90 resultados para Knowledge economy


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World wide there is a transition towards knowledge-based economies In order to foster them, many economies have built frameworks in conjunction with world forums that promote international cooperation. Our research focuses on Australia, an economy that has been named by the OECD as knowledge-based. Specifically, the paper appraises the transition towards knowledge economies in general. We then examine the Australian context through the implemented eEurope framework with the intent of providing suggestions to Australia in its transition towards building its knowledge management


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National and global challenges have given rise to the need to prepare Vietnamese graduates for effective adaptation to the increasingly changing professional field, their community, their society and the globalised world. The tertiary education curriculum thus needs to take into account the employment market, socio-cultural demands and students’ individual needs in order to develop highly educated populations for the world of work and for the current knowledge economy.

Based on a case study of the translation curriculum in a B.A. (Bachelors of Arts) language program, this paper addresses the mismatch between the demands of the translation employment market and the curriculum within the context of Vietnamese tertiary education. It raises a number of important issues related to the tensions between the centralised curriculum, learner-centred education, the actual demands of the employment market as well as the issue of capacity building in response to the socialist-oriented market economy and the changing workplace context in Vietnam. Implications are drawn not only for the translation curriculum, but also for the reform of the Vietnamese tertiary education curriculum as a whole, in order to enhance graduate employability.


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This chapter revises and expands the following paper: Gough, Noel (2002). Thinking/acting locally/globally: Western science and environmental education in a global knowledge economy. International Journal of Science Education, 24(11), 1217-1237. The author hereby acknowledges the prior publication of substantial portions of this chapter by Taylor & Francis Ltd.


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We, as librarians, are adept at challenging academics, students and administrators about the crucial role of information literacy in higher education and lifelong learning. Consequently, the push for strategic partnerships with academics is frequently in the foreground of our thinking. Concomitantly, the push for academic status for librarians is raised occasionally, particularly as a pay and equity issue. Yet, our purposes may appear somewhat misguided or rhetorical when contrasted to the nominal prerequisites required for professional practice, especially when compared with those of academics. The issues of information literacy and knowledge production within a knowledge economy compound such debate. This paper argues that ‘credential creep’ is catching up with librarians in the university sector. In order to be regarded as integral to academic endeavour, those of us who ‘teach’ information literacy may need to match the qualifications normally required by academics. Consonant with this proposal is the Australian and New Zealand Information Literacy Framework: Principles, Standards and Practice (Bundy, 2004) of the Australian and New Zealand Institute for Information Literacy (ANZIIL) and the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL). The Framework mirrors many of the desired outcomes of a doctoral degree, a degree possessed by approximately one per cent of Australian librarians but, in comparison, by more than fi fty-four per cent of Australian academics. This paper challenges—not academics—but librarians, to embrace the notion of undertaking doctoral study to enhance our professional (or amateur) practice and our information literacy. The recommendation is derived in essence from my study on doctoral research and information literacy (Macauley, 2001). It also incorporates the current discourse on these issues and uses personal narrative to articulate the findings. It seeks also to explore those tensions and contradictions commensurate with practising what we preach.


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This paper places the ‘V’ factor at the epicentre of meaningful and productive living, learning and leadership endeavour. It explores the authors’ reflections upon their own professional experiences, research studies and review of the literature as they work towards establishing ‘working with’ leadership practices appropriate for a knowledge era. This paper also reports on Nanschild’s preliminary PhD research findings of “A Values-Based Approach to Leadership Development: Implications for Organisational Change”.


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‘Flexible learning’ represents a need associated with ‘lifelong learning’ and the equipping of graduates to actively engage in a ‘knowledge society’. While the precise meaning of each of these terms is not easy to discern, notions of flexible learning have progressed an evolutionary path that concentrates on students as though they are the only stakeholder group in the higher education environment that would benefit from choice. Academic discourse also presumes that all cultural groups making up the increasingly diverse student population aspire to engage in student-centred learning as a precursor to involvement in a knowledge economy. In this environment academics have been encouraged to embrace online teaching and promote a more student-centred learning approach when the natural inclination and talent of many academics may make this style of pedagogy so challenging that learning outcomes are compromised. We question this ‘one size fits all’ mentality and suggest a model that empowers both the students and academics by allowing them the ability to choose the approach that suits their educational philosophy and preferred learning/teaching approach. The model represents an innovation in flexibility that recognises initial embedded learning foundation abilities and reaches both teachers and learners by utilising their own frames of reference.


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This essay presents the foundation Editor's vision for Transnational Curriculum Inquiry (TCI), the journal of the International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (IAACS). It explores some theoretical and practical possibilities for building new transnational and transcultural solidarities in postcolonial curriculum inquiry and argues that building such solidarities requires a rethinking of the ways in which we perform and represent curriculum inquiry, so that curriculum work within a global knowledge economy does not merely assimilate national (local) curriculum discourses-practices into an imperial (global) archive.


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In this paper I explore some theoretical and practical possibilities for building new transnational and transcultural solidarities in postcolonial curriculum inquiry. I argue that building such solidarities requires a rethinking of the ways in which we perform and represent curriculum inquiry, so that curriculum work within a global knowledge economy does not merely assimilate national (local) curriculum discourses-practices into an imperial (global) archive. I draw on the initial stages of research on internationalisation, inclusivity, and innovative knowledge work conducted with colleagues at Deakin University, and elsewhere, which focuses on the possibilities of producing knowledge in transnational virtual spaces. This includes studies of the formation of new (and we hope more inclusive) transnational scholarly communities and constituencies, and of strategies to improve modes of intercultural communication that facilitate transnational knowledge work. I situate part of my discussion of these arguments and issues in the practicalities of establishing Transnational Curriculum Inquiry (TCI), an electronic open-access journal that is both a site for transnational scholarly conversations and a site for inquiry into the ways that electronic publishing procedures facilitate and/or constrain inclusive knowledge work and postcolonialist curriculum inquiry.


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This paper emerges from current work related to a number of research projects across several creative arts disciplines. It poses the following questions: What implication does creative arts research have for extending our understandings of the role of experiential, problem-based learning and multiple intelligences in the production of knowledge? How can the application of such understandings influence policy and enhance opportunities for support of creative arts research in the university and the broader arena? In a previous paper examining the function of the exegesis (Barrett, 2004), I referred to the suggestion made by Lauchlan Chipman that: in a knowledge economy, it is necessary for a large number of people to comprehend the creative output of others in order for such output to be sufficiently taken up for the enhancement of society. This paper is an extension of the previous one in its attempt to promote wider understanding of the value of creative arts research. I will focus on the dialogic relationship between the exegesis and studio practice in painting, creative writing, performance and dance, in order to demonstrate that creative arts enquiry can promote a more profound understanding of how knowledge is revealed, acquired and expressed. Four successful research projects will be examined as 'case studies' to show how creative arts research methodologies may be applied in the development of more critical and innovative pedagogies and to argue that the role of creative arts research is still to be fully realized and acknowledged in the knowledge economy.


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The discourse of globalisation and the knowledge economy are now front and centre of the ever changing discourse of youth and youth identity. Educational reform in Malaysian society is seeking to engage the problems of globalization and the need for reform in schooling as a prerequisite for social and economic development. The education of youth is as a critical prerequisite for national advancement and development. The syllogism that structures debate with respect to globalization, youth and education is that reform to teaching technique will lead to improved competencies in students and this in turn will lead to improvements in human capital thus leading to economic and social advancement. Missing from such a simple approach is an understanding of youth culture in its multiple forms as now being productive of capacities, knowledge’s and attitudes that are arguably often far in advance of what is taught in schools. This argues that often the action in terms of cognitive growth, glocalised competencies, collaboration, cross cultural dialogue and innovative creativity are found in youth cyber communities, popular cultural movements often portrayed as problematic or troublesome. Proper educational strategies in Malaysian schooling society require teachers to learn from their students and engage innovative pedagogy not as something to be taught top down in rote fashion, but as something that is genuinely open, interactive and dialogical. This paper will discuss this theoretical issue with specific reference to Malaysian examples and policy initiatives.


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The analysis of Syed Hussein Alatas, provides us with a basic framework from which to engage the way creativity and change can be articulated in education without slipping into a neo-colonial mindset. The core binary that Alatas presents us is between the ‘captive’ mind and the ‘creative’ mind. Contemporary Malaysian educational literature recognises that the demands of the knowledge economy and globalization necessitate engaging with socially constructivist pedagogy as a way of addressing the limitations and narrowness of what are referred to as traditional authoritarian ‘top down’ teaching methods. However this retheorization of pedagogical practice needs to be approached in a fashion that recognises and respects local values and culture. The social values and capital that inform pedagogy both in its formal level as officially sanctioned techniques but also in its informal level as the implicit practices that characterise human interaction on campus require a much closer look at the relationship between pedagogy, social structure and social values. The clear yet very deep insight of Syed Hussein Alatas, on the importance of the creative mind as an alternative to captivity provides us with a Malaysian theorization that is both local but also global and relevant to how we understand reform and education in the higher education sector.


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Malaysian society has and is undergoing considerable social, political, economic and educational change. Scholars point to the forces of globalization and the needs to be able to meet the challenges of globalization as the central driver of language policy. Commentators, academics and many in the general public have focused on the need for Malaysia to adapt to globalization and the importance of English to this process given the needs and characteristic of the knowledge economy. However, there appears to be less recognition of the way such a change in Malaysian language policy needs to be engaged in a dynamically shifting knowledge society and developing public sphere. Language is a social act and the debate over language and its place and role in society is therefore a debate over the nature and quality of social interaction. Debate over language is thus inherently political. Due to the growth and development of an interactive and engaged public sphere and knowledge society in Malaysia, there is a need to approach to the idea of engaging English that grasps the plurality and complexity of its role in the world. The political approach to engaging English in Malaysia needs to engage democratic deliberation in a society that is increasingly fragmented but also showing signs of developing an active public sphere not beholden to top down authority. Disagreement over language and the way the debate is theorized hides from view the possibility of points of consensus on the issue of English language and Malaysian education. Establishing overlapping consensus through public deliberation and consultation is a necessary precondition to effective language policy in contemporary Malaysia. Failure to understand this only leads to policy paralysis.


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It is argued in this chapter that we live in the knowledge economy, a term coined by the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development in a report entitled The Knowledge Based Economy (1996). According to this report, the economy has become a hierarchy of networks fuelled by the rapid rate of change in all aspects of life, including learning, which in turn has compressed the world, encouraging the merging of the world's economic and cultural systems. Contemporary economic and social contexts coupled with competing perspectives on the "future" place significant demands upon educators and educational leaders who are increasingly expected to act in futures-oriented ways whilst also remaining true to the professional standards of their present environments (Faculty of Education and Creative Arts, 2003). In response to these issues and internal organisational reviews of Central Queensland University, the revision and renewal of a number of degrees currently being offered by the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education have become increasingly necessary. The Bachelor of Learning Management (BLM) is one program that is claimed to be a new and innovative pre-service teaching degree. This chapter explores a project that was undertaken to investigate current student perceptions of the extent to which the BLM has met these claims. Of particular interest was, firstly, student satisfaction with and achievement in the degree and, secondly, the extent to which the BLM has managed to broker the change needed to deliver the required client outcomes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


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Interdisciplinary teaching and learning in higher education incorporates multiple ways of knowing. As interdisciplinary pedagogies become increasingly important in a global knowledge economy, which learning theories best inform thinking and practice in these endeavours? This paper explores a range of theories and ideas about learning, including constructivism, situated learning, experiential learning and phenomenography, and their relevance to interdisciplinarity in higher education.


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The Turkish Republic of North Cyprus (TRNC) aspires to take its place in Europe and the global ‘knowledge economy’. In order to do so, it needs not only to be politically recognised as legitimate and to develop the kinds of economic and governance structures that signify a functional state, but also to produce a cultural imaginary of itself as a nation. In this paper, we mobilise Appadurai’s theorisation of deterritorialisation, flows and context generation in order to examine the ways in which the implementation of educational reforms inTRNC might contribute to this ambition.We show that the ethnoscape and financescape combine to make education reform difficult, with specific challenges arising from the mixed commitment of the workforce, the capacity of the education bureaucracy to align support with policy mandates, and the ‘fit’ between the policy and local needs. We conclude by suggesting that TRNC faces the dilemma of working with cultural heterogeneity: Appadurai identifies this as a key ideoscape challenge for all nation/states.