77 resultados para On-line communities


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This study aimed to investigate the integrity of on-line control of reaching in congenital spastic hemiplegia in light of disparate evidence. Twelve children with and without spastic hemiplegia (11-17 years old) completed a double-step reaching task requiring them to reach and touch a target that remained stationary for most trials (viz nonjump trial) but unexpectedly displaced laterally at movement onset for a minority of trials (20%: known as jump trials). Although children with spastic hemiplegia were generally slower than age-matched controls, they could account for target perturbation at age-appropriate levels shown by a lack of interaction effect on movement time and nonsignificant group difference for time to reach trajectory correction on jump trials. Our data suggest that at a group level, on-line control of reaching may be age-appropriate in spastic hemiplegia. However, our data also highlight the need to experimentally acknowledge the considerable heterogeneity of the spastic hemiplegia population when investigating motor cognition.


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In 2007, I asked for a show of hands of people who ‘might consider online dating as a way of finding a partner’. Not a single hand went up and the lecture theatre was stony silent. The same question, some five years later resulted in a significant show of hands and a buzz of chatter. Something had changed and perceptions around online dating had shifted. Nielsen Research last year found most Australians (51 per cent) had either tried online dating or would consider doing so. RSVP and eHarmony claim to have 2 million members and more than 4 million people have apparently joined RSVP since it was launched 17 years ago. Online dating is experiencing significant growth in Asia as well, with the number of new web services (some, like ‘Muslima’, are tightly focused) growing exponentially. Online dating is a global phenomenon. This paper will use current media studies research literature and data from conversations with university students in Australia and Indonesia to explore how the changing world of online dating is helping/hindering young people as they shape and develop identity, represent themselves in the virtual world and ultimately, how they find love on line.


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How is performance on early film newly legible in the digital archive? What implication does this hold for our understanding of film history, especially for our understanding of the actress and her role in the nascent film industry? Taking Sarah Bernhardt’s 1917 film,Mothers of France, as my case study, I join the Women Film Pioneers Project in exploring the digital archive as a necessary tool in feminist film historiography. I argue that the digital archive reconfigures Sarah Bernhardt as an actress who was important not just to the nineteenth century stage but also to the development of the feature film and to its use as a propaganda tool in the Allied war effort. While digital archives such as The European Film Gateway contain a wealth of material about the Great War, Bernhardt’s film reminds us that the digital archive is also an interpretative and critical tool in the re-reading of acting in silent film.


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By means of evidence-based practice, this paper describes the residential-school component of an accredited online (distance education) undergraduate engineering program in Australia, with a particular focus on how the residential school program is implemented at freshman year. During these residential schools, activities were organised around the respective engineering courses undertaken by students during the semester. Elements considered suitable and worthwhile for inclusion in residential-school programs included: • In-person engagement with academic lecturers, • Practical and laboratory learning activities, • Presentations and interaction with guest speakers from industry, • Industry-based site visits, • Engagement in sole and group-based learning and assessment activities on campus, and • Social interaction with other students. After running pilot residential schools for two years, it was found that a workable format consisted in a two-week residential experience in the first semester, linked to two key freshman courses, Fundamentals of Technology Management, and Engineering Physics. On-campus and online students’ academic grades were compared for both courses over the years 2005 to 2012. We found that for physics lab, on-campus students’ grades tended to be higher than those for online students, and vice versa for technology management. We also conclude that when carefully designed, residential schools for online students do enhance learning for both online students and their on-campus counterparts.


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The difficulty in teasing apart the effects of biological invasions from those of otheranthropogenic perturbations has hampered our understanding of the mechanismsunderpinning the global biodiversity crisis. The recent elaboration of global-scalemaps of cumulative human impacts provides a unique opportunity to assess howthe impact of invaders varies among areas exposed to different anthropogenicactivities. A recent meta-analysis has shown that the effects of invasive seaweeds onnative biota tend to be more negative in relatively pristine than in human-impactedenvironments. Here, we tested this hypothesis through the experimental removalof the invasive green seaweed, Caulerpa cylindracea, from rocky reefs across theMediterranean Sea. More specifically, we assessed which out of land-based andsea-based cumulative impact scores was a better predictor of the direction andmagnitude of the effects of this seaweed on extant and recovering native assemblages.Approximately 15 months after the start of the experiment, the removal ofC. cylindracea from extant assemblages enhanced the cover of canopy-formingmacroalgae at relatively pristine sites. This did not, however, result in major changesin total cover or species richness of native assemblages. Preventing C. cylindraceare-invasion of cleared plots at pristine sites promoted the recovery of canopyformingand encrusting macroalgae and hampered that of algal turfs, ultimatelyresulting in increased species richness. These effects weakened progressively withincreasing levels of land-based human impacts and, indeed, shifted in sign at theupper end of the gradient investigated. Thus, at sites exposed to intense disturbancefrom land-based human activities, the removal of C. cylindracea fostered the coverof algal turfs and decreased that of encrusting algae, with no net effect on speciesrichness. Our results suggests that competition from C. cylindracea is an importantdeterminant of benthic assemblage diversity in pristine environments, but less so inspecies-poor assemblages found at sites exposed to intense disturbance from landbasedhuman activities, where either adverse physical factors or lack of propagulesmay constrain the number of potential native colonizers. Implementing measures toreduce the establishment and spread of C. cylindracea in areas little impacted byland-based human activities should be considered a priority for preserving thebiodiversity of Mediterranean shallow rocky reefs.


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Participating in a community exemplifies the aspect of sharing, networking and interacting in a social media system. There has been extensive work on characterising on-line communities by their contents and tags using topic modelling tools. However, the role of sentiment and mood has not been studied. Arguably, mood is an integral feature of a text, and becomes more significant in the context of social media: two communities might discuss precisely the same topics, yet within an entirely different atmosphere. Such sentiment-related distinctions are important for many kinds of analysis and applications, such as community recommendation. We present a novel approach to identification of latent hyper-groups in social communities based on users’ sentiment. The results show that a sentiment-based approach can yield useful insights into community formation and metacommunities, having potential applications in, for example, mental health—by targeting support or surveillance to communities with negative mood—or in marketing—by targeting customer communities having the same sentiment on similar topics.


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This thesis advances the area of applied machine learning, sentiment and psycholinguistic analysis in social media for health analytics. In particular, the thesis views social media as a gigantic form of 'sensor' to inform about mental health community and related topics.


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The global trend to electronic service delivery (ESD) by governments can include the sponsorship of virtual communities that create value and become places where people, content, and communication come together around a need, enabling government agencies to extend their traditional service-provision role. Implementation is sometimes problematic, however, and understanding the implementation process is crucial to the success of such virtual communities. This paper reports a case study of a virtual community (an on-line export-documentation system) that links government and business. The study employs Bijker's framework to conceptualize the process of defining the technical standard and implementing the documentation system. Diffusion effects shaped the implementation and influenced participant responses, illustrating Bijker's argument that an artifact or product demonstrates interpretive flexibility before it stabilizes.


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Introduction and Aims. Despite considerable success in tobacco control, many teenagers in Australia and other industrialised countries still smoke tobacco. There is mixed evidence on the relative influence of proximal social networks (parents/siblings/peers) on pre- and early-teen smoking, and no research has examined how these influences compare after accounting for school- and community-level effects.The aim of this study was to compare the relative influences of parents, siblings and peers, after accounting for school- and community-level variation in smoking.

Design and Methods.
A cross-sectional fixed and random effects model of smoking prevalence was used, with individuals (n = 7314) nested within schools (n = 231) nested within communities (n = 30). Grade 6 and 8 students (modal ages 11 and 13 years) completed an on-line survey. Key variables included parent/sibling/peer use. Controls included alcohol involvement, sensation seeking, pro-social beliefs, laws/norms about substance use and school commitment.

Results.There was significant variation in smoking at both the school and community levels, supporting the need for a multilevel model. Individual-level predictors accounted for much of the variance at higher levels. The strongest effects were for number of friends who smoke, sibling smoking and alcohol involvement. Smaller significant effects were found for parent smoking. At the community level, socioeconomic disadvantage was significant, but community-level variance in pro-social and drug-related laws/norms was not related to smoking.

Discussion and Conclusions. Cross-level interactions were generally non-significant. Early teenage smoking was best explained by sibling and peer smoking, and individual risks largely accounted for the substantial variation observed across schools and communities. In terms of future tobacco control, findings point to the utility of targeting families in disadvantaged communities.[Kelly AB, O'Flaherty M, Connor JP, Homel R, Toumbourou JW, Patton GC, Williams J. The influence of parents, siblings and peers on pre- and early-teen smoking: A multilevel model.


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Current growth of individuals on the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) requires continuous support and care. With the popularity of social media, online communities of people affected by ASD emerge. This paper presents an analysis of these online communities through understanding aspects that differentiate such communities. In this paper, the aspects given are not expressed in terms of friendship, exchange of information, social support or recreation, but rather with regard to the topics and linguistic styles that people express in their on-line writing. Using data collected unobtrusively from LiveJournal, we analyze posts made by ten autism communities in conjunction with those made by a control group of standard communities. Significant differences have been found between autism and control communities when characterized by latent topics of discussion and psycholinguistic features. Latent topics are found to have greater predictive power than linguistic features when classifying blog posts as either autism or control community. This study suggests that data mining of online blogs has the potential to detect clinically meaningful data. It opens the door to possibilities including sentinel risk surveillance and harnessing the power in diverse large datasets.


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As the Internet becomes a mainstream conduit for business and communication, it can no longer be referred to as a “ lawless frontier" (De Zwart 1999, 112). The laws that regulate this environment, however, are not always obvious, particularly to reporters who have to collect stories for online newspapers, which are facing competition from their traditional sources of information. This article uses a case study of on-line sport to examine the legal pitfalls facing journalists reporting on-line.


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Care Plan On-Line (CPOL) is an intranet based system that supports a “Coordinated Care” model for chronic/complex disease management. CPOL combines provision of solicited and unsolicited advice features based on integration of the electronic medical record (EMR) with its decision support logic. The objective is to support General Practitioners (GPs) in formulating a 12-month care plan of services such that: (a) the plan is proactive and patient-centered; (b) the GP is kept in awareness of project- and diseasespecific clinical practice guidelines; and (c) the support integrates with GP workflow in a natural fashion. A key feature of our approach is to blur the distinction of EMR and decision support by presenting guidelines in layers with the top-most being a problem-oriented presentation of patient status, progressing on through to patient-independent supporting evidence. In conjunction with a degree of automated inclusion of care planning services, the system demonstrates mixed user and software initiative. We describe the CPOL deployment setting, the challenges of guideline-based clinical decision support, our approach to guideline delivery, and the CPOL architecture.


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A recent television documentary on the Columbia space shuttle disaster was converted to streaming digital video format for educational use by on- and off-campus students in an engineering management study unit examining issues in professional engineering ethics. An evaluation was conducted to assess the effectiveness of this new resource. Use of the video was optional, and about half of the class reported using the video, though usage was 90.0% for off-campus students. Most on-campus students accessed the video on-line, while all off-campus students accessed the video via CD-ROM. Off-campus students rated the educational value of the video higher than on-campus students, and were more likely to indicate that the video helped them understand the issues being studied. Most students were able to view the videos without any technical playback problems.