77 resultados para video on demand


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While cloud computing (CC) is a scalable model of shared infrastructure and on-demand computing, it lacks a transparent trust and security mechanism. A data owner (DO) loses control over the data outsourced to a machine in the cloud controlled and operated by a cloud service provider (CSP). This machine is at a location unknown to a data owner. This loss of control over data is further intensified with the lack of managing users' access to the data from practical cloud computing perspectives. In this paper, we introduce a new mechanism of ensuring trust and security in Software as a Service (SaaS) CC. Trust Ticket, with the supporting protocols, is our mechanism that helps a data owner in establishing a link between a CSP and a registered user. In our mechanism, a user first gets registered with a DO before receiving a Trust Ticket and a secret key from that DO. Each Trust Ticket is unique and encrypted. On completing the registration of each user, the DO apprises the CSP of the Trust Ticket. Trust Ticket and secret key are respectively for the registered user's getting accepted to the CSP and having a view of the data owner's data upon a successful verification by the CSP. We have done our experiment in Java network programming by creating an emulated cloud computing framework under the VMware ESXi 4.1 hyper visor based platform. Using the framework, we have evaluated our algorithmic protocol for Trust Ticket. We have also compared our work with prior work. Overall performance of our work is better. We argue that our proposed algorithmic protocol for Trust Ticket deployment establishes a data owner's trust. This trust is established through a data owner's control over data and a registered user, because a registered user is linked with a CSP by a data owner through Trust Ticket.


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This paper presents a cooperative caching architecture suitable for continuous media (CM) proxy caching in MANET environments. The proposed scheme introduces an application manager component, which is interposed between traditional Internet CM applications and the network layer. The application manager transparently performs data location and service migration of active CM streaming sessions so as to exploit nearby data sources based on the dynamic topology of a MANET. We propose two data location schemes - Cache-State - a link-state based scheme and Reactive - an on-demand scheme. Since service migration can occur frequently, the application manager uses soft-state signaling techniques to communicate between remote application managers by translating hard-state application signaling, such as Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) into soft-state messages. The proposed schemes are evaluated through simulation studies using the NS simulator. Simulation studies show that both Cache-State and Reactive schemes demonstrate significant QoS improvements and reduced bandwidth consumption.


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The increasing amount of data collected in the fields of physics and bio-informatics allows researchers to build realistic, and therefore accurate, models/simulations and gain a deeper understanding of complex systems. This analysis is often at the cost of greatly increased processing requirements. Cloud computing, which provides on demand resources, can offset increased analysis requirements. While beneficial to researchers, adaption of clouds has been slow due to network and performance uncertainties. We compare the performance of cloud computers to clusters to make clear the advantages and limitations of clouds. Focus has been put on understanding how virtualization and the underlying network effects performance of High Performance Computing (HPC) applications. Collected results indicate that performance comparable to high performance clusters is achievable on cloud computers depending on the type of application run.


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Nylon is a relatively inert polymer. The ability to easily functionalize nylon with biomolecules will improve the utilization of nylon in biological systems. A potential use of the biofunctionalized nylon scaffolds is in devices for cell therapeutics that can specifically select cells present in small numbers, such as hematopoietic stem cells. This study developed a versatile and simple two-step technique combining oxygen plasma treatment with wet silanization to graft biomolecules onto nylon 6,6 3D porous scaffolds. Scaffolds that were exposed to oxygen plasma exhibited up to 13-fold increase in silane attachment ((3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane/(3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane) compared to untreated scaffolds. To address the limitation of nondestructive characterization of the surface chemistry of 3D scaffolds, fluorescent CdSe/ZnS nanoparticles were used as a reporting tool for -NH(2) functionalized surfaces. Scaffolds that were covalently bound with neutravidin protein remained stable in phosphate buffered saline up to four months. Functionality of the neutravidin-grafted scaffolds was demonstrated by the specific binding of CD4 cells to the scaffold via CD4-specific antibody. Ultimately, these neutravidin-functionalized 3D nylon scaffolds could be easily customized on demand utilizing a plethora of biotinylated biomolecules (antibodies, enzymes and proteins) to select for specific cell of interest. This technique can be extended to other applications, including the enhancement of cell-scaffold interactions.


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This paper traces the development of children’s multiplatform commissioning at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) in the context of the digitalisation of Australian television. Whilst recent scholarship has focussed on ‘post-broadcast’ or ‘second-shift’ industrial practices, designed to engage view(s)ers with proprietary media brands, less attention has been focussed on children’s and young adults’ television in a public service context. Further, although multiplatform projects in the United States and Britain have been the subject of considerable analysis, less work has attempted to contextualise cultural production in smaller media markets. The paper explores two recent multiplatform projects through textual analysis, empirical research (consisting of interviews with key industry personnel) and an investigation of recent policy documents. The authors argue that the ABC’s mixed diet of children’s programming, featuring an educative or social developmental agenda, is complemented by its appeals to audience ‘participation’, with the Corporation maintaining public service values alongside the need to expand audience reach and the legitimacy of its brand. It finds that the ABC’s historical platform infrastructure, across radio, television and online, have allowed it to move beyond a market failure model to exploit multiplatform synergies competitively in the distribution of Australian children’s content to audiences on-demand.


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Mobile smart phones and Mobile applications (apps) can be seen as an added opportunity for education and for teachers in particular, this can be true if educational institutions are willing to enable this type of delivery mechanism. With the recent development of app technologies in today’s society and the shift towards mobile technologies (devices and applications), it seems hard to imagine better devices and tools that can grant students easy and on demand access to learning content. These smart devices and technologies are multitasking and can offer variety of educational apps that teachers and students are able to integrate into their daily learning activities and can carry with them anywhere. In this paper mobile apps and their integration in education are discussed, a case study on the use of three mobile apps (e-Lecture-Producer, Dropbox and QR Code) in an educational setting in a Business e-commerce course is described. Results and outcomes are discussed based on the results from the case study.


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Dancers are expected to maintain consistently high levels of performance capability and to perform on demand. To meet these expectations, they subject their bodies to long hours of intensive physical training. Such training regimens are often combined with tight rehearsal and performance schedules, which over time, can lead to persistent fatigue, psychological distress, performance decrements, and injury. A similar process has been observed as a consequence of high-intensity training in many different sports, and considerable sport-related research has been devoted to identifying the antecedents, the symptoms that are experienced, and the most cost-effective ways of monitoring symptom development. This paper presents a general heuristic framework for understanding this “training distress process” and discusses the framework with specific reference to dance.


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 Today, Digital Systems and Services for Technology Supported Learning and Education are recognized as the key drivers to transform the way that individuals, groups and organizations “learn” and the way to “assess learning” in 21st Century. These transformations influence: Objectives - moving from acquiring new “knowledge” to developing new and relevant “competences”; Methods – moving from “classroom” based teaching to “context-aware” personalized learning; and Assessment – moving from “life-long” degrees and certifications to “on-demand” and “in-context” accreditation of qualifications. Within this context, promoting Open Access to Formal and Informal Learning, is currently a key issue in the public discourse and the global dialogue on Education, including Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Flipped School Classrooms.


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DDoS attack source traceback is an open and challenging problem. Deterministic packet marking (DPM) is a simple and relatively effective traceback scheme among the available traceback methods. However, the existing DPM schemes inheret a critical drawback of scalability in tracing all possible attack sources, which roots at their static mark encoding and attempt to mark all Internet routers for their traceback purpose. We find that a DDoS attack session usually involves a limited number of attack sources, e.g. at the thousand level. In order to achieve the traceback goal, we only need to mark these attack related routers. We therefore propose a novel Marking on Demand (MOD) scheme based on the DPM mechanism to dynamical distribute marking IDs in both temporal and space dimensions. The proposed MOD scheme can traceback to all possible sources of DDoS attacks, which is not possible for the existing DPM schemes. We thoroughly compare the proposed MOD scheme with two dominant DPM schemes through theoretical analysis and experiments. The the results demonstrate that the MOD scheme outperforms the existing DPM schemes. © 2013 IEEE.


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Transparent computing is an emerging computing paradigm where the users can enjoy any kind of service over networks on-demand with any devices, without caring about the underlying deployment details. In transparent computing, all software resources (even the OS) are stored on remote servers, from which the clients can request the resources for local execution in a block-streaming way. This paradigm has many benefits including cross-platform experience, user orientation, and platform independence. However, due to its fundamental features, e.g., separation of computation and storage in clients and servers respectively, and block-streaming-based scheduling and execution, transparent computing faces many new security challenges that may become its biggest obstacle. In this paper, we propose a Transparent Computing Security Architecture (TCSA), which builds user-controlled security for transparent computing by allowing the users to configure the desired security environments on demand. We envision, TCSA, which allows the users to take the initiative to protect their own data, is a promising solution for data security in transparent computing. © 2014 IEEE.


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Implementation of optogenetic techniques is a recent addition to the neuroscientists' preclinical research arsenal, helping to expose the intricate connectivity of the brain and allowing for on-demand direct modulation of specific neural pathways. Developing an optogenetic system requires thorough investigation of the optogenetic technique and of previously fabricated devices, which this review accommodates. Many experiments utilize bench-top systems that are bulky, expensive, and necessitate tethering to the animal. However, these bench-top systems can make use of power-demanding technologies, such as concurrent electrical recording. Newer portable microdevices and implantable systems carried by freely moving animals are being fabricated that take advantage of wireless energy harvesting to power a system and allow for natural movements that are vital for behavioral testing and analysis. An investigation of the evolution of tethered, portable, and implantable optogenetic microdevices is presented, and an analysis of benefits and detriments of each system, including optical power output, device dimensions, electrode width, and weight is given. Opsins, light sources, and optical fiber coupling are also discussed to optimize device parameters and maximize efficiency from the light source to the fiber, respectively. These attributes are important considerations when designing and developing improved optogenetic microdevices.


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Smartphone technology has become more popular and innovative over the last few years, and technology companies are now introducing wearable devices into the market. By emerging and converging with technologies such as Cloud, Internet of Things (IoT) and Virtualization, requirements to personal sensor devices are immense and essential to support existing networks, e.g. mobile health (mHealth) as well as IoT users. Traditional physiological and biological medical sensors in mHealth provide health data either periodically or on-demand. Both of these situations can cause rapid battery consumption, consume significant bandwidth, and raise privacy issues, because these sensors do not consider or understand sensor status when converged together. The aim of this research is to provide a novel approach and solution to managing and controlling personal sensors that can be used in various areas such as the health, military, aged care, IoT and sport. This paper presents an inference system to transfer health data collected by personal sensors efficiently and effectively to other networks in a secure and effective manner without burdening workload on sensor devices.


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DDoS attack source traceback is an open and challenging problem. Deterministic packet marking (DPM) is a simple and effective traceback mechanism, but the current DPM based traceback schemes are not practical due to their scalability constraint. We noticed a factor that only a limited number of computers and routers are involved in an attack session. Therefore, we only need to mark these involved nodes for traceback purpose, rather than marking every node of the Internet as the existing schemes doing. Based on this finding, we propose a novel marking on demand (MOD) traceback scheme based on the DPM mechanism. In order to traceback to involved attack source, what we need to do is to mark these involved ingress routers using the traditional DPM strategy. Similar to existing schemes, we require participated routers to install a traffic monitor. When a monitor notices a surge of suspicious network flows, it will request a unique mark from a globally shared MOD server, and mark the suspicious flows with the unique marks. At the same time, the MOD server records the information of the marks and their related requesting IP addresses. Once a DDoS attack is confirmed, the victim can obtain the attack sources by requesting the MOD server with the marks extracted from attack packets. Moreover, we use the marking space in a round-robin style, which essentially addresses the scalability problem of the existing DPM based traceback schemes. We establish a mathematical model for the proposed traceback scheme, and thoroughly analyze the system. Theoretical analysis and extensive real-world data experiments demonstrate that the proposed traceback method is feasible and effective.


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Because of the strong demands of physical resources of big data, it is an effective and efficient way to store and process big data in clouds, as cloud computing allows on-demand resource provisioning. With the increasing requirements for the resources provisioned by cloud platforms, the Quality of Service (QoS) of cloud services for big data management is becoming significantly important. Big data has the character of sparseness, which leads to frequent data accessing and processing, and thereby causes huge amount of energy consumption. Energy cost plays a key role in determining the price of a service and should be treated as a first-class citizen as other QoS metrics, because energy saving services can achieve cheaper service prices and environmentally friendly solutions. However, it is still a challenge to efficiently schedule Virtual Machines (VMs) for service QoS enhancement in an energy-aware manner. In this paper, we propose an energy-aware dynamic VM scheduling method for QoS enhancement in clouds over big data to address the above challenge. Specifically, the method consists of two main VM migration phases where computation tasks are migrated to servers with lower energy consumption or higher performance to reduce service prices and execution time. Extensive experimental evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of our method.