76 resultados para Bodleian Library.


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The aim of TEALS project was to establish a setting for evaluation of academic library spaces. The outcomes of such evaluation were anticipated to provide insights into the impacts of library spaces on students’ learning experiences, faculty’s teaching and research and lead to identifying the area of weakness and strength, developing improvement plans and defining specific goals and means for project decision-makers.


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Libraries worldwide are transforming their spaces to better align with the changing needs of their communities. The aim of this paper is to outline the process and outcome of an evaluation study of transformed academic library spaces at the Melbourne Burwood Campus using TEALS. In light of changing higher education practices and students learning preferences, Deakin University has been questioning the balance of informal learning spaces and more formal teaching and academic spaces across its campuses. Commissioned by Deakin University Library, TEALS (Tool for the Evaluation of Academic Library Spaces) was developed to evaluate academic library spaces. The Melbourne Burwood Campus library has undergone several phases of refurbishment to create a library environment that is centred around students’ needs and that supports their individual and group learning experiences. In addition, areas of the library yet to be improved will undergo a major redevelopment over the next year. Given this, carrying out an evaluation of the current spaces is timely to ensure that a better understanding of the impact of changes is achieved. The evaluation process involved: a review of architectural plans and space briefing documents; an observational study of spaces; focus groups with students and library staff; and an online survey of Students’ Library Experience. Use of the TEALS space evaluation tool along with an analysis of data collected during the evaluation process have provided significant insights into various dimensions of the quality of new library spaces. The areas of weakness and strength identified in the study will inform the next phase of Deakin University Library space redevelopment.


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Over the last two decades, the outsourcing of IT services has become a popular topic for many IS researchers. Furthermore, managing IT services (both internally and externally provided) has become an emerging area for academic research, given the criticality of IT services in modern organizations. One of the better known IT service management frameworks is the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) framework. While there are many claims made about the relationship between ITIL and IT outsourcing, these claims still need further empirical research. Using data gathered from a preliminary focus group, this study investigates how ITIL impacts recommended practices on the success of IT outsourcing arrangement.


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The paper provides a brief description of the tool for evaluating the quality and utilisation of academic library spaces (TEALS). Supported by Deakin University Library, TEALS has been developed out of a research project in the School of Architecture and Building, Deakin University, Geelong Waterfront Campus. The tool is intended to establish the setting for evaluation of physical spaces at different phases of development of new academic library spaces and refurbishment of existing ones as well as throughout the life of buildings. The methodological framework of the tool consists of four key elements; establishing Criteria of Quality (CoQ), determining Quality Indicators, evaluating library spaces against QIs and interpreting results for future improvements. The characteristics that distinguish TEALS from existing evaluation models include adopting an approach that focus on people (students, faculty and library staff), acting as a “reflective” and “empowering” tool and being user-friendly, quick and easy to use.


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This paper presents the development and application of a new methodology incorporating both quantitative and qualitative profiling to help discern the characteristics of units of study that are the differentiators of student ratings of library resource quality. From the sub-set of those units with an ‘unremarkable’ rating for teaching quality, those units with the ‘extreme’ library resource quality ratings were selected for investigation. Examination of the handbook descriptions for those units suggests that units of study which explicitly incorporate student interaction with the wider literature and other information resources beyond those provided within the unit environment may lead students to engage with the library in deeper ways that highlight the value of library resources, and hence lead to higher mean ratings of library resource quality. This finding suggests potential areas for intervention to enhance student perceptions of the quality of library resources.


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Deakin University has a long association with e-learning platforms, utilising the functionality of various Learning Management Systems (LMS) over a period of years. Transforming learning and teaching is a key priority of the University and moving to a new generation e-learning platform that supports engaging learning experiences through quality course design is a strategic imperative.

In 2010 Deakin University selected Desire2Learn as its replacement LMS, an innovative platform that offers next generation functionality. The University is investing significant resources in 2011 to implement the new system. The Library is harnessing the opportunity to embed search and discovery and information access throughout the LMS, including presence at the highest level of navigation. A Library widget providing students with clear pathways and immediate access to key library collections, services and features is being developed by the Library in conjunction with the Faculties‟ academic champions and educational developers. Liaison Librarians are negotiating with academic staff to create context-specific pathways, to utilise Desire2Learn Web2.0 capabilities and to imbed more personalised resources and LibGuides aligned with units of study. This is happening at a time when libraries are introducing new approaches to information discovery.

This paper describes Deakin University Library‟s journey in partnering with academic staff and others across the University to implement Desire2Learn as a vital new e-learning platform. It reports on many outcomes including: value created by embedding quality information in learner-centred course delivery; increased awareness of library subscription resources when accessible within students‟ workspace; strong and continuing relationships built with academic staff; enhanced Library staff engagement with flexible learning principles and new technologies. The question of where embedding information access in online courses and units fits with the Library‟s exploration of web scale solutions is also touched upon. And finally, an insight into how recent research undertaken by Deakin University Library has influenced our approach to information discovery solutions suggests an opportunity for many more questions to be explored.


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An original artwork, belonging to a series of paintings that connect to an ongoing investigation of the multi-pannelled painting.


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An original artwork, belonging to a series of paintings that connect to an ongoing investigation of the multi-panelled painting.


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This paper reports research that examined how the embedding of library services through the learning management system contributed to the experience of students from low socio-economic status (SES) backgrounds. To evaluate the embedded practice, the researchers used a mixed-method approach involving surveys with students and interviews with library and academic staff. Survey results showed gains in students' awareness of library resources and in their confidence and satisfaction using them. Staff participants reported benefits to students from the improved visibility of the library and involvement of students in conversations about information literacy. The teacher derived personal benefits in learning more about digital information resources while library staff benefitted from the research-driven nature of the practice which strengthened their collaborative partnership with academic staff. Based on the evaluation, an embedded approach has been adopted at the university in additional courses which have similar student profiles. The outcomes are relevant more widely in demonstrating both the potential benefits of embedded practice for supporting diverse student populations and how libraries can target their activities more effectively to national and university agendas for improving student outcomes.


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Researchers are experiencing intense pressures to publish and increase research outputs. Recently many research funders have introduced policies and mandates related to open access, which have contributed to the increasing popularity of open access journals. Dubbed gold open access, open access journals offer researchers another publishing option. However, some publishers with questionable practices and journals of dubious quality have emerged exploiting the ‘author pays’ open access model and researchers' need to publish. Hence an ability to publish research outputs through the most appropriate outlet for a particular field is crucial for researchers in order to maximise the impact of their research. Notwithstanding the proliferation of open access journals, the literature indicates that some researchers may not have a full understanding of the operations, implications and issues around open access and other publishing issues. This understanding is known as scholarly publishing literacy. With knowledge of scholarly publishing and access to resources and tools, academic libraries and librarians are well-positioned to play an active role in providing support to researchers. This paper argues that scholarly publishing literacy should be treated as an extension of information literacy delivered through a broader research support framework. This paper presents a research librarian's perspective, and draws on literature and the author's practice to illustrate key points. Issues for further investigation are identified.


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Students describe the Library as being central to their learning, offering focus and inspiration, enabling access to information and technologies, and collaboration with peers. Deakin University Library’s building redevelopment program has been integral to the Library’s re-imagined value proposition for students learning in the digital age. The introduction of new generation library and learning spaces strengthens the University’s offer to students for a brilliant education where you are and where you want to go through premium cloud and located learning experiences that are personal, engaging and relevant.

The Library’s building projects are distinctive in terms of location and the built environment, as well as the characteristics of the university campus communities. Each progressive project has brought new aspirations and challenges. Through joint research with Deakin University’s School of Architecture and Built Environment, the Library has developed a quality framework for planning and assessing library and learning spaces.

This paper will discuss the research findings to date on the quality framework and the need to continually review and assess indicators of quality in a highly dynamic digital environment. The Library’s experiences in introducing high-end multimedia provide some insights into planning for and delivering enduring value.

The next steps in exploring the question of how library spaces assist students in achieving their learning goals are introduced.