77 resultados para Sudden stops


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The issue of flexibility in supply chains has been receiving heightened attention by scholars and practitioners especially as business environment becoming more turbulent and uncertain. Notwithstanding, one of the important aspects of flexibility – relationship flexibility – which has the potential to proliferate responsiveness and postpone bifurcation in buyer -supplier relationships has not been well understood and researched. Identifying this gap within the literature, this paper proposes a concept of elasticity as an important element of relationship flexibility in supply chains. It is argued that the tolerance threshold of coopering parties in presence of their sudden behaviour change will determine their state of relationship elasticity (i.e. elastic or inelastic). The theoretical development of this paper has been primarily based on review of the literature and insights from agency perspective. It is proposed that relationship governance mechanisms advocated by agency theory has the potential to influence elasticity status of principal agent relationships.


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Subspecies Calidris canutus islandica of the Red Knot breeds on the arctic tundra of northeastern Canada and northern Greenland and winters along the coasts of northwestern Europe. During northward migration, it stops over in either Iceland or northern Norway. It has been assumed that it does the same during southward migration. Using ratios of stable carbon isotopes (δ 13 C) in whole blood, blood cells, and plasma, we investigated evidence for a stopover in Iceland en route from the breeding grounds to the Dutch Wadden Sea. With the expected diet (shellfish) and stopover duration at Iceland (12-15 days, maximum 17 days) and the turnover rates of blood cells (15.1 days) and plasma (6.0 days), Red Knots that stopped in Iceland should arrive with a blood (cell) δ 13 C midway between a tundra (-24.7[per thousand]) and a marine value (-14.0[per thousand]) and a plasma δ13 C approaching the marine value (-15.3[per thousand]). However, many adults arriving at the Wadden Sea had δ13 C ratios in blood (cells) and plasma below these levels, and some arrived with clear tundra signals in blood cells, suggesting that they skipped Iceland during southward migration. Surprisingly, available data suggest this also to be true for juveniles during their first southward migration. The δ 13 C signature of second-year birds confirmed that they oversummered in the Wadden Sea. Our findings contradict the largely untested idea that juvenile shorebirds make more stopovers than adults as well as the idea that the migration between the Nearctic and Europe is necessarily a two-leg process.


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In this work, we investigated the oxygen permeation properties of barium bismuth iron oxide within the family of [Ba2−3xBi3x−1][Fe2xBi1−2x]O2+3x/2 for x = 0.17–0.60. The structure changed progressively from cubic to tetragonal and then to hexagonal as function of x in accordance with the different relative amounts of bismuth on A-site and B-site of ABO3−δ perovskite lattices. We found that the oxygen flux and electrical conductivity correlated strongly, and it was prevalent for the cubic structure (x = 0.33–0.40) which conferred the highest oxygen flux of 0.59 ml min−1 cm−2 at 950 °C for a disk membrane x = 0.33 with a thickness of 1.2 mm. By reducing the thickness of the disk membrane to 0.8 mm, the oxygen flux increased to 0.77 ml min−1 cm−2, suggesting both surface kinetics and ion diffusion controlled oxygen flux, though the former was more prominent at higher temperatures. For disk membranes x = 0.45–0.60, the perovskite structure changed to tetragonal and hexagonal, and the oxygen flux was insignificant below 900 °C, clearly indicating electron conduction properties only. However, for two compositions with relatively high bismuth content, e.g. x = 0.55 and 0.60, there was a sudden and significant rise of oxygen permeability above 900 °C, by more than one order of magnitude. These materials changed conduction behavior from metallic to semiconductor at around 900 °C. These results suggest the advent of mixed ionic electronic conducting properties caused by the structure transition as bismuth ions changed their valence states to compensate for the oxygen vacancies formed within the perovskite lattices.


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Anemophilous plants described as catapulting pollen explosively into the air have rarely attracted detailed examination. We investigated floral anthesis in a male mulberry tree with high-speed video and a force probe. The stamen was inflexed within the floral bud. Exposure to dry air initially resulted in a gradual movement of the stamen. This caused fine threads to tear at the stomium, ensuring dehiscence of the anther, and subsequently enabled the anther to slip off a restraining pistillode. The sudden release of stored elastic energy in the spring-like filament drove the stamen to straighten in less than 25 μs, and reflex the petals to velocities in excess of half the speed of sound. This is the fastest motion yet observed in biology, and approaches the theoretical physical limits for movements in plants.


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The data represents a shift in process variable presented in a control chart due to the sudden change in the machine setting.


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In this series of works Cameron Bishop has concentrated on three types of space: the zoo, museum and the art gallery. Envisaged as heterotopias (from the combined Greek literally meaning other spaces), the three spaces are where time, represented in stratified objects, never stops accumulating. They are spaces of display in which objects are classified and arranged according to various needs: scientific, educational or historical. The philosopher Michel Foucault discusses how all cultures create heterotopias against which their “real sites” become unambiguous, clarified and legitimated. It is alongside these institutions that we emerge as subjects; that we come to place ourselves in a narrative and learn who we are and who we are not. By questioning the spaces with which we historicize ourselves and others, identify ourselves and others, and construct our very humanity with Cameron Bishop not only speaks of the fictions we create in our own real lives, outside the exhibition space, but those created on behalf of others.


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Our aim was to assess the impact of motor activity and of arousing stimuli on respiratory rate in the awake rats. The study was performed in male adult Sprague–Dawley (SD, n = 5) and Hooded Wistar (HW, n = 5) rats instrumented for ECG telemetry. Respiratory rate was recorded using whole-body plethysmograph, with a piezoelectric sensor attached for the simultaneous assessment of motor activity. All motor activity was found to be associated with an immediate increase in respiratory rate that remained elevated for the whole duration of movement; this was reflected by: i) bimodal distribution of respiratory intervals (modes for slow peak: 336 ± 19 and 532 ± 80 ms for HW and SD, p < 0.05; modes for fast peak 128 ± 6 and 132 ± 7 ms for HW and SD, NS); and ii) a tight correlation between total movement time and total time of tachypnoea, with an R2 ranging 0.96–0.99 (n = 10, p < 0001). The extent of motor-related tachypnoea was significantly correlated with the intensity of associated movement. Mild alerting stimuli produced stereotyped tachypnoeic responses, without affecting heart rate: tapping the chamber raised respiratory rate from 117 ± 7 to 430 ± 15 cpm; sudden side move — from 134 ± 13 to 487 ± 16 cpm, and turning on lights — from 136 ± 12 to 507 ± 14 cpm (n = 10; p < 0.01 for all; no inter-strain differences). We conclude that: i) sniffing is an integral part of the generalized arousal response and does not depend on the modality of sensory stimuli; ii) tachypnoea is a sensitive index of arousal; and iii) respiratory rate is tightly correlated with motor activity.


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The effect of separation by biogeographic features followed by secondary contact can blur taxonomic boundaries and produce complex genetic signatures. We analyzed population structure and gene flow across the range of the long-tailed finch (Poephila acuticauda) in northern Australia (1) to test the hypothesis that Ord Arid Intrusion acted as the causative barrier that led to divergence of P. acuticauda subspecies, (2) to determine whether genetic data support the presence of a gradual cline across the range or a sudden shift, both of which have been suggested based on morphological data, and (3) to estimate levels of contemporary gene flow within this species complex. We collected samples from 302 individuals from 10 localities. Analyses of 12 microsatellite loci and sequence data from 333 base pairs of the mitochondrial control region were used to estimate population structure and gene flow, using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), haplotype network analysis, frequency statistics, and clustering methods. Mitochondrial sequence data indicated the presence of three genetic groups (regions) across the range of P. acuticauda. Genetic diversity was highest in the east and lowest in the west. The Ord Arid Intrusion appears to have functioned as a biogeographic barrier in the past, according to mtDNA evidence presented here and evidence from previous studies. The absence of isolation by distance between adjacent regions and the lack of population genetic structure of mtDNA within regions indicates that genetic changes across the range of P. acuticauda subspecies are characterized by discrete breaks between regions. While microsatellite data indicate a complete absence of genetic structure across this species’ range, it appears unlikely that this results from high levels of gene flow. Mitochondrial data do not support the presence of contemporary gene flow across the range of this species.


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Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to study and evaluate commercial batch treatment inhibitors which are used for protecting oil wells, gas wells, and pipelines from CO2 corrosion, focusing on the evaluation of inhibitor film persistency. It was found that theformation and deterioration of batch treatment inhibitor films were accompanied by typical impedance spectral changes. During the formation of inhibitor films, electrode impedance showed a rapid increase and the Bode phase angle plots also showed a sudden change. Thus, the formation of inhibitor film was a very fast process. During the deterioration of inhibitor films, electrode impedance showed a gradual decrease and the Bode phase angle plots showed changes which characterised the three stages of the inhibitor film deterioration process. The relationships between EIS and corrosion rate are discussed, including comparisons with weight loss measurements. Based on the experimental findings in the present work, a method is suggested for estimating the persistency of inhibitor films by monitoring the characteristic changes in the Bode phase angle plots and by measuring electrochemical charge transfer resistance at the second and third stages of the inhibitor film deterioration process.


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We examined the neuroendocrine and cellular stress responses of diploid and triploid rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss to transportation. Juvenile diploid and triploid rainbow trout (28 and 26 g/fish average weight, respectively) were stocked at 100 g/L in replicate 70-L tanks and subjected to transportation for an 8-h period. Subsequent levels of plasma cortisol and glucose and of cellular hepatic glutathione (GSH) and heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) were similar between ploidy groups, indicating that triploid fish respond to transportation in much the same way as diploid fish. A stationary treatment was also included that involved confinement of experimental fish in similar tanks without transport to determine to what extent high-density containment contributed to the stress response in the absence of the noise and vibration of transport. Unexpectedly, fish in the stationary treatment had significantly higher plasma cortisol and glucose levels than the transported fish; however, this might be attributable to a confounding effect of hyperoxia, as oxygen levels fluctuated between 150% and 460% saturation in the stationary tank, while those in the transported tank remained within 100–200% saturation. We suggest that when long stops are necessary while transporting fish, water agitators be used to preclude the additional stress of excessive gas saturation. This may be particularly important for triploid fish, which had lower hepatic GSH levels than diploid fish as well as a low level of mortality in the stationary treatment, unlike the diploid fish.


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The sudden loss of export markets by many Asian firms during the Asian financial crisis (AFC) has raised important questions on how firms in the region can regain and sustain their competitive advantage in international markets. This paper develops a conceptual model which focuses on certain key elements of a firm's internal resources as critical sources of competitive advantage and offers research propositions. It is argued that Asian firms can enhance their international competitive advantage by leveraging their internal resources within an external environment generally conducive to growth.


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Motorbike riders are 34-times more likely to die in a crash compared to car drivers per km travelled (1). Such safety risks together with special skill requirements for the driver and much lower comfort compared to normal cars are the main reasons why motorbikes represent only a fraction of all vehicle sales in developed countries. Deakin University is developing a revolutionary cross-over fun vehicle with ultra low fuel consumption and emissions. This new vehicle generation combines the best of two worlds: the fun to drive, low cost, and small size of a scooter together with the safety, comfort and easiness to operate of a car. The result is a vehicle that is more fuel efficient than most cars or even scooters.

Various tilting cross over vehicles have been presented over the last decade that were trying to automate the tilting control of narrow vehicles to make them safer. Examples of these concepts are the Carver, Clever and in some way also the MP3 scooter from Piaggio. The problem with fully enclosed concepts like the Carver or Clever is that they require very complex and therefore also expensive tilting control systems so that the vehicles are not price competitive compared to low cost micro cars or even normal small cars. The MP3 on the other hand comes with a tilting control system which is only semi automatic so that typical car advantages - comprehensive safety features like crush zones, roll over protection, air bags, safety belts or comfort features like full weather protection including heating and cooling – can not be provided.

Deakin’s approach is quite different to the above mentioned concepts. The requirements were derived based on two different investigations: The first step was a critical evaluation of social trends and the second step was an in-depth benchmarking study of existing concepts which identified the typical strengths and weaknesses of these concepts. In a critical next step a new concept was created that addresses most of the weaknesses of existing tilting three-wheelers in a holistic approach by setting clear priority rankings for the vehicle targets, based on current trends. The priorities were set in the following order: Safety, Affordability, Fun and Efficiency (SAFE).

The key feature that enables an enclosed tilting vehicle is a fully automatic tilting control system. With an automatic tilting control system the driver does not need to put the feet on the ground to balance the vehicle when he stops, so the vehicle can be built with a full enclosure. This allows the implementation of typical car like safety features (seat belts, roll over structure, crush zones, air bags). The SafeRide™ tilting control system is a passive system that involves the driver’s balancing sense in its feedback control system. The vehicle has typical scooter like steering characteristics, where the steering is initiated through countersteering. Another safety critical design feature is the crush zone between the two front wheels which is not possible with only one front wheel or with the powertrain positioned between the front wheels, as the powertrain can’t absorb a lot of energy due to its structural stiffness and density. The passive tilting control system is quite simple and therefore makes the vehicle very affordable, an important factor for successful commercialisation.

Another advantage of integrating the human balancing senses in the feedback control of the tilting system is that the system kicks in slightly after the human balancing reacts. In some instances that can generate the typical adrenalin thrill known from riding a bike. This fun factor is quite common with many trend sports like mountain biking, surfing, roller-skating, snowboarding, or skateboarding. Some of these sports have seen very rapid growth only a short time after they have been invented. Utilising the human balancing system during driving also makes the vehicle safer as the adrenalin is produced after reaching a semi-stable driving condition that is controlled by the vehicles tilting control system, but before the vehicle reaches an unstable driving condition that can not be controlled by the vehicle but only (eventually) by the driver – if he has got the required driving skill and if he is alert enough.

Efficiency superior to most cars and scooters is achieved by the aerodynamics of a fully enclosed body structure in combination with the small frontal area of a typical scooter and the droplet shape enabled by the relatively wide front with 2 wheels and the very narrow tail with only one rear wheel. The passive tilting system also contributes to the extreme efficiency as the system only draws some small electrical power for the electronic control unit. Another feature is a low cost exhaust energy recovery system which is discussed in another paper.


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Long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC n-3 PUFA) particularly, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 22: 5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22: 6n-3) have been reported to reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease (CVD) including myocardial infarction, stroke, coronary artery disease and sudden cardiac death. In addition, these fatty acids play an important role in reduction of cancer risks, Alzheimer's disease, depression and schizophrenia. Furthermore, studies also showed that EPA and DHA are important for foetal development, particularly neuronal and retinal functions. Several recent human trials have strengthened the evidence that EPA and DHA can reduce the risks of various chronic diseases although this has not been a uniform finding. In general, the high prevalence of mortality caused by chronic disease can be prevented by consumption of LC n-3 PUFA, which has been proven to have considerable health benefits. The aim of this paper was to review main scientific evidence regarding the health impact of LC n-3 PUFA, especially EPA and DHA on chronic disease including CVD, cancer, mental health, arthritis and infant development.


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In this paper, we empirically analyze the effects of trade reforms on import demand and derive their implications on economic development in Turkey, a country that underwent sudden and substantial trade liberalization in the mid-1980s. The tool for this analysis is the estimation of disaggregated import demand elasticities. The adoption of a more liberal trade regime as well as radical attempts to foster economic development makes the Turkish experience particularly interesting for analysis. Almost all of our elasticities are estimated to be significant, unlike those of most previous studies in the literature on other countries. We test for different elasticities over “closed” and “open” economy periods, and find that the effects of the trade reforms of the 1980s were significant for a number of industries that form the backbone of the Turkish economy. We also compare our results with elasticity estimates from past studies for developed countries.


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This paper further investigates the use of Doppler radar for detecting and identifying certain human respiratory characteristics from observed frequency and phase modulations. Specifically, we show how breathing frequencies can be determined from the demodulated signal leading to identifying abnormalities of breathing patterns using signal derivatives, optimal filtering and standard statistical measures. Specifically, we report results on a robust method for distinguishing cessation of the normal breathing cycle. The proposed approach can have potential application in the management of sudden infant death syndrome(SIDS) and sleep apnea.