148 resultados para Learning. Mathematics. Quadratic Functions. GeoGebra


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This paper describes a new computational approach to multivariate scattered data interpolation. It is assumed that the data is generated by a Lipschitz continuous function f. The proposed approach uses the central interpolation scheme, which produces an optimal interpolant in the worst case scenario. It provides best uniform error bounds on f, and thus translates into reliable learning of f. This paper develops a computationally efficient algorithm for evaluating the interpolant in the multivariate case. We compare the proposed method with the radial basis functions and natural neighbor interpolation, provide the details of the algorithm and illustrate it on numerical experiments. The efficiency of this method surpasses alternative interpolation methods for scattered data.


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This article presents an examination of the use of Rasch modelling in a major research project, 'Improving Middle Years Mathematics and Science' (IMYMS). It is unarguable that it is important to take students' perceptions, or views, into account when planning learning and teaching for them. The IMYMS student perceptions survey is an attempt to make visible these student viewpoints, and report them in a way that is accessible to teachers and researchers involved in the project. The project involves four clusters of schools from urban and regions of Victoria to investigate the role of mathematics and science knowledge and subject cultures in mediating change processes in the middle years of schooling. There are five secondary and twenty-eight primary schools. The project has generated both qualitative and quantitative data, with much of the qualitative data being ordinal in nature. Reporting the results of analyses for a range of audiences necessitates careful, well-designed report formats. Some useful new report formats based on Rasch modeling -the Modified Variable Map, the Ordinal Map, the Threshold Map, and the Annotated Ordinal Map - are illustrated using data from the IMYMS project. The Rasch analysis and the derived reporting formats avoid the pitfalls that exist when working with ordinal data and provide insights into the respondents' views about their experiences in schools unavailable by other approaches.


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The article offers a look at the benefits, as well as the negative impact, of using games in mathematics education. The views of teachers on the benefits of using games in teaching mathematics are explored. Information on the guestimate calculator game is provided. Details of a study on the use of guestimate game on Year 5 and 6 students is presented.


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With a crowded curriculum, many primary schools attempt to integrate their key learning areas. One primary school in a large regional city has taken this a step further. Using the ’environment’ as the overarching theme, the key learning areas are interwoven into the teaching of the environment. This has presented some issues when attempting to teach English and Mathematics. These issues and the way the school and teachers solve them are documented in this case-study.


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This paper reports on data collected from a larger study investigating the effect of game playing on students' mathematical learning and motivation. The study was conducted in three schools with 240 students participating in four different treatment groups. This paper reports some of the results of interviews with students to gather data on their attitudes towards mathematics and game playing. The interview data collected from a sample of students in the· three game playing groups pertaining to attitudes are presented and discussed below.


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Construction Planning and Scheduling is taught for the fIrst time ill Semester 2, 2004 in the School of Architecture and Building, Deakin University. During the unit development process and the implementation of teaching activities, several issues arose in relation to implementing computer-aided construction scheduling and unit delivery in a unitary environment. Although various types of construction planning and scheduling software have been developed and applied, none of them can be run inside an online teaching software package, which provides powerful functions in administration. This research aims to explore the strategies to connect a project planning and scheduling software package and an online ~aching and learning software package by a Web-based support platform so that both the lecturer and students can draw up and communicate a construction plan or schedule with tables and fIgures. The key techniques of this supportive platfonn are idt;nlifies and they include a web-based graphically user-interfaced, dynamic and distributed multimedia data acquisition mechanism, which accepts users' drawings and retrieval information from canvas and stores the multimedia data ona server for further usage. This paper demonstrates the techniques and principals needed to construct such a multimedia data acquisition tool. This. research will fill the gap.in the literature in respect to an online pedagogical solution to an existing problem.


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This paper uses data from two mathematics lessons to explore the nature of progressive discourse and examine critical features of teacher actions that contribute to mathematics classrooms functioning as communities of inquiry. Features found to promote progressive discourse include a focus on the conceptual elements of the curriculum and the use of complex, challenging tasks that problematised the curriculum; the orchestration of student reporting to allow all students to contribute to progress towards the community's solution to the problem; and a focus on seeking, recognizing, and drawing attention to mathematical reasoning and justification, and using this as a basis for learning.


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Lesson planning usually involves the generation of a hypothetical learning trajectory. This paper illustrates a teaching strategy that is one focus of a major research project. Alternative learning trajectories with different entry level prompts were used to enable students to access the concepts and procedures necessary for their joining the main learning trajectory. The strategy is being trialled in primary classrooms that have a large proportion of lower SES students, with the aim of maximising success in mathematics for all students.


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This small exploratory case study describes an attempt to integrate the academic and practical aspects of a teacher education course in order to promote deep understanding of children's ways of understanding mathematics. The assessment regime of the course was used as a strategic tool for engaging students, and the assessment tasks themselves were used as the means of generating genuine integration, or case knowledge, of the content of the course. The results indicate that the approach was effective in achieving the aims of the course, and student reaction to the approach was extremely positive.


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This paper describes the practices of ninety-nine teachers at the beginning of their involvement in a large-scale project investigating the influence of subject cultures on school and teacher change. Data collected from these teachers, using the IMYMS. Components of effective teaching and Learning mapping procedure, were analysed to investigate similarities and differences in primary and secondary teachers’ perceptions of their practice in mathematics. Results of the analysis show different patterns across a range of components of effective teaching and learning.

A first priority when working with teachers is to help them become aware of and make problematic aspects of their current practice …. Only then would they have reason to attempt to reform their instructional practices when working with us. (Yackel, 1994, p. 386)


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Research into pedagogy and school change is a high priority in Australia and many other countries. This paper, which includes some preliminary findings from the Improving Middle Years Mathematics and Science: The role of subject cultures in school and teacher change (IMYMS) project, argues that, while there are key features that are common to quality learning environments across all subject areas, generic formulations of pedagogy fail to take account of the extent to which the disciplines being taught shape pedagogy or the contribution of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) to effective teaching - i.e. that there really is a need to put "mathematics in the centre ".


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This paper describes a new approach to multivariate scattered data smoothing. It is assumed that the data are generated by a Lipschitz continuous function f, and include random noise to be filtered out. The proposed approach uses known, or estimated value of the Lipschitz constant of f, and forces the data to be consistent with the Lipschitz properties of f. Depending on the assumptions about the distribution of the random noise, smoothing is reduced to a standard quadratic or a linear programming problem. We discuss an efficient algorithm which eliminates the redundant inequality constraints. Numerical experiments illustrate applicability and efficiency of the method. This approach provides an efficient new tool of multivariate scattered data approximation.


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The article presents strategies for communicating the concept of square roots to limited English-proficient students. Instead of using mathematical terminology, mathematics teachers could communicate the concept of square roots by integrating the literal concept of square to the actual meaning of a square root. Such approach addresses the learning difficulty experienced by limited English proficient students who tend to associate square roots to geometric concepts. Several strategies for illustrating the concept of a square root using square figures are presented.


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The article explores the conceptual complexity and apparent contradictions in the language of mathematics and suggests ways to handle these problems. Mathematics, as described the author, is a formal, artificially constructed language. One problem arises from the changes of gradient and rates of change of gradient, continuous functions. Conceptual conflicts also arise when least upperbounds and greatest lower-bounds in discussing sequences and series, convergence and limits are considered.