47 resultados para post graduate studies


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A scholarship of teaching in post-graduate pre-admission practical legal training is germane to perceptions of the quality of accreditation of young Australian lawyers practicing in a globalised profession. Traditional forms of teaching scholarship in law have been identified as influencing the well being of law students and practitioners. This article reviews literature that frames a definition and prerequisites for a scholarship of teaching, its traditional and potential forms, and its subject matter. It considers the present position of a scholarship of teaching in practical legal training, and the historical and organisational epistemological approaches to professional practical training (compared to academic education) that shape that position. Problems of validity, measurement, performativity, and engagement in teaching scholarship are introduced, followed by consideration of possible methodological approaches drawing on Schon’s conception of action research, together with emergent methodologies, technologies and practical considerations that enable individual practitioners to pursue and lead a scholarship of teaching in practical legal training. The article frames questions for further doctoral research in relation to practical legal training teachers’ engagement with the scholarship of teaching.


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Climate change, global warming, rising sea levels, ice cap melting, carbon taxes and trading schemes etc. are all major environmental issues that confront the modern world. Universities are now trying to ensure that their students graduate with an understanding of environmental sustainability regardless of their field of expertise. 

This study investigates 181 undergraduate and 155 post graduate business and law units from five schools within an Australian University to see how they embed environmental sustainability into their existing curriculums. It also examines how environmental sustainability fits into the scaffolding of the main Bachelor of Commerce degree and how each school plays its part into the overall development of graduates’ understanding of environmental sustainability. In July and December 2011 all unit chairs in the Faculty of Business and Law at Deakin University were asked if and how environmental sustainability was included in their units.

Of the 336 unit chairs that completed the survey, 37% of those unit chairs replied positively and of the remainder, the vast majority of these believed environmental sustainability was not applicable to their unit. However, measuring the effectiveness of the introduction of environmental sustainability into the curriculum is extremely difficult and this is often done by student assessment methods. Only 7% of the units actually carried out any assessment of the students’ knowledge of environmental sustainability.

The findings across the faculty were mixed, with Post Graduate units and Management and Marketing courses being very strong in embedding environmental sustainability into their curriculum. The Bachelor of Commerce Degree students, especially those with Management or Marketing majors received a good grounding in environmental sustainability. 

These findings have implications for course and curriculum designers who are trying to effectively embed environmental sustainability into the scaffolding of their existing educational courses.


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I am interested in how Australian lawyers who teach lawyers’ skills at the post-graduate pre-admission stage (“PLT practitioners) engage in scholarly activities regarding their teaching practice. This presentation will relate Bourdieu’s ‘reflexive sociology of law’ to my doctoral research in which I focus on how PLT practitioners engage in scholarly activities around their teaching work. Drawing on Kemmis’s ‘practice table’, Bourdieu and Passeron’s theory of ‘reproduction’ in education and culture, and de Certeau’s theory of ‘practice in everyday life’, I will describe how PLT practitioners’ professional identity, as lawyers, constrains scholarship around teaching and mentoring practice.


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Paulus Pwaka Laveil is a Papua New Guinean who studied at The University of New England in 1991, and in 1996-1997. He studied on an Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) and during his two periods of study in Australia, he completed a Post Graduate Diploma, then a Masters degree, both in Business Administration. The interview was conducted in English on 2 October 2014 by Dr. Musawe Sinebare and Mr. James Gande, both of Pacific Adventist University. This set comprises: an interview recording, a photo, and a timed summary.


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BACKGROUND: The nature of acute clinical deterioration has changed over the last three decades with a decrease in in-hospital cardiac arrests and an increase in acute clinical deterioration. Despite this change, research related to family presence continues to focus on care during resuscitation rather than during acute deterioration. AIM: To explore healthcare clinician attitudes, beliefs and perceptions of current practices surrounding family presence during episodes of acute deterioration in adult Emergency Department patients. METHODS: Clinicians (n=156) from a single study site in Melbourne, Australia completed a 17-item survey. RESULTS: Participants disagreed that family members would interrupt (59.0%) or interfere (61.5%) with patient care if present during episodes of patient deterioration. Most (77.6%) participants stated that they included family during episodes of patient deterioration. Females, nurses and Australians/New Zealanders had a more positive attitude towards including family during episodes of patient deterioration when compared to males, doctors and clinicians of other ethnicities. Nurses with post-graduate qualifications and those with more years of experience had a more positive attitude towards including family during episodes of patient deterioration than nurses without post-graduation qualification and with less years of experience. CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians had predominantly positive attitudes towards including family during episodes of patient deterioration and perceived it to be a common day-to-day practice. Gender, profession, country of birth, education level and years of experience all impacted on clinician attitudes, beliefs and perceptions of family presence during acute deterioration.


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Midwives play an important role in antenatal education and there is a need for child birth education to be delivered more effectively and in the earlier stages pregnancy. There are numerous inconsistencies existing between the theory and practice of child birth education. A new direction is needed. The evolution of child birth education needs to quickly gain pace to meet the needs of today's expectant women. Contemporary technology presents a modern approach to support and promote child birth education classes. Consequently, this recent post graduate diploma student midwife project was to investigate the introduction of the use of iPhone app technology as a valuable tool in which to deliver child birth education. The conduction of the project included several elements, beginning with an extensive literature review, ethics approval; a survey completed by thirty two midwives at St Vincents Private Hospital (StVPH) was collected and generated the foundations for the prototype childbirth education iPhone App, and B is for Baby was constructed. This was then presented back to the midwives at St Vincent's Private Hospital as a means to compliment and contribute to the traditional face to face child birth sessions.


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Australia has long recognised the importance of the inclusion of management studies in undergraduate engineering courses. A survey of recent graduates of the engineering programs at Deakin University was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of the management studies in those programs. The survey respondents suggest that those management skills most highly valued by graduates were generic professional practice skills, and that more opportunities to develop these skills in undergraduate studies would be beneficial. Survey respondents suggested the inclusion in the course of more ‘real world’ examples of engineering management.


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Purpose: Online education has been growing rapidly, but has not had the benefit of the extensive teaching pedagogy development of traditional face-to-face teaching. This paper aims to provide a review of the current literature and present the results of a survey, conducted to determine the effectiveness of a graduate online subject. Design/methodology/approach: The literature was reviewed to identify measures of success and quality in online education delivery. These measures were then considered in relation to their application in practice via a case study based around a survey conducted at Deakin University in Australia. Findings: A total of 16 relevant measures of teaching quality were identified in the literature. Most measures had elements of bias and some were more generally applicable to online learning. The case study suggested that the value of computer mediated learning in an online environment was limited and that a combination of print and computer mediated conferencing performed better in more of the identified quality matrices. Practice implications: Online learning does not save teaching resources if standards of quality are maintained. It can be used to provide a remote teaching facility, provided it is backed up by resources such as printed study guides. For the subject evaluated, online mediated learning did not the provide the same quality of education. Originality/value: Whilst some research has been conducted in this area, no substantive grounded theory has been applied to postgraduate or fee-paying online education regimes. As a result, case studies of such applications can be very helpful in the design of future teaching systems.


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Benchmarking is commonly perceived as a key part of quality assurance and enhancement, and universities have had limited success to date in benchmarking, nationally or internationally, in matters concerning teaching and learning. This is partly due to the paucity of comparable quantitative indicators. The challenges are even greater when benchmarking is at course (program) level. As part of an Australian Learning and Teaching Council fellowship (Benchmarking partnerships for graduate employability), a process was designed to enable course leaders to engage in collaborative and confidential benchmarking at course level, with a particular focus on graduate employability (or, more specifically, the assurance of graduate capability development and achievement). Among the 24 benchmarking partners were three course leaders in undergraduate journalism. This paper describes their collective experiences and some of the outcomes of the benchmarking exercise. It also highlights some of the challenges of benchmarking in a discipline where graduates may follow a range of career paths, and where technology means professional practice is evolving at a very rapid pace. Given these underpinning uncertainties, discussions around employability and appropriate graduate capabilities are best had face to face with adequate time for establishing common understandings. This has also been a focused way of building capacity and scholarly networking.


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Post-colonial states in the Asian region have frequently been subject to political tensions derived from their multi-ethnic make-up and, what some have argued to be, the failure of states to adequately represent the interests of their ethnic minorities. This article will look at examples of where states in Asia have failed to adequately represent or otherwise incorporate their ethnic minorities as full and equal citizens. It also considers the range of responses to such perceived or actual state failure in adequately incorporating all citizens, including inter-ethnic and racial violence and separatist conflict. The article will conclude by considering conceptual and actual models of state organization intended to resolve racial and ethnic tensions in the Asian region.