91 resultados para Interhemispheric Facilitation


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Students are now experiencing opportunities in practice education where their learning is facilitated by professionals of varied backgrounds thus leading to issues of how to assess student performance while on placement. Educators have had to re-think the way in which students’ performance is assessed and to integrate the key graduate attributes of critical reflection, self and peer assessments and feedback. Using recommendations by Mason (1999) in relation to a collaborative group model for workplace learning and ‘The Self-Directed Learning Model’ by Gaiptman and Anthony (1989) the Occupational Wellness and Life Satisfaction (OWLS) program encourages students to reflect on their experiences in an environment of self and peer evaluation, focussing on the process of learning rather than purely on outcomes. Students are required to complete a self and peer assessment of their learning using a nationally recognised fieldwork evaluation instrument and develop a practice portfolio consisting of learning contract and supporting evidence for their self-assessment. Qualitative and quantitative data was collected via a questionnaire to alumni. The most frequently identified skills that were valued by respondents were autonomy and independence. Other benefits identified were facilitation of self directed learning, and ability to problem solve with colleagues and to share learning. In a higher education environment where lifelong learning and the ability to work collaboratively are valued graduate attributes, a focus on peer and self assessment within the context of work integrated learning contributes to graduates who are well placed to work in both traditional and newer and emerging areas of practice.


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Purpose – The main aim of this paper is to describe the content, structure and preliminary evaluation of a new Good Lives sexual offender treatment group (SOTG) for male mentally disordered offenders.

Design/methodology/approach – As evaluation and work on the SOTG is necessarily ongoing, case study descriptions of each patient who attended the SOTG and of their progress throughout SOTG are described.

Findings – Overall, the case study progress reports suggest that mentally disordered male patients made some notable progress on SOTG despite their differential and complex needs. In particular, attention to each patient's life goals and motivators appeared to play a key role in promoting treatment engagement. Furthermore, patients with lower intelligence quotient and/or indirect pathways required additional support to understand the links between the Good Lives Model (GLM) and their own risk for sexual offending.

Research limitations/implications –
Further evaluations of SOTG groups, that incorporate higher numbers of participants and adequate control groups, are required before solid conclusions and generalisations can be made.

Practical implications – Practitioners should consider providing additional support to clients when implementing any future SOTGs for mentally disordered patients.

Originality/value – This is the first paper to outline and describe implementation of the GLM in the sexual offender treatment of mentally disordered male patients group format. As such, it will be of interest to any professionals involved in the facilitation of sexual offender treatment within this population.


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Approximately one-quarter of people over the age of 65 are estimated to suffer some form of cognitive impairment, underscoring the need for effective cognitive-enhancing agents. Insulin-regulated aminopeptidase (IRAP) is potentially an innovative target for the development of cognitive enhancers, as its peptide inhibitors exhibit memory-enhancing effects in both normal and memory-impaired rodents. Using a homology model of the catalytic domain of IRAP and virtual screening, we have identified a class of nonpeptide, small-molecule inhibitors of IRAP. Structure-based computational development of an initial "hit" resulted in the identification of two divergent families of compounds. Subsequent medicinal chemistry performed on the highest affinity compound produced inhibitors with nanomolar affinities (Ki 20–700 nM) for IRAP. In vivo efficacy of one of these inhibitors was demonstrated in rats with an acute dose (1 nmol in 1 µl) administered into the lateral ventricles, improving performance in both spatial working and recognition memory paradigms. We have identified a family of specific IRAP inhibitors that is biologically active which will be useful both in understanding the physiological role of IRAP and potentially in the development of clinically useful cognitive enhancers. Notably, this study also provides unequivocal proof of principal that inhibition of IRAP results in memory enhancement.


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Problem based learning (PBL) is a group learning environment that involves a radical change in the way students learn and the role that academic staff play in facilitating learning. The PBL approach claims to build extended technological and social understandings as it offers a context for development of autonomous learners. It has an emphasis on collective and individual learning motivation and decision-making behaviours.

In this paper, we present the responses of students to the heterogeneous characteristic of PBL teams in a first year electrical engineering degree course at an Australian University. The learning cultures in PBL teams that emerge as a result of the diverse characteristics of teams are also presented in this paper.

A number of PBL teams were observed and interviewed throughout their first year course with their consent. Analysis of the data collected about students’ learning and outcomes in PBL teams informed the ways in which individual students approach their learning, the ways in which they control, regulate and direct their learning individually and as a group and the extent to which they participate, engage and thereby learn in the course.

It is evident that some students have a strong influence on the behaviour of other students in their team. These students also influenced what is learnt as a team, the ways in which they interrelated, worked as a team and problem solved in changing circumstances. Therefore, when designing student teams for PBL academics should not assume that a mono-cultural group or a mixed-ability group of students will work successfully together. We think that the results of this research inform both the design of PBL courses and the facilitation of PBL groups to accomplish successful group learning outcomes.


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Purpose: Infusing an interprofessional perspective into healthcare education in the university setting instils a collaborative approach in the provision of patient-centred care concepts for students. The purpose of this paper is to describe how one Australian health science faculty is modernising their healthcare education curriculum to develop this approach.

Method: As part of the development process, a systematic literature review was undertaken to determine the elements required for the development of interprofessional clinical learning (IPCL) sites, including but not limited to, necessary organisational and professional considerations to effect interprofessional education (IPE).

Results: The results of this review identified four key factors for IPE development: 1) shared culture, 2) support and leadership, 3) strategic facilitation and planning, and 4) effective feedback, evaluation and dissemination of curriculum intent.

Discussion: These elements are discussed in association with curriculum change in this faculty to promote interprofessional collaboration and teaching.

Conclusion: As a result of the review, the modernisation of our IPE curriculum is being underpinned by shared understandings between faculty and clinical site health providers about IPE. Our joint goal is for appropriate preparation and sustainability of IPCL sites.


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With the advent of social networks, it became apparent that the social aspect of designing and learning plays a crucial role in students’ education. Technologies and skills are the base on which learners interact. The ease of communication, leadership opportunity, democratic interaction, teamwork, and the sense of community are some of the aspects that are now in the centre of design interaction. The paper examines Virtual Design Studios (VDS) that used media-rich platforms and analyses the influence the social aspect plays in solving all problems on the sample of a design studio at Deakin University. It studies the effectiveness of the generated social intelligence and explores the facilitation of students’ self-directed learning. Hereby the paper studies the construction of knowledge via social interaction and how blended learning environments foster motivation and information exchange. It presents its finding based on VDS that were held over the past three years.


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Results from this thesis provide insights into the physical loads experienced by the elite junior Australian footballer. The information presented can assist in the facilitation of best practice advice for player management and training prescription through the use of training diaries and GPS TMA and HR device technologies.


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This performative, multi-media lecture re-reads Guy Debord’s book, The Society of the Spectacle (1967) with reference to the global Occupy movement, and the role social media and the Internet play in the facilitation and hindrance of this recent form of political activism. Debord claims that all ‘having’ — that is, all forms of accumulating capital — ‘derives its immediate prestige and its ultimate purpose from appearances’, and that individual reality, which is shaped by social forces, can ‘appear only if it is not actually real (Debord, thesis 18).’ Using the multiple functions and staggering proliferation of various image making technologies used to record and represent OCCUPY actions as a starting point, we respond to Debord’s proposition by examining the ways his analysis of the spectacle both enables and impedes a thorough critique of social media as a spectacular technology par excellence. Part reflective essay, part critical analysis, and part performance, ‘Click if You Like This’ connects various situationist strategies of ‘artistic interference’ — such as the dérive and détournement — with expanded cinema in order to generate a series of questions and provocations about the politics of place, the degradation of social space, networked images and the ubiquity of contemporary ‘spectacular’ technologies, which have colonized all forms of everyday life. This presentation questions whether contemporary forms and strategies of interference are the same as their historical precedents.


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This workshop is useful for academic researchers and postgraduate students who wish to explore relational approaches to the examination of the organisation of academic texts.
The first part of the workshop introduces the theory and premises of the framework for the rhetorical analysis of the structure of texts (FARS). FARS provides a functional account of the structure of text in terms of the strategies employed by writers to achieve their communicative purposes. Its coherence relations obtain from the level of text as a whole to the clausal level. The discourse parts at all levels except the bottom level constitute relational schemata. FARS relational taxonomy includes the following relational clusters: Elaboration, List, Causal, Adversative, Facilitation, Assessing and Digression. The second part of the workshopl provides opportunity to practice relational analyses of selected texts within this framework.


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Teachers have a major responsibility to engage students online for successful learning in online distance education programs. Identifying key aspects of the teachers’ role is important. The study reported in this paper investigated an online course for paramedic students. Data were collected from the teachers and students and their online interactions were observed. The study has shown that students’ message posting is likely to be related to the cognitive demand and accessibility of discussion tasks that staff design and the quality of teacher facilitation of discussion.


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With the advent of social networks, it became apparent that the social aspect of designing and learning plays a crucial role in students’ education. The ease of communication, leadership opportunity, democratic interaction, teamwork, and the sense of community are some of the aspects that are now in the centre of design interaction. Online interactions, multimedia, mobile computing and face-to-face learning create blended learning environments to which some Virtual Design Studios (VDS) have reacted. On the sample of a design studio at Deakin University the paper discusses details of the Social Network VDS, its pedagogical implications to PBL, and presents how it is successful in empowering architectural students to collaborate and communicate design proposals that integrate a variety of skills, deep learning, and construction of knowledge. It studies the effectiveness of the generated social intelligence and explores the facilitation of students’ self-directed learning. Hereby the paper studies the construction of knowledge via social interaction and how blended learning environments foster motivation and information exchange.


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This paper is the textual component of a dialogic, performative, multi-media lecture that rereads Guy Debord’s, The Society of the Spectacle (1967) with reference to the global Occupy movement, and the role social media, and the proliferation of digital images play in the facilitation and hindrance of this recent form of political activism. It explicitly addresses the connections between global capitalism, public space and digital technology by responding to selective quotations from Debord’s book in creative and anecdotal registers.


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Aim.  The aim of this study is to describe the experience of caregivers of individuals who have had a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Background.  Decreased lengths of hospital stay and an increased emphasis on chronic disease self-management increase the importance of carers in assisting in recovery and lifestyle modification. Design.  Cross-sectional dual-moderated focus group design. Method.  Three focus groups using a dual facilitation approach were held in the cardiac rehabilitation setting of a tertiary referral hospital in metropolitan Sydney. All sessions were audio recorded, transcribed and thematically analysed. Results.  Four themes emerged from the data: (1) a gendered approach to health, illness and caring; (2) shock, disbelief and the process of adjustment following PCI; (3) challenges and changes of the carer–patient relationship and (4) the needs of the carer for support and information. Issues emerging from this study parallel other findings describing the experience, yet provide new insights into the issues surrounding PCI. Conclusion.  These findings highlight the need for including carers in care planning and decision-making and providing them with support and resources. Relevance to clinical practice.  • Emphasises the importance of preparing carers of the likely experience following a PCI.• Demonstrates the degree to which vigilance, deferment of carer-health needs and role conflict impact on the carer’s personal relationship.• Demonstrates the need for formal support interventions for carers of patients who have had PCI.


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 Mathematical modelling is increasingly becoming part of an instructional approach deemed to develop students with competencies to function as 21st century learners and problem solvers. As mathematical modelling is a relatively new domain in the Singapore primary school mathematics curriculum, many teachers may not be aware of the learning outcomes and competencies needed to develop in their students during mathematical modelling. This paper reports on the assessment of two groups of Primary 5 students’ (aged 11) mathematical modelling competencies in their first attempt in completing a modelling task. The students’ competencies are assessed to be at levels 1 and 2 of a researcher-designed rubric. Findings appear to suggest that students faced particular challenges in formulating a mathematical problem from the real-world problem through making assumptions. Implications on teacher education on the facilitation of problem formulation and mathematisation during mathematical modelling at the primary level are drawn.


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The nephrology educators network [NEN] recognised in 2007 that inequities existed in the access and delivery of evidence based renal education programs particularly to nurses in regional and remote areas. To address this, a web-based approach to learning, through the development of peer reviewed, interactive nephrology e-learning programs was adopted. These programs aligned with the tenets of e-learning instructional design and afforded more effective and consistent clinical support and induction for nurses in the renal specialty. The e-learning programs promote a standardised evidence-based approach to nephrology education and were developed by content experts from across Australia and New Zealand. The design methodology avoided the duplication of resources while also encouraging knowledge transfer between participating health organisations.

This paper will discuss the development and successful implementation of these e-learning programs across renal healthcare units in Australasia. Implemented packages include: Introduction to Buttonhole Cannulation – featuring an interactive ultrasound and cannulation application; Introduction to Haemodialysis; Introduction to Peritoneal Dialysis [PD], featuring simulated PD machines, allowing for the teaching of troubleshooting without compromising patient safety. E-learning programs are further supported through interactive case scenarios that present unfolding real world simulations and enable learners to meet different patients and manage their care while learning about key messages relating to renal health. Modules currently in development include; Acute Kidney Injury; Fluid Assessment, Water Quality and Vascular Access. The implementation of these programs assist the facilitation of positive change in teaching and learning practices in nephrology nursing aimed at improving patient outcomes.