112 resultados para Paper bag cooking


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On New Years Eve, 1922, the massive double-domed timber structure of Rudolf Steiner’s First Goetheanum was engulfed in flames and reduced to ashes. In an effort to make his spiritual teachings accessible to all people through the medium of architecture, Steiner had dedicated ten years to the project. Growing hostility towards his occult philosophy however, pointed to arson as the probable cause of the blaze. Not to be defeated, Steiner embarked upon a new design for a second Goetheanum that endeavoured to fulfil the same aim as its predecessor but on an even grander scale. Yet despite being borne out of the same ideational basis, the architectural expression of the second building was vastly different from the first. This paper examines these differences and investigates how the methods Steiner used to create his architecture influenced the final architectural products. Steiner recognised drawing as a creative instrument that could enrich the conceptual potential of his theoretical work, however, with no formal training as an architect and limited drawing ability, this exchange was somewhat limited. The ambiguity of Steiner’s drawings is countered to some extent though by the maquettes and models he produced, which help negotiate the gap between the immaterial idea and the material object. The shared three-dimensional nature of model making and architecture allowed Steiner a more direct means of articulating and mediating his esoteric ideas in built form than the two-dimensional nature of drawing, particularly given the undulating organic forms he enthusiastically employed. Nevertheless, models are still a form of architectural abstraction capable of leaving their own trace on the built work and the distinctive character of Steiner’s non-conventional models serve to illustrate this point. A comparison between Steiner’s models and the buildings themselves reveal the intimate relationship between process and product that exists in his work. While the loss of the first Goetheanum came as a crushing blow to Steiner, its destruction and reconstruction offered him a unique opportunity to reconsider aspects of the design that may have been flawed in the first instance – a situation he embraced unequivocally. What images recurred in his work and why? How did his architecture evolve? This essay will demonstrate how paper and plasticine were utilised in a highly individualised manner by Steiner as a bridge between idea and artefact, to allow new architectural forms to rise from the ashes and produce one of the twentieth century’s most extraordinary buildings.


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The amount of multimedia content available online constantly increases, and this leads to problems for users who search for content or similar communities. Users in Flickr often self-organize in user communities through Flickr Groups. These groups are particularly interesting as they are a natural instantiation of the content + relations social media paradigm. We propose a novel approach to group searching through hypergroup discovery. Starting from roughly 11,000 Flickr groups' content and membership information, we create three different bag-of-word representations for groups, on which we learn probabilistic topic models. Finally, we cast the hypergroup discovery as a clustering problem that is solved via probabilistic affinity propagation. We show that hypergroups so found are generally consistent and can be described through topic-based and similarity-based measures. Our proposed solution could be relatively easily implemented as an application to enrich Flickr's traditional group search.


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Frame analysis has been applied in Information Systems (IS) research to generate understanding of such issues as organisational change and IS implementation. Frames are the unconscious interpretive schemas that people, or groups of people, use to interpret their surroundings, determine what is important, and guide their actions. While framing has been used as a theoretical lens in IS research into organisations, there has been no analysis to date of how frames may play a role in the IS field itself. This paper argues that is relevant and insightful to examine the IS discourse from a framing perspective. In order to demonstrate the potential value of such an approach, a subset of a collection of articles from six journals in the senior scholars’ basket of journals was analysed in an exploratory attempt to locate the frames of reference that predominate in the IS discourse. Three levels of framing were identified and a provisional schema is proposed. We suggest that further investigation of the schema, the frames and their application will provide opportunity for critical reflection on the nature of Information Systems as an academic discipline. Such critical self-examination may even foster purposive frame breaking, in support of recent calls for transformation in the IS field.


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A critical problem for Internet traffic classification is how to obtain a high-performance statistical feature based classifier using a small set of training data. The solutions to this problem are essential to deal with the encrypted applications and the new emerging applications. In this paper, we propose a new Naive Bayes (NB) based classification scheme to tackle this problem, which utilizes two recent research findings, feature discretization and flow correlation. A new bag-of-flow (BoF) model is firstly introduced to describe the correlated flows and it leads to a new BoF-based traffic classification problem. We cast the BoF-based traffic classification as a specific classifier combination problem and theoretically analyze the classification benefit from flow aggregation. A number of combination methods are also formulated and used to aggregate the NB predictions of the correlated flows. Finally, we carry out a number of experiments on a large scale real-world network dataset. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme can achieve significantly higher classification accuracy and much faster classification speed with comparison to the state-of-the-art traffic classification methods.


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Kenya, a country of 38 million people in East Africa has about 75 Psychiatrists and 500 Psychiatric Nurses, the majority work in the private sector and mainly in urban areas. Mental illness is common in Kenya, however, specialist services are sparse and primary care struggles to cope, and this has been worsened by general health programs which have been slow to appreciate the significance of mental health. The World Health Organisation recommends that provision of good quality mental health care does not only involve increasing the number of health workers but changing the skill mix and developing new competencies among existing workers. Successful implementation of mental, neurological and substance abuse disorder services in Kenya will depend on nurses, who constitute majority of the workforce located in provinces, districts and community clinics.

This discussion paper will address s key workforce issues affecting the up-scaling of mental health services, and the delivery of quality mental health nursing care in primary health care settings in Kenya. Strategies to develop skills and competencies of new and existing personnel will be discussed.


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This article addresses the audience reception of sensationalist newspapers in interwar Australia through a case study of Sydney weekly Beckett's Budget. During a libel trial brought against Beckett's in 1928, readers came to its defence and their testimony reveals overlaps between reading and political allegiances: reading Beckett's equated with voting Labor. While histories of sensationalist media in Australia have rightly emphasised illicit sexuality and public outcry, connections between sensationalism and working-class political movements remain on the margins of academic interest. Responding to the question 'Do you read Beckett's?' readers' evidence at the trial constitutes an audience response and invites debate over the ways gender and class could inform political engagement in the 1920s. Viewing Beckett's Budget outside of 'brown paper' and beyond the sensationalist genre reveals a shift in Australian political culture as party strategists embraced a broader electorate, using Beckett's Budget to tap into the culture and concerns of interwar society.


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Improving energy efficiency is an important target to be achieved in residential building development and household behaviour. The aim of this research is to help building professionals and policy makers understand the current housing situations and householders’ behaviour regarding energy consumption. The results of a survey of energy consumption, including house situations and householder behaviour, of 504 households in New South Wales Australia are reported. Twelve features affecting household energy consumption are investigated. These features included cooking appliances, refrigerators, laundry appliances, televisions, computers, gaming consoles, hot water systems, space cooling and heating systems, glazing, insulation, lighting, and other major energy consumption facilities. The differences of these features across different households with different physical characteristics, social-demographic features and geographical areas are analyzed. Based on the disaggregate study, it is found that mandatory policy, geographical and socio-economic factors can significantly affect the selection of fixtures and appliances in the households. It is also found that the positive effect of the government’s mandatory policy implementation on household energy consumption behaviour is evidenced. The findings will be of use in sustainable residential building development policy-making, and tailoring the regulations and standards with consideration of the various geographical and socio-economic factors.


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We want to open this discussion by repeating an earlier argument (Radovic 2008b) that there is a need to revisit World City Hypothesis (Friedmann, 1986). We see that as important in the context of the Conference on Degrowth, Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, as the idea of “world city” implies a certain (kind of) quality, and the concept of degrowth and the idea(l) of sustainable development are both about a necessity to redefine the very criteria which frame our understanding of progress. Cities offer an important arena for all developments related to sustainable future.


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This study assessed the degree of equivalence between paper and Internet administration of three measures of panic and agoraphobia-related cognition and behavior: Body Sensations Questionnaire (BSQ), Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire (ACQ), and Mobility Inventory (MI). Participants were 110 people with panic disorder who had registered for an Internet-based treatment program in Sweden (n = 54) or Australia (n = 56). Participants were randomly assigned to complete the questionnaires via the differing administration formats in a counterbalanced order. Results showed broadly equivalent psychometric properties across administrations, with strong significant intraclass correlations between them, and comparable Cronbach's alpha coefficients. A significant mean difference between administration formats was found for the BSQ only. In contrast to previous research, Internet administration did not generate higher scores than paper administration. No effect was found for order of administration. The findings suggest that each questionnaire can be validly administered via the Internet and used with confidence.


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Although the etiology of bipolar disorder remains uncertain, multiple studies examining neuroimaging, peripheral markers and genetics have provided important insights into the pathophysiologic processes underlying bipolar disorder. Neuroimaging studies have consistently demonstrated loss of gray matter, as well as altered activation of subcortical, anterior temporal and ventral prefrontal regions in response to emotional stimuli in bipolar disorder. Genetics studies have identified several potential candidate genes associated with increased risk for developing bipolar disorder that involve circadian rhythm, neuronal development and calcium metabolism. Notably, several groups have found decreased levels of neurotrophic factors and increased pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress markers. Together these findings provide the background for the identification of potential biomarkers for vulnerability, disease expression and to help understand the course of illness and treatment response. In other areas of medicine, validated biomarkers now inform clinical decision-making. Although the findings reviewed herein hold promise, further research involving large collaborative studies is needed to validate these potential biomarkers prior to employing them for clinical purposes. Therefore, in this positional paper from the ISBD-BIONET (biomarkers network from the International Society for Bipolar Disorders), we will discuss our view of biomarkers for these three areas: neuroimaging, peripheral measurements and genetics; and conclude the paper with our position for the next steps in the search for biomarkers for bipolar disorder.


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The problem of 3D object recognition is of immense practical importance, with the last decade witnessing a number of breakthroughs in the state of the art. Most of the previous work has focused on the matching of textured objects using local appearance descriptors extracted around salient image points. The recently proposed bag of boundaries method was the first to address directly the problem of matching smooth objects using boundary features. However, no previous work has attempted to achieve a holistic treatment of the problem by jointly using textural and shape features which is what we describe herein. Due to the complementarity of the two modalities, we fuse the corresponding matching scores and learn their relative weighting in a data specific manner by optimizing discriminative performance on synthetically distorted data. For the textural description of an object we adopt a representation in the form of a histogram of SIFT based visual words. Similarly the apparent shape of an object is represented by a histogram of discretized features capturing local shape. On a large public database of a diverse set of objects, the proposed method is shown to outperform significantly both purely textural and purely shape based approaches for matching across viewpoint variation.