two state-of-art multicast protocols,MORE and Pacifier. Simulation results show that CodePipe significantly outperforms both of them.


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Previous attempts in addressing Access Point (AP) association at overlapping zone of IEEE 802.11 networks have shown some issues. They work passively and estimate load from different network metrics such as frame delay, packet loss, number of users etc. that may not always true. Further the user behaviour is selfish i.e. illegitimate user consume high network resources. This adversely affect existing or new users which in turn motivates them to change locations. To alleviate these issues, we propose the use of a Software Defined Networking (SDN) enabled client side (wireless end user) solution. In this paper, we start by proposing a dynamic AP selection algorithm/framework in wireless user device. The device receive network resource related statistics from SDN Controller and guide the client device to associate itself with the best selected AP. We justify that the use of SDN discourage users to act selfishly. Further, a mathematical modelling of the proposed scheme is derived using Fuzzy membership function and the simulation is carried out. Results obtained from simulation necessitates to implement SDN enabled client side methods.


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A common occurrence in almost all full-scale natural disasters is the rapid destruction of the telecommunication infrastructure as the inevitable unfolds, which tends to halt the necessary communications between the humanitarian operators and the people in need. In such scenarios, the deployment of wireless networks would provide fast and temporary remedies, however these networks normally do not provide services to the end-users and ordinary people, instead they provide connectivity between groups of end-users administered by a local service provider. From a range of services provided to the end-users by the humanitarian operators, healthcare is by far the top priority. This is considered through the utilization of smartphones in a Mobile Health (mHealth) perspective, which is an emerging concept for monitoring and tracking end-user health conditions. This article considers an mHealth system used in a tsunami-stricken disaster scenario, including a discussion on the most recent advances of Device to Device (D2D) and LTE-Direct technologies.


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Sensor Networks have applications in diverse fields. They can be deployed for habitat modeling, temperature monitoring and industrial sensing. They also find application in battlefield awareness to sense chemicals and other gases used in chemical and biological warfare. An application that has become increasingly attractive in the post 9/11 era is the use of wireless sensor networks for emergency (first) response in mass casualty incidents. Reliability of data and event transfer is of critical importance to emergency response applications. In this work we propose a reliable event transfer mechanism making use of an overlay network of relay nodes. The overlay network removes the burden of data relaying from the sensor nodes and results in increasing the lifetime of the network. Simulation results prove the benefits of such an architecture. Reliability is increased 10-30% with reduction in event traffic of 60-80%.


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Sensor Networks have applications in diverse fields. They can be deployed for habitat modeling, temperature monitoring and industrial sensing. They also find applications in battlefield awareness and emergency (first) response situations. While unique addressing is not a requirement of many data collecting applications of wireless sensor networks it is vital for the success of applications such as emergency response. Data that cannot be associated with a specific node becomes useless in such situations. In this work we propose an addressing mechanism for event-driven wireless sensor networks. The proposed scheme eliminates the need for network wide Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) and enables reuse of addresses.


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Sensor Networks have applications in diverse fields. While unique addressing is not a requirement of many data collecting applications of wireless sensor networks, it is vital for the success of applications such as emergency response. Data that cannot be associated with a specific node becomes useless in such situations. In this work we propose a dynamic addressing mechanism for wireless sensor networks. The scheme enables successful reuse of addresses in event-driven wireless sensor networks. It also eliminates the need for network-wide Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) to ensure uniqueness of network level addresses.


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Conserving of battery power is a critical requirement in WSNs. Past studies have shown that the transceiving process consumes more energy than the internal processing. This work focuses on eliminating overhead messages used for address allocation by employing multiple base-stations. In this context we explore address allocation without Duplicate Address Detection (DAD). We present an alternative approach to Duplicate address detection using the sink as an address pool to maintain and systematize available addresses. Experimental results show that this approach eliminates overhead messages generated by DAD; resulting in energy savings when used in conjunction with an on-demand address allocation mechanism.


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Wireless sensor networks represent a new generation of real-time  embedded systems with significantly different communication constraints from the traditional networked systems. With their development, a new attack called a path-based DoS (PDoS) attack has appeared. In a PDoS attack, an adversary, either inside or outside the network, overwhelms sensor nodes by flooding a multi-hop endto- end communication path with either replayed packets or injected spurious packets. In this article, we propose a solution using mobile agents which can detect PDoS attacks easily.


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Wireless sensor networks represent a new generation of real-time embedded systems with significantly different communication constraints from the traditional networked systems. With their development, a new attack called a path-based DoS (PDoS) attack has appeared. In a PDoS attack, an adversary, either inside or outside the network, overwhelms sensor nodes by flooding a multi-hop end-to end communication path with either replayed packets or injected spurious packets. Detection and recovery from PDoS attacks have not been given much attention in the literature. In this article, we propose a solution using mobile agents which can detect PDoS attacks easily and efficiently and recover the compromised nodes.


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A novel geographic routing protocol for multi-hop wireless sensor networks is presented. It exploits the broadcast nature of the wireless channel to enable on-demand cooperative relaying and leapfrogging for circumventing weak radio links. In order to achieve energy efficiency, a metric is introduced for next-hop selection that takes into account information on the residual battery energy, the geographical position of the sensor nodes, and the channel quality of the involved radio links when available. Performance results show that the completely decentralized protocol offers significant benefits by reducing the number of (re)transmissions required to reach the destination. This translates into network-wide energy savings that extend the network lifetime.