114 resultados para Scientific discourses


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This research deconstructs the relationship between journalists and public relations practitioners operating in non-metropolitan contexts. In identifying the specific differences in the way this relationship is defined within these contexts the research highlights the impact of these differences on the conversations  these media professionals have with their publics. Ultimately this relationship is see to be a key definer of the nature of the civil discourses within these non-metropolitan communities.


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Attempts to produce adequate and long-lived subject indexes of information systems and computer science research have failed. In this paper we report preliminary results of an approach by which the terms expressed in research literature, such as that in information systems, can be systematically and meaningfully categorised. The approach is based on Roman Ingarden’s ontological theory of the written scholarly work: its nature, existence, and categorisation, and builds on Grounded Theory: a rigorous grounded qualitative research method addressing how meaningful categories can be analysed from text and related to each other. We have found that the key guiding unit of analysis operationalising Ingarden’s approach through Grounded Theory is the “reported research activity” and that the process is possible although labour intensive. On the basis of using the approach, we propose simple steps to improve the quality of keywords in reported research.


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Pre-service teacher education is marked by linear and sequential programming which offers a plethora of strategies and methods (Cochran-Smith & Zeichner, 2005; Darling Hammond & Bransford, 2005; Grant & Zeichner, 1997). This paper emerges from a three year study within a core education subject in preservice teacher education in Australia. This ‘practitioner’ research (Zeichner, 1999) engaged the problematics of authentic and meaningful learner-centred teaching and learning through an arts-based curriculum. Over the period of the study, two hundred and eighty pre-service teachers participated in a ‘dialogical performance’ (Conquergood, 2003) of pedagogy about curriculum and assessment through the construction of art about curriculum and assessment. The possibilities of an arts-based pedagogy in pre-service education were affirmed by the research. An enacted epistemological move by the teacher educators led to similar shifts by the students. This opened a space for the reappearance of learner through engagements with identities, positionings and agency. This was an act of ‘putting theory to work’ (Lather, 2006, 2007) and invoked transgressive practices of academic discourses.


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Globalization discourse is concerned with the effects of spatial change—changes in the shape, scale and extensity or social processes— and the effects of temporal change—particularly changes to, or away from, modernity. By drawing together both axes of change, globalization discourse suggests a way of navigating this tension. However, it is argued here that most globalization theories accord primacy to one of these axes, which results in them being conflated. As a result, globalization theories are often presented in highly systemic terms and downplay the diversity of social processes.


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This article presents an analysis of workplace health programme discourses within an international information technology company. Discourse refers to a system of statements that share a common force and coherence and which are socially constitutive. The representation of entities such as workplace health can be subject to competition between discourses. A critical discourse analysis was undertaken on semi-structured interviews, participant observation and workplace health programme documents. Two competing discourses were identified: health as safety and health as lifestyle. Each discourse is described and shown to both implicitly and explicitly define health within this particular workplace. Lifestyle discourse encouraged moves towards linking of the employees' working and private lives while safety discourse defined health in the relationship between workers and their physical environment. Competition between discourses both constricts and opens spaces for alternative understandings of health in the workplace. The implications of this competition for workplace health policy and practice are discussed.


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This paper reports on accidental ethnographic research. It arose unexpectedly out of the everyday teaching of first-year pre-service primary teachers at an Australian university. Via narrative, self-reflexivity, and student responses, we explore the interwoven workings of heteronormative, gendernormative and misogynist discourses when a chapter from Queering Elementary Education in the Course Reader created controversy, moral panic and resistance among students. The paper then charts the implementation of various strategies and interventions by the three authors of the paper: Greg, the lecturer; Maria, the Reading's author; and Steph, the Reading's protagonist. While outlining the subsequent shifts in student responses and discourses, we also problematise particular aspects of the processes of intervention where they still point to the insidious power and overarching framework of heteronormativity and gendernormativity that require ongoing challenges.


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This paper explores the consequences of these discourses for the ways that international students are identified and positioned within school communities. My argument is developed in four sections. The first describes my ongoing exploration into the impact of international student programmes in Australia. The second exemplifies my argument: exploring the day-to-day experiences of vice principals in two Victorian government state secondary schools as they market their schools, and examining the systemic and ontological discourses played out within those conversations. The third interrogates discourses of identity and difference, neo-liberalism and nave cosmopolitanism which I find shape teacher conversations about international student programmes. In the final section, I argue that the impact of the discourse formations implicit in teacher talk about international student programmes has been the objectification of international students and their ambivalent inclusion within the school community.


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This study focuses on three young women in their final year of school using data gathered during a year-long process of individual conversational interviews, the contents of which were largely determined by their interests. Three themes arise from critical incidents during this year - the debutante ball, teenage pregnancy and dieting. These themes are used to focus wide ranging explorations of what it is to be a young woman at this particular time. The broader cultural production of discursive positions available to, and developed by, these young women as part of their identity formation is discussed. Methodological issues concerning power relationships between research participants are also the focus of critical attention. It is considered that young women's bodies and bodily practices are central to understanding the processes involved in their identity formation. It is in this context that the focus turns to bodies that matter. In contemporary Western cultures 'adolescent bodies' could be said to matter 'too much' in the sense that they are increasingly the focus for disciplinary practices in institutions such as schooling, the church, the family, health care, health promotion and the media. This disciplining is legitimised because adolescence is socially constructed as a 'becoming'. In this case it is a matter of 'becoming woman'; a sort of apprenticeship which allows for knowledgeable others to provide not only guidance and nurturance, but discipline. Using insights gained from feminist poststructuralist theory and cultural feminism this thesis argues that the discourses and practices generated within and across institutions, which are normalised by their institutional base, are gender differentiated. The focus is on young women's embodied subjectivity and how the discourses and practices they engage with and in work to construct an ideal feminine body-subject. The discursive production of a gendered identity has a considerable impact on young women's health and their health-related behaviours. This is explored specifically in the thesis in relation to sexuality and the cultural production of the 'ideal' female body. It is argued that health education and health promotion strategies which are designed to influence young women's health related behaviours, need to consider the forms of power, knowledge and desire produced through young women's active engagement with institutionalised discourses of identity if they are to have an ongoing impact


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This study focuses on the way four student-teachers engage with critical social discourses in a year-long physical education unit. The student-teachers were encouraged to examine and (re)construct their pedagogy through their interactions with critical discourses. Drawing on their personal theories and actions, the study examines the extent to which critical intellectual resources can provide pedagogical frames of reference that are 'practical and non-ideal'. Using a critical ethnographic methodology the students' interactions with critical social discourses are diagnosed across three levels. The first level is the case study presentations of each student's engagement with the critical intellectual resources and the extent to which they were able to understand and implement them. The second level involves an interpretation of the individual cases that is informed by Brian Fay's (1987) metatheoretical reconstruction of the critical social sciences. In the third stage of diagnosis the study focuses on retheorising critical aspirations for praxis pedagogy in physical education. Critical scholars within the physical education arena argue that critical praxis represents a pedagogy based on a 'world view' of the potential for agents to engage in a rational reordering of their qualitative existence. The essence of their claim is that critical discourses have the potential to facilitate a mode of praxis through which physical education teachers might better recognise, understand, critique and transform their values and practices. However, there is broad recognition that the translation of social-critical discourses into a pedagogic context is highly problematic. Interpretation of the study is provided by Fay's (1987) 'limits to change' thesis which recognises that critical aspirations must ultimately be adopted and implemented by real people in real settings. As a diagnostic frame of reference, Fay insists that a 'complete' critical theory [of physical education] be simultaneously scientific, critical, practical and non-ideal. In seeking to temper the "e; over-rationalistic"e; tendency of the critical project he recognises the historical, embedded, embodied and traditional nature of human existence Criticisms of critical theories of education traverse a number of philosophic perspectives. Recent post-structural criticisms of truth regimes, knowledge-power differentials, rationality and agency have seriously destabilised modernist justifications of the critical agenda. Critical theories of physical education have not been absolved of such criticism. A prominent element of this study is its promotion of a dialectical relationship between agency and structure to extend critical conceptualisations of physical education pedagogy. Through the mediation of structural determinism and self-determination this research proffers a means of practically advancing a critical praxis in physical education. The conclusion of this thesis outlines some broad recommendations pertaining to the introduction of social critical discourses in physical education teacher education.


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Focussing on humaniod monsters, this thesis uses insights from Foucault's theory about the "archaeology" of discourses and Derrida's practice of deconstruction to examine how monstrosity was spoken of in antiquity, and how the various "sciences" dealt with anomalous monsters without jeopardising their epistemological credibility. Discussion begins with a survey of the semantic field of teras and monstrum. Since portentousness was central to both terms, the signification of monstrous portents in divinatory practice is next aalysed in the historiography of Herodotus, Livy, and others. Cicero's De divinatione reveals the theory and the problem for that science posed by accidental monstrosities. Chance and novelty are also issues in mythical and scientific cosmogonies < of Hesiod, and Orphism, Empedo-cles, and Lucretius> , where monsters arise and are dealt with while cosmic regularities, reproductive and ethical, are being established. Teleology and the stability of species'forms emerge as important concerns. These issues are further considered in Aristotle's bioogy and in medical writings from Hippocrates to Galen. There, theories are produced about monstrous embryology which attempt to answer the question of how deformities occur if species' forms are perpetuated through repro-duction. Biological and taxonomic--as well as ethical--boundaries are violated also by mythic human-beast hybrids. Narratives about such anomalies clarify the nature of monstrous deviance and enact solutions to the problem. Their strategies have much in common with other modes of discourse. Ethnography is posed similar questions about monstrous races' physical and ethical deviations from the civilised norm; it speaks of those issues in terms of invariance of form through generations, geographical remoteness and the codes which situate those races ethically. Finally, Augustine’s discourse on monstrous individuals and races is examined as Christianity’s belief in God’s governance reformulates the ancient’s discussions of chane or novelty and the invariance of species. In all these discourses founded on determinate meaning, the persistant paradox of monstrosity need offer no challenge to rationality provided its indefinable diversity is unacknowledged and the notion is constructed in such a way as to reaffirm the certainties.


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Early Childhood Educators have an important role to fulfil in aiding children's development and understandings in the science curriculum. There are many different views and opinions on how science can be taught in an Early Childhood environment, it is therefore our aim to investigate how teachers feel about teaching science concepts and promoting science in the early childhood centre. We aim to discover how everyday activities relate to the nature of science within our everyday lives. The science curriculum is important in Early Childhood settings as it provides children with various opportunities to explore the natural world. We are hoping to gain a deeper understanding of how teachers are guiding and encouraging children to make sense of their experiences. It is also important that we explore how Early Childhood Educators understand their own practice in teaching science concepts in their curriculum.

Description of project: We will be completing a small inquiry based task which will require us to compile data collected from interviews, recordings from teachers in long day and kindergarten settings around the Geelong region.

Methodology: ln order to undertake this research we will be using a socio cultural framework, focusing on language in the social environment and play (basing our ideas on the theories of Vygotsky). We will be undertaking narrative accounts to obtain data which will be collated from three different sources.

Ethical implications of projects: We do not foresee any significant risks to any participant in this study. The topic of the research is uncontroversial, and we will be taking measures to ensure anonymity or confidentiality where appropriate.


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The state aid debate is one of the longest running and most intractable issues in the public policy sphere in Australia. Recent decisions by the Commonwealth government to increase funding to private schools has reignited the debate. But the traditional defences of public education have proved inadequate to the task of hanging the course of current neo-liberal education policy trajectories. As the percentage of students attending private schools continues to grow, and as the spectre of a residualised public education system looms larger, so the need to rethink Australian public education becomes a more urgent project. In this paper we analyse what is happening and why; identify a range of concerns from the standpoint of a social democratic educational agenda; and theorise some possible strategies which might be pursued by those committed to a vibrant public schooling
system in Australia.


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This thesis investigates the model of practice invoked by the Victorian financial counselling sector. It analyses why community development is inconsistent with the sector's casework approaches to practice, identifies the emergence of a different model of practice and explains financial counselling within the current theoretical context of risk society.