148 resultados para SMEs


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Using a sample of seventy-four Chinese small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), this paper explores the influence of ownership on human resource management (HRM) practices by SMEs. It concludes that enterprise ownership determines both strategic choice and the level of complexity in the application of HRM practices, which are more likely to be adopted by foreign-related and domestic, private-owned companies than by collective and state-owned enterprises.


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We examine new research on the internationalisation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in 27 European countries. We find that, in both established market economies and in transition economies, SME international entrepreneurship is driven by internal resources and capabilities, membership in networks or clusters, favourable government policies, economy, competitive market conditions, and industry structure. We then develop a conceptual model and propositions of the drivers of European SME internationalisation. Our findings have important implications for managers in improving their firms' international market performance.


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The Victorian government (in Australia) intends to mandate that all registered building practitioners (RBP) undertake a minimum level of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) as part of the registration process. The introduction of CPD increases the travel costs for construction practitioners; due to the necessity to undertake a minimum level of training. This places an increased burden on construction companies' especially small regional-based firms that are not in a position of financial strength. This research is based on study of training needs of 73 construction companies in Victoria, Australia. The results show that training costs are being unequally weighted towards small regional-based firms; suggesting that the location of the company is a major contributing factor to their ability to meet registration requirements. Regional companies have comparatively high costs for training compared to metropolitan-based firms. Company location is a limiting factor that impacts on the ability of regional firms to implement training programs. This research investigates the notion that increasing registration requirements will improve outcomes for all participants.


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This study identifies the change management processes involved in undertaking environmental sustainability (ES) initiatives within Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) and relate these to the main attributes of learning organisations. Using case study techniques, the study draws from the change management experiences of a sample of 12 ES champions in different industries. The findings suggest that the ES champions experience four distinct change management stages in undertaking ES initiatives; namely the design, internalise, implement and evaluate stages. Each stage is also found to relate strongly with a number of key characteristics of learning organisations. Overall, the findings suggest that SMEs with strong learning organisation attributes are more likely to be successful in implementing and managing ES change initiatives. The implications of the findings are also discussed.


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Despite concern on the part of policy makers to raise managerial capability in SMEs, there is little evidence on the key drivers of owner-manager participation in management development programmes. The authors argue that such participation is poorly understood. The paper develops a predictive model of the drivers of participation in sources of learning by owner-managers. It tests a theoretical model, based on the small firm as a learning organization, which posits that participation is driven by owner-managers' learning orientation and the extent of their belief in self-improvement. The implications of the results are discussed in light of the provision of management development programmes.


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Little is known about how Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) practise Knowledge Management (KM) from both a theoretical and empirical perspective. Some research has been conducted in this field but from a western cultural perspective. Research on KM and SMEs in developing countries such as Saudi Arabia is limited. The research reported in this paper investigated KM strategic orientations and business strategic orientations in Saudi Arabian SMEs. The research involved the development of a theoretical framework relating to KM strategies and business strategies. Three KM strategies were proposed: aggressive, conservative and balanced and were linked to Miles and Snow’s typology: prospectors, defenders and analysers respectively. The empirical research involved a survey of Saudi Arabian SMEs. A total of 143 SMEs, participated in the survey. The results indicate that the proposed classifications and relationships between KM strategic dimensions were valid. It further shows that there was an association between business strategy and KM strategy exists and the proposed linkage between: prospectors and aggressive KM strategy, defenders and conservative KM strategy and analysers and balanced KM strategy were mostly confirmed but with some inconsistency regarding knowledge breadth dimensions.


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Despite the increased awareness surrounding sustainability issues and growing pressure on businesses to adopt sustainable business practices, there is little understanding of management processes and practices necessary for SMEs to implement environmental sustainable (ES) practices. Through qualitative in-depth interviews, this paper draws on the experiences and perspectives from twelve SME sustainability leaders to present answers to the 'what' and 'why' of critical pre-implementation elements in engendering change for sustainability within the SME context. The research questions examined in this study are: In the views of SME sustainability leaders: what pre-implementation elements are important in setting the foundations of ES success in SMEs; what are the most important elements in the decision to introduce and encourage improved ES practices; and how do SME sustainability leaders plan for ES change in their firms. We also examine how the pre-implementation elements identified in this study, fit with the steps of one of the most well-known sustainability change management frameworks by Dunphy et al (2003). The results show that elements playing a role in setting the foundations for ES success in participating firms include: the SME leader challenging the status quo, gathering of initial information; clarifying the internal know-how about ES, identifying who the ES leader(s) is, and what the associated roles are; creating a theme of environmental sustainability in the firm (what sustainability means to the firm); and the personal mindset of leaders regarding ES. In addition, it was evident from the interview data that apart from providing valuable data regarding what must change and why, the drivers and benefits of ES provide a strong rationale and motivation to the rest of the organisation why sustainability is important to the organisation. Furthermore, it is evident from the interview data that the most used strategic approach to planning by SME sustainability leaders, is a deliberate approach even though the emergent approach to planning has also featured in some SMEs. Furthermore, the CEOs are the main players in the strategic process, with the majority involving staff in planning for ES. The results also indicate that in matching the pre-implementation elements to Dunphy et al‘s (2003) sustainability change management steps, the execution of two of their steps may need adjustment to be fully applicable to SMEs. Several practical implications for other SMEs are outlined. In conclusion, the framework outlined in this paper provides an example of a critically reflective approach to a specific phase of the environmental sustainability puzzle in SMEs.