67 resultados para Internshipp in fashion design


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Tibetan Buddhists articulate the bardo as the gap that exists between one fundamental stage of existence and another. Its most common usage is to describe the interval between death and reincarnation, but more literally, bar means 'in-between' and do 'island' or 'mark'. The 'bardo experience' is thus any one in which the 'past situation has just occurred and the future situation has not yet manifested itself. Instruction in architectural design attempts to provide guidance in the process of guiding students across the bardo from intention, analysis, and theorisation, to the creation of architectural representations and products. As such the architectural academy operates within a history of methods and codifications which try to quantify and bring a level of certainty to this process.
Recently however, there has been a questioning of traditionally accepted ways of ‘knowing’ the world, which has manifested in challenges to received ‘truths’ and increasing interest in other, previously marginalised histories and knowledges. The critiques that flow from this questioning contend that objective cultural ‘truths’ are simply the discursive result of the dominance of particular ways of perceiving the world. The practice of architecture has not been immune from this. The field has become a subject, for instance, of sociological, feminist and postcolonial critiques. However, their bearing on the pedagogy of composing architecture remains fragmentary and contested. My interest in this subject is derived from a desire to use the opportunities presented by contemporary cultural shifts to develop design-based architectural research that will assist future architects to operate in the uncertainties of an irreducibly plural global community. This paper will explore some ways in which academic research might bear upon the design studio’s negotiation of architectural bardos.


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As information systems move out of the office into the wider world and are merged with mobile appliances, buildings and even clothing, the representations traditionally used in any one discipline may not be adequate for understanding these new domains. Design representations are ‘ways of seeing and not seeing’. Despite the central role representations play in design, the information systems design community has little understanding of the relation, ideal or actual, between design practice and design representation. This paper reports on an extensive design case study that aims at increasing understanding of the nature and affordances of representations in the design process and argues for the need for information systems as a discipline to open up discussion of the design representations that may be required to effectively design systems that mix traditional IS with disciplines such as industrial design, architecture and fashion design.


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Information in construction industry is delivered and interpreted in a language specific to the industry in which large complex objects are only partially described and with much information being implicit in the language used. Successful communication therefore relies on participants in the industry leaming how to interpret the language through many years of education, training and experience. With the introduction of computer technology, and in particular the detailed digital building information model (DB 1M), the accepted language currently in use is no longer a valid method of describing the building. At all stages in the paper based design and documentation process it is generally readily apparent which parts of the design require further completion and which are fully resolved. This is able to be achieved through the complex graphical language currently in use. In the DBIM, all information appears at the same level of resolution making difficult the interpretation of implicit information embedded in the model. This compromises the collaborative design environment which is being described as a fundamental characteristic of the future construction industry. This paper focuses on two areas. The first analyses design resolution and the role uncertain information plays in the design process. It then discusses the manner in which designers and the industry in general deal with incomplete or unresolved information. The second describes a theoretical model in which a design resolution (DR) environment incorporates the level of design resolution as an operable element in a collaborative DBIM. The development and implementation of this model will allow designers to better share, understand and interpret design knowledge from the shared information during the various stages of digital design and before full resolution is achieved.


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The purpose of this paper is to provide a platform for investigating the relationship between the student and the tutor via the design drawing and in particular the idea that what gives grounds for architecture to embody something is what is imagined is expressed in the design drawing. It is suggested that in architectural education the sense of architecture's fabricated properties find their apparent expression from the convergence of the tutor and student toward these drawings. In an act of perceptual contortion, there is an endeavour to reconcile what they see with what they think the drawing might suggest. Part of this mental reconstruction is based on the expectation that something is in the drawing to see. The drawing is produced based on the supposition that it will be read, generating a particular conditioning of the student's attitude toward the relevance of the drawing. It is engaged as the receptacle of ideas about what architecture is. The result is that sometimes the emphasis on the drawing as something to be consumed implies a permeation of the supposed sensory qualities of architecture imagined by the student designer, the portrayal of which is indubitably a product of the medium. While this might be commonly experienced in studios, it is proposed that this may be perpetuated in architectural education not merely by the act of drawing itself and what the drawing is, but how the student/tutor exchange contributes to the consciousness of what is portrayed.


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As information systems move out of the office into the wider world and are merged with mobile appliances, buildings and even clothing, the representations traditionally used in any one discipline may not be adequate for understanding these new domains. Design representations are ‘ways of seeing and not seeing’. Despite the central role representations play in design, the information systems design community has little understanding of the relation, ideal or actual, between design practice and design representation. This paper reports on an extensive design case study that aims at increasing understanding of the nature and affordances of representations in the design process and argues for the need for information systems as a discipline to open up discussion of the design representations that may be required to effectively design systems that mix traditional IS with disciplines such as industrial design, architecture and fashion design.


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Introduction: Fall risk screening tools are frequently used as a part of falls prevention programs in hospitals. Design-related bias in evaluations of tool predictive accuracy could lead to overoptimistic results, which would then contribute to program failure in practice.

A systematic review was undertaken. Two blind reviewers assessed the methodology of relevant publications into a four-point classification system adapted from multiple sources. The association between study design classification and reported results was examined using linear regression with clustering based on screening tool and robust variance estimates with point estimates of Youden Index (= sensitivity + specificity - 1) as the dependent variable. Meta-analysis was then performed pooling data from prospective studies.

Results: Thirty-five publications met inclusion criteria, containing 51 evaluations of fall risk screening tools. Twenty evaluations were classified as retrospective validation evaluations, 11 as prospective (temporal) validation evaluations, and 20 as prospective (external) validation evaluations. Retrospective evaluations had significantly higher Youden Indices (point estimate [95% confidence interval]: 0.22 [0.11, 0.33]). Pooled Youden Indices from prospective evaluations demonstrated the STRATIFY, Morse Falls Scale, and nursing staff clinical judgment to have comparable accuracy.

Discussion: Practitioners should exercise caution in comparing validity of fall risk assessment tools where the evaluation has been limited to retrospective classifications of methodology. Heterogeneity between studies indicates that the Morse Falls Scale and STRATIFY may still be useful in particular settings, but that widespread adoption of either is unlikely to generate benefits significantly greater than that of nursing staff clinical judgment.


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This paper considers the relationship between architecture and construction management students’ overall academic abilities (as measured by Weighted Average Marks [WAMs]), their peer ratings for contributions to team design assignments (as measured by an online Self-and-Peer-Assessment [SAPA] tool), and their specific abilities as building designers (as measured by grades in individual design assignments). The research was conducted to determine whether a student’s prior academic achievements might indicate how well they will work in teams. The research demonstrates a statistically significant relationship between WAMs and SAPA ratings indicating that academically successful students more often than not make good teammates. However, the study also highlights that when peers are assessing contributions to teamwork they are assessing skills and qualities in their teammates other than overall academic ability or the ability to design well. Whilst this study is largely located within the field of design, the findings are relevant to any group work where teachers aim to design assessment that unravels group and individual contribution.


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This literature review describes the theoretical basis for developing a pedagogical model of higher education/industry engagement for the built environment and related design disciplines, with a focus on architecture. In particular, attention is given to the conceptualisation informing the development of such a model as a form of work integrated learning (WIL). In the discussion, the use and development of WIL in architecture will be placed in the historical context of Cooperative Education as a whole. The objective of the paper is to present ideas about the way in which design education relocated to practice might better prepare students for professional life.

Aiming to capitalize on the work place as a location for authentic learning, the paper will propose a form of WIL that will be termed “Teaching in Practice” (TiP). A prime aim of such a model is to bridge the growing gap between academia and the profession by enabling students to learn design from practitioners within a practice environment. The paper will argue that TiP allows practitioners to have a direct influence on design education, and thus establishes connections between academia and the professions that ensure built environment education remains relevant to industry needs.


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This position paper reports on an Australian Learning Teaching Council (ALTC) funded project – “Enhancing and Assessing Group and Team Learning in Architecture and Related Design Contexts.” This is a two-year project, commencing in November 2011, which is investigating best practice in Australian higher education for the teaching of teamwork in the design disciplines, with a focus on Architecture. At the time of the conference presentation, data on current practices will be reported on that has been collected and analysed from four universities in Australia. The project aims to: highlight and develop innovative approaches to collaborative studio-based learning; structure team learning within curricula; develop graduate attributes for teamwork; and inform assessment of team design that supports team-working skills and increased learner confidence.


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BACKGROUND : The Centre for Advanced Design in Engineering Training (CADET) is a partnership of Deakin University and the Gordon Institute of TAFE that will improve access and pathways into careers to address Australia’s critical engineering skills shortage (Walton, C). Local high schools, Belmont High and Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College are included as strategic partners. CADET is proposed to be a teaching and learning facility providing a project focused modern engineering approach to students at regional schools and TAFE as well as Deakin’s degree programs. CADET will emphasize engineering design and development through virtual and physical modelling, simulation and prototyping – skills at the heart of the 21st century engineering challenges, and will serve as an attractor to engineering and related professions.

PURPOSE : The purpose of this paper is to present an argument toward the development of a Centre for advanced design in engineering training. CADET is proposed to increase the awareness and attractiveness of engineering as an education and career option, particularly for women, in regional schools, provide under one roof state-of-the-art engineering design, modelling and prototyping facilities, facilitate access and articulation pathways between school, VET and Higher Education, increase the physical capacity to serve student demand in western Victoria, and reinvigorate engineering as an essential component of a skilled regional economy.

DESIGN/METHOD : The evidenced based argument towards the proposed centre for advanced design in engineering training is based on a detailed literature review as well as a research study with industry representatives in engineering design. The learning principles of the model are also investigated and aligned to the proposed centre.

RESULTS : CADET is a change to the way engineering has traditionally been taught. The outcomes of CADET will be to provide a broad range of contemporary/relevant teaching programs, improve the social benefits gained from teaching programs, improve retention rates, advance partnerships that link with rural and regional victoria, and collaborate with local communities to encourage governments to support regional capacity building. Through focus group interviews and open discussions with industry and academia over the past 12 months on the integration of design skills in engineering education, results indicate that the following key skills are essential elements required for a successful project oriented design based learning curriculum are creative & innovative skills, successful industry engagement, and awareness of design skills in early years. Feedback also showed that 80% of the industry representatives are looking to recruit graduates who acquired design-equipped skill and 60% indicated that they want graduates who acquired knowledge through projects.

CONCLUSIONS : CADET projected benefits are significant at the strategic and operational levels. They include access for more women in engineering, facilitates articulation pathways between VET and HE, targeted recognised critical current engineering skills shortage in Australia, improvement of regional access, attractiveness and participation in tertiary education, achievement of a significant improvement in the teaching-research nexus.


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This paper reports on the early findings of an Australian Learning Teaching Council (ALTC/OLT) funded project – “Enhancing and Assessing Group and Team Learning in Architecture and Related Design Contexts.” This is a two-year project investigating good practice in Australian higher education for the teaching of teamwork in the design disciplines, with a focus on architecture. Drawing upon a review of the literature and discussions with teachers and practitioners, the paper considers how teamwork is conceived in the context of the design disciplines. The paper explores notions of team and group design activities in the literature, identifying the key elements and characteristics of effective teams and groups. While a great deal of research exists on effective teamwork in organizational, management and general education literature, this research found a clear gap in knowledge relating to teaching teamwork in architecture and related design contexts. Suggestions are made about the ways in which theories on effective teamwork in organisations might elucidate teaching and assessment of effectively functioning student design teams. The literature review prompted five key questions, outlined here, around the conceptualisation of teamwork in design education that were subsequently discussed with educators and practitioners, thus allowing the identification of issues, problems and solutions common to all fields of design.


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Children's creativity is a valuable resource for architectural design, and attempts have been made throughout the world to involve children in the design process of their environments. Previous children's co-design projects often followed a problem solving process, however, this process has limitations in stimulating children's creativity. Research has found that children's creativity is different to adult's creativity: Instead of creative problem solving skills, children's creativity is most evident in their imagination and originality of thinking. Addressing this issue, an alternative process in children's co-design projects was experimented: Fictional Inquiry. In this paper, two case studies are used to illustrate how the fictional inquiry process is applied in children's co-design projects.* These two projects were both joint educational projects between Deakin University and schools in Geelong and Melbourne. Through several weeks' of workshops, children and university architecture students worked in small groups to develop architectural design solutions. It was observed that creative design outcomes have been achieved in these two projects, which suggested that Fictional Inquiry was an effective process to inspire children's creativity. Applying the Fictional Inquiry process, Deakin University is currently working with another school in the Geelong Region, with the aim of achieving creative architectural design outcomes.


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Legislation and standards are alleged to be one of the key solutions for improving accessibility and Universal Design implementation in Malaysia including its implementation in housing design. In response to this concern, the government of Malaysia has taken considerable steps in articulating professional practice obligations as demonstrated in continual improvements in relevant new laws and standards (Malaysian Standard (MS)). The findings from a preliminary study have however evidenced a clear gap between having laws and standards and ensuring their implementation in the construction industry. This paper reviews the issues faced by the existing Malaysian enforcement and practices to Universal Design. The findings emphasise awareness, understanding and practice implications for the legislation and its standards in Malaysia, and problems and assumptions perceived. Findings indicate that there is lack of understanding and awareness of the current legislation and standards in the construction industry, in addition to the insufficiency of comprehensive guidelines to regulate Universal Design in Malaysia.


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User-centred design (UCD) with a focus on usability provides product developers with a design approach in which users are involved in every stage of the process: when gathering requirements; when evaluating alternative designs; and when evaluating interactive prototypes.The characteristics of people who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) make it difficult to follow a truly UCD approach, which in part may contribute to the high rejection of AAC devices. Training workshops have been delivered to introduce users and AAC professionals to the UCD process.Initial feedback indicates that they feel more empowered to evaluate systems and to engage in the design of new systems after attending the workshop.


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Although not known as a ‘fashion capital’, for young emigrant Norman Alexander, Dannevirke in 1927 was a style opportunity waiting to be served. This paper takes as its case study, the work of Alexander through his Dannevirke-based fashion company ‘Silvalyne Gowns’ and his High Street retail outlet ‘The Fashion’. New Zealand’s fashion design history has been increasingly interrogated over the past decade, and often gives privilege to those who have found success overseas, or who were primarily located in New Zealand’s main centers. Only occasionally does research touch on smaller towns and the role they too played in New Zealand’s fashion history. By placing emphasis on a smaller, less well-known town this paper seeks to redress this balance and open up enquiry about how the town and the country may also be positioned alongside the better-known fashion centers.