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A form of voluntary workplace engagement, communities of practice are characterised in literature as providing entities with the potential to harness the multiplier effects of collaborative processes by building on informal networks within entities. As knowledge building and sharing institutions it would be reasonable to presume that communities of practice activities have been embraced to facilitate a level of connectedness and engagement in a university context. However, evidence from the Australian higher education environment suggests that the enlistment of communities of practice processes by universities faces a number of challenges that are peculiar to academe. We suggest that academic knowledge work practices are significantly different from the business/industry related applications of communities of practice and that an understanding of the unique aspects of such practices, together with the impediments posed by a 'corporate university' model, require acknowledgment before the knowledge building and sharing aspects of communities of practice activities in academia can emerge.


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Capacity building has been prominent in development projects of various kinds for the last decade. Capacity is, in this context, an amorphous term broadly defined as the ability of people, organizations, and communities to handle all the aspects of existence that relate to them (Vincent-Lancrin, 2006). Capacity building generally refers to efforts to develop this ability among particular groups, resulting in enhanced potential to manage their own needs (Potter and Brough, 2004). Capacity building and the associated process of capacity development have been considered central in improving governance, civil society institutions, and local administrations in developing countries (Brinkerhoff, 2000). The World Bank, with its emphasis on strengthening governance, has made capacity building a focus of its programs and leads the development of relevant models and evaluative measures (Wilhelm and Kushnarova, 2004; Straussman, 2007).

Despite its importance in development circles and a quantity of scholarly consideration, the effects of capacity building initiatives are difficult to document and evaluate, and the concept has generated criticism as well as support. Though many aspects of capacity building have been elucidated, one issue that remains less thoroughly studied is the concept’s meaning to target populations. This paper considers the meaning and nature of capacity building in Indonesia, including local perceptions of the concept. This, it is hoped, will offer insight into the whole question of capacity in that nation and that this discussion will inform future development efforts.


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Many contemporary sociologists suggest that a feature of modern life is that the practices and identities associated with 'place' are eroded. The local no longer matters in everyday life as it once did. Some national governments are persuaded of the possibility of an urban dystopia of Orwellian dimensions, and have found a response in theories and rhetorics of social capital, citizenship and communitarianism. They have instituted strategies to address an imaginary of harmonious local communities. In this paper I examine one such government intervention and show how four schools in Tasmania, Australia, took up the invitation to strengthen ties with their local communities. The projects reveal that the local still exists and matters, but they also hint at other possibilities. I argue that by working with a 'place-based' curriculum to assist young people in building local networks and engaging productively with their local neighbourhoods, schools might provide important resources for identity-building and learning.


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The integration of solar energy systems into buildings has been the subject of considerable commercial and academic research, particularly building integrated photovoltaics. However, the integration of solar hot water systems into roofing systems has had far less attention. This paper presents the theoretical and experimental results of a novel building integrated solar hot water system developed using existing long run roofing materials.

This work shows that it is possible to achieve effective integration that maintains the aesthetics of the building and also provides useful thermal energy. The results of an unglazed 108m2 swimming pool heater and 8m2 glazed domestic hot water systems are presented.

The experimental results show that the glazed system performs close to the theoretical model and is an effective provider of hot water in certain climates. However it was also found that for larger scale building integrated solar water heating systems, special attention must be paid to the configuration and arrangement of the collectors in order to minimise problems with respect to flow distribution and its effect on collector and system efficiency.


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The study aimed to understand how capacity-building was operationalised within obesity prevention projects. It clarified definitions of capacity building and identified patterns in the process of building capacity. A potential framework to guide communities to formalise and contextualise capacity building, and prioritise action for leveraging existing capacities was proposed.


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This article investigates the context dependency of comfort and energy performance in mixed-mode offices in the climate of Athens, Greece. It is based on a parametric study using the simulation software EnergyPlus. Context refers to different building design priorities on the real estate market (prestige, low cost and green), occupant behaviour scenarios (ideal and worst case) and cooling strategies (fixed and adaptive set points). Results are evaluated according to energy consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions, daylight autonomy, view and percentage of working time when heating and cooling are operating. The results indicate that a holistic approach to comfort and energy performance evaluation focused on the specific context of a building and its occupants is necessary to develop appropriate optimization strategies. In early design stages, such specific information is not yet available and ideal/worst-case scenarios can indicate the magnitude of influence of occupants compared to building design.


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Architecture is often read as a marker of change. The Victorian towns of Sorrento and Queenscliff are undergoing immense change as a result of rapid modernisation and building due to the ‘sea-change’ phenomenon. It has been argued that this is adversely affecting place, diminishing ‘sense of place’, destroying neighbourhood character and leading to unsustainable development. Planning strategies such as Melbourne 2030 have exacerbated this trend by advocating increasing population densities without regard to specific local environmental or historical conditions. Richard Neville comments generally that ‘Architecture is a lightning rod for passions about community, development, taste and lifestyle. Few issues engage and enrage people more than development – whether a prominent public site … or a more local issue such as housing design or density.’ Anecdotally the increase in building footprint is one measure of cultural lifestyle change that has occurred in the last half century in the coastal areas of the Mornington and Bellarine Peninsulas. While the change from the 1950s ‘fibro shack’ to the 2000s supersize ‘McMansion’ in Sorrento and Queenscliff demonstrates increasing prosperity and sophistication, these developments show little awareness of the local coastal landscape or place identity. If the impacts of this ‘sea change’ phenomenon on place are to be considered as more than anecdotal, ways of evaluating these impacts are required. Monitoring and documenting the impact of changes to place will enable the researchers to quantify overdevelopment as site specific and recommend that modern planning schemes need to value and address place differently.


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This chapter discusses and illustrates some potential applications of discrete-event simulation (DES) techniques in structural reliability and availability analysis, emphasizing the convenience of using probabilistic approaches in modern building and civil engineering practices. After reviewing existing literature on the topic, some advantages of probabilistic techniques over analytical ones are highlighted. Then, we introduce a general framework for performing structural reliability and availability analysis through DES. Our methodology proposes the use of statistical distributions and techniques – such as survival analysis – to model component-level reliability. Then, using failure- and repair-time distributions and information about the structural logical topology (which allows determination of the structural state from their components’ state), structural reliability, and availability information can be inferred. Two numerical examples illustrate some potential applications of the proposed methodology to achieving more reliable and structural designs. Finally, an alternative approach to model uncertainty at component level is also introduced as ongoing work. This new approach is based on the use of fuzzy rule-based systems and it allows the introduction of experts’ opinions and evaluations in our methodology.


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This research introduces a method of using Lindenmayer Systems to model the spreading and behavior of fire inside a factory building. The research investigates the use of L-System propagated fires for determining factors such as where the fire is most likely to spread first and how fast. It also looks at an alternative way of storing the Lindenmayer System, not in the form of a string but rather as a graph. A variation on the building and traversal process is also investigated, in which the L-System is traversed depth first instead of breadth first. Results of fire propagation are presented and we conclude that L-Systems are a suitable tool for fire propagation.


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A visit to the New Acropolis Museum in Athens, Greece, in late June 2010 set in train a number of questions and inspired a research project to begin to unravel something of the complex relationship between ancient and modern architecture on the Athenian Acropolis. Research was guided by the question: how does the contemporary museum, designed by Swiss born architect Bernard Tschumi in collaboration with local Greek architect Michalis Photiadis relate to the ancient Acropolis and the fifth century BC Parthenon, whose sculptures it was to house? A critical literature review was augmented by design analysis and field experience. This paper documents the resulting critical thematic investigations of the Parthenon, the Acropolis and the New Museum through siting, materiality and light, alignment, visual connections, through exploitation of the unique Attic light, orchestrated movement and considered juxtapositions. Research has revealed that Tschumi’s deliberate strategy of creating a dialogue between his building and the ancient monuments holds the key to his design intent, to creatively exploring contemporary architecture at the edge of such a physically and culturally dominant ancient plateau.


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Australian suburbs have long been subjected to negative stereotyping – as aesthetic wastelands, politically conservative, socially isolated and environmentally rapacious – as the last places you would expect creativity. A critical engagement with this discourse and an examination of older as well as some newer suburbs unsettles these characterizations. A broad definition of ‘creativity’ directs attention to what was occurring in 20th century Australian suburbs – with a creative domestic economy and modernist architecture providing strong counters to their negative portrayal. Further, as a sample of Melbourne’s contemporary master-planned estates will illustrate, at least some of this city’s houses and neighbourhoods are at the leading edge of architectural innovation, community building and environmental sustainability – creatively developing alternatives to the stereotypical suburb.


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Background: The Romp & Chomp controlled trial, which aimed to prevent obesity in preschool Australian children, was recently found to reduce the prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity and improve children’s dietary patterns. The intervention focused on capacity building and policy implementation within various early childhood settings. This paper reports on the process and impact evaluation of this trial and the lessons learned from this complex community intervention.
Methods: Process data was collected throughout and audits capturing nutrition and physical activity-related environments and practices were completed postintervention by directors of Long Day Care (LDC) centers (n = 10) and preschools (n = 41) in intervention and comparison (n = 161 LDC and n = 347 preschool) groups.
Results: The environmental audits demonstrated positive impacts in both settings on policy, nutrition, physical activity opportunities, and staff capacity and practices, although results varied across settings and were more substantial in the preschool settings. Important lessons were learned in relation to implementation of such community-based interventions, including the significant barriers to implementing health-promotion interventions in early childhood settings, lack of engagement of for-profit LDC centers in the evaluation, and an inability to attribute direct intervention impacts when the intervention components were delivered as part of a health-promotion package integrated with other programs.
Conclusions: These results provide confidence that obesity prevention interventions in children’s settings can be effective; however, significant efforts must be directed toward developing context-specific strategies that invest in policies, capacity building, staff support, and parent engagement. Recognition by funders and reviewers of the difficulties involved in implementing and evaluating such complex interventions is also critical to strengthening the evidence base on the effectiveness of such public health approaches to obesity prevention.


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Purpose - While the body of work exploring brand orientation has grown, there has been a general failure to build on extant research and generate a holistic conceptualization of brand orientation. This paper aims to develop a model of the key drivers, impediments and manifestations of brand orientation in a museum context.

Design/methodology/approach - A collective case study design was used, consisting of key informant interviews using a semi-structured interview protocol and analysis of institutional documents and observational research. Interviews took place with well-known museums across three countries: the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Australia. This paper demonstrates the richness of qualitative case studies as a method of theory building and as a precursor to further empirical research.

Findings - The case study findings reveal both a philosophical and behavioral aspect of brand orientation. Thus, six attributes are presented that include brand orientation as an organizational culture and compass for decision-making and four brand behaviors (distinctiveness, functionality, augmentation and symbolism). The conceptual model also depicts the critical antecedents to brand orientation in a museum context.

Research limitations/implications - This study provides a foundation for future brand research by offering a holistic conceptualization of brand orientation and identifying the primary antecedents in a museum context. Future research may wish to empirically establish a valid and reliable scale of brand orientation and examine its explanatory potential. Future research may also consider other contexts to provide further insight into the drivers and inhibitors of brand orientation.

Practical implications - If organizations seek to establish a strong brand orientation they must devote resources to establishing the brand as a dominant organizational philosophy that guides decision-making. In addition, brand oriented organizations must establish the brand as a distinctive asset that communicates relevance and accessibility and invest in augmenting initiatives that enable the organization to connect with customers on a personal and emotional level.

Originality/value - Using an exploratory method we are able to reconcile a number of approaches to brand orientation and provide a conceptualization that incorporates the philosophical and behavioral approaches to business orientations. Museums face substantial resource constraints, competing needs of multiple stakeholders and increasing market turbulence. If museums can achieve such significant organizational change then the sector presents an interesting exemplar for many other non-profit organizations.


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This group biography draws on oral history interviews to show how crucial women's leadership was to Melbourne's urban protest movement in the 1970s. Inner city resident's action groups were characterised by a high degree of participation by women. For most it was a radicalising experience as they became involved in action for the first time in their lives. Their involvement in local action and politics contributed to the development of more open and participatory governance focused on community building and environmental issues.


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Ecological planning, as advocated by Ian McHarg, filtered extensively through North America following the publication of Design with Nature (1965). The integrated design and planning approach was also advanced by numerous graduates of McHarg's studios at the University of Pennsylvania where this approach was extensively trialled and proven. While a clear synthesis and theoretical framework was articulated and reinforced through a plethora of projects, monographs, and articles, the majority of these perspectives were North American, lacked clarity about the translation of the approach into legal strategic and statutory planning instruments, nor shed light upon what transpired in Australia. This paper reviews the development of the Conservation Plan created for the southern Mornington peninsula in Victoria, Australia, as well as its intent, structure and internal workings as a successful model of ecological statutory planning, in the context of the wider WPRPA activities that draws directly from the McHarg theory. Known as the Conservation Plan for the southern Mornington Peninsula in Victoria, a revolutionary planning structure devised in the early 1970s by several Australian proponents. The Conservation Plan continues in operation today curating a high scenic valued landscape protecting it from intrusion from the growing metropolitan city of Melbourne thus fulfilling its objectives of landscape quality conservation whilst still permitting sympathetic building and land use growth. Contextually, the Conservation Plan appears to be only statutory equivalent translation of the approach internationally other than the Pinelands Commission planning processes in New Jersey.