87 resultados para Relative deprivation


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We compare duopoly outcomes between two alternative modes of research and development (R&D), viz. independent R&D and non-cooperative research joint ventures (RJVs), when there are complementarities between firm-specific R&D resources. When complementarity is high, RJVs lead to higher technological improvement and the reverse holds for low complementarity. In the intermediate range, the comparison depends on the relative imperfection in spillovers afflicting independent R&D. In sharp contrast to results on cooperative RJVs, non-cooperative RJVs lead to higher technological improvement when spillovers affecting independent R&D are low; the reverse holds for high spillovers. When RJVs yield higher technological improvement, they also yield higher industry profit and social welfare.


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This research attempts to gauge the impact of "Melbourne 2030" policy on relative affordability within the Melbourne metropolitan area. Using price data over eight years, with reference to activity centre's and transport infrastructure. The results indicate this policy has, thus far, had little effect when measured at the suburb level.


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Investigates visual information that enables human to effectively guide their movement through the environment. This problem is fundamental to the study of human behaviour, since survival is contingent upon the acquisition of resources that lie in different locations throughout the environment.


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Objective : To assess the effect family environment stressors (e.g. poor family functioning and parental psychological distress) and neighbourhood environment on child prosocial behaviour (CPB) and child difficulty behaviour (CDB) among 4-to-12 year old children.

Methods : Analysis of the 2006 Victorian Child Health and Wellbeing Survey (VCHWS) dataset derived from a statewide cross-sectional telephone survey, with a final total sample of 3,370 children.

Results :
Only family functioning, parental psychological distress, child gender, and age were associated with CPB, explaining a total of 8% of the variance. Children from healthily functioning families and of parents without any psychological distress exhibited greater prosocial behaviours than those from poorly functioning families and of parents with mental health problems. Neighbourhood environment was not found to contribute to CPB. A total of eight variables were found to predict CDB, explaining a total of 16% of the variance. Poor family and parental psychological functioning as well as poor access to public facilities in the neighbourhood were associated with conduct problems in children.

Conclusion :
Our results point to the importance of the family environment in providing a context that fosters the development of empathic, caring and responsible children; and in buffering children in exhibiting behaviour difficulties during the formative years of life. Programs aimed at promoting prosocial behaviours in children need to target stressors on the family environment.


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Indices of socio-economic deprivation are often used as a proxy for differences in the health behaviours of populations within small areas, but these indices are a measure of the economic environment rather than the health environment. Sets of synthetic estimates of the ward-level prevalence of low fruit and vegetable consumption, obesity, raised blood pressure, raised cholesterol and smoking were combined to develop an index of unhealthy lifestyle. Multi-level regression models showed that this index described about 50% of the large-scale geographic variation in CHD mortality rates in England, and substantially adds to the ability of an index of deprivation to explain geographic variations in CHD mortality rates.


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Background: The influence of adiposity on upper-limb bone strength has rarely been studied in children, despite the high incidence of forearm fractures in this population.

Objective: The objective was to compare the influence of muscle and fat tissues on bone strength between the upper and lower limbs in prepubertal children.

Bone mineral content, total bone cross-sectional area, cortical bone area (CoA), cortical thickness (CoTh) at the radius and tibia (4% and 66%, respectively), trabecular density (TrD), bone strength index (4% sites), cortical density (CoD), stress-strain index, and muscle and fat areas (66% sites) were measured by using peripheral quantitative computed tomography in 427 children (206 boys) aged 7–10 y.

Results: Overweight children (n = 93) had greater values for bone variables (0.3–1.3 SD; P < 0.0001) than did their normal-weight peers, except for CoD 66% and CoTh 4%. The between-group differences were 21–87% greater at the tibia than at the radius. After adjustment for muscle cross-sectional area, TrD 4%, bone mineral content, CoA, and CoTh 66% at the tibia remained greater in overweight children, whereas at the distal radius total bone cross-sectional area and CoTh were smaller in overweight children (P < 0.05). Overweight children had a greater fat-muscle ratio than did normal-weight children, particularly in the forearm (92 ± 28% compared with 57 ± 17%). Fat-muscle ratio correlated negatively with all bone variables, except for TrD and CoD, after adjustment for body weight (r = −0.17 to −0.54; P < 0.0001).

Overweight children had stronger bones than did their normal-weight peers, largely because of greater muscle size. However, the overweight children had a high proportion of fat relative to muscle in the forearm, which is associated with reduced bone strength.


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Significant improvements in smart healthcare are only possible if a multidisciplinary approach is taken to the design, implementation, and application of technology in their respective social context. Pregnant women living with type 1 diabetes (PWT1D) face a series of challenges including ongoing management of diet and physical activity, continued delivery and adjustment of insulin doses. These women often feel socially and geographically isolated, due to the rarity of their condition, the paucity of accurate personal healthcare information, and the demands of a high-risk pregnancy. ITenabled smartpumps which allow information to be shared between women with type 1 diabetes and their healthcare team, are one possible solution to this problem. This paper highlights the adoption and application of IT-enabled smartpumps by PWT1D. Using a Cross Community Information Systems (CCIS) approach we examine some of the benefits and drawbacks of smartpumps from the perspective of a range of stakeholders associated with the health and wellbeing of PWT1D and their unborn children. Ultimately we argue that with a considered approach to their adoption and use smartpumps provide an effective tool for ongoing support and collaboration within the healthcare team.


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Disulfide torsional energy, a good predictor of disulfide redox potential in proteins, may be estimated by interpolation on a potential energy surface (PES) describing the twisting of diethyl disulfide through its three central dihedral angles. Here we update PES calculations at the M05-2X level of theory with the 6-31G(d) basis set. Although the surface shows no qualitative differences from an earlier MP2(full) PES, energy differences greater than 1 kJ mol–1 were seen for conformations with χ2 between –60° and 30°, or with χ3 below 60° or above 130°. This is particularly significant for highly strained disulfides that are likely to be spontaneously reduced by mechanical means. In benchmarking against the high-level G3X method, M05-2X showed significantly reduced root mean squared deviation compared with MP2(full) (1.0 versus 2.0 kJ mol–1 respectively). Results are incorporated into a web application that calculates relative torsional energies from disulfide dihedral angles (http://www.sbinf.org/applications/pes.html).


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There are substantial geographic variations in coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality rates in England that may in part be due to differences in climate and air pollution. An ecological cross-sectional multi-level analysis of male and female CHD mortality rates in all wards in England (1999–2004) was conducted to estimate the relative strength of the association between CHD mortality rates and three aspects of the physical environment - temperature, hours of sunshine and air quality. Models were adjusted for deprivation, an index measuring the healthiness of the lifestyle of populations, and urbanicity. In the fully adjusted model, air quality was not significantly associated with CHD mortality rates, but temperature and sunshine were both significantly negatively associated (p<0.05), suggesting that CHD mortality rates were higher in areas with lower average temperature and hours of sunshine. After adjustment for the unhealthy lifestyle of populations and deprivation, the climate variables explained at least 15% of large scale variation in CHD mortality rates. The results suggest that the climate has a small but significant independent association with CHD mortality rates in England.


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Like many desert animals, the spinifex hopping mouse, Notomys alexis, can maintain water balance without drinking water. The role of the kidney in producing a small volume of highly concentrated urine has been well-documented, but little is known about the physiological mechanisms underpinning the metabolic production of water to offset obligatory water loss. In Notomys, we found that water deprivation (WD) induced a sustained high food intake that exceeded the pre-deprivation level, which was driven by parallel changes in plasma leptin and ghrelin and the expression of orexigenic and anorectic neuropeptide genes in the hypothalamus; these changed in a direction that would stimulate appetite. As the period of WD was prolonged, body fat disappeared but body mass increased gradually, which was attributed to hepatic glycogen storage. Switching metabolic strategy from lipids to carbohydrates would enhance metabolic water production per oxygen molecule, thus providing a mechanism to minimize respiratory water loss. The changes observed in appetite control and metabolic strategy in Notomys were absent or less prominent in laboratory mice. This study reveals novel mechanisms for appetite regulation and energy metabolism that could be essential for desert rodents to survive in xeric environments.