54 resultados para Baby-friendly


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BACKGROUND: As physical activity levels decrease as children age, sustainable and accessible forms of physical activity are needed from a young age. Transportation cycling is one such physical activity and has been associated with many benefits. The aims of the study were to identify whether manipulating micro-environmental factors (e.g. speed limis, evenness of cycle path) within a photographed street influences the perceived supportiveness for transportation cycling; and whether changing these micro-environmental factors has the same effect across different street settings. METHODS: We recruited 305 fifth and sixth grade children and their parents from twelve randomly selected primary schools in Flanders, Belgium. They completed a web-based questionnaire including 12 choice-based conjoint tasks, in which they had to choose between two possible routes depicted on manipulated photographs, which the child would cycle along. The routes differed in four attributes: general street setting (enclosed, half open, open), evenness of cycle path (very uneven, moderately uneven, even), speed limit (70 km/h, 50 km/h, 30 km/h) and degree of separation between a cycle path and motorised traffic (no separation, curb, hedge). Hierarchical Bayes analyses revealed the relative importance of each micro-environmental attribute across the three street settings. RESULTS: For each attribute, children and their parents chose routes that had the best alternative (i.e. open street setting, even cycle path, 30 km/h, a hedge separating the cycle path from motorised traffic). The evenness of the cycle path and lower speed limit had the largest effect for the children, while the degree of separation and lower speed limit had the largest effect for their parents. Interactions between micro-scale and macro-scale factors revealed differences in the magnitude but not direction of their effects on route choice. The results held across the different kinds of street settings tested. CONCLUSIONS: Improving micro-scale attributes may increase the supportiveness of a street for children's transportation cycling. We call for on-site research to test effects of changes in micro-environmental attributes on transportation cycling among children.


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BACKGROUND: Increasing participation in transportation cycling represents a useful strategy for increasing children's physical activity levels. Knowledge on how to design environments to encourage adoption and maintenance of transportation cycling is limited and relies mainly on observational studies. The current study experimentally investigates the relative importance of micro-scale environmental factors for children's transportation cycling, as these micro-scale factors are easier to change within an existing neighborhood compared to macro-scale environmental factors (i.e. connectivity, land-use mix, …). METHODS: Researchers recruited children and their parents (n = 1232) via 45 randomly selected schools across Flanders and completed an online questionnaire which consisted of 1) demographic questions; and 2) a choice-based conjoint (CBC) task. During this task, participants chose between two photographs which we had experimentally manipulated in seven micro-scale environmental factors: type of cycle path; evenness of cycle path; traffic speed; traffic density; presence of speed bumps; environmental maintenance; and vegetation. Participants indicated which route they preferred to (let their child) cycle along. To find the relative importance of these micro-scale environmental factors, we conducted Hierarchical Bayes analyses. RESULTS: Type of cycle path emerged as the most important factor by far among both children and their parents, followed by traffic density and maintenance, and evenness of the cycle path among children. Among parents, speed limits and maintenance emerged as second most important, followed by evenness of the cycle path, and traffic density. CONCLUSION: Findings indicate that improvements in micro-scale environmental factors might be effective for increasing children's transportation cycling, since they increase the perceived supportiveness of the physical environment for transportation cycling. Investments in creating a clearly designated space for the young cyclist, separated from motorized traffic, appears to be the most effective way to increase perceived supportiveness. Future research should confirm our laboratory findings with experimental on-site research.


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 The present study aims to undertake research to improve the properties of vegetable oil based biodegradable lubricants for hydraulic oil applications. Different approaches were explored and adopted to investigate the thermo-oxidative stability, tribological property and corrosion behaviour of biodegradable basestocks as per the ISO 15380 specification.


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Algae specimens mounted on 133 leaves preceded by printed pages with caption title: (1) List of Dr. Harvey's duplicate Ceylon algae ; (2) List of Dr. Harvey's duplicate Friendly Island Algae ; (3) List of Dr. Harvey's duplicate Australian algae.


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A community aged care service, with the assistance of other stakeholders, initiated a qualitative practice-oriented research project to interview baby boomers about their plans for retirement and their interests in volunteering. The project looks to reshape baby boomer volunteering for our aged care services. Our findings highlight that baby boomers are looking for meaningful, diverse and flexible volunteer opportunities. This will require organisations to adapt their volunteer programs and develop the required infrastructure (improved advertising, assessment and volunteer support approaches) to cater for the volunteering needs of baby boomers. This paper highlights the process, findings, initial efforts and future challenges to engaging baby boomers in volunteer work. It is recognised that further research is required in what is not a homogenous group.


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Midwives play an important role in antenatal education and there is a need for child birth education to be delivered more effectively and in the earlier stages pregnancy. There are numerous inconsistencies existing between the theory and practice of child birth education. A new direction is needed. The evolution of child birth education needs to quickly gain pace to meet the needs of today's expectant women. Contemporary technology presents a modern approach to support and promote child birth education classes. Consequently, this recent post graduate diploma student midwife project was to investigate the introduction of the use of iPhone app technology as a valuable tool in which to deliver child birth education. The conduction of the project included several elements, beginning with an extensive literature review, ethics approval; a survey completed by thirty two midwives at St Vincents Private Hospital (StVPH) was collected and generated the foundations for the prototype childbirth education iPhone App, and B is for Baby was constructed. This was then presented back to the midwives at St Vincent's Private Hospital as a means to compliment and contribute to the traditional face to face child birth sessions.


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This report presents the evaluation of the Baby Makes 3 Plus project in the Great South Coast region of Victoria. Baby Makes 3 Plus was one of 12 projects funded by the Department of Justice and Regulation in Victoria under initiative to support primary prevention and early intervention-focused partnership projects to address violence against women and children. The project provided the Baby Makes 3 relationship education program to new parents across the region, and conducted a variety of training to increase the skills of Great South Coast early years practitioners (the Plus component of the project). The three key objectives of the project were:• To increase the capacity of first time parents to build equal and respectful relationships in response to the lifestyle and relationship changes that follow the birth of a child.• To increase the capacity of health professionals and organisations to promote equal and respectful relationships during the transition to parenthood.• To building capacity to identify women at risk of experiencing family violence through a gender equity component of in-service training.


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BACKGROUND: While it is well established that alcohol can cross the placenta to the foetus and can affect an infant's development, many women continue to drink during pregnancy. For this reason it is important to determine what information is being provided, what information may be missing, and the preferred sources of information on this issue. In order to improve prevention strategies, we sought to understand the knowledge and experiences of pregnant women and their partners regarding the effects of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. METHODS: The current study utilised a qualitative study design in order to gain insight into the views and experiences of pregnant women, newly delivered mothers and their partners. Focus groups examined the participant's knowledge about the effects of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, the sources of information on this issue, and the psycho-social influences on their drinking behaviour. Five focus groups were conducted involving a total of 21 participants (17 female). A six-stage thematic analysis framework was used to analyse all focus group discussions in a systematic way. RESULTS: Seven major themes were identified from the focus group data: 1) knowledge of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders; 2) message content and sources; 3) healthcare system; 4) society and culture; 5) partner role; 6) evaluation of risk; and 7) motivation. The findings indicated that although the majority of participants knew not to drink alcohol in pregnancy they had limited information on the specific harmful effects. In addition, routine enquiry and the provision of information by health care professionals were seen as lacking. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this research provide important insights in to the relationship between pregnant women, their partners, and their healthcare providers. Several recommendations can be made on the basis of these findings. Firstly, public health messages and educational materials need to provide clear and consistent information about the effects of alcohol consumption on the developing baby. Additionally, more thorough and consistent routine enquiry for alcohol consumption in pregnant women needs to occur. Finally, it is important to ensure ongoing education for health professionals on the issue of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.


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This work has demonstrated a facile route to separate polyester/cotton blend textile waste by a chemical dissolution method. The recovered cellulose from textile waste were used to regenerate a novel composite fibre with improved properties which could potentially be used in textile applications.