60 resultados para I GENE


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Purpose: Findings recently have shown coupling protein-3 (UCP3) content to be decreased in the skeletal muscle of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Uncoupling protein-3 mRNA exists as two isoforms: long (UCP3L) and short (UCP3S). The UCP3 protein is expressed the least in oxidative and the most in glycolytic muscle fibers. Levels of UCP3 have been associated positively with intramyocellular triglyceride (IMTG) contents in conditions of altered fatty acid metabolism. As a source for muscle free fatty acid metabolism, IMTG is decreased in COPD. The current study completely characterized all the parameters of UCP3 expression (ie, UCP3L and UCP3S mRNA expression in whole muscle samples) and UCP3 protein content as well as IMTG content in the different fiber types in patients with COPD and healthy control subjects.

Methods: Using real-time polymerase chain reaction, UCP3 gene expression was quantified. Skeletal muscle fiber type and UCP3 protein and IMTG content were measured using immunofluorescence and Oil red oil staining, respectively.

Results: The findings showed that UCP3L mRNA expression was 44% lower (P < .005) in the patients with COPD than in the control subjects, whereas the UCP3S mRNA content was similar in the two groups. As compared with control subjects, UCP3 protein content was decreased by 89% and 83% and the IMTG content by 64% and 54%, respectively, in types I and IIa fibers (P < .0167) of patients with COPD, whereas they were unchanged in IIx fibers.

Conclusions: The reduced UCP3 and IMTG content in the more oxidative fibers may be linked to the altered muscle fatty acid metabolism associated with COPD. Further studies are required to determine the exact role and clinical relevance of the reduced UCP3 content in patients with COPD.


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The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system is a key regulator of cell growth, survival and differentiation, and these functions are co-modulated by other growth factors including fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2). To investigate IGF/FGF interactions in neuronal cells, we employed neuroblastoma cells (SK-N-MC). In serum free conditions proliferation of the SK-N-MC cells was promoted by IGF-I (25 ng/ml), but blunted by FGF-2 (50 ng/ml). IGF-I-induced proliferation was abolished in the presence of FGF-2 even when IGF-I was used at 100 ng/ml. In addition to our previously described FGF-2 induced proteolytic cleavage of IGFBP-2, we found that FGF-2 increased IGFBP-6 levels in conditioned medium (CM) without affecting IGFBP-6 mRNA abundance. Modulation of IGFBP-2 and -6 levels were not significant mechanisms involved in the blockade of IGF-I action since the potent IGF-I analogues [QAYL]IGF-I and des(1-3)IGF-I (minimal IGFBP affinity) were unable to overcome FGF-2 inhibition of cell proliferation. FGF-2 treated cells showed morphological differentiation expressing the TUJ1 neuronal marker while cells treated with IGF-I alone showed no morphological change. When IGF-I was combined with FGF-2, however, cell morphology was indistinguishable from that seen with FGF-2 alone. FGF-2 inhibited proliferation and enhanced differentiation was also associated with a 70% increase in cell death. Although IGF-I alone was potently anti-apoptotic (60% decreased), IGF-I was unable to prevent apoptosis when administrated in combination with FGF-2. Gene-array analysis confirmed FGF-2 activation of the intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways and blockade of IGF anti-apoptotic signaling. FGF-2, directly and indirectly, overcomes the proliferative and anti-apoptotic activity of IGF-I by complex mechanisms, including enhancement of differentiation and apoptotic pathways, and inhibition of IGF-I induced anti-apoptotic signalling. Modulation of IGF binding protein abundance by FGF-2 does not play a significant role in inhibition of IGF-I induced mitogenesis.


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In molluscs, the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) has been linked to a variety of biological roles including gamete maturation and spawning. The possible involvement of 5-HT in abalone gamete release was demonstrated by a dose-dependent increase in <i>Haliotis rubra i>gonad contractile bioactivity following 5-HT stimulation. Physiological functions associated with 5-HT, are mediated through binding to 5-HT receptors. A cDNA encoding a putative 5-HT receptor consisting of 359 amino acids was isolated from the tropical abalone <i>H. asininai>, termed 5-HT1 ha. The 5-HT1 ha shares G-protein-coupled receptor motifs with metazoan 5-HT receptors, including predicted transmembrane domains, active sites for protein kinase action, and N-linked glycosylation sites. However, the third intracellular loop of 5-HT1 ha is relatively short, and only six transmembrane domains are predicted, implying a truncated receptor. Phylogenetic analysis with known 5-HT receptor genes suggests that 5-HT1 ha belongs to the type 1 5-HT receptor family. Expression analysis by RT-PCR showed that 5-HT1 ha  mRNA was present in all tissues examined, including the neural ganglia and gonad tissues. Immunocytochemistry revealed the presence of 5-HT1 ha specifically within the soma of neuronal cells located in the outer cortex of both cerebral and pleuropedal ganglia. In ovarian and testicular tissues, 5-HT1 ha immunoreactivity was observed in epithelial cells of the outer capsule and connective tissue of the trabeculae to which the gamete follicles adhere. Whether this receptor transcript is translated to a functional protein needs to be verified, but if so, it could play a role in reproduction.


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This study has utilised comparative functional genomics to exploit animal models with extreme adaptation to lactation to identify candidate genes that specifically regulate protein synthesis in the cow mammary gland. Increasing milk protein production is valuable to the dairy industry. The lactation strategies of both the Cape fur seal (<i>Artocephalus pusillus pusillusi>) and the tammar wallaby (<i>Macropus eugeniii>) include periods of high rates of milk protein synthesis during an established lactation and therefore offer unique models to target genes that specifically regulate milk protein synthesis. Global changes in mammary gene expression in the Cape fur seal, tammar wallaby, and the cow (<i>Bos taurusi>) were assessed using microarray analysis. The folate receptor α (FOLR1) showed the greatest change in gene expression in all three species [cow 12.7-fold (<i>ni> = 3), fur seal 15.4-fold (<i>ni> = 1), tammar 2.4-fold (<i>n i>= 4)] at periods of increased milk protein production. This compliments previous reports that folate is important for milk protein synthesis and suggests FOLR1 may be a key regulatory point of folate metabolism for milk protein synthesis within mammary epithelial cells (lactocytes). These data may have important implications for the dairy industry to develop strategies to increase milk protein production in cows. This study illustrates the potential of comparative genomics to target genes of interest to the scientific community.


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Background - Alterations in folate status are associated with colorectal carcinogenesis. Folate’s role has been postulated to be either via prevention of changes in DNA methylation or uracil misincorporation.
Objective - To investigate the effect of folic acid supplementation on colonocyte folate status and DNA biomarkers.
Design - Twenty individuals harbouring colonic adenomas were randomised to receive folic acid (600 g daily) or placebo for 6 months post polypectomy. Systemic and colonocyte folate status was determined at baseline and following the intervention. Modified Comet assays were used to determine uracil misincorporation and global DNA hypomethylation at the site adjacent to the polyp and a site distal to the polyp.
Outcomes - Supplementation resulted in increased colonocyte folate, which approached significance, at the site adjacent to the polyp (P= 0.06) but not distal to the polyp (P= 0.36); correspondingly there was a reduction in uracil misincorporation at the site adjacent to the polyp (P = 0.02) and the distal site showed no such trend (P= 0.39). There were no significant changes in global DNA hypomethylation at either site post-intervention.
Conclusions - Folic acid supplementation resulted in increased colonocyte folate and decreased uracil misincorporation at the site of the adenoma but not distal to the adenoma. This supports the hypothesis that localised areas of folate deficiency may exist in human colonic mucosa which respond to folic acid supplementation through increasing colonocyte folate and improving folate-related DNA biomarkers of cancer risk.


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Linkage analysis is a successful procedure to associate diseases with specific genomic regions. These regions are often large, containing hundreds of genes, which make experimental methods employed to identify the disease gene arduous and expensive. We present two methods to prioritize candidates for further experimental study: Common Pathway Scanning (CPS) and Common Module Profiling (CMP). CPS is based on the assumption that common phenotypes are associated with dysfunction in proteins that participate in the same complex or pathway. CPS applies network data derived from protein–protein interaction (PPI) and pathway databases to identify relationships between genes. CMP identifies likely candidates using a domain-dependent sequence similarity approach, based on the hypothesis that disruption of genes of similar function will lead to the same phenotype. Both algorithms use two forms of input data: known disease genes or multiple disease loci. When using known disease genes as input, our combined methods have a sensitivity of 0.52 and a specificity of 0.97 and reduce the candidate list by 13-fold. Using multiple loci, our methods successfully identify disease genes for all benchmark diseases with a sensitivity of 0.84 and a specificity of 0.63. Our combined approach prioritizes good candidates and will accelerate the disease gene discovery process.


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1. The pregnane X receptor (PXR) plays a critical role in the regulation of human cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) gene. In this study, we investigated the effect of an array of compounds isolated from Chinese herbal medicines on the activity of PXR using a luciferase reporter gene assay in transiently transfected HepG2 and Huh7 cells and on the expression of PXR and CYP3A4 in LS174T cells. Furthermore, molecular docking was performed to investigate the binding modes of herbal compounds with PXR.

2. Praeruptorin A and C, salvianolic acid B, sodium danshensu, protocatechuic aldehyde, cryptotanshinone, emodin, morin, and tanshinone IIA significantly transactivated the CYP3A4 reporter gene construct in either HepG2 or Huh7 cells. The PXR mRNA expression in LS174T cells was significantly induced by physcion, protocatechuic aldehyde, salvianolic acid B, and sodium danshensu. However, epifriedelanol, morin, praeruptorin D, mulberroside A, tanshinone I, and tanshinone IIA significantly down-regulated the expression of PXR mRNA in LS174T cells.

3. All the herbal compounds tested can be readily docked into the ligand-binding cavity of PXR mainly through hydrogen bond and aromatic interactions with Ser247, Gln285, His407, and Arg401.

4. These findings suggest that herbal medicines can significantly regulate PXR and CYP3A4 and this has important implication in herb–drug interactions.


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In this study, we have investigated the ability of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) to inhibit HIV long terminal repeat (LTR)-driven gene expression. Using COS 7 cells cotransfected with tat and an HIV LTR linked to a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter, we observed that physiological levels of IGF-I (10-9 M) significantly inhibited CAT expression in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. IGF-I did not inhibit C AT expression in COS 7 cells transfected with pSVCAT, and did not affect CAT expression in the absence of cotransfection with tat . Transfection of HIV-1 proviral DNA into COS 7 cells +/- IGF-I resulted in a significant decrease ( p 0.05) in infectious virion production. Both IGF-I and Ro24-7429 inhibited LTR-driven C AT expression, while TNF- alpha -enhanced CAT expression was not affected by IGF-I. On the other hand, a plasmid encoding parathyroid hormone-related peptide exhibited dramatic additivity of inhibition of CAT expression in COS 7 cells. Finally, we show that in Jurkat or U937 cells cotransfected with HIVLTRCAT/tat, IGF-I significantly inhibited CAT expression. Further, interleukin 4 showed in U937 cells inhibition of CAT expression that was not additive to IGF-I induced inhibition. Our data demonstrate that IGF-I can specifically inhibit HIVLTRCAT expression. This inhibition may occur at the level of the tat /TAR interaction. Finally, this IGF-I effect is seen in target cell lines and similar paths of inhibition may be involved in the various cell types employed.


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The limited activity of Δ6 fatty acid desaturase (FAD6) on α-linolenic (ALA, 18:3n-3) and linoleic (LA, 18:2n-6) acids in marine fish alters the long-chain (≥C20) polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC-PUFA) concentration in fish muscle and liver when vegetable oils replace fish oil (FO) in aquafeeds. Echium oil (EO), rich in stearidonic acid (SDA, 18:4n-3) and γ-linoleic acid (GLA, 18:3n-6), may enhance the biosynthesis of n-3 and n-6 LC-PUFA by bypassing the rate-limiting FAD6 step. Nutritional and environmental modulation of the mechanisms in LC-PUFA biosynthesis was examined in barramundi,<i> Lates calcariferi>, a tropical euryhaline fish. Juveniles were maintained in either freshwater or seawater and fed different dietary LC-PUFA precursors present in EO or rapeseed oil (RO) and compared with FO. After 8 weeks, growth of fish fed EO was slower compared to the FO and RO treatments. Irrespective of salinity, expression of the FAD6 and elongase was up-regulated in fish fed EO and RO diets, but did not lead to significant accumulation of LC-PUFA in the neutral lipid of fish tissues as occurred in the FO treatment. However, significant concentrations of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) and arachidonic acid (ARA, 20:4n-6), but not docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3), appeared in liver and, to a lesser extent, in muscle of fish fed EO with marked increases in the phospholipid fraction. Fish in the EO treatment had higher EPA and ARA in their liver phospholipids than fish fed FO. Endogenous conversion of dietary precursors into neutral lipid LC-PUFA appears to be limited by factors other than the initial rate-limiting step. In contrast, phospholipid LC-PUFA had higher biosynthesis, or selective retention, in barramundi fed EO rather than RO.


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Purpose: iv>Distinct molecular subgroups of medulloblastoma (MB), including hedgehog (Hh) pathway-activated disease, have been reported. We identified and clinically validated a five-gene Hh signature assay that can be used to preselect patients with Hh pathway-activated MB.

Experimental Design:
Genes characteristic of the Hh MB subgroup were identified through published bioinformatic analyses. Thirty-two genes shown to be differentially expressed in fresh frozen and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumor samples and reproducibly analyzed by RT-PCR were measured in matched samples. These data formed the basis for building a multi-gene logistic regression model derived through elastic net methods from which the five-gene Hh signature emerged after multiple iterations. Based on signature gene expression levels, the model computed a propensity score to determine Hh activation using a threshold set a priori. The association between Hh activation status and tumor response to the Hh pathway inhibitor sonidegib (LDE225) was analyzed.

Five differentially expressed genes in MB (GLI1, SPHK1, SHROOM2, PDLIM3, and OTX2) were found to associate with Hh pathway activation status. In an independent validation study, Hh activation status of 25 MB samples showed 100% concordance between the five-gene signature and Affymetrix profiling. Further, in MB samples from 50 patients treated with sonidegib, all six patients who responded were found to have Hh-activated tumors. Three patients with Hh-activated tumors had stable or progressive disease. No patients with Hh-nonactivated tumors responded.

This five-gene Hh signature can robustly identify Hh-activated MB and may be used to preselect patients who might benefit from sonidegib treatment.


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Our objective was to study the role of Collagen type-I (Col-I) coating on Magnesium-Zirconia (Mg-Zr) alloys, containing different quantities of Strontium (Sr), in enhancing the in vitro bioactivity and in vivo bone-forming and mineralisation properties of the implants.


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This paper introduces an approach to cancer classification through gene expression profiles by designing supervised learning hidden Markov models (HMMs). Gene expression of each tumor type is modelled by an HMM, which maximizes the likelihood of the data. Prominent discriminant genes are selected by a novel method based on a modification of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Unlike conventional AHP, the modified AHP allows to process quantitative factors that are ranking outcomes of individual gene selection methods including t-test, entropy, receiver operating characteristic curve, Wilcoxon test and signal to noise ratio. The modified AHP aggregates ranking results of individual gene selection methods to form stable and robust gene subsets. Experimental results demonstrate the performance dominance of the HMM approach against six comparable classifiers. Results also show that gene subsets generated by modified AHP lead to greater accuracy and stability compared to competing gene selection methods, i.e. information gain, symmetrical uncertainty, Bhattacharyya distance, and ReliefF. The modified AHP improves the classification performance not only of the HMM but also of all other classifiers. Accordingly, the proposed combination between the modified AHP and HMM is a powerful tool for cancer classification and useful as a real clinical decision support system for medical practitioners.


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Phenomenologically, bipolar disorder (BD) is characterized by biphasic increases and decreases in energy. As this is a state-related phenomenon, identifying regulators responsible for this phasic dysregulation has the potential to uncover key elements in the pathophysiology of BD. Given the evidence suggesting mitochondrial complex I dysfunction in BD, we aimed to identify the main regulators of complex I in BD by reviewing the literature and using the published microarray data to examine their gene expression profiles. We also validated protein expression levels of the main complex I regulators by immunohistochemistry. Upon reviewing the literature, we found PARK-7, STAT-3, SIRT-3 and IMP-2 play an important role in regulating complex I activity. Published microarray studies however revealed no significant direction of regulation of STAT-3, SIRT-3, and IMP-2, but a trend towards downregulation of PARK-7 was observed in BD. Immunocontent of DJ-1 (PARK-7-encoded protein) were not elevated in post mortem prefrontal cortex from patients with BD. We also found a trend towards upregulation of DJ-1 expression with age. Our results suggest that DJ-1 is not significantly altered in BD subjects, however further studies are needed to examine DJ-1 expression levels in a cohort of older patients with BD.