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Background The Bipolar Comprehensive Outcomes Study (BCOS) is a 2-year, prospective, non-interventional, observational study designed to explore the clinical and functional outcomes associated with ‘real-world’ treatment of participants with bipolar I or schizoaffective disorder. All participants received treatment as usual. There was no study medication.

Methods Participants prescribed either conventional mood stabilizers (CMS; n = 155) alone, or olanzapine with, or without, CMS (olanzapine ± CMS; n = 84) were assessed every 3 months using several measures, including the Young Mania Rating Scale, 21-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Clinical Global Impressions Scale – Bipolar Version, and the EuroQol Instrument. This paper reports 24-month longitudinal clinical, pharmacological, functional, and socioeconomic data.

Results On average, participants were 42 (range 18 to 79) years of age, 58%; were female, and 73%; had a diagnosis of bipolar I. Polypharmacy was the usual approach to pharmacological treatment; participants took a median of 5 different psychotropic medications over the course of the study, and spent a median proportion of time of 100%; of the study on mood stabilizers, 90%; on antipsychotics, 9%; on antidepressants, and 5%; on benzodiazepines/hypnotics. By 24 months, the majority of participants had achieved both symptomatic and syndromal remission of both mania and depression. Symptomatic relapse rates were similar for both the CMS alone (65%;) and the olanzapine ± CMS (61%;) cohorts.

Conclusions Participants with bipolar I or schizoaffective disorder in this study were receiving complex medication treatments that were often discordant with recommendations made in contemporary major treatment guidelines. The majority of study participants demonstrated some clinical and functional improvements, but not all achieved remission of symptoms or syndrome.


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Objective : To be used in conjunction with ‘Psychological management of unipolar depression’ [Lampe et al. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2013;127(Suppl. 443):24–37] and ‘Lifestyle management of unipolar depression’ [Berk et al. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2013;127(Suppl. 443):38–54]. To provide clinically relevant recommendations for the use of pharmacological treatments in depression derived from a literature review.

Method :
Using our previous Clinical Practice Guidelines [Malhi et al. Clinical practice recommendations for bipolar disorder. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2009;119(Suppl. 439):27–46] as a foundation, these clinician guidelines target key practical considerations when prescribing pharmacotherapy. A comprehensive review of the literature was conducted using electronic database searches (PubMed, MEDLINE), and the findings have been synthesized and integrated alongside clinical experience.

Results : The pharmacotherapy of depression is an iterative process that often results in partial and non-response. Beyond the initiation of antidepressants, the options within widely used strategies, such as combining agents and switching between agents, are difficult to proscribe because of the paucity of pertinent research. However, there is some evidence for second-line strategies, and a non-prescriptive algorithm can be derived that is based broadly on principles rather than specific steps.

Conclusion : Depression is by its very nature a heterogeneous illness that is consequently difficult to treat. Invariably, situation-specific factors often play a significant role and must be considered, especially in the case of partial and non-response. Consulting with colleagues and trialling alternate treatment paradigms are essential strategies in the management of depression.


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In 2003, the National Heart Foundation of Australia position statement on “stress” and heart disease found that depression was an important risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD). This 2013 statement updates the evidence on depression (mild, moderate and severe) in patients with CHD, and provides guidance for health professionals on screening and treatment for depression in patients with CHD.

The prevalence of depression is high in patients with CHD and it has a significant impact on the patient’s quality of life and adherence to therapy, and an independent effect on prognosis. Rates of major depressive disorder of around 15% have been reported in patients after myocardial infarction or coronary artery bypass grafting.

To provide the best possible care, it is important to recognise depression in patients with CHD. Routine screening for depression in all patients with CHD is indicated at first presentation, and again at the next follow-up appointment. A follow-up screen should occur 2–3 months after a CHD event. Screening should then be considered on a yearly basis, as for any other major risk factor for CHD.

A simple tool for initial screening, such as the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2) or the short-form Cardiac Depression Scale (CDS), can be incorporated into usual clinical practice with minimum interference, and may increase uptake of screening.

Patients with positive screening results may need further evaluation. Appropriate treatment should be commenced, and the patient monitored. If screening is followed by comprehensive care, depression outcomes are likely to be improved.

Patients with CHD and depression respond to cognitive behaviour therapy, collaborative care, exercise and some drug therapies in a similar way to the general population. However, tricyclic antidepressant drugs may worsen CHD outcomes and should be avoided.

Coordination of care between health care providers is essential for optimal outcomes for patients. The benefits of treating depression include improved quality of life, improved adherence to other therapies and, potentially, improved CHD outcomes.


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Hyponatraemia is a serious adverse event commonly reported in elderly people treated with serotonergic antidepressants. The mechanism, incidence and risk factors for antidepressant induced hyponatraemia are not fully understood.

In a retrospective chart analysis, depressed patients aged >63 years were investigated for change in serum sodium levels between two time points, separated by a median period of 45.5 days, with the first specimen taken prior to treatment. Patients were grouped into three cohorts; treated with an SSRI or SNRI (n=77), treated with an antidepressant other than an SSRI or SNRI (n=54) and not treated with an antidepressant (n=128).

For change in sodium level between measurements and total number of patients with hyponatraemia, there was no significant difference between cohorts. However, the rate of reduction of serum sodium levels between time points was significantly greater for SSRI and SNRI treated patients (p<0.001) and patients treated with other antidepressants (p=0.03) compared to patients not treated with antidepressants. Moreover, the distribution of values of change in serum sodium was skewed towards reduced serum sodium in patients treated with SSRI or SNRIs (skew -0.43) and patients treated with other antidepressants (skew -0.09) but not for patients without antidepressants (skew 0.25).

These data suggest that antidepressant treatment is associated with hyponatraemia affecting a subgroup of individuals only. Generalised linear modelling showed that the risk of hyponatraemia increases with increased age, female gender, and particularly the antidepressant agents sertraline and escitalopram. The findings are of clinical significance as they demonstrate that hyponatraemia can occur rapidly with antidepressants, and SSRI/SNRI medications induce more rapid changes. They support the use of electrolyte monitoring early in antidepressant treatment in patients receiving antidepressants.


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Purpose of review: This article reviews recent literature published over the period March 2012–August 2013 on antidepressant pharmacogenetics, with a focus on clinical translation and methodological challenges.

Recent findings: Recently, various polymorphisms associated with differential antidepressant efficacy, tolerability, and safety have emerged in association studies, but mixed findings, limited effect sizes, and poor control of confounders have prevented findings translating to practice. Although promising steps have been made, empirically robust clinically translatable pharmacogenetic tests are not yet established. The complex neurobiology of major depressive disorder (MDD) together with the evolving understanding of genetic processes present research challenges for clinical translation.

Summary: Early reports of clinical utility are published. The current evidence base for antidepressant pharmacogenetics is, however, not yet empirically robust enough to inform routine prescribing guidelines. Over the coming years, genetically guided versus unguided trials will help determine if antidepressant pharmacogenetics merits more widespread application.


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Accumulating data have led to a re-conceptualization of depression that emphasizes the role of immuneinflammatory processes, coupled to oxidative and nitrosative stress (O&NS). These in turn drive the production of neuroregulatory tryptophan catabolites (TRYCATs), driving tryptophan away from serotonin, melatonin, and Nacetylserotonin production, and contributing to central dysregulation. This revised perspective better encompasses the diverse range of biological changes occurring in depression and in doing so provides novel and readily attainable treatment targets, as well as potential screening investigations prior to treatment initiation. We briefly review the role that immune-inflammatory, O&NS, and TRYCAT pathways play in the etiology, course, and treatment of depression. We then discuss the pharmacological treatment implications arising from this, including the potentiation of currently available antidepressants by the adjunctive use of immune- and O&NS- targeted therapies. The use of such a frame of reference and the treatment benefits attained are likely to have wider implications and utility for depression-associated conditions, including the neuroinflammatory and (neuro)degenerative disorders.


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US authorities have recommended 'black-box' warnings for antidepressants because of the increased risk of suicidality for individuals up to age 25. There is thus a clinical and ethical imperative to provide effective treatment for youth depression with an acceptable risk-benefit balance. Long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) play an important role in a range of physiological processes in living organisms. Supplementation with omega-3 PUFAs has been shown to have a range of beneficial effects on both physical and mental health, and results of previous trials suggest that omega-3 PUFAs may be a safe and effective treatment for depression. However, conclusions from these trials have been limited by their relatively small sample sizes.


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BackgroundMajor depressive disorder (MDD) is an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD), and influences the occurrence and prognosis of cardiovascular events. Although there is evidence that antidepressants may be cardioprotective after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) comorbid with MDD, the operative pathophysiological mechanisms remain unclear. Our aim was therefore to explore the molecular mechanisms of escitalopram on myocardial apoptosis and the expression of Bax and Bcl-2 in a rat model of depression during myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (I/R).MethodsRats were divided randomly into 3 groups (n = 8): D group (depression), DI/R group (depression with myocardial I/R) and escitalopram + DI/R group. The rats in all three groups underwent the same chronic mild stress and separation for 21 days, at the same time, in the escitalopram + DI/R group, rats were administered escitalopram by gavage (10 mg/kg/day). Ligation of the rat¿s left anterior descending branch was done in the myocardial I/R model. Following which behavioral tests were done. The size of the myocardial infarction was detected using 1.5% TTC dye. The Tunel method was used to detect apoptotic myocardial cells, and both the Rt-PCR method and immunohistochemical techniques were used to detect the expression of Bcl¿2 and Bax.ResultsCompared with the D and DI/R groups, rats in Escitalopram + DI/R group showed significantly increased movements and sucrose consumption (P < .01). Compared with the DI/R group, the myocardial infarct size in the escitalopram + DI/R group was significantly decreased (P < .01). Compared with the D group, there were significantly increased apoptotic myocardial cells in the DI/R and escitalopram + DI/R groups (P < .01); however compared with the DI/R group, apoptotic myocardial cell numbers in the escitalopram + DI/R group were significantly decreased (P < .01). Compared with the DI/R group, there was a down-regulated Bax:Bcl-2 ratio in the escitalopram + DI/R group (P < .01).ConclusionsThese results suggest that in patients with AMI comorbid with MDD, there is an increase in pro-apoptotic pathways that is reversed by escitalopram. This suggests that clinically escitalopram may have a direct cardioprotective after acute myocardial infarction.


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Major depressive disorder (MDD) is associated with cognitive dysfunction encompassing several domains, including memory, executive function, processing speed and attention. Cognitive deficits persist in a significant proportion of patients even in remission, compromising psychosocial functioning and workforce performance. While monoaminergic antidepressants may improve cognitive performance in MDD, most antidepressants have limited clinical efficacy. The overarching aims of this review were: (1) to synthesize extant literature on putative biological pathways related to cognitive dysfunction in MDD and (2) to review novel neurotherapeutic targets for cognitive enhancement in MDD. We found that reciprocal and overlapping biological pathways may contribute to cognitive dysfunction in MDD, including an hyperactive hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, an increase in oxidative and nitrosative stress, inflammation (eg, enhanced production of pro-inflammatory cytokines), mitochondrial dysfunction, increased apoptosis as well as a diminished neurotrophic support. Several promising neurotherapeutic targets were identified such as minocycline, statins, anti-inflammatory compounds, N-acetylcysteine, omega-3 poliunsaturated fatty acids, erythropoietin, thiazolidinediones, glucagon-like peptide-1 analogues, S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAMe), cocoa flavonols, creatine monohydrate and lithium. Erythropoietin and SAMe had pro-cognitive effects in randomized controlled trials (RCT) involving MDD patients. Despite having preclinical and/or preliminary evidences from trials suggesting possible efficacy as novel cognitive enhancing agents for MDD, no RCT to date was performed for most of the other therapeutic targets reviewed herein. In conclusion, multiple biological pathways are involved in cognitive dysfunction in MDD. RCTs testing genuinely novel pro-cognitive compounds for MDD are warranted.


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The aim of the Youth Depression Alleviation-Combined Treatment (YoDA-C) study is to determine whether antidepressant medication should be started as a first-line treatment for youth depression delivered concurrently with psychotherapy. Doubts about the use of medication have been raised by meta-analyses in which the efficacy and safety of antidepressants in young people have been questioned, and subsequent treatment guidelines for youth depression have provided only qualified support.


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Objective: To be used in conjunction with 'Pharmacological management of unipolar depression' [Malhi et al. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2013;127(Suppl. 443):6-23] and 'Lifestyle management of unipolar depression' [Berk et al. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2013;127(Suppl. 443):38-54]. To provide clinically relevant recommendations for the use of psychological treatments in depression derived from a literature review. Method: Medical databases including MEDLINE and PubMed were searched for pertinent literature, with an emphasis on recent publications. Results: Structured psychological treatments such as cognitive behaviour therapy and interpersonal therapy (IPT) have a robust evidence base for efficacy in treating depression, even in severe cases of depression. However, they may not offer benefit as quickly as antidepressants, and maximal efficacy requires well-trained and experienced therapists. These therapies are effective across the lifespan and may be preferred where it is desired to avoid pharmacotherapy. In some instances, combination with pharmacotherapy may enhance outcome. Psychological therapy may have more enduring protective effects than medication and be effective in relapse prevention. Newer structured psychological therapies such as mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy lack an extensive outcome literature, but the few published studies yielding positive outcomes suggest they should be considered options for treatment. Conclusion: Cognitive behaviour therapy and IPT can be effective in alleviating acute depression for all levels of severity and in maintaining improvement. Psychological treatments for depression have demonstrated efficacy across the lifespan and may present a preferred treatment option in some groups, for example, children and adolescents and women who are pregnant or postnatal. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.