66 resultados para Genital Arousal


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The catastrophic misinterpretation model of panic disorder proposes that spontaneous panic attacks are the result of misinterpretation of harmless autonomic arousal as precursors to physical (e.g. heart attack) or psychological (e.g. insanity) emergency. Mixed research findings to date have provided equivocal support. A modified form of the Body Sensations Interpretation Questionnaire was used to investigate core assumptions of the model amongst 38 people with panic disorder (PD), 20 with non-clinical panic, 21 with social anxiety disorder, and 34 non-anxious controls. The PD group gave more harm-related interpretations of ambiguous internal stimuli than all other groups only when anxiety-related responses (e.g. “I'm going to panic”) were scored as harm, however there was no evidence that anxiety-related interpretations were masking perceived catastrophic physical or psychological outcomes. Despite this, people with PD rated harm and anxiety outcomes as more negative than non-anxious controls. Results failed to unequivocally support core assumptions of the model.


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Species whose offspring require extended care-giving ought to be predisposed to being biologically responsive to their infant's signalling. This paper examined the interplay between biological and psychological aspects of adult response to an infant's distress. HR (heart rate) and GSR (galvanic skin response) were recorded continuously, while 50 adults listened to white noise and an infant cry audio recording. Participants completed the defence style questionnaire and the state trait anxiety inventory. HR acceleration occurred in response to the control sound, while HR decelerated in response to the infant cry. GSR responsiveness was positively correlated with immature and neurotic defence styles. When controlling for other variables, immature defence was a unique and independent predictor of GSR change in response to infant distress. Defence demonstrated a stronger relationship than self-reported anxiety, than that with physiological responsiveness. Employing defence mechanisms appears to reduce an individual's perceived anxiety, though it has little effect on physiological arousal levels.


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The emotions of the aspirant leader are underexplored. In this chapter, we detail how aspirants experience the transition from teacher to leader and report on the kinds of emotional labour associated with the transition. This was examined during events of high emotional arousal for 130 school aspirants: when they felt professionally wounded, either by colleagues, leaders, parents or students. During a time of wounding, emotional work and emotional labour hinged on the dissonance between 'display rules' of the school and what aspirants' actually felt. Exploring the wounding stories revealed common display rules, which were often broken. Breaking these rules always had consequences and emotional correlates. The most prevalent form of emotional labour was surface acting. The.final discovery was the resilience of the aspirants as they recovered. Invariably, aspirants progressed through an emotion cycle of Regrouping, Recovery and Resolution. The quality of collegial relationships was the key to resolving the woundings.


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 Distress about a sexual problem is a necessary part of diagnosing female sexual dysfunction. It is an important way to distinguish between a sexual problem and normal sexual variation and has implications for treatment seeking, motivation for therapy and prognosis. The concept of distress, however, has not been clearly defined and is complex and poorly understood. Furthermore, there has been limited research into distress related to genital pain disorders. This paper explores the concept of distress within the field of vulvodynia research, specifically the distress that results from genital pain. Due to the limited research into distress relating specifically to genital pain this review will contextualise the available literature within the larger context of distress related to other female sexual dysfunctions. The discussion includes the current and future Diagnostic and Statistical Manual definitions for genital pain, as well as general definitions of distress. It also explores distress in the genital pain and general female sexual dysfunction literature and discusses its diagnostic, research and clinical implications.


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Background: Anxiety is a normal physiological response to a threat. Anxiety disorders occur when this normal physiological response is associated with high levels of autonomic arousal, erroneous cognitions and dysfunctional coping strategies. Anxiety disorders are highly prevalent and present commonly to general practice. Anxiety disorders are often comorbid with other psychiatric and medical disorders and may be associated with significant morbidity.

This article describes the diagnosis, assessment and management of anxiety disorders in the general practice setting.

Assessment in patients presenting with anxiety symptoms involves excluding a medical cause, identifying features of specific anxiety disorders as well as other coexisting psychiatric disorders, and assessing the degree of distress. Management options include psychoeducation, psychological treatments (particularly cognitive behaviour therapy) and pharmacological treatments. Patients with a diagnosis of an anxiety disorder can access Medicare funded psychological care under a number of Australian government initiatives. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors are the first line pharmacological agents used to treat anxiety disorders. Regular review is vital to monitor for clinical improvement and more complex presentations may require specialist psychological or psychiatric referral.


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This chapter concerns the idea that Subjective Wellbeing (SWB) is managed by a system of psychological devices which have evolved for this purpose. It is proposed that this management is actually directed at the protection of Homeostatically Protected Mood, as the major component of SWB. We normally experience HPMood as a combination of contentment, happiness and arousal. A theoretical description of this construct is offered that can account for many of the commonly observed empirical characteristics of SWB data. It is further proposed that when homeostasis fails, due to the overwhelming nature of a negative challenge, people lose contact with HPMood and experience the domination of negative rather than positive affect. If this condition is chronic, people experience the clinical condition we call depression.


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In a double-blind placebo-controlled study, we examined the effect of nicotine, a cholinergic agonist, on performance of a prospective memory (ProM) task in young adult volunteers.

Volunteers were required to complete an ongoing lexical decision task while maintaining the ProM task (responding with a different button press to items containing particular target letters). Half of the volunteers were smokers, half were nonsmokers. Half of each group received a single dose (1 mg) of nicotine nasal spray before completing the task; the remaining volunteers received a matched inactive placebo spray.

Nicotine improved performance on the ProM task when volunteers were able to devote resources to that task. Under a variant procedure, where volunteers completed a concurrent auditory monitoring task, ProM performance was impaired under nicotine. Results are discussed in terms of the resource model of ProM, and the arousal model of drug effects.

The data suggest that ProM under the conditions tested here is a resource-needy process, and that nicotine can improve performance by increasing available resources. Increased working memory demands that encourage redirection of resources may impair ProM performance, but the conditions under which these deficits emerge depend upon the subjective allocation of resources across tasks, rather than resource availability per se.


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This research investigated the effect of erotic stimulus content on women’s subjective sexual arousal. It was concluded that subtle changes in specific stimulus content did not affect women’s arousal. The research also found that women’s expectations predicted how aroused they would become. Absorption was also associated with women’s subjective arousal.


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Whilst countertransference is commonly experienced as feelings, thoughts, images, symbols and dreams endured by the therapist in relation to their client, somatic countertransference is positioned as embodied, physical manifestations in the therapist’s body. Common examples include headaches, nausea, aches, pains, sleepiness, sexual arousal, dizziness and trembling felt by the psychotherapist in session. Current interest in somatic countertransference spans the spectrum from the psychoanalytic, post-Jungian, dance movement and humanistic modalities to empirical studies originating from the trauma research field. Although the clinical literature emphasizes the therapeutic relevance and richness of somatic countertransference for understanding unconscious communications occurring in the session, trauma research advocates greater self-awareness and management of somatic countertransference to prevent therapist burnout. This article will outline the rationale and research process for proposing the first cross-cultural study of somatic countertransference. This study is suggested as a means to extend our understanding of, and ability to work with, somatic countertransference. Preliminary results from an initial study of Chinese psychotherapists will be discussed.


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Objectives While it has been proposed that certain personality traits are predisposing factors for insomnia, the nature of these traits and mechanisms through which they contribute to insomnia has been understudied. Methods In the present study, 88 participants with self-reported insomnia took part in an online assessment of normal personality functioning, insomnia severity, sleep-related cognitive distortions, pre-sleep arousal, and negative affect. Results Participants scored high on personality measures of neuroticism and openness, and low on conscientiousness, relative to a normal sample. Neuroticism was found to relate to insomnia severity through the mediating effects of sleep-related cognitive distortions, pre-sleep arousal, and to a much lesser degree negative affect. Conclusions These results further support the notion of neuroticism being a predisposing factor for insomnia, suggest a pathway for this relationship, and may have implications for individual responses to the treatment of insomnia.


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Respiratory events during sleep induce cortical arousals and manifest changes in autonomic markers in sleep disorder breathing (SDB). Finger photoplethysmography (PPG) has been shown to be a reliable method of determining sympathetic activation. We hypothesize that changes in PPG signals are sufficient to predict the occurrence of respiratory-event-related cortical arousal. In this study, we develop a respiratory arousal detection model in SDB subjects by using PPG features. PPG signals from 10 SDB subjects (9 male, 1 female) with age range 43-75 years were used in this study. Time domain features of PPG signals, such as 1) PWA--pulse wave amplitude, 2) PPI--peak-to-peak interval, and 3) Area--area under peak, were used to detect arousal events. In this study, PWA and Area have shown better performance (higher accuracy and lower false rate) compared to PPI features. After investigating possible groupings of these features, combination of PWA and Area (PWA + Area) was shown to provide better accuracy with a lower false detection rate in arousal detection. PPG-based arousal indexes agreed well across a wide range of decision thresholds, resulting in a receiver operating characteristic with an area under the curve of 0.91. For the decision threshold (PC(thresh) = 25%) chosen for the final analyses, a sensitivity of 68.1% and a specificity of 95.2% were obtained. The results showed an accuracy of 84.68%, 85.15%, 86.93%, and 50.79% with a false rate of 21.80%, 55.41%, 64.78%, and 50.79% at PC(thresh) = 25% or PPI, PWA, Area , and PWA + Area features, respectively. This indicates that combining PWA and Area features reduced the false positive rate without much affecting the sensitivity of the arousal detection system. In conclusion, the PPG-based respiratory arousal detection model is a simple and promising alternative to the conventional electroencephalogram (EEG)-based respiratory arousal detection system.


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Retail markets are increasingly competitive and retailers continuously look to differentiate their retail offering. One way to differentiate is by providing a pleasant and exciting shopping ambience. This paper experimentally tests the effects of music (volume high or low) and aroma (vanilla scent present/absent) on young fashion shoppers in a real retail setting. Results show that volume of music and the presence of a vanilla aroma both have a significant impact on shoppers' emotions and satisfaction levels. Additional analysis reveals that the arousal induced by music and aroma results in increased pleasure levels, which in turn positively influences shopper behaviors, including time and money spend, approach behavior, and satisfaction with the shopping experience. Direct effects of arousal on behaviors as well as an interaction effect between music and aroma on pleasure and time spent in the store are also present. The paper contributes to the better understanding of shoppers' emotions and shopper behaviors in response to in-store atmospherics and offers retailers practical insights into how to create competitive advantage by customizing the atmosphere in their stores.