97 resultados para Radioisotopes in the body


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Obesity is socio-culturally distributed; that is the prevalence of obesity is known to vary according to socio-cultural factors, including socio-economic position, social roles and circumstance, and cultural factors. Further, these socio-cultural patterns are complex and specific to sex, age, and sometimes racial groups, as well as type of society, with patterns of relationships observed in developed countries sometimes reversed in developing countries. As described in Chapter 4, there is little doubt of the importance of the changing physical environment to the increases in obesity observed over the past several decades. However, far less attention has been paid to investigating the potential contribution of socio-cultural factors and to changes in the socio-cultural environment over time to the current obesity pandemic. The mechanisms through which socio-cultural factors may influence body weight and risk for obesity are also not well understood. In discussing socio-cultural influences we refer to systems of social relations (roles and relationships that define class, gender, ethnicity, and other social factors) and the meanings attached to these (1). For the purposes of this chapter, we focus on the impact of social, economic, and value systems on individuals' obesity-related behaviors (particularly, certain eating patterns and physical inactivity). In particular, we examine socio-cultural categories (socio-economic status, ethnicity, marital/family roles) for which evidence exists that rates of obesity are differentially distributed. We have not focused on the role of physical environmental factors, which is covered in Chapter 4, and we have largely restricted our focus to developed countries, from where the majority of the evidence for socio-cultural influences on obesity is derived. Issues relating to influences on obesity in developing countries are covered in detail in Chapter 5. This chapter provides an overview of the impact of socio-cultural influences on obesity in developed countries, and considers the potential pathways through which these influences may operate. The chapter concludes by speculating about the potential impact of societal trends on future rates and patterns of obesity in developed countries.


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A new instrument, the Body Change Inventory, was developed to provide an assessment of body change strategies that are used by both adolescent girls and boys. The novel aspect of this instrument is that it evaluates strategies to increase body size and increase muscle size, as well strategies to decrease body size. Independent samples of adolescent girls and boys aged between 11 and 17 years (N=1732) participated in four studies. The revised instrument consisted of three body change scales—Strategies to Decrease Body Size, Strategies to Increase Body Size, and Strategies to Increase Muscle Size. The studies demonstrated content validity, construct validity, internal consistency, and concurrent and discriminant validity for the new scales. The new scales provide a valuable addition in the literature for assessing three global body change strategies among adolescent girls and boys. They are needed in order to examine further the normative development of different kinds of body change strategies and how these may lead to behavioural problems such as disordered eating, exercise dependence, and steroid use.


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Dopamine D2 receptors (DRD2) in the central nervous system are involved in the regulation of feeding. It remains to be elucidated if mutations in the DRD2 gene contribute to the development of obesity. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the Taq IA and Ser311Cys polymorphisms in the DRD2 gene are associated with obesity in Nauruan and Australian subjects. Subjects were selected based on extremes of the body mass index (BMI) distribution. Two groups of Australian women were selected. The leanest group had a mean BMI of 22.5 kg/m2 (range: 20.3-24.3) and the heaviest group had a mean of 36.1 kg/m2 (32.5-44.1). Four groups of Nauruan subjects were selected. Leanest men had a mean BMI of 33.0 kg/m2 (28.4-36.9), heaviest men had a mean of 52.8 kg/m2 (46.5-69.2), leanest women had a mean of 34.8 kg/m2 (28.2-41.8) and heaviest women had a mean of 55.1 kg/m2 (49.3-73.8). Subjects were genotyped for the Taq IA and Ser311Cys polymorphisms using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and allelic discrimination TaqmanTM PCR respectively. Leanest and heaviest groups were examined for differences in genotype frequency. Taq IA and Ser311Cys genotype frequencies did not differ significantly between leanest and heaviest Nauruan groups, or between leanest and heaviest Australians. Haplotype frequencies of these polymorphisms did not differ between leanest and heaviest groups. The Taq IA and Ser311Cys polymorphisms in the DRD2 gene are unlikely to be common causes of obesity in these populations.


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This article will explore the issues of otherness in the IPA and also consider the local institute level using the example of the British Psychoanalytic Society. According to the IPA it is 'The world's primary psychoanalytic accrediting and regulatory body, with 10,500 members in over forty-five countries. The IPA works in partnership with its Component Organizations to train, support and network psychoanalysts, developing clinical, educational and research programmes'. It is well-known that the history of psychoanalysis is replete with organizational schisms and primary issues of 'inclusion-exclusion'. Who is a real psychoanalyst? "That are the necessary acceptable professional 'standards'? 'While standards' should be derived from knowledge, they are often derived from power and are often really a mask for power-plays. The others' have included those from both outside and within the psychoanalytic movement. Outsiders include medicine and the universities, psychotherapists, other psychoanalysts and other disciplines. Deviationists ,.vithin the IPA include other schools vvithin the'broad church' of psychoanalysis or even just those who don't fit with the proclivities of those in power sometimes rationalized into issues of standards


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Analysis of the fatty acid (FA) composition of blubber is a valuable tool in interpreting the diet of marine mammals. This technique is based on the principle that particular FA present in prey can be incorporated largely untransformed into predator adipose tissue stores, thereby providing biochemical signatures with which to identify prey species. Several studies of phocid seals and cetaceans have documented vertical stratification in the FA composition of blubber such that inferences about diet may vary greatly depending on the layer of the blubber that is analysed. It is not known whether blubber in otariid seals (fur seals and sea lions) also displays vertical stratification in FA composition. Furthermore, it is not known whether the FA composition of blubber is uniform in these species. In the present study, the vertical and regional variation in FA composition of blubber was investigated in seven adult female Cape fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus). The proportion of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was greater in the outer (43.6±1.3%) than inner portion (40.9±1.2%; t20=5.59, P<0.001) whereas the proportions were greater in the inner than outer portions for saturated fatty acids (23.6±0.5% and 21.9±0.6%, respectively, t20 = 5.31, P<0.001) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA, 35.5±0.7% and 34.5±0.7%, respectively, t20 = 3.81, P < 0.001). There was an inverse relationship between MUFA and PUFA in the blubber, independent of sampling location. In addition, with the exception of the inner portion from non-lactating females, blubber from the mammary area had the highest proportions of 18:1ω9c and total MUFA, followed by blubber from the rump and neck, suggesting that the deposition and mobilisation of blubber lipids may not be uniform around the body in otariid seals. These results support the need for blubber tissue to be sampled from the same site on animals, and to the full depth of the blubber layer, to minimise variation in FA profiles that could occur if different sites and depths were sampled. Such standardisation of sampling will further aid in interpreting diet in otariid seals using the FA Signature Analysis approach.


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Background: Overuse injury to the patellar tendon (patellar tendinopathy) is a major reason for interrupted training and competition for elite athletes. In both sexes, the prevalence of unilateral and bilateral tendinopathy has been shown to differ. It has been proposed that bilateral pathology may have a different aetiology from unilateral pathology. Investigation of risk factors that may be unique to unilateral and bilateral patellar tendinopathy in female athletes may reveal insights into the aetiology of this condition.
Objectives: To examine whether anthropometry, body composition, or muscle strength distinguished elite female basketball players with unilateral or bilateral patellar tendinopathy.
Methods: Body composition, anthropometry, and muscle strength were compared in elite female basketball players with unilateral (n = 8), bilateral (n = 7), or no (n = 24) patellar tendinopathy. Body composition was analysed using a dual energy x ray absorptiometer. Anthropometric measures were assessed using standard techniques. Knee extensor strength was measured at 180°/s using an isokinetic dynamometer. z scores were calculated for the unilateral and bilateral groups (using the no tendinopathy group as controls). z scores were tested against zero.
Results: The tibia length to stature ratio was approximately 1.3 (1.3) SDs above zero in both the affected and non-affected legs in the unilateral group (p<0.05). The waist to hip ratio was 0.66 (0.78) SD above zero in the unilateral group (p<0.05). In the unilateral group, leg lean to total lean ratio was 0.42 (0.55) SD above zero (p<0.07), the trunk lean to total lean ratio was 0.63 (0.68) SD below zero (p<0.05), and leg fat relative to total fat was 0.47 (0.65) SD below zero (p<0.09). In the unilateral group, the leg with pathology was 0.78 (1.03) SD weaker during eccentric contractions (p<0.07).
Conclusions: Unilateral patellar tendinopathy has identifiable risk factors whereas bilateral patellar tendinopathy may not. This suggests that the aetiology of these conditions may be different. However, interpretation must respect the limitation of small subject numbers.


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Objective: The practice of family member presence during resuscitation in the ED has attracted widespread attention over the last few decades. Despite the recommendations of international organizations, clinical staff remain reluctant to engage in this practice in many EDs. This paper separates the evidence from opinion to determine the current state of knowledge about this practice.

A search strategy was developed and used to locate research based publications, which were subsequently reviewed for the strength of evidence providing the basis for recommendations.

Results: The literature was examined to reveal what patients and their family members want; the outcomes of family presence during resuscitation for patients and their family members; staff views and practices regarding family presence during resuscitation. Findings suggest that providing the opportunity to be with their critically ill family member is both important to and beneficial for families, however, disparity in staff views has been identified as a major obstacle to family presence during resuscitation. Examination of published guidelines and staff practices described in the literature revealed consistent elements.

Conclusion: Although critics point to the lack of rigour in this body of literature, the current state of knowledge suggests merit in pursuing future research to examine and measure effects of family member presence during resuscitation on patients, family members and healthcare providers.


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BACKGROUND: Effective public policy requires information on the prevalence of overweight and obesity. OBJECTIVE: We determined changes in the population prevalence of overweight and obesity among young Australians (aged 7-15 y) from 1969 to 1985 to 1997. DESIGN: Data from 5 independent population surveys were analyzed: the Australian Youth Fitness Survey, 1969; the Australian Health and Fitness Survey, 1985; the South Australian Schools Fitness and Physical Activity Survey, 1997; the New South Wales Schools Fitness and Physical Activity Survey, 1997; and the Health of Young Victorians Study, 1997. Measured body mass index was used as the index of adiposity, and recently published body mass index cutoff values were used to categorize each subject as nonoverweight, overweight, obese, or either overweight or obese. RESULTS: For 1985-1997, the population prevalence of overweight increased by 60-70%, obesity increased 2-4-fold, and the combined overweight and obesity categories doubled. The findings were consistent across data sets and between the sexes. For 1969-1985, there was no change in the prevalence of overweight or obesity among girls, but among boys the prevalence of overweight increased by 35%, the prevalence of obesity trebled, and the prevalence of overweight and obesity combined increased by 60%. CONCLUSIONS: The data show that in 1985-1997, the prevalence of overweight and obesity combined doubled and that of obesity trebled among young Australians, but the increase over the previous 16 y was far smaller. These results should increase our sense of urgency in identifying and implementing effective responses to this major threat to public health.


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The aim of the present investigation was to quantify the fate of C18 and long chain polyunsaturated dietary fatty acids in the freshwater fish, Murray cod, using the in vivo, whole-body fatty acid balance method. Juvenile Murray cod were fed one of five iso-nitrogenous, iso-energetic, semipurified experimental diets in which the dietary fish oil (FO) was replaced (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%) with a blended vegetable oil (VO), specifically formulated to match the major fatty acid classes [saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and n-6 PUFA] of cod liver oil (FO). However, the PUFA fraction of the VO was dominated by C18 fatty acids, while C20/22 fatty acids were prevalent in the FO PUFA fraction. Generally, there was a clear reflection of the dietary fatty acid composition across each of the five treatments in the carcass, fillet, and liver. Lipid metabolism was affected by the modification of the dietary lipid source. The desaturation and elongation of C18 PUFAs increased with vegetable oil substitution, supported by the occurrence of longer and higher desaturated homologous fatty acids. However, increased elongase and desaturase activity is unlikely to fulfill the gap observed in fatty acid composition resulting from decreased highly unsaturated fatty acids intake.


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Background: Red wine contains a naturally rich source of antioxidants, which may protect the body from oxidative stress, a determinant of age-related disease. The current study set out to determine the in vivo effects of moderate red wine consumption on antioxidant status and oxidative stress in the circulation.
Methods: 20 young (18–30 yrs) and 20 older (≥ 50 yrs) volunteers were recruited. Each age group was randomly divided into treatment subjects who consumed 400 mL/day of red wine for two weeks, or control subjects who abstained from alcohol for two weeks, after which they crossed over into the other group. Blood samples were collected before and after red wine consumption and were used for analysis of whole blood glutathione (GSH), plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) and serum total antioxidant status.
Results: Results from this study show consumption of red wine induced significant increases in plasma total antioxidant status (P < 0.03), and significant decreases in plasma MDA (P < 0.001) and GSH (P < 0.004) in young and old subjects. The results show that the consumption of 400 mL/day of red wine for two weeks, significantly increases antioxidant status and decreases oxidative stress in the circulation.
Conclusion: It may be implied from this data that red wine provides general oxidative protection and to lipid systems in circulation via the increase in antioxidant status.


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American animator Robert Breer has been credited in introducing the first visual bomb to cinema in his loop film Image by Images I (1954), Two abstract animated films by Robert Breer are examined: 69 (1968 5 minutes) and Fuji (1974 10 minutes). Using Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological perspective, though these films are not representational or photographic in the traditional sense it is argued that they are still able to talk to us about real experiences because ‘the lived perspective, that which we actually perceive, is not a geometric or photographic one.’(Merleau-Ponty, 1964b: 14) 69 provides a metaphor for a system that collapses and Fuji as an articulation of that embodied seeing required for train travel. It is argued that Breer’s work in its explorations of style ahead of content is research into an act of viewing that offers a contemporary simulation of the impact of a traumatic experience on the body. Just as one cannot grab each object in the landscape at the speed of train travel nor can one grab or understand each frame that is presented to the retina of a Robert Breer film. What is required to attain “stillness” is a more dissociated way of looking that allows the images to wash over you. Such a “stillness” may be more about suppression than contemplation and could involve a process of metamorphosis.


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This study examined the effect of glycerol ingestion on fluid homeostasis, thermoregulation, and metabolism during rest and exercise. Six endurance-trained men ingested either 1 g glycerol in 20 ml H2O.kg-1 body weight (bw) (GLY) or 20 ml H2O.kg-1bw (CON) in a randomized double-blind fashion, 120 min prior to undertaking 90 min of steady state cycle exercise (SS) at 98 % of lactate threshold in dry heat (35 degrees C, 30 % RH), with ingestion of CHO-electrolyte beverage (6 % CHO) at 15-min intervals. A 15-min cycle, where performance was quantified in kJ, followed (PC). Pre-exercise urine volume was lower in GLY than CON (1119 ± 97 vs. 1503 ± 146 ml· 120 min-1; p < .05). Heart rate was lower (p < .05) throughout SS in GLY, while forearm blood flow was higher (17.1 ± 1.5 vs. 13.7 ± 3.0 ml.100 g tissue·min-1; p < .05) and rectal  temperature lower (38.7 ± 0.1 vs. 39.1 ± 0.1 ° C; p < .05) in GLY late in SS. Despite these changes, skin and muscle temperatures and circulating catecholamines were not different between trials. Accordingly, no differences were observed in muscle glycogenolysis, lactate accumulation, adenine nucleotide, and phosphocreatine degradation or inosine 5'-monophosphate accumulation when comparing GLY with CON. Of note, the work performed during PC was 5 % greater in GLY (252 ± 10 vs. 240 ± 9 kJ; p < .05). These results demonstrate that glycerol, when ingested with a bolus of water 2 hours prior to exercise, results in fluid retention, which is capable of reducing cardiovascular strain and enhancing thermoregulation. Furthermore, this practice increases exercise performance in the heat by mechanisms other than alterations in muscle metabolism.


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Aims/hypothesis: To study the secondary consequences of impaired suppression of endogenous glucose production (EGP) we have created a transgenic rat overexpressing the gluconeogenic enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) in the kidney. The aim of this study was to determine whether peripheral insulin resistance develops in these transgenic rats.
Methods: Whole body rate of glucose disappearance (Rd) and endogenous glucose production were measured basally and during a euglycaemic/hyperinsulinaemic clamp in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase transgenic and control rats using [6-3H]-glucose. Glucose uptake into individual tissues was measured in vivo using 2-[1-14C]-deoxyglucose.
Results: Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase transgenic rats were heavier and had increased gonadal and infrarenal fat pad weights. Under basal conditions, endogenous glucose production was similar in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase transgenic and control rats (37.4±1.1 vs 34.6±2.6 µmol/kg/min). Moderate hyperinsulinaemia (810 pmol/l) completely suppressed EGP in control rats (–0.6±5.5 µmol/kg/min, p<0.05) while there was no suppression in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase rats (45.2±7.9 µmol/kg/min). Basal Rd was comparable between PEPCK transgenic and control rats (37.4±1.1 vs 34.6±2.6 µmol/kg/min) but under insulin-stimulated conditions the increase in Rd was greater in control compared to phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase transgenic rats indicative of insulin resistance (73.4±11.2 vs 112.0±8.0 µmol/kg/min, p<0.05). Basal glucose uptake was reduced in white and brown adipose tissue, heart and soleus while insulin-stimulated transport was reduced in white and brown adipose tissue, white quadriceps, white gastrocnemius and soleus in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase transgenic compared to control rats. The impairment in both white and brown adipose tissue glucose uptake in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase transgenic rats was associated with a decrease in GLUT4 protein content. In contrast, muscle GLUT4 protein, triglyceride and long-chain acylCoA levels were comparable between PEPCK transgenic and control rats.
Conclusions/interpretation: A primary defect in suppression of EGP caused adipose tissue and muscle insulin resistance.


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Aims To estimate the level of under-reporting of energy intake by gender, age, ethnicity and body size (normal, overweight, obese) in the 1997 National Nutrition Survey (NNS97) in New Zealand.
Methods Data were from 4,258 participants (1,808 men and 2,450 women aged 15 years and over) who completed the 24-hour diet recall; the primary methodology used in the NNS97. Under-reporting was assessed using the ratio of reported energy intake to estimated resting metabolic rate (EI: RMRest). Cut-off limits were used to identify percentages of under-reporters in the various subgroups.
Results Mean EI: RMRest was 1.40 for all participants (1.51 for men, 1.30 for women, p<0.001) with older age being associated with lower EI: RMRest (p<0.001). There were no significant differences in mean EI: RMRest between ethnic groups for men.
Mean EI: RMRest for women were: Maori 1.46, European 1.29, and Pacific 1.37 (p<0.01). A larger body size was associated with a significantly lower EI: RMRest especially for women.
Percentages of ‘definite’ under-reporters (individual EI: RMRest <0.9) were as follows: men 12%, women 21%; Europeans 16%, Maori 23% and Pacific 26%; normal weight (11%), overweight (19%) and obese (27%) participants; and from 10% in the youngest to 23% in the oldest age group (p<0.001 for all results).
Conclusion In this study, in agreement with the literature, women, older people and obese people under-reported more than men, younger people and non-obese people. Possible ethnic differences in under-reporting rates need further study. Care is needed in interpreting the energy intake data from the NNS97.