71 resultados para JUVENILE FIN WHALE


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Survival, oxygen consumption (MO2), total plasma cortisol and glucose levels and gill heat-shock protein 70 (hsp70) expression were measured in 10 and 50 g juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua during an acute temperature increase (2° C h−1) to their critical thermal maximum. Ninety three per cent of the fish in both size classes survived to 24° C; however, mortality was 100% within 15 min of reaching this temperature. The MO2 for both size classes increased significantly with temperature, reaching peak values at 22° C that were c. 2·8-fold those of control (10° C) fish. Resting plasma cortisol and glucose levels were lower in 10 g as compared to 50 g fish. Plasma glucose levels were highly variable in both size classes, and significant increases were only seen at >22° C for the 10 g fish. In contrast, plasma cortisol showed an exponential increase with temperature starting at 16° C in both size classes, and reached maximum levels at 22° C that were 19-fold (10 g fish) and 35-fold (50 g fish) higher than their respective control groups. Both the constitutive (73 kDa) and inducible (72 kDa) isoforms of hsp70 were detected in both size classes using the widely utilized mouse monoclonal antibody. Expression of these isoforms, however, did not change when Atlantic cod were exposed to elevated temperature, and the 72 kDa isoform was not detected using salmonid-specific antibodies. These results indicate that juvenile Atlantic cod are very sensitive to acute increases in water temperature. In addition, they (1) show that MO2and plasma cortisol, but not plasma glucose or gill hsp 70 levels, are sensitive indicators of thermal stress in Atlantic cod and (2) support previous reports that the upper critical temperature for this species is 16° C.


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Sesamin, a major sesame seed lignan, has diverse biological functions including the modulation of molecular actions in lipid metabolic pathways and reducing cholesterol levels. Vertebrates have different capacities to biosynthesize long-chain PUFA from dietary precursors and sesamin can enhance the biosynthesis of ALA to EPA and DHA in marine teleost. Early juvenile barramundi, Lates calcarifer, were fed for two weeks on diets rich in ALA or SDA derived from linseed or Echium plantagineum, respectively. Both diets contained phytosterols and less cholesterol compared with a standard fish oil-based diet. The growth rates were reduced in the animals receiving sesamin regardless of the dietary oil. However, the relative levels of n-3 LC-PUFA in total lipid, but not the phospholipid, increased in the whole body by up to 25% in animals fed on sesamin with ALA or SDA. Sesamin reduced the relative levels of triacylglycerols and increased polar lipid, and did not affect the relative composition of phospholipid subclasses or sterols. Sesamin is a potent modulator for LC-PUFA biosynthesis in animals, but probably will have more effective impact at advanced ages. By modulating certain lipid metabolic pathways, sesamin has probably disrupted the body growth and development of organs and tissues in early juvenile barramundi.


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Understanding the degree of genetic exchange between subspecies and populations is vital for the appropriate management of endangered species. Blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) have two recognized Southern Hemisphere subspecies that show differences in


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Unlike many jurisdictions in Australia, Victoria has not adopted a legislative, court-based diversion scheme for addressing crime committed by children and young people. The state has also seen limited investment in diversionary programs and an over-reliance on discretionary police cautions. For young people in rural and regional areas, access to diversion programs and support services is especially limited. This article examines the limited diversionary options available in the current youth justice system, identifying strengths and opportunities. It concludes that legislated, court-based diversion schemes — assisted by community programs that provide appropriate intervention and support to those at risk of reoffending — are an essential means of addressing young people’s engagement in crime.


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The holocephalans are a slow growing, long lived group with a conservative life history strategy and require similarly conservative fishery management strategies to ensure their sustainable exploitation. White-fin swell shark are relatively short lived, highly fecund and likely to be more capable of withstanding intensive fishing.


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Aim  A key life-history component for many animals is the need for movement between different geographical locations at particular times. Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) hatchlings disperse from their natal location to spend an early pelagic stage in the ocean, followed by a neritic stage where small juveniles settle in coastal areas. In this study, we combined genetic and Lagrangian drifter data to investigate the connectivity between natal and foraging locations. In particular we focus on the evidence for transatlantic transport. Location  Atlantic Ocean.

  We used mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences (n = 1567) from foraging groups (n = 8) and nesting populations (n = 12) on both sides of the Atlantic. Genetic data were obtained for Cape Verde juvenile turtles, a foraging group not previously sampled for genetic study. Various statistical methods were used to explore spatial genetics and population genetic structure (e.g. exact tests of differentiation, Geneland and analysis of molecular variance). Many-to-many mixed stock analysis estimated the connectivity between nesting and foraging groups.

  Our key new finding is robust evidence for connectivity between a nesting population on the South American coast (25% of the Surinam nesting population are estimated to go to Cape Verde) and a foraging group off the coast of West Africa (38% of Cape Verde juveniles are estimated to originate from Surinam), thus extending the results of previous investigations by confirming that there is substantial transatlantic dispersal in both directions. Lagrangian drifter data demonstrated that transport by drift across the Atlantic within a few years is possible.

Main conclusions 
Small juvenile green turtles seem capable of dispersing extensively, and can drop out of the pelagic phase on a transatlantic scale (the average distance between natal and foraging locations was 3048 km). Nevertheless, we also find support for the ‘closest-to-home’ hypothesis in that the degree of contribution from a nesting population to a foraging group is correlated with proximity. Larger-sized turtles appear to feed closer to their natal breeding grounds (the average distance was 1133 km), indicating that those that have been initially transported to far-flung foraging grounds may still be able to move nearer to home as they grow larger.


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This thesis investigated the extent to which sea-ice structure and complexity could be measured to identify suitable feeding habitat for krill-eating predators such as the Antarctic minke whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis). The results of this study suggest that the distribution and movement of minke whales is limited by the structure of the sea ice and that the sea ice influences minke whales' habitat use more than their overall distribution. Similar relationships were found for other krill predators such as Adelie penguins and crabeater seals.


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Contemporary studies of sea turtle diving behaviour are generally based upon sophisticated techniques such as the attachment of time depth recorders. However, if the risks of misinterpretation are to be minimized, it is essential that electronic data are analysed in the light of first-hand observations. To this aim, we set out to make observations of juvenile hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata, Linnaeus, 1766) foraging and resting in a shallow water coral reef habitat around the granitic Seychelles (4°'S, 55°'E). Data were collected from six study sites characterized by a shallow reef plateau (<5 m) and a flat sandy area at the base of the reef face (<10 m). Observation data were categorized into the following behaviours: (1) stationary foraging; (2) active foraging; (3) resting; and (4) assisted resting. Central to this investigation was the development of a technique for accurately estimating the size of sea turtles in situ based upon previously tested techniques for reef fishes. This revealed that through calibration, the curved carapace length (CCL) of marine turtles can be consistently estimated to within 10 cm of their actual size. Although rudimentary, this has advantages for assessing the residency or absence of specific life history stages from particular environments. Indeed, our data supported previous claims that following the reproductive season, adult hawksbills in the region may move away from the nesting beaches to alternative foraging grounds whilst immature turtles (following the pelagic juvenile stage) may opt to reside in areas close to their natal beaches. With regards to habitat utilization, juvenile hawksbills displayed an alternating pattern of short, shallow foraging dives followed by deeper, longer resting dives. These findings are consistent with previous electronic studies of free-range diving in this species and suggest that the maximization of resting duration may be an important factor driving this behaviour.


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Analysis of previously published records shows that the modal size of juvenile loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) found around the United Kingdom (the area north of 49°N and east of 12°W) is a carapace length of 20.5 cm. These turtles are believed to originate from nesting beaches in North America (principally Florida). We estimated their trans-Atlantic drift time using data from satellite-tracked buoys and from a mathematical model and, hence, estimated that the modal age of these juvenile turtles was between 1.80 and 3.75 years.


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Human disturbances of wildlife, such as tourism, can alter the activities of targeted individuals. Repeated behavioural disruptions can have long-term consequences for individual vital rates (survival and reproduction). To manage these sub-lethal impacts, we need to understand how activity disruptions can influence bioenergetics and ultimately individual vital rates. Empirical studies of the mechanistic links between whale-watching boat exposure and behavioural variation and vital rates are currently lacking for baleen whales (mysticetes). We compared minke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata behaviour on a feeding ground in the presence and absence of whale-watching boats. Effects on activity states were inferred from changes in movement metric data as well as the occurrence of surface feeding events. Linear mixed effects models and generalised estimation equations were used to investigate the effect of whale-watching boat interactions. Measurement errors were quantified, and their effects on model parameter estimates were investigated using resampling methods. Minke whales responded to whale-watching boats by performing shorter dives and increased sinuous movement. A reduction in the probability of observing longer inter-breath intervals during sinuous movement showed that whale-watching boat interactions reduced foraging activity. Further, the probability of observing surface feeding events also decreased during interactions with whale-watching boats. This indicates that whalewatching boats disrupted the feeding activities of minke whales. Since minke whales are capital breeders, a decrease in feeding success on the feeding grounds due to whale-watching boats could lead to a decrease in energy available for foetus development and nursing on the breeding grounds. Such impact could therefore alter the calving success of this species.


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Social interactions with adults are often critical for the development of mating behaviours. However, the potential role of other primary social partners such as juvenile counterparts is rarely considered. Most interestingly, it is not known whether interactions with juvenile females improve males’ courtship and whether, similar to the winner and loser effects in a fighting context—outcome of these interactions shapes males’ behaviour in future encounters. We investigated the combined effects of male quality and juvenile social experience on pairing success at adulthood in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). We manipulated brood size to alter male quality and then placed males in either same- or mixed-sex juvenile dyads until adulthood. We found that males from reduced broods obtained more copulations and males from mixed-sex dyads had more complete courtships. Furthermore, independent of their quality, males that failed to pair with juvenile females, but not juvenile males, had a lower pairing success at adulthood. Our study shows that negative social experience with peers during adolescence may be a potent determinant of pairing success that can override the effects of early environmental conditions on male attractiveness and thereby supports the occurrence of an analogous process to the loser effect in a mating context.


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Vertebrate forelimbs arise as bilateral appendages from the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM). Mutants in aldh1a2 (raldh2), an embryonically expressed gene encoding a retinoic acid (RA)-synthesizing enzyme, have been used to show that limb development and patterning of the limb bud are crucially dependent on RA signaling. However, the timing and cellular origin of RA signaling in these processes have remained poorly resolved. We have used genetics and chemical modulators of RA signaling to resolve these issues in the zebrafish. By rescuing pectoral fin induction in the aldh1a2/neckless mutant with exogenous RA and by blocking RA signaling in wild-type embryos, we find that RA acts as a permissive signal that is required during the six- to eight-somite stages for pectoral fin induction. Cell-transplantation experiments show that RA production is not only crucially required from flanking somites, but is sufficient to permit fin bud initiation when the trunk mesoderm is genetically ablated. Under the latter condition, intermediate mesoderm alone cannot induce the pectoral fin field in the LPM. We further show that induction of the fin field is directly followed by a continued requirement for somite-derived RA signaling to establish a prepattern of anteroposterior fates in the condensing fin mesenchyme. This process is mediated by the maintained expression of the transcription factor hand2, through which the fin field is continuously posteriorized, and lasts up to several hours prior to limb-budding. Thus, RA signaling from flanking somites plays a dual early role in the condensing limb bud mesenchyme.