99 resultados para Hot deformation


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The work discusses the recent findings obtained from the microstructural characterization of an austenitic Ni-30%Fe model alloy during metadynamic recrystallization (MDRX) using both EBSD and TEM techniques. The characterization of the grain structure, texture and dislocation substructure evolution of the fully dynamically recrystallized (DRX) microstructure during post deformation annealing revealed a novel softening mechanism occurring under the current experimental conditions. It is proposed that the initial softening stage involves rapid growth of the dynamically formed nuclei and migration of the mobile boundaries in correspondence with the well-established MDRX mechanism. However, the sub-boundaries within DRX grains progressively disintegrate through dislocation climb and dislocation annihilation, which ultimately leads to the formation of dislocation-free grains. Consequently, the DRX texture largely remains preserved throughout the annealing process.


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Additions of rare earth elements to magnesium alloys are qualitatively reported in the literature to retard recrystallisation. However, their effect in the presence of other (non-rare earth) alloy additions has not been systematically shown nor has the effect been quantified. The microstructural restoration following the hot deformation of Mg-xZn-yRE (x = 2.5 and 5 wt.%, y = 0 and 1 wt.%, and RE = Gd and Y) alloys has been studied using double hit compression testing and microscopy. It was found that, in the absence of rare earth additions, increases in zinc level had a negligible influence on the kinetics of restoration and the microstructure developed both during extrusion and throughout double hit testing. Adding rare earth elements to Mg-Zn alloys was found to retard restoration of the microstructure and maintain finer recrystallised grains. However, in the Mg-Zn-RE alloys, increasing the zinc concentration from 2.5 wt.% to 5 wt.% accelerated the restoration process, most likely due to a depletion of rare earth elements from solid solution and modification of the particles present in the matrix.


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The present work investigates the transformation behavior of a low-carbon Mo-Nb linepipe steel and the corresponding transformation product microstructures using deformation dilatometry. The continuous cooling transformation (CCT) diagrams have been constructed for both the fully recrystallized austenite and that deformed in uniaxial compression at 1148 K (875 °C) to a strain of 0.5 for cooling rates ranging from 0.1 to about 100 K/s. The obtained microstructures have been studied in detail using electron backscattered diffraction complemented by transmission electron microscopy. Heavy deformation of the parent austenite has caused a significant expansion of the polygonal ferrite transformation field in the CCT diagram, as well as a shift in the non-equilibrium ferrite transformation fields toward higher cooling rates. Furthermore, the austenite deformation has resulted in a pronounced refinement in both the effective grain (sheaf/packet) size and substructure unit size of the non-equilibrium ferrite microstructures. The optimum microstructure expected to display an excellent balance between strength and toughness is a mix of quasi-polygonal ferrite and granular bainite (often termed “acicular ferrite”) produced from the heavily deformed austenite within a processing window covering the cooling rates from about 10 to about 100 K/s.


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The present work investigated the evolution of strain-induced NbC precipitates in a model austenitic Fe-30Ni-Nb steel deformed at 925 °C to a strain of 0.2 during post-deformation holding between 3 and 1000 s and their effect on the reloading flow stress. The precipitate particles preferentially nucleated on the nodes of the periodic dislocation networks constituting microband walls. Holding for 10 s resulted in the formation of fine, largely coherent NbC particles with a mean diameter of ∼5 nm, which displayed a cube-on-cube orientation relationship with austenite and caused the maximum increase in the reloading steady-state flow stress. A further increase in the holding time from 30 to 1000 s led to the formation of semi-coherent, gradually coarser and more widely spaced particles with a mean diameter of 8 nm and above, which led to a gradual decrease in the reloading steady-state flow stress. The holding time increase resulted in progressive disintegration of the dislocation substructure and dislocation annihilation through static recovery processes, which was also reflected by the measured softening fractions. The precipitate particle shape changed during post-deformation annealing from elliptical to faceted octahedral and subsequently to tetra-kai-decahedral. © 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Heterogeneous deformation developed during "static recrystallization (SRX) tests" poses serious questions about the validity of the conventional methods to measure softening fraction. The challenges to measure SRX and verify a proposed kinetic model of SRX are discussed and a least square technique is utilized to quantify the error in a proposed SRX kinetic model. This technique relies on an existing computational-experimental multi-layer formulation to account for the heterogeneity during the post interruption hot torsion deformation. The kinetics of static recrystallization for a type 304 austenitic stainless steel deformed at 900 °C and strain rate of 0.01s-1 is characterized implementing the formulation. Minimizing the error between the measured and calculated torque-twist data, the parameters of the kinetic model and the flow behavior during the second hit are evaluated and compared with those obtained based on a conventional technique. Typical static recrystallization distributions in the test sample will be presented. It has been found that the major differences between the conventional and the presented technique results are due to the heterogeneous recrystallization in the cylindrical core of the specimen where the material is still partially recrystallized at the onset of the second hit deformation. For the investigated experimental conditions, the core is confined in the first two-thirds of the gauge radius, when the holding time is shorter than 50 s and the maximum pre-strain is about 0.5.


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The present work explores the impact of α precipitates on β recrystallization following hot deformation of Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr with grains larger than 1 mm. A single hot rolling pass of 36 pct reduction was conducted on an aged microstructure containing α precipitates at a temperature well below the β transus temperature. After annealing, a uniformly recrystallized structure with a grain size of ~100 µm is formed. The prior β grain boundaries can be readily identified and it is seen that the primary β grains have been replaced by grains displaying a spread of correlated misorientation angles extending up to the highest allowable values. The annealing comprises two stages. The first stage involves normal β subgrain growth limited by the Zener pinning force of the unstable α precipitates. The second stage corresponds to the onset of β recrystallization at the point where the Zener pinning force drops due to dissolution of the α precipitates. This leads to a uniform distribution of site saturated recrystallization nuclei.


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A plain carbon steel was deformed using a hot torsion deformation simulator. A schedule known to produce strain-induced ferrite was used with the strain interrupted for increasing intervals of time to determine the effect of an isothermal hold on the final microstructure. Microscopy and electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) were used to analyse the changes that occurred in the partially transformed microstructure during the hold and the subsequent applied strain. The strain-induced ferrite coarsened during the hold and this coarsened ferrite was refined during the second deformation. These results were compared to those obtained for a different plain carbon steel deformed in single pass rolling close to the Ar3 temperature.


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The crystallographic rotation field for deformation in torsion is such that it is possible for orientations close to stable orientations to rotate away from the stable orientation. A Taylor type model was used to demonstrate that this phenomenon has the potential to transform randomly generated low-angle boundaries into high-angle boundaries. After imposing an equivalent strain of 1.2, up to 40% of the simulated boundaries displayed a disorientation in excess of 15°. These high-angle boundaries were characterised by a disorientation axis close to parallel with the sample radial direction. A series of hot torsion tests was carried out on 1050 aluminium to seek evidence for boundaries formed by this mechanism. A number of deformation-induced high-angle boundaries were identified. Many of these boundaries showed disorientation axes and rotation senses similar to those seen in the simulations. Between 10% and 25% of all the high-angle boundary present in samples twisted to equivalent strains between 2 and 7 could be attributed to the present mechanism.


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The present work was aimed at a detailed investigation of the orientation dependence of the microstructure characteristics in a Fe-30Ni-Nb austenitic model steel subjected to hot uniaxial compression at 1198 K (925 °C) at a strain rate of 1 s−1 to several strain levels up to 1.0. The quantification of the substructure evolution as a function of strain was performed for the stable 〈011〉 oriented grains. Other grain orientations were also investigated in detail at a strain of 0.2. The 〈110〉 oriented grains contained self-screening arrays of “microbands” (MBs) aligned with high Schmid factor {111} slip planes. The MB crystallographic alignment was largely maintained up to a strain of 1.0, which suggests that the corresponding boundaries kept continuously rearranging themselves during straining and did not follow the sample shape change. The mean MB spacing decreased and misorientation angle increased with strain towards saturation, indicating the operation of the “repolygonization” dynamic recovery mechanism. The non-〈011〉 oriented grains displayed a strong tendency to split during deformation into deformation bands having alternating orientations and being mutually rotated by large angles. The bands were separated by transition regions comprising arrays of closely spaced, extended sub-boundaries collectively accommodating large misorientations across very small distances.


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The evolution of hot working flow stress with strain is examined in torsion, uniaxial compression and channel die compression. The flow stress was found to be strongly dependent on texture and deformation mode. At low strains this dependency accounted for a difference in flow stress of up to a factor of two. At higher strains the influence of texture and deformation mode was less marked. The stresses corresponding to an equivalent strain of 0.5 were modelled using a power law expression with an activation energy of 147 kJ/mol and a strain rate exponent of 0.15. The influence of texture and deformation mode on flow stress is rationalised in terms of the influence of prismatic slip, twinning and dynamic recrystallisation on deformation stress and structure.


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The crystallographic rotation field for deformation in torsion is such that it is possible for orientations close to stable orientations to rotate away from the stable orientation. A Taylor type model was used to demonstrate that this phenomenon has the potential to transform randomly generated low-angle boundaries into high-angle boundaries. After imposing an equivalent strain of 1.2, up to 40% of the simulated boundaries displayed a disorientation in excess of 15°. These high-angle boundaries were characterised by a disorientation axis close to parallel with the sample radial direction. A series of hot torsion tests was carried out on 1050 aluminium to seek evidence for boundaries formed by this mechanism. A number of deformation-induced high-angle boundaries were identified. Many of these boundaries showed disorientation axes and rotation senses similar to those seen in the simulations. Between 10% and 25% of all the high-angle boundary present in samples twisted to equivalent strains between 2 and 7 could be attributed to the present mechanism.


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The microstructures of magnesium AZ31 are examined following hot compression testing and annealing. The grain size, fraction dynamically recrystallized and, in a couple of cases, the crystallographic texture are reported. It was found that the progress of dynamic recrystallization is strongly sensitive to processing conditions but that the dynamically
recrystallized grain size was less sensitive to stress than in other metals. It was also found that, for structures containing between 80 and 95 % dynamic recrystallization, abnormal grain growth occurs during annealing. The crystallographic texture produced is also sensitive to the deformation conditions.


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A series of hot-compression tests and Taylor-model simulations were carried out with the intention of developing a simple expression for the proof stress of magnesium alloy AZ31 during hot working. A crude approximation of wrought textures as a mixture of a single ideal texture component and a random background was employed. The shears carried by each deformation system were calculated using a full-constraint Taylor model for a selection of ideal orientations as well as for random textures. These shears, in combination with the measured proof stresses, were employed to estimate the critical resolved shear stresses for basal slip, prismatic slip, ⟨c+a⟩ second-order pyramidal slip, and { } twinning. The model thus established provides a semianalytical estimation of the proof stress (a one-off Taylor simulation is required) and also indicates whether or not twinning is expected. The approach is valid for temperatures between ∼150 °C and ∼450 °C, depending on the texture, strain rate, and strain path.