78 resultados para Viral infections


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Differences in virion RNA dimer stability between mature and protease-defective (immature) forms of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) suggest that maturation of the viral RNA dimer is regulated by the proteolytic processing of the HIV-1 Gag and Gag-Pol precursor proteins. However, the proteolytic processing of these proteins occurs in several steps denoted primary, secondary, and tertiary cleavage events and, to date, the processing step associated with formation of stable HIV-1 RNA dimers has not been identified. We show here that a mutation in the primary cleavage site (p2/nucleocapsid [NC]) hinders formation of stable virion RNA dimers, while dimer stability is unaffected by mutations in the secondary (matrix/capsid [CA], p1/p6) or a tertiary cleavage site (CA/p2). By introducing mutations in a shared cleavage site of either Gag or Gag-Pol, we also show that the cleavage of the p2/NC site in Gag is more important for dimer formation and stability than p2/NC cleavage in Gag-Pol. Electron microscopy analysis of viral particles shows that mutations in the primary cleavage site in Gag but not in Gag-Pol inhibit viral particle maturation. We conclude that virion RNA dimer maturation is dependent on proteolytic processing of the primary cleavage site and is associated with virion core formation.


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Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) contains two copies of genomic RNA that are noncovalently linked via a palindrome sequence within the dimer initiation site (DIS) stem-loop. In contrast to the current paradigm that the DIS stem or stem-loop is critical for HIV-1 infectivity, which arose from studies using T-cell lines, we demonstrate here that HIV-1 mutants with deletions in the DIS stem-loop are replication competent in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). The DIS mutants contained either the wild-type (5′GCGCGC3′) or an arbitrary (5′ACGCGT3′) palindrome sequence in place of the 39-nucleotide DIS stem-loop (NLCGCGCG and NLACGCGT). These DIS mutants were replication defective in SupT1 cells, concurring with the current model in which DIS mutants are replication defective in T-cell lines. All of the HIV-1 DIS mutants were replication competent in PBMCs over a 40-day infection period and had retained their respective DIS mutations at 40 days postinfection. Although the stability of the virion RNA dimer was not affected by our DIS mutations, the RNA dimers exhibited a diffuse migration profile when compared to the wild type. No defect in protein processing of the Gag and GagProPol precursor proteins was found in the DIS mutants. Our data provide direct evidence that the DIS stem-loop is dispensable for viral replication in PBMCs and that the requirement of the DIS stem-loop in HIV-1 replication is cell type dependent.


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Reverse transcription of the HIV RNA genome is thought to occur in the host cell cytoplasm after viral adsorption. However, viral DNA has been isolated in cell-free virus particles. We have quantitated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification the amount of viral DNA in virions as compared to RNA. Virus produced by proviral DNA transfections of cos-7 cells or by chronically-infected H9 cells; neither of which express the cell surface CD4 receptor, contained at least 1000 times more viral RNA than DNA. In contrast, only 60 times more RNA than DNA was present in virus particles produced by transfection of Jurkat cells, which were CD4-positive and thus potentially susceptible to superinfection. Protease-defective virus, carrying only the precursor of reverse transcriptase (RT) p160gag-pol, contained virtually no detectable DNA. These results indicate that only mature RT (p66/p51) and not its precursor (p160gag-pol) is responsible for the presence of viral DNA in HIV.


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The bias of A-rich codons in HIV-1 pol is thought to be a record of hypermutations in viral genomes that lack biological functions. Bioinformatic analysis predicted that A-rich sequences are generally associated with minimal local RNA structures. Using codon modifications to reduce the amount of A-rich sequences within HIV-1 genomes, we have reduced the flexibility of RNA sequences in pol to analyze the functional significance of these A-rich ‘structurally poor’ RNA elements in HIV-1 pol. Our data showed that codon modification of HIV-1 sequences led to a suppression of virus infectivity by 5–100-fold, and this defect does not correlate with, viral entry, viral protein expression levels, viral protein profiles or virion packaging of genomic RNA. Codon modification of HIV-1 pol correlated with an enhanced dimer stability of the viral RNA genome, which was associated with a reduction of viral cDNA synthesis both during HIV-1 infection and in a cell free reverse transcription assay. Our data provided direct evidence that the HIV-1 A-rich pol sequence is not merely an evolutionary artifact of enzyme-induced hypermutations, and that HIV-1 has adapted to rely on A-rich RNA sequences to support the synthesis of viral cDNA during reverse transcription, highlighting the utility of using ‘structurally poor’ RNA domains in regulating biological process.


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Online social networks have not only become a point of aggregation and exchange of information, they have so radically rooted into our everyday behaviors that they have become the target of important network attacks. We have seen an increasing trend in Sybil based activity, such as in personification, fake profiling and attempts to maliciously subvert the community stability in order to illegally create benefits for some individuals, such as online voting, and also from more classic informatics assaults using specifically mutated worms. Not only these attacks, in the latest months, we have seen an increase in spam activities on social networks such as Facebook and RenRen, and most importantly, the first attempts at propagating worms within these communities. What differentiates these attacks from normal network attacks, is that compared to anonymous and stealthy activities, or by commonly untrusted emails, social networks regain the ability to propagate within consentient users, who willingly accept to partake. In this paper, we will demonstrate the effects of influential nodes against non-influential nodes through in simulated scenarios and provide an overview and analysis of the outcomes.


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We determined the stability of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) and viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) suspended in either fish processing plant effluent blood water (EBW) or culture media and examined the effectiveness of UVC radiation to inactivate IHNV and VHSV suspended in both solutions. Without exposure to UVC, IHNV and VHSV were maintained in 4°C blood water for up to 48 hours without significant reduction in virus titer. However when exposed to UVC radiation using a low pressure mercury vapour lamp collimated beam, IHNV and VHSV were inactivated, and the efficacy of UVC radiation was dependent upon the solution and virus type being treated. A 3-log reduction for VHSV and IHNV in culture media was achieved at 3.28 and 3.84 mJ cm-2, respectively. The UV dose needed for a 3-log reduction of VHSV in EBW was 3.82 mJ cm-2. However, exposure of IHNV in EBW to the maximum UVC dose tested (4.0 mJ cm-2) only led to a 2.26-log-reduction. Factors such as particle size, and possible association of viruses with suspended EBW particulate, were not investigated in this study, but may have contributed to the difference in UVC effectiveness. Future work should emphasize improved filtration methods prior to UV treatment of processing plant EBW at an industrial scale.


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Immunology is the branch of biomedical sciences to study of the immune system physiology both in healthy and diseased states. Some aspects of autoimmunity draws our attention to the fact that it is not always associated with pathology. For instance, autoimmune reactions are highly useful in clearing off the excess, unwanted or aged tissues from the body. Also, generation of autoimmunity occurs after the exposure to the non-self antigen that is structurally similar to the self, aided by the stimulatory molecules like the cytokines. Thus, a narrow margin differentiates immunity from auto-immunity as already discussed. Hence, finding answers for how the physiologic immunity turns to pathologic autoimmunity always remains a question of intense interest. However, this margin could be cut down only if the physiology of the immune system is better understood. The individual chapters included in this book will cover all the possible aspects of immunology and pathologies associated with it. The authors have taken strenuous effort in elaborating the concepts that are lucid and will be of reader's interest.