94 resultados para Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)


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The negotiation and construction of a Regional Trade Agreement (RTA) bears the elements of its future success. The agreement identifies the relative strength of the countries involved and the long-term internal functioning of the agreement. A comparison between the NAFTA and Mercosur RTAs highlights this concept. NAFTA appears to indicate the clear range of possibilities to the US, Canada and Mexico’s participation, each with a chance to maximize their strengths combining a powerful combination of resources and skills required to operationalise the collective benefits. Mercosur includes countries that are mostly at the same level of economic development without any specific catalyst to promote economic growth. The results indicate that association between text and outcomes.


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A partnership project was developed in which parents volunteered to support teachers
in training years 1-3 children in computer skills at a primary school in a small, low
socio-economic community. This article identifies the ways teachers and the ‘tutors’
(as the volunteers were called) understood the value of the project. ‘Being a teacher’
and ‘being a volunteer’ were structured by different forms of social engagement,
which in turn influenced the ways individuals were able to work with each other in
collaborative processes. We argue that the discursive practices encoded in homeschool-
community partnership rhetoric represent ruling-class ways of organising and
networking that may be incompatible with those of people from low socio-economic
backgrounds. When such volunteers work in schools their attendance may be sporadic
and short-term whereas teachers would like ‘reliable’ ongoing commitment. This
mismatch wrought of teachers’ and volunteers’ differing everyday realities needs to be
understood before useful models for partnerships in disadvantaged communities may
be realised.


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The Community Health Project (CHP) is a community development project based in a multicultural deprived area of London, set up to tackle health inequalities. It is a partnership with the local Housing Action Trust, Health Authority and local residents and was established in 1994. The paper describes the work of the project, identifying the influences the project has been able to exert at a number of different levels: local, regional, national and international. The CHP provides a case study of how local people can act together to take part in development opportunities, with considerable and far-reaching effects. The experience of the CHP and other similar initiatives are analysed to identify elements of a framework for supporting the involvement of local communities in social and economic regeneration programs in ways that are empowering, giving local communities greater control over their lives and local resources and enabling the development of community capacity.


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The research analyses economic linkages of producer price indices of the construction industry in Australia and relationships between construction and house prices. A range of econometric techniques are applied to analyse construction and house prices. The economic equilibrium and dynamic relationships among regional markets are investigated based on producer price index analysis.


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Researches the suitability of a variety of self-funding options available to regional galleries in Australia. An overview of the range of current self-funding practices is given. Each option is mapped according to its impact on core/value added services and its effect on primary/secondary users and assessed for suitability using these criteria.


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The primary objective of this research is to provide a framework for industrial and economic development with respect to Brunei Darussalam. The study is both novel and unique as it is potentially the most comprehensive holistic study performed to date with respect to industrial and economic development in Brunei.


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In this paper we test the Environment Kuznet's Curve (EKC) hypothesis for 43 developing countries. We suggest examining the EKC hypothesis based on the short- and long-run income elasticities; that is, if the long-run income elasticity is smaller than the short-run income elasticity then it is evident that a country has reduced carbon dioxide emissions as its income has increased. Our empirical analysis based on individual countries suggests that Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Yemen, Qatar, the UAE, Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela, Algeria, Kenya, Nigeria, Congo, Ghana, and South Africa—approximately 35 per cent of the sample—carbon dioxide emissions have fallen over the long run; that is, as these economies have grown emissions have fallen since the long-run income elasticity is smaller than the short-run elasticity. We also examine the EKC hypothesis for panels of countries constructed on the basis of regional location using the panel cointegration and the panel long-run estimation techniques. We find that only for the Middle Eastern and South Asian panels, the income elasticity in the long run is smaller than the short run, implying that carbon dioxide emission has fallen with a rise in income.


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Regional sustainability is an important focus for natural resource management. Measuring how social and economic systems are progressing to sustainability is therefore a critical need. But it is dependent upon the development of analytical and methodological tools to measure progress, particularly, we argue, at the regional level. Achieving sustainability at the regional scale is important since it's at this scale where social institutions and ecological functioning are most closely linked. However, our recent study that evaluated the effectiveness of current sustainability assessment methods at the regional scale found methods developed for the global, national and state scales are not entirely effective at assessing sustainability at this spatial scale. Following on from this critique, we developed and tested a new method for assessing sustainability, which we believe is applicable at the regional scale. The framework, Sustaining Human Carrying Capacity (SHCC), evaluates the sustainability of regional human activities by considering the pressures these activities have on regional ecosystems. SHCC was tested and evaluated at the regional scale, demonstrating its potential to be an effective method for monitoring sustainability. It also has potential to be used to inform the community and decision makers about the sustainability of their region, and help guide strategic planning to progress sustainability.


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The Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has recently announced plans to develop greater regional integration and cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region.

Historically, Australian opinion, however, has expressed some anxiety about forging closer economic, political and security ties with Asia. Using trend data from the Australian Election Study and the Lowy Institute Poll, this article examines changes in Australian public opinion on closer engagement with Asia and whether the Australian public is likely to support the Rudd government’s push towards developing deeper regional diplomacy. The article finds a shift in opinion since the 1990s with a younger generation of voters who are moderately supportive of Australia’s engagement with Asia.


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Public capital has been considered to be the wheels of a nation's or a region's economic activity. The reverse effects, the contributions of economic growth to public capital, are also worth analysing. Non-structural
approaches in econometrics were implemented for the Australian economy using yearly data for the period from 1960 to 2008. A co-integration test was carried out to investigate whether tbere are long-term equilibrium relationships between each pair among public capital, private output, private capital and labour. Tbe Ganger causality test was further
employed to determine whether public capital contains useful information to predict a private production variable and vice versa. The results will provide historical evidence for Australia's federal and regional governments to assist in estimating the effects among these production variables, in particular, the effect of infrastructure spending on gross
domestic product.


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The expansion of private forestry and the partnership between government and private sector timber growers and processors highlights the issues associated with a functionally based rather than a place based approaches to changing patterns of land use in rural areas. Rural development through blue gum forestry was promoted as a means of revitalising rural communities, providing both economic and social gains to regional areas. The purpose of this study is to examine the economic consequences of policies designed to promote plantation forestry at a local level. It concludes that while plantation forestry may bring benefits to the national economy, these benefits may not be apparent at a local level especially if the industry operates in competition with a viable alternative.


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The complex interconnection among issues affecting rural-regional sustainability requires an equally complex program of research to ensure the attraction and retention of high-quality teachers for rural children. The educational effects of the construction of the rural within a deficit discourse are highlighted. A concept of rural social space is modelled, bringing together social, economic and environmental dimensions of (rural-regional) sustainability. This framework combines quantitive definitional processes with more situated definitions of rural space based on demographic and other social data, across both geographic and cultural formations. The implications of the model are examined in terms of its importance for teacher education.


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In the last 10 years climate change risk assessment has come to a head as a matter of discussion at all levels of governance. In an attempt to gain a co-ordinated appreciation, measure of scope and impact likelihood, and to better guide a holistic natural resources management strategy, the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board has taken a comprehensive exclusive and coordinated approach at a regional level to this issue.

Water, agricultural sustainability, biodiversity enrichment and stabilisation, and community resilience planning are all integral features in this 'program' of research and engagement. The clear intent is to creatively drive change and socio-economic growth without compromising the significant aesthetic and biodiversity attributes of the landscape and its primary role as a dryland wheat producer. The 'program' involves clear practice-based research as to fact, fiction and perception, and the provision of scenarios as to vulnerability and resilience building to cater for climate change over the next 30 years but also to sensitively respond to propective mining growth for the Peninsula.

This paper reviews this 'program', the research and findings undertaken, the co-ordinated actions being taken, the importance of community engagement and resilence building, and the orchestration and propective execution of this 'program' by the Board.

The 'program' represents important case model in successful regional planning.


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Australia has adopted public-private partnership (PPP) as a major strategy for procuring infrastructure for decades. However, even though considered to be a mature and sophisticated market, several major
failures have occurred resulting in increasing financial burdens on taxpayers. Failures have typically been traced back to economic evaluation and, in particular, value-for-money across the supply chain
in the original proposal. However, the literature review identified that there was no economic model that evaluated holistically the transaction costs of PPPs across the supply chain. In this paper, theories of transaction cost economics and construction supply chain economics are critiqued and analysed in order to develop a strategic infrastructure procurement evaluation model. The model will offer decision makers with an insight into project life cycle economic outcomes needed to successfully deliver PPPs.