237 resultados para Graduates


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Over the past decade, many questions have been raised about graduates' clinical competence and fitness for practice upon completion of their undergraduate education. Despite the significance of this issue, the perspectives of registered nurses have rarely been examined. This systematic review explores the perceptions of experienced registered nurses regarding the clinical competence of new nursing graduates. Original research studies published between 2004-2014 were identified using electronic databases, reference lists, and by searching "grey literature." Papers were critically reviewed and relevant data extracted and synthesized using an approach based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis. From 153 studies initially identified, 15 original research papers were included. Four main research themes were identified: clinical/technical skills, critical thinking, interaction/communication, and overall readiness for practice. Areas of concern in relation to the clinical competence of new nursing graduates specifically related to two themes: critical thinking and clinical/technical skills. Further research is required on strategies identified within the literature with the ultimate aim of ensuring new nursing graduates are safe and competent practitioners.


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The increasing use of peer assessment in higher education institutions, as well as its benefits in term of students' learning is well documented. Distance education can be fraught with challenges, but creating a community of practice has been proven to increase student engagement and learning. This paper reports on the implementation of peer assessment of online asynchronous group discussions to foster a community of practice and equip future graduates with lifelong skills relevant to their chosen professional path. Through a careful preparation of students, the implementation of the peer assessment process proved beneficial. This paper describes the analysis performed to establish the validity and reliability of the peer assessment process in the context of a 3rd year unit of study of the bachelor of nursing at Charles Darwin University. © 2010 Stéphane Bouchoucha & Helen Wozniak.


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Upon graduation from University many students lose access to support structures such as peers, academic mentoring, etc. This may lead to tension, stress and failure to perform effectively in new workplaces, especially if the workplace itself is stressful. This is particularly the case for graduates who move into work within construction, as this industry provides a uniquely stressful environment where the development of resilience is imperative for success. The ability to cope and draw on resilience skills provides answers for built environment graduates. The development of resilience skills is not included as learning outcomes within courses, units of study or programs of learning within the built environment discipline. This dilemma, from a student's perspective, draws us to the rationale of the proposed research and its aim to show the development of a resilience toolkit for built environment students. There is considerable evidence that incorporating resilience skills into undergraduate curricula in built environment disciplines will have positive outcomes. Outcomes from an initial review of 3 participating University undergraduate programs, devised to determine resilience training for undergraduates is presented. A compilation and collection of noteworthy examples where resilience learning and teaching exists in undergraduate curricula will also be identified.


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BACKGROUND: In Australia, a significant percentage of bachelor of nursing students are employed in the aged care sector, or in aged care settings, as assistants in nursing (AINs) or personal care assistants. However the value of aged care in nursing education is often overlooked. AIM: To outline the adaptation and validation of a survey, originally developed for medical graduates, for use with nursing graduates. DISCUSSION: Adaptation of the instrument was undertaken as part of a doctoral study that aimed to explore whether employment as an undergraduate assistant in nursing (AIN) in aged care prepares new graduates for clinical work. CONCLUSION: Outlining each step of the modification process can help nurse researchers who want to adapt existing instruments to meet their research objectives. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Undergraduate AIN employment has the potential to supplement clinical learning without the restrictions inherent in the student role. Furthermore, it has the potential to enhance recruitment and retention in the aged care sector.


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In this chapter we discuss the impact of recent standards-based legislation and implementation in Australia designed to improve the quality of teacher education and examine the ways in which teacher educators are assessing graduates in relation to beginning teacher standards, the evidence they are using within the context of accreditation of their programs, and the impact this is having on the teacher education curriculum. We report on research into the implementation and evaluation of an authentic teacher assessment approach being used in one Australian university and argue that such an approach not only empowers pre-service teachers but also teacher educators.


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This dissertation focuses on the central debates surrounding the nexus of the demand for graduates in the market, the macro policy effect, and the role of university education in addressing contemporary issues related to international graduate attributes and dispositions required in workplace.


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Soon after the French Revolution started in 1789, the great English poet William Wordsworth penned these memorable words: "Bliss was it at that time to be alive, but to be young was very heaven." He captured the excitement of a watershed period of human endeavors for his audience} but noted that the future belonged to the young. That is the message of this final chapter: that the future is bright for college graduates who are prepared to work hard. Fortune favors the prepared mind. The future is bright for journalists and journalism, and that future offers multiple possibilities for people who are prepared. It helps, though, to pause briefly to look at the past and to see what we can learn from it. As former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill once noted, the person who ignores history is condemned to repeat its mistakes.


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Tertiary study in journalism has been a feature of the education of Australian journalists for decades. Yet the value of what is loosely termed a “journalism degree” continues to be debated, and many industry representatives remain sceptical of its value. Journalism educators have a number of ways of assessing the level of industry acceptance of journalism education. These include looking at the percentage of students who find employment and the percentage of journalism graduates who fill entry level positions. This paper addresses the latter category, looking at data on the employment of entry-level journalists at four major institutions over a period of several years.


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Australia's country, non-daily newspapers present journalism graduates with excellent opportunities to get a foot in the door, experience a wide range of journalistic responsibilities and compile an impressive portfolio. However, tertiary journalism courses largely ignore the unique news values, issues and challenges involved with country non-daily reporting. Considering a large percentage of future journalists are likely to enter the industry on a country non-daily, journalism education's current attitude has serious implications for the profession. However, this situation cannot be rectified until these specific news values, issues and challenges have been documented in order for them to be integrated into pedagogical models. This article documents the country non-daily's news values, issues and challenges, and indicates their importance to journalism training and education.


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Determining the clinical preparedness of undergraduate nursing students is vital in developing graduates who are ready to assume the roles of registered nurses. This paper reports findings relating to clinical assessment in Australian undergraduate nursing programs. Using data collected in a national survey and selected case studies, current assessment practices are described. Although students were increasingly exposed to a narrower range of clinical experiences, claims to comprehensive preparation of nurses remain prominent. Issues in the congruity between assessment methods and purported outcomes of clinical learning programs are discussed.


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In the 2000 budgets, both the federal and Ontario governments introduced changes to the tax treatment of employee stock options for the explicit purpose of making their tax treatment in Canada similar to or more favourable than that in the United States. The federal budget added a deferral, similar to that currently applicable to options granted by Canadian-controlled private corporations, for up to $100,000 per year of public company stock options. The Ontario budget introduced an exemption from tax for employees involved in research and development on the first $100,000 per year of employee benefits arising on the exercise of qualified stock options or on eligible capital gains arising from the sale of shares acquired by the exercise of eligible stock options. These proposals reflect the apparent acceptance by the two governments that there is a “brain drain” from Canada to the United States of knowledge workers in the “new” economy and that reductions in Canadian taxes should stem this drain. In the author’s view, the tax treatment of employee stock options, even without these changes, is overly generous. Both the federal and provincial proposals ignore the fact that most employee stock options are taxed more favourably in Canada than in the United States in any event. In particular, most employee stock option benefits in Canada are taxed at capital gains tax rates, whereas in the United States most are taxed at full rates. While the US Internal Revenue Code does provide capital gains tax treatment for certain employee stock option benefits, a number of preconditions must be met. Most important, the shares acquired pursuant to the options must be held for a minimum of one year after the option is exercised. In addition, there are monetary limits on the amount of options that qualify for capital gains treatment. In Canada, there are generally no holding period requirements or monetary limits that apply in order for the option holder to benefit from capital gains tax rates. Empirical evidence indicates that the vast majority of employees in the United States exercise their options and immediately sell the shares acquired. These “cashless exercises” do not benefit from capital gains treatment in the United States, whereas similar cashless exercises in Canada generally do. This empirical evidence suggests not only that the 2000 budget proposals are unwarranted, but also that the existing treatment of employee stock options in Canada is already more generous than that in the United States. This article begins with a theoretical “benchmark” for the taxation of employee stock options. The author suggests that employee stock options should be treated in the same manner as other income from employment. In theory, the value of the benefit should be included in income when the option is granted or vests. However, owing to the practical difficulty of valuing employee stock options, the theoretical benchmark proposed is that the value of the benefit (the difference between the fair market value of the shares acquired and the strike price under the option) be taxed when the shares are acquired, and the employer be entitled to a corresponding deduction. The employee stock option rules in Canada and the United States are then compared and contrasted with each other and the benchmark treatment. The article then examines the arguments that have been made for favourable treatment of employee stock options. Included in this critique is a review of the recent empirical work on the Canadian brain drain. Empirical studies suggest that the brain drain—if it exists at all—is small and that, despite what many newspapers and right-wing think-tanks would have us believe, lower taxes in the United States are not the cause. One study, concluding that taxes do have an effect on migration, suggests that even if Canada adopted a tax system identical to that in the United States, the brain drain would be reduced by a mere 10 percent. Indeed, even if Canada eliminated income tax altogether, it would not stop the brain drain. If governments here want to spend money in order to stem the brain drain, they should focus on other areas. For example, Canada produces fewer university graduates in the fields of mathematics, sciences, and engineering than any other G7 country except Italy. The short supply of university graduates in these fields, the apparent loss of top-calibre academics to US
universities, and the consequent lower levels of university research in these areas (an important spawning ground for new ideas in the “new” knowledge-based economy) suggest that Canada may be better served by devoting more resources to its university institutions, particularly in post-graduate programs, rather than continuing the current trend of budget cuts that universities have endured and may further endure if taxes are reduced.
As far as employee stock options are concerned, if Canada does want to look to the United States for guidance on tax reform (which it seems to do with increasing frequency of late), it should adopt the US rules applicable to nonstatutory options, which are close to the proposed benchmark treatment. In the absence of preferential tax treatment, employee stock options would still be included in compensation packages provided that there were sound business reasons for their use. No persuasive evidence has been put forward that the use of stock options, in the absence of tax incentives, is suboptimal. Indeed, the US experience suggests quite the opposite.


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The 1998 Report of the National Standards and Guidelines for Initial Teacher Education Project, 'Preparing a Profession' illustrates the emphasis being placed in Australia on the development of numeracy skills amongst not only primary but also secondary school pupils. This report demands that graduates of all initial teacher training courses should not only be numerate themselves, but should also understand the contribution of numeracy to education and daily life, and be able to identify and respond to pupils' numeracy learning needs. This report and its implementation in Victoria through the 'Guidelines for the Evaluation of Teacher Education Courses' led to the introduction in 1999 of a compulsory unit 'Numeracy across the curriculum' for all Deakin University students in the final year of their secondary teacher training course. This paper discusses the nature of the current emphasis on numeracy. It also describes the rationale, development and delivery of the first year of the 'Numeracy across the curriculum' unit, provides a brief evaluation from the perspective of staff and students, and discusses what impact such teacher education programs might have on secondary schools' approaches to numeracy.


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In response to a perceived need for management studies in engineering
undergraduate courses, the Institution of Engineers, Australia (IEAust)
mandated a requirement for 10% of course content to be management
studies in Australia in 1991. In 1996 a major review of engineering
education in Australia recommended that the IEAust move from a course
accreditation regime based on prescribed inputs to one based on
demonstrated graduate attributes. In the move to the new accreditation
system the policy on management studies in engineering undergraduate
courses has become less definitive and more open to interpretation by
individual educational institutions. A survey of recent engineering
graduates suggests that those management skills most highly valued by
graduates were generic professional practice skills, and that more
opportunities to develop these skills in undergraduate studies would be
beneficial. Survey respondents suggested the inclusion in the course of
more real world examples of engineering management, including case
studies, hands-on activities, industry visits, more in-depth coverage of
topics, and presentations from practicing professionals.


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Over the past twenty years, in Australia and overseas, there has been a steady growth in the numbers of part-time research students. It is possible to view this as substantially a product of "creeping credentialism" following from the previous growth in part-time coursework Masters degrees. However, research degrees are a different kind of credential and program to coursework degrees. They are not only about research training-- in the sense of teaching people how to conceptualise, plan, undertake, analyse and communicate research--but they are also "tested" by the candidate's production of some new and significant knowledge (especially in doctorates). Therefore, unlike coursework degrees, some new public "good" is created and added to the "stock of knowledge". Common criticisms of the "traditional" PhD research degree, in Australia and overseas, are that it is (now) too narrow and specialised for either the graduate or their research findings to be of utility beyond their specialism, the graduates are limited in their communication and workplace skills, and their employment opportunities are relatively weak, especially given the high costs of their research degrees. However, the rise of part-time candidature and of professional doctorates--commonly involving research in workplaces or professions-- suggests that, if this criticism is valid, it would be unlikely to be valid for part-time PhDs and professional doctorates. This article analyses these criticisms in relation to the ways in which part-time research students are positioned within the knowledge economy. It makes an argument for a greater understanding and analysis of the impact and benefits of part-time doctoral students to the knowledge economy and the public good.