163 resultados para Design Based Research


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A studio in which students act as practitioner-researchers brings together communities, local authorities and professionals, offering a case study in design as research.


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Recent texts on globalisation and education policy refer to the rapid ¯ow of education policy texts producing or responding to common trends across nation states with the emergence of new knowledge economies. These educational policies are shaping what counts as research and the dynamics between research, policy, and practice in schools, creating new types of relationships between universities, the public, the professions, government, and industry. The trend to evidence-based policy and practice in Australian schools is used to identify key issues within wider debates about the `usefulness' of educational research and the role of universities and university-based research in education in new knowledge economies.


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This paper outlines a case study of media use within a second year design studio at Deakin University in Victoria. Australia. The case study involves an active cohort of students working on four design projects, each staged to address specific aspects of tectonics and conceptual design. The research is based on three questionnaires, a focus group discussion and analysis of assessment and digital folios to explore the way students use digital, analogue and hybrid media within their design projects. Relationships arc drawn between media use within projects and student perceptions of the benefits of using particular media within projects of a conceptual or tectonic nature.


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Tibetan Buddhists articulate the bardo as the gap that exists between one fundamental stage of existence and another. Its most common usage is to describe the interval between death and reincarnation, but more literally, bar means 'in-between' and do 'island' or 'mark'. The 'bardo experience' is thus any one in which the 'past situation has just occurred and the future situation has not yet manifested itself. Instruction in architectural design attempts to provide guidance in the process of guiding students across the bardo from intention, analysis, and theorisation, to the creation of architectural representations and products. As such the architectural academy operates within a history of methods and codifications which try to quantify and bring a level of certainty to this process.
Recently however, there has been a questioning of traditionally accepted ways of ‘knowing’ the world, which has manifested in challenges to received ‘truths’ and increasing interest in other, previously marginalised histories and knowledges. The critiques that flow from this questioning contend that objective cultural ‘truths’ are simply the discursive result of the dominance of particular ways of perceiving the world. The practice of architecture has not been immune from this. The field has become a subject, for instance, of sociological, feminist and postcolonial critiques. However, their bearing on the pedagogy of composing architecture remains fragmentary and contested. My interest in this subject is derived from a desire to use the opportunities presented by contemporary cultural shifts to develop design-based architectural research that will assist future architects to operate in the uncertainties of an irreducibly plural global community. This paper will explore some ways in which academic research might bear upon the design studio’s negotiation of architectural bardos.


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As student-to-staff ratios escalate, increasing numbers of undergraduate architects are finding the reduction of ‘one-to-one’ studio supervision an impediment to learning. Group design projects are becoming a widespread solution to this problem. However, little analysis has been undertaken as to their effectiveness both in terms of student assessment and as a design teaching methodology.
The two hundred years of apprentice/master tradition that underpins the atelier studio system is still at the core of much present day architectural design education. Yet this tradition today poses uncertainties for a large number of co-ordinating lecturers faced with current changes in the nature of tertiary education and its funding structure. In particular, with reductions in staff/student contact time, in sessional funding sources and in the relative weighting of design-based subjects with respect to other subject areas, many design teachers are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain an atelier system that has shaped both their learning and, more pointedly, their teaching. If these deficiencies remain unchecked and design-based schools are unable to implement strategies that successfully overcome the resource intensive one-to-one teaching program, then architecture may prove to be an untenable course structure for many institutions.
Rather then spreading their time thinly, many co-ordinating lecturers are setting group projects in order to review less assignments but at greater depth. However, while this learning model better reflects design teams in practice, this approach may pose other pedagogical and assessment questions. What is clear is the urgent need for structured research into the teaching and assessment problems experienced by design teachers, and for a readily adoptable pedagogy for group design projects. At Deakin University, research is underway aimed at establishing best-practice principles for group design projects by analysing students’ performance and recording and implementing their feedback to adjustments made to the pedagogical fundamentals of assessment, group configuration, and program structure. There are after two years of preliminary studies already clear indications of what changes can be made to these to encourage more effective team learning. This paper will present the findings of these studies.


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Given the growing complexity of human existence, there is a need for new ways of representing ideas and of illuminating the world and domains of knowledge. A growing recognition of the limits of traditional ways of representing the world has given rise to a search for alternative approaches to transform and represent the contents of consciousness or what can be known of lived experience. Researchers are recognising that scientific inquiry is just one type of research and that ‘research is not merely a species of social science’ (Eisner 1997: 261). Dissatisfaction with positivism and behaviourism as reductive modes of knowing has also come from within the science disciplines themselves. In his work entitled, The Discontinuous Universe, (1972) Werner Heisenberg states that the knowledge of science is applicable only to limited realms of experience and the scientific method is but a single method for understanding the world. Moreover, the notion of scientifically-based knowledge as statements of ultimate truth contains an inner contradiction since ‘the employment of this procedure changes and transforms its object’ (Heisenberg 1972: 189). The work of Heisenberg and others including: Lincoln and Denzin (2003), Schwandt, (2001) and Schon (1983) reveals that knowledge is relational and that different models of inquiry will yield different forms of knowledge.


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Objective: Although low back pain is characterized by both pain and disability, there is a paucity of studies that have concurrently examined risk factors for these features in community-dwelling women. We aimed to investigate the prevalence and identify factors associated with both back pain and disability.

Design: A questionnaire was mailed to 542 women from a community-based research database. Detailed demographic data were collected, including participants' menopause, relationship, and employment status. Point and period prevalence estimates for back pain were derived. Participants were classified based on pain intensity and disability scores calculated from the Chronic Pain Grade Questionnaire, and factors associated with high levels of pain and disability were examined.

Results: A total of 506 (93.4%) women completed the questionnaire. More than 90% of participants had experienced low back pain, with 75.1% and 22.5% reporting pain in the past 12 months and currently, respectively. Seven percent of women reported a high level of disability and 16% reported high-intensity pain. Women with higher levels of disability were more likely to have a higher body mass index and to have pain currently, whereas those with greater pain intensity were more likely to be younger, have a higher body mass index, not be employed outside the home, drink alcohol, and have current pain.

Conclusions: Low back pain is a common problem for community-based women. A high body mass index and current pain were factors independently associated with both high pain intensity and disability. Longitudinal investigation is required to determine the predictive nature of these factors and their potential role in preventing pain and disability.


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In 1972 Sir Leslie Martin in his essay “The Grid as Generator”, advocated “a strong theoretical basis for [planning and] urban design” (Carolin P, 2000, p4) by methodically shifting design parameters regarding the way “in which buildings [could be] placed on the land” Martin was able to demonstrate how the generation of alternatives could “allow wider scope for decisions and objectives” to be considered and discussed (Carmona M, & Tiesdell S 2007, p81). Operating within a conventional design studio yet drawing of Sir Leslie Martin’s logic, ie developing an informed understanding of a problem by identifying a finite world of design ‘alternatives’, the following paper outlines a studio based program at the School of Architecture and Building, Deakin University, referred to as the ‘UrbanHeart Surgery’. While most atelier-based courses operate largely on an ad-hoc basis where students often work within self imposed competitive isolation, Urbanheart adopts a more open yet structured approach where students work in design collaboratives to generate a matrix of alternative design scenarios. The program actively integrates postgraduate students from Architecture, Urban Design and Planning into a design research culture and allows them to engage in critical discourse by working on strategic design projects in three areas significant to the future development of the state of Victoria: Metropolitan Urbanism, Urbanism on the Periphery and Regional Urbanism.


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BACKGROUND : The Centre for Advanced Design in Engineering Training (CADET) is a partnership of Deakin University and the Gordon Institute of TAFE that will improve access and pathways into careers to address Australia’s critical engineering skills shortage (Walton, C). Local high schools, Belmont High and Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College are included as strategic partners. CADET is proposed to be a teaching and learning facility providing a project focused modern engineering approach to students at regional schools and TAFE as well as Deakin’s degree programs. CADET will emphasize engineering design and development through virtual and physical modelling, simulation and prototyping – skills at the heart of the 21st century engineering challenges, and will serve as an attractor to engineering and related professions.

PURPOSE : The purpose of this paper is to present an argument toward the development of a Centre for advanced design in engineering training. CADET is proposed to increase the awareness and attractiveness of engineering as an education and career option, particularly for women, in regional schools, provide under one roof state-of-the-art engineering design, modelling and prototyping facilities, facilitate access and articulation pathways between school, VET and Higher Education, increase the physical capacity to serve student demand in western Victoria, and reinvigorate engineering as an essential component of a skilled regional economy.

DESIGN/METHOD : The evidenced based argument towards the proposed centre for advanced design in engineering training is based on a detailed literature review as well as a research study with industry representatives in engineering design. The learning principles of the model are also investigated and aligned to the proposed centre.

RESULTS : CADET is a change to the way engineering has traditionally been taught. The outcomes of CADET will be to provide a broad range of contemporary/relevant teaching programs, improve the social benefits gained from teaching programs, improve retention rates, advance partnerships that link with rural and regional victoria, and collaborate with local communities to encourage governments to support regional capacity building. Through focus group interviews and open discussions with industry and academia over the past 12 months on the integration of design skills in engineering education, results indicate that the following key skills are essential elements required for a successful project oriented design based learning curriculum are creative & innovative skills, successful industry engagement, and awareness of design skills in early years. Feedback also showed that 80% of the industry representatives are looking to recruit graduates who acquired design-equipped skill and 60% indicated that they want graduates who acquired knowledge through projects.

CONCLUSIONS : CADET projected benefits are significant at the strategic and operational levels. They include access for more women in engineering, facilitates articulation pathways between VET and HE, targeted recognised critical current engineering skills shortage in Australia, improvement of regional access, attractiveness and participation in tertiary education, achievement of a significant improvement in the teaching-research nexus.


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This paper focuses on the alignment of students and staff perspectives in an engineering design curriculum. Deakin University recognised the importance of student learning with engagement in design-centred education. Staff across the university are committed to ensure that students are engaged at a fairly deep learning level. Engaging students is an important aspect of learning and teaching process because it enhances the student to be self directed active learners. To measure the student engagement and staff experiences in learning and teaching process, Deakin engineering has used design based learning as one of its engineering learning principle. This study examines students perceptions of DBL in their curriculum through a paper based survey given to a cohort of senior year undergraduate engineering students. The research also illustrates the staff perceptions of DBL in engineering curriculum by conducting face-to-face interviews with them. From the analysed results, this research shows that the students and staff have an adequate experience of learning and teaching engineering through design based learning approach in an engineering design curriculum.


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The following paper explores practice based research as a means of identifying issues within current urban design methods. It considers the application of parametric systems as a means of addressing these issues. These systems are developed and tested across both Australian and international urban design projects within Grimshaw Architects. A methodology is proposed for the development and application of these parametric tools across multiple scales of design resolution. It reports on the application of a set of parametric urban scale massing tools in real world design projects. This exploration is carried out in distinct phases of design defined by the scale of resolution. The phasing allows for discrete problems to be addressed more effectively at different stages of the design process while still encouraging a seamless, bi directional workflow through a digital master model.


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 In this paper we outline how the elements and forms of arts informed research can be used in doctoral education. Drawing on Cole and Knowles (2008) interrogation of the elements and forms of arts informed research, we rework their questions and apply them to the Australian model of the Doctor of Philosophy and consider the possibilities for arts based educational research within this model; its impacts on the doctorate itself and our role as supervisors. In the paper we ask: How can the arts (broadly conceived) inform the doctoral research process? How can the arts inform the representational form of doctoral research? What might this mean for us as supervisors? In our discussion we draw upon our work as researchers and supervisors, and consider Halse's (2011) concept of the ‘supervision as becoming’ (p. 569). Through an analysis of our supervision practices we reframe supervision as becoming in part, beyond a practice of hierarchical relationships and/or becoming as the mirror of the supervisor. Rather, we offer an explanation of research training and credentialing as taking forward a vision of new practices which although they are informed by the arts and arts based practices are however not risk averse. While we agree with Cole and Knowles (2008) to connect the work of the academy with the life and lives of communities through research that is accessible, evocative, embodied, empathic, and provocative is productive, something else is required in these times. SuperVision, is required both on the part of the candidate and the supervisors and/or supervisory panel to ensure that the PhD is executed in a way that can meet the university requirements and further is enabling of a sustainable career pathway beyond the initial doctoral education.


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This paper presents a rationale for arts-based practices in music therapy research, and provides an example of using ABR techniques in research. Arts-based materials are increasingly demonstrated to have the capacity to extend processes of reflexivity and analysis in a range of qualitative health research studies. By comparison, music therapy research studies have rarely employed arts-based methods or techniques. There is a need for more studies in music therapy that employ arts-based research to demystify and elaborate a wider range of creative approaches within music therapy inquiry. In the study described in this paper, ABR was used to reflect on the contribution of a service user in a community mental health context who participated in a focus group about his experiences of music therapy. ABR was found to offer a creative way to engage service users, and to deepen and extend the researcher's reflexivity when responding to materials created by research participants.


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"Design is messy and over analysis will stop the flow ... " was the parting line from a colleague after a conversation on design methods. Fo1- many, 'method' is associated with a grim period in a1-chitecture where science held sway. I certainly have no intention of resu1-recting the dogma of that period, but in equal measure I agree with Till (20 12) that painting the design researcher as a heroic genius, marginalises the agency of design research. Despite the various arguments surrounding the value of design as research such as those developed by Downton (2003), van Schaik (2008), or Fraser (2013), there are only a few contempo1-ary resources Uomaka,2008) (Muckenheim and Demel, 2012), which at best provide partial references for students planning a design thesis. If the research emphasis is on designing, then critical knowledge and skills on the ways and means (methods) and tactics for their deployment (methodology) is essential.


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Growing popularity in parametric urbanism has prompted investigation into the effects digital parametric systems have had on the way we design. This research proposes a new method of Problem Centric System Design, encouraging working methods that are led by both the designer’s aspirations and the requirements of the design problem.