54 resultados para root criticality


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In a recent study, Westerlund (Empir Econ 37:517–531, 2009) shows that the performance of the popular LLC (Levin et al., J Econ 108:1–24, 2002) panel unit root test depends critically on the choice of lag truncation used when correcting for serial correlation, and that it is only when this parameter is set as a function of time that the power raises above size. The purpose of the current paper is to propose a modified test that does not suffer from this drawback. The new test is not only simpler to compute but also superior in terms of small-sample performance, which is illustrated using an example purchasing power parity for less developed countries.


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An overview is given of the design and implementation of a platform for fast external sensor integration in an industrial robot system called ABB S4CPlus. As an application and motivating example, the implementation of force-controlled grinding and deburring within the AUTOFETT-project is discussed. Experiences from industrial usage of the fully developed prototype confirms the appropriateness of the design choices, thus also confirming the fact that control and software need to be tightly integrated. The new sensor can be used for the prototyping and development of a wide variety of new applications


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In a search for more powerful unit root tests, some researchers have recently proposed accounting for the information contained in the GARCH of the innovations. However, while promising, tests with GARCH are difficult to implement, which has made them quite uncommon in the empirical literature. A computationally attractive alternative is to account not for GARCH but the information contained in a panel of multiple time series. The purpose of the current note is to compare the relative power achievable from these two information sources. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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In this paper, our goal is to examine the unit root null hypothesis in energy consumption for Australian states and territory. We consider sectoral energy consumption for Australia and its six states and one territory using time series data for the period 1973-2007. This is the first study that does this. Generally, except for some cases in South Australia, we find strong support that shocks to energy consumption have a temporary effect on energy consumption in Australia. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we propose a GARCH-based unit root test that is flexible enough to account for; (a) trending variables, (b) two endogenous structural breaks, and (c) heteroskedastic data series. Our proposed model is applied to a range of time-series, trending, and heteroskedastic energy variables. Our two main findings are: first, the proposed trend-based GARCH unit root model outperforms a GARCH model without trend; and, second, allowing for a time trend and two endogenous structural breaks are important in practice, for doing so allows us to reject the unit root null hypothesis.


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In this article three unit root tests that allow for a break in both the seasonal mean and linear trend of the data are proposed. The tests, which can be seen as small-sample corrected versions of already known asymptotic tests, are shown to perform very well in simulations, and much better than their asymptotic counterparts.


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This article proposes new unit root tests for panels where the errors may be not only serial and/or crosscorrelated,but also unconditionally heteroscedastic. Despite their generality, the test statistics are shown tobe very simple to implement, requiring only minimal corrections and still the limiting distributions underthe null hypothesis are completely free from nuisance parameters. Monte Carlo evidence is also providedto suggest that the new tests perform well in small samples, also when compared to some of the existingtests. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.


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It is well known that in the context of the classical regression model with heteroskedastic errors, while ordinary least squares (OLS) is not efficient, the weighted least squares (WLS) and quasi-maximum likelihood (QML) estimators that utilize the information contained in the heteroskedasticity are. In the context of unit root testing with conditional heteroskedasticity, while intuition suggests that a similar result should apply, the relative performance of the tests associated with the OLS, WLS and QML estimators is not well understood. In particular, while QML has been shown to be able to generate more powerful tests than OLS, not much is known regarding the relative performance of the WLS-based test. By providing an in-depth comparison of the tests, the current paper fills this gap in the literature.


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One of the single most cited studies within the field of nonstationary panel data analysis is that of LLC (Levin et al. in J Econom 98:1 - 24, 2002), in which the authors propose a test for a common unit root in the panel. Using both theoretical arguments and simulation evidence, we show that this test can be misleading unless it is based on the same bandwidth selection rule used by LLC. © Springer-Verlag 2008.


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Abstract Motivated by the previously documented discrepancy between actual and predicted power, the present paper provides new tools for analyzing the local asymptotic power of panel unit root tests. These tools are appropriate in general when considering panel data with a dominant autoregressive root of the form ρi=1+ciN-κT-τ, where i=1,...,N indexes the cross-sectional units, T is the number of time periods and ci is a random local-to-unity parameter. A limit theory for the sample moments of such panel data is developed and is shown to involve infinite-order series expansions in the moments of ci, in which existing theories can be seen as mere first-order approximations. The new theory is applied to study the asymptotic local power functions of some known test statistics for a unit root. These functions can be expressed in terms of the expansions in the moments of ci, and include existing local power functions as special cases. Monte Carlo evidence is provided to suggest that the new results go a long way toward bridging the gap between actual and predicted power.


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In an influential article, Hansen showed that covariate augmentation can lead to substantial power gains when compared to univariate tests. In this article, we ask if this result extends also to the panel data context? The answer turns out to be yes, which is maybe not that surprising. What is surprising, however, is the extent of the power gain, which is shown to more than outweigh the well-known power loss in the presence of incidental trends. That is, the covariates have an order effect on the neighborhood around unity for which local asymptotic power is negligible.


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This paper analyzes the properties of panel unit root tests based on recursively detrended data. The analysis is conducted while allowing for a (potentially) non-linear trend function, which represents a more general consideration than the current state of affairs with (at most) a linear trend. A new test statistic is proposed whose asymptotic behavior under the unit root null hypothesis, and the simplifying assumptions of a polynomial trend and iid errors are shown to be surprisingly simple. Indeed, the test statistic is not only asymptotically independent of the true trend polynomial, but also is in fact unique in that it is independent also of the degree of the fitted polynomial. However, this invariance property does not carry over to the local alternative, under which it is shown that local power is a decreasing function of the trend degree. But while power does decrease, the rate of shrinking of the local alternative is generally constant in the trend degree, which goes against the common belief that the rate of shrinking should be decreasing in the trend degree. The above results are based on simplifying assumptions. To compensate for this lack of generality, a second, robust, test statistic is proposed, whose validity does not require that the trend function is a polynomial or that the errors are iid.