56 resultados para Water Fish Assemblages


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We determined the stability of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) and viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) suspended in either fish processing plant effluent blood water (EBW) or culture media and examined the effectiveness of UVC radiation to inactivate IHNV and VHSV suspended in both solutions. Without exposure to UVC, IHNV and VHSV were maintained in 4°C blood water for up to 48 hours without significant reduction in virus titer. However when exposed to UVC radiation using a low pressure mercury vapour lamp collimated beam, IHNV and VHSV were inactivated, and the efficacy of UVC radiation was dependent upon the solution and virus type being treated. A 3-log reduction for VHSV and IHNV in culture media was achieved at 3.28 and 3.84 mJ cm-2, respectively. The UV dose needed for a 3-log reduction of VHSV in EBW was 3.82 mJ cm-2. However, exposure of IHNV in EBW to the maximum UVC dose tested (4.0 mJ cm-2) only led to a 2.26-log-reduction. Factors such as particle size, and possible association of viruses with suspended EBW particulate, were not investigated in this study, but may have contributed to the difference in UVC effectiveness. Future work should emphasize improved filtration methods prior to UV treatment of processing plant EBW at an industrial scale.


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Climate change has already been linked to significant impacts on Earth's ocean ecosystems including shifts in species geographic ranges, changes in population abundance, shits in timing of seasonal events, and establishment of introduced species (Walter et al. 2002, Parmesan and Yohe 2003). Global climate modelling for the Australian region has identified south-eastern Australia as the area that will be subject to the greatest impacts from climatic change (Lough 2009). The major changes predicted include warming of air and water, changes to wind patterns, changes to the strength and southerly extent of dominant oceanic currents flowing down the east and west coasts of Australia, changes to rainfall and run-off (distribution, timing and intensity), increasing ocean acidification, increasing exposure to UV light and sea level rise (Lough and Hobday 2011). Victorian species may be at greater risk than species in other areas of Australia, because Victorian marine waters are in a zone of predicted high climate change (Johnson et al. 2011, Wernberg et al. 2011).


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During the 2009/2010 summer, a comprehensive environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the wastewater discharge at Davis Station, East Antarctica was completed. As part of this, histological alteration of gill and liver tissue in Antarctic Rock-cod (Trematomus bernacchii) from four sites along a spatial gradient from the wastewater outfall were assessed. All fish within 800 m of the outfall exhibited significant histological changes in both tissues. Common pathologies observed in fish closest to the outfall include proliferation of epithelial cells with associated secondary lamellar fusion in the gills and multifocal granulomata with inflammation and necrosis as well as cysts in the liver. Fish from sites >800 m from the outfall also exhibited alterations but to a lesser degree, with prevalence and severity decreasing with increasing distance from the outfall. This study highlights the value of histopathological investigations as part of EIAs and provides the first evidence of sub-lethal alteration associated with wastewater discharge in East Antarctica.


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Monitoring the abundance and distribution of taxa is essential to assess their contribution to ecosystem processes. For marine taxa that are difficult to study or have long been perceived of little ecological importance, quantitative information is often lacking. This is the case for jellyfish (medusae and other gelatinous plankton). In the present work, 4 years of scyphomedusae by-catch data from the 2007-2010 Irish Sea juvenile gadoid fish survey were analysed with three main objectives: (1) to provide quantitative and spatially-explicit species-specific biomass data, for a region known to have an increasing trend in jellyfish abundance; (2) to investigate whether year-to-year changes in catch-biomass are due to changes in the numbers or in the size of medusa (assessed as the mean mass per individual), and (3) to determine whether inter-annual variation patterns are consistent between species and water masses. Scyphomedusae were present in 97% of samples (N=306). Their overall annual median catch-biomass ranged from 0.19 to 0.92gm-3 (or 8.6 to 42.4gm-2). Aurelia aurita and Cyanea spp. (Cyanea lamarckii and Cyanea capillata) made up 77.7% and 21.5% of the total catch-biomass respectively, but species contributions varied greatly between sub-regions and years. No consistent pattern was detected between the distribution and inter-annual variations of the two genera, and contrasting inter-annual patterns emerged when considering abundance either as biomass or as density. Significantly, A.aurita medusae were heavier in stratified than in mixed waters, which we hypothesize may be linked to differences in timing and yield of primary and secondary productions between water masses. These results show the vulnerability of time-series from bycatch datasets to phenological changes and highlight the importance of taking species- and population-specific distribution patterns into account when integrating jellyfish into ecosystem models.


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Bird feeding in residential gardens is an increasingly popular human-wildlife interaction. In Australia, the practice is discouraged by most government and nongovernment wildlife conservation agencies, although advice varies and the most common recommendation is to provide water and habitat for birds rather than supplementary food. This study compares bird abundance and diversity when residents in a Melbourne municipality provide water for birds versus food. Bird abundance was greater when food was provided compared with water, but avian assemblages did not differ.


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In recent years, aquaculture has been facing a series of new issues, including the necessary replacement of fish oil and fish meal because of their limited supply and sub-optimal water temperature conditions. Higher water temperatures are increasingly encountered as the result of climate change related phenomena and/or the practice of farming of species in areas with environmental characteristics outside their optimal physiological range, such as the case of Atlantic salmon (. Salmo salar) farming in Australia during the summer season. Previous studies in teleost fish have shown that when fish are exposed at higher environmental temperatures, fish had a preferential increased dietary intake for arachidonic acid (20:4n - 6, ARA). This observation suggests that, given the several metabolic roles of ARA, its dietary provision may play an important role in fish for adapting at sub-optimal high water temperatures. The objective of this study was therefore to evaluate the effects of different dietary ARA/EPA ratios in juvenile Atlantic salmon as affected by time of exposition to the diet and water temperatures, with particular focus to fish performance and possible resulting modifications of tissue fatty acid composition. The study showed that independently from dietary treatments, fish held at the higher temperatures had an increased ARA accumulation, primarily in the liver and this ARA accumulation increased over time. It was also shown that the combined dietary inclusion of ARA and EPA significantly improved fish performance, compared with diets either richer in ARA or EPA. A general trend toward higher content of n - 3 LC-PUFA at lower temperatures was also quite clear, especially in the liver. Therefore, and assuming that the trends in tissue fatty acid composition could be taken as a clue of the optimal fatty acid requirements of fish, the n - 6 requirement (and in particular ARA) clearly appears to be greater for Atlantic salmon raised at high water temperatures. Protein accumulation was higher in the diet with the combined dietary inclusion of ARA and EPA for fish held at high water temperature (20. °C), with a concomitant lipid reduction. This study shows the importance of dietary ARA for maximal growth in Atlantic salmon, particularly during the period of the year when high water temperatures are often encountered. Further studies specifically looking at optimal dietary ARA/EPA ratio and roles of ARA on myogenesis, stress physiology and immune status of cultured fish are warranted. Statement of relevance: Given the current high level of fish oil replacement in aquafeed, and the often encountered sub-optimal environmental temperatures, we believe that this study could be considered as timely and highly pertinent for the aquaculture industry and associated R&D sector.


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Species composition is expected to alter ecological function in assemblages if species traits differ strongly. Such effects are often large and persistent for nonnative carnivores invading islands. Alternatively, high similarity in traits within assemblages creates a degree of functional redundancy in ecosystems. Here we tested whether species turnover results in functional ecological equivalence or complementarity, and whether invasive carnivores on islands significantly alter such ecological function. The model system consisted of vertebrate scavengers (dominated by raptors) foraging on animal carcasses on ocean beaches on two Australian islands, one with and one without invasive red foxes (Vulpes vulpes). Partitioning of scavenging events among species, carcass removal rates, and detection speeds were quantified using camera traps baited with fish carcasses at the dune–beach interface. Complete segregation of temporal foraging niches between mammals (nocturnal) and birds (diurnal) reflects complementarity in carrion utilization. Conversely, functional redundancy exists within the bird guild where several species of raptors dominate carrion removal in a broadly similar way. As predicted, effects of red foxes were large. They substantially changed the nature and rate of the scavenging process in the system: (1) foxes consumed over half (55%) of all carrion available at night, compared with negligible mammalian foraging at night on the fox-free island, and (2) significant shifts in the composition of the scavenger assemblages consuming beach-cast carrion are the consequence of fox invasion at one island. Arguably, in the absence of other mammalian apex predators, the addition of red foxes creates a new dimension of functional complementarity in beach food webs. However, this functional complementarity added by foxes is neither benign nor neutral, as marine carrion subsidies to coastal red fox populations are likely to facilitate their persistence as exotic carnivores.


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In marine cartilaginous fish, reabsorption of filtered urea by the kidney is essential for retaining a large amount of urea in their body. However, the mechanism for urea reabsorption is poorly understood due to the complexity of the kidney. To address this problem, we focused on elephant fish (Callorhinchus milii) for which a genome database is available, and conducted molecular mapping of membrane transporters along the different segments of the nephron. Basically, the nephron architecture of elephant fish was similar to that described for elasmobranch nephrons, but some unique features were observed. The late distal tubule (LDT), which corresponded to the fourth loop of the nephron, ran straight near the renal corpuscle, while it was convoluted around the tip of the loop. The ascending and descending limbs of the straight portion were closely apposed to each other and were arranged in a countercurrent fashion. The convoluted portion of LDT was tightly packed and enveloped by the larger convolution of the second loop that originated from the same renal corpuscle. In situ hybridization analysis demonstrated that co-localization of Na(+),K(+),2Cl(-) cotransporter 2 and Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase α1 subunit was observed in the early distal tubule and the posterior part of LDT, indicating the existence of two separate diluting segments. The diluting segments most likely facilitate NaCl absorption and thereby water reabsorption to elevate urea concentration in the filtrate, and subsequently contribute to efficient urea reabsorption in the final segment of the nephron, the collecting tubule, where urea transporter-1 was intensely localized.


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Salmons raised in aquaculture farms around the world are increasingly subjected to sub-optimal environmental conditions, such as high water temperatures during summer seasons. Aerobic scope increases and lipid metabolism changes are known plasticity responses of fish for a better acclimation to high water temperature. The present study aimed at investigating the effect of high water temperature on the regulation of fatty acid metabolism in juvenile Atlantic salmon fed different dietary ARA/EPA ratios (arachidonic acid, 20:4n-6/ eicosapentaenoic acid, 20:5n-3), with particular focus on apparent in vivo enzyme activities and gene expression of lipid metabolism pathways. Three experimental diets were formulated to be identical, except for the ratio EPA/ARA, and fed to triplicate groups of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) kept either at 10°C or 20°C. Results showed that fatty acid metabolic utilisation, and likely also their dietary requirements for optimal performance, can be affected by changes in their relative levels and by environmental temperature in Atlantic salmon. Thus, the increase in temperature, independently from dietary treatment, had a significant effect on the β-oxidation of a fatty acid including EPA, as observed by the apparent in vivo enzyme activity and mRNA expression of pparα -transcription factor in lipid metabolism, including β-oxidation genes- and cpt1 -key enzyme responsible for the movement of LC-PUFA from the cytosol into the mitochondria for β-oxidation-, were both increased at the higher water temperature. An interesting interaction was observed in the transcription and in vivo enzyme activity of Δ5fad-time-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis pathway of EPA and ARA. Such, at lower temperature, the highest mRNA expression and enzyme activity was recorded in fish with limited supply of dietary EPA, whereas at higher temperature these were recorded in fish with limited ARA supply. In consideration that fish at higher water temperature recorded a significantly increased feed intake, these results clearly suggested that at high, sub-optimal water temperature, fish metabolism attempted to increment its overall ARA status -the most bioactive LC-PUFA participating in the inflammatory response- by modulating the metabolic fate of dietary ARA (expressed as % of net intake), reducing its β-oxidation and favouring synthesis and deposition. This correlates also with results from other recent studies showing that both immune- and stress- responses in fish are up regulated in fish held at high temperatures. This is a novel and fundamental information that warrants industry and scientific attention, in consideration of the imminent increase in water temperatures, continuous expansion of aquaculture operations, resources utilisation in aquafeed and much needed seasonal/adaptive nutritional strategies.


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Ecological theory predicts that habitat growth and loss will have different effects on community structure, even if they produce patches of the same size. Despite this, studies on the effects of patchiness are often performed without prior knowledge of the processes responsible for the patchiness. We manipulated artificial seagrass habitat in temperate Australia to test whether fish and crustacean assemblages differed between habitats that formed via habitat loss and habitat growth. Habitat loss treatments (originally 16 m2) and habitat growth treatments (originally 0 m2) were manipulated over 1 week until each reached a final patch size of 4 m2. At this size, each was compared through time (0-14 days after manipulation) with control patches (4 m2 throughout the experiment). Assemblages differed significantly among treatments at 0 and 1 day after manipulation, with differences between growth and loss treatments contributing to most of the dissimilarity. Immediately after the final manipulation, total abundance in habitat loss treatments was 46% and 62% higher than controls and habitat growth treatments, respectively, which suggests that animals crowded into patches after habitat loss. In contrast to terrestrial systems, crowding effects were brief (≤1 day), signifying high connectivity in marine systems. Growth treatments were no different to controls, despite the lower probability of animals encountering patches during the growth phase. Our study shows that habitat growth and loss can cause short-term differences in animal abundance and assemblage structure, even if they produce patches of the same size.