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Mounting evidence indicates that schizophrenia is associated with adverse intrauterine experiences. An adverse or suboptimal fetal environment can cause irreversible changes in brain that can subsequently exert long-lasting effects through resetting a diverse array of biological systems including endocrine, immune and nervous. It is evident from animal and imaging studies that subtle variations in the intrauterine environment can cause recognizable differences in brain structure and cognitive functions in the offspring. A wide variety of environmental factors may play a role in precipitating the emergent developmental dysregulation and the consequent evolution of psychiatric traits in early adulthood by inducing inflammatory, oxidative and nitrosative stress (IO&NS) pathways, mitochondrial dysfunction, apoptosis, and epigenetic dysregulation. However, the precise mechanisms behind such relationships and the specificity of the risk factors for schizophrenia remain exploratory. Considering the paucity of knowledge on fetal programming of schizophrenia, it is timely to consolidate the recent advances in the field and put forward an integrated overview of the mechanisms associated with fetal origin of schizophrenia.


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There is a consensus among language teachers and researchers that language course design is always a work in progress. This is influenced by variables such as the type of language being taught and whether the teaching of this language has been researched. Arabic is one the languages that have created aperennial debate among its teachers about the anticipated challenges pointing principally to three reasons. The first reason refers to the dichotomy that exists between MSA and Colloquial Arabic, which will have a direct impact on teaching the macro-skill of „speaking‟. The second reason deals with the complexity of MSA in terms of grammar. The final reason discusses the theoretical aspects of language teaching and learning and its implications to the design of the Arabic program. This paper discusses these problems stemming from the recent empirical pilot study of teaching Arabic for a specific purposes (ASP). The study exposes some the problems mentioned above and suggests solutions to improve the teaching of Arabic in the light of theories of SLA and language teaching and learning.


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 In precolonial times, equal socioeducational recognition accorded to local languages played a key role in promoting inter-ethnic harmony, co-existence and 'connectedness' between linguistically and ethnically .diverse people of Sri Lanka. This history should motivate policy considerations in postcolonial situations in the country. This chapter has its focus on educational issues surrounding the promotion of local languages for interethnic harmony in Sri Lanka, where the promotion of Sinhala among minority Tamils, and Tamil among the majority Sinhalese has been the subject of many current political, policy and popular discourses. Proficiency in the local languages was encouraged actively through policies and practices during precolonial times. However, despite popular thinking that there is an acute need to promote Tamil, its manifestation as a classroom subject in school education curricula for the majority Sinhalese and minority Tamils in post-war Sri Lanka has been lost in the public and policy discourses. Using archival records and opinions expressed in newspapers as data, this chapter explores these ambiguities in attitudes, policies and practices from precolonial times to the present day.


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Solving fuzzy linear programming (FLP) requires the employment of a consistent ranking of fuzzy numbers. Ineffective fuzzy number ranking would lead to a flawed and erroneous solving approach. This paper presents a comprehensive and extensive review on fuzzy number ranking methods. Ranking techniques are categorised into six classes based on their characteristics. They include centroid methods, distance methods, area methods, lexicographical methods, methods based on decision maker's viewpoint, and methods based on left and right spreads. A survey on solving approaches to FLP is also reported. We then point out errors in several existing methods that are relevant to the ranking of fuzzy numbers and thence suggest an effective method to solve FLP. Consequently, FLP problems are converted into non-fuzzy single (or multiple) objective linear programming based on a consistent centroid-based ranking of fuzzy numbers. Solutions of FLP are then obtained by solving corresponding crisp single (or multiple) objective programming problems by conventional methods.


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 Some illustrative examples are provided to identify the ineffective and unrealistic characteristics of existing approaches to solving fuzzy linear programming (FLP) problems (with single or multiple objectives). We point out the error in existing methods concerning the ranking of fuzzy numbers and thence suggest an effective method to solve the FLP. Based on the consistent centroid-based ranking of fuzzy numbers, the FLP problems are transformed into non-fuzzy single (or multiple) objective linear programming. Solutions of FLP are then crisp single or multiple objective programming problems, which can respectively be obtained by conventional methods.


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 This research proposed a new methodology to extend algorithms to accept interval-based uncertain parameters. The methodology is applied on scheduling algorithms, including heuristic and meta-heuristic algorithms and produced optimal results with higher accuracy. The research outcomes are effective for decision making process using uncertain or predicted data.


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One of the aims of any higher education institution is to align its curriculum with program learning goals. Programs which ensure proper learning have positive effects on students, instructors, departments and also on the higher education institution itself. This paper discusses the implementation and effects of Assurance Of Learning (AOL) processes on introductory programming (IP) courses. It elaborates five stages of AOL to align program learning goals with IP curriculum. Then, it discusses how the AOL process identifies shortcomings in the assessment methods of IP courses. Furthermore, it enlightens how the assessment findings, as a result of the AOL process, provide mechanisms to address the drawbacks during the delivery of such courses. Feedback on


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Objective: To provide statistician end users with a visual language environment for complex statistical survey design and implementation. Methods: We have developed, in conjunction with professional statisticians, the Statistical Design Language (SDL), an integrated suite of visual languages aimed at supporting the process of designing statistical surveys, and its support environment, SDLTool. SDL comprises five diagrammatic notations: survey diagrams, data diagrams, technique diagrams, task diagrams and process diagrams. SDLTool provides an integrated environment supporting design, coordination, execution, sharing and publication of complex statistical survey techniques as web services. SDLTool allows association of model components with survey artefacts, including data sets, metadata, and statistical package analysis scripts, with the ability to execute elements of the survey design model to implement survey analysis. Results: We describe three evaluations of SDL and SDLTool: use of the notation by expert statistician to design and execute surveys; useability evaluation of the environment; and assessment of several generated statistical analysis web services. Conclusion: We have shown the effectiveness of SDLTool for supporting statistical survey design and implementation. Practice implications: We have developed a more effective approach to supporting statisticians in their survey design work.


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Evidence from our systematic literature review revealed numerous inconsistencies in findings from the Pair Programming (PP) literature regarding the effects of personality on PP's effectiveness as a pedagogical tool. In particular: i) the effect of differing personality traits of pairs on the successful implementation of pair-programming (PP) within a higher education setting is still unclear, and ii) the personality instrument most often used had been Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), despite being an indicator criticized by personality psychologists as unreliable in measuring an individual's personality traits. These issues motivated the research described in this paper. We conducted a series of five formal experiments (one of which was a replicated experiment), between 2009 and 2010, at the University of Auckland, to investigate the effects of personality composition on PP's effectiveness. Each experiment looked at a particular personality trait of the Five-Factor personality framework. This framework comprises five broad traits (Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism), and our experiments focused on three of these - Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness. A total of 594 undergraduate students participated as subjects. Overall, our findings for all five experiments, including the replication, showed that Conscientiousness and Neuroticism did not present a statistically significant effect upon paired students' academic performance. However, Openness played a significant role in differentiating paired students' academic performance. Participants' survey results also indicated that PP not only caused an increase in satisfaction and confidence levels but also brought enjoyment to the tutorial classes and enhanced students' motivation.


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The objective behind building domain-specific visual languages (DSVLs) is to provide users with the most appropriate concepts and notations that best fit with their domain and experience. However, the existing DSVL designers do not support integrating environment and user context information when modeling, editing or viewing DSVL models at different locations, permissions, devices, etc. In this paper, we introduce HorusCML, a context-aware DSVL designer, which supports DSVL experts in integrating necessary context details within their DSVLs. The resultant DSVLs can reflect different facets, layouts, and behaviours according to context it is used in. We show a case study on developing a context-aware data flow diagram DSVL tool using HorusCML.


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Being born small for gestational age increases the risk of developing adult cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. This study aimed to examine if early-life exercise could increase heart mass in the adult hearts from growth restricted rats. Bilateral uterine vessel ligation to induce uteroplacental insufficiency and fetal growth restriction in the offspring (Restricted) or sham surgery (Control) was performed on day 18 of gestation in WKY rats. A separate group of sham litters had litter size reduced to five pups at birth (Reduced litter), which restricted postnatal growth. Male offspring remained sedentary or underwent treadmill running from 5 to 9 weeks (early exercise) or 20 to 24 weeks of age (later exercise). Remarkably, in Control, Restricted, and Reduced litter groups, early exercise increased (P < 0.05) absolute and relative (to body mass) heart mass in adulthood. This was despite the animals being sedentary for ~4 months after exercise. Later exercise also increased adult absolute and relative heart mass (P < 0.05). Blood pressure was not significantly altered between groups or by early or later exercise. Phosphorylation of Akt Ser(473) in adulthood was increased in the early exercise groups but not the later exercise groups. Microarray gene analysis and validation by real-time PCR did not reveal any long-term effects of early exercise on the expression of any individual genes. In summary, early exercise programs the heart for increased mass into adulthood, perhaps by an upregulation of protein synthesis based on greater phosphorylation of Akt Ser(473).