42 resultados para opsin genes


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Motivation: A set of genes and their gene expression levels are used to classify disease and normal tissues. Due to the massive number of genes in microarray, there are a large number of edges to divide different classes of genes in microarray space. The edging genes (EGs) can be co-regulated genes, they can also be on the same pathway or deregulated by the same non-coding genes, such as siRNA or miRNA. Every gene in EGs is vital for identifying a tissue's class. The changing in one EG's gene expression may cause a tissue alteration from normal to disease and vice versa. Finding EGs is of biological importance. In this work, we propose an algorithm to effectively find these EGs.

: We tested our algorithm with five microarray datasets. The results are compared with the border-based algorithm which was used to find gene groups and subsequently divide different classes of tissues. Our algorithm finds a significantly larger amount of EGs than does the border-based algorithm. As our algorithm prunes irrelevant patterns at earlier stages, time and space complexities are much less prevalent than in the border-based algorithm.


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In desert rodents, the production of concentrated urine is essential for survival in xeric environments in order to conserve water. Reabsorption of water in the kidney is dependent on large osmotic gradients in the renal medulla. This causes the renal cells to be bathed in a hypertonic extracellular fluid that can compromise cellular function. In response to hypertonicity, kidney cells accumulate compatible, non-ionic osmolytes that lower the ionic strength within the cells to isotonic levels by replacing intracellular ionic electrolytes. The tonicity-responsive enhancer binding protein (TonEBP) is a transcription factor that regulates the expression of genes that encode proteins that catalyse the accumulation of compatible osmolytes. We investigated the expression of TonEBP mRNA and protein and compatible osmolyte genes in the Spinifex hopping mouse, Notomys alexis, an Australian desert rodent that produces a highly concentrated urine. TonEBP mRNA expression was unchanged after 3 days of water deprivation but was significantly increased after 7 and 14 days of water deprivation. Immunohistochemistry showed that during water deprivation TonEBP had translocated from the cytoplasm into the nucleus of cells in the renal medulla and papilla. In addition, 3, 7 and 14 days of water deprivation caused a significant increase in aldose reductase (AR), myo-inositol (SMIT), betaine/GABA (BGT-1) and taurine (TauT) transporter mRNA expression, which is indicative of an increase in TonEBP activity. In desert rodents, TonEBP regulation of gene transcription is probably an important mechanism to protect renal cells in the face of the large corticomedullary gradient that is required to concentrate urine and conserve water.


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The present invention relates to nucleic acid molecules which encode expression products associated with the modulation of obesity, anorexia, weight maintenance, diabetes and/or metabolic energy levels. The nucleic acid molecules and expression products of the present invention are produced by recombinant means or isolated from natural resources. The subject nucleic acid molecules and expression products and their derivatives, homologs, analogs and mimetics are proposed to be useful as therapeutic and diagnostic agents for obesity, anorexia, weight maintenance, diabetes and/or energy imbalance or as targets for the design and/or identification of modulators of their activity and/or function. The subject nucleic acid molecules and expression products are identified using differential display techniques.


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The gene for Rhotekin 2 (RTKN2) was originally identified in a promyelocytic cell line resistant to oxysterol-induced apoptosis. It is differentially expressed in freshly isolated CD4+ T-cells compared with other hematopoietic cells and is down-regulated following activation of the T-cell receptor. However, very little is known about the function of RTKN2 other than its homology to Rho-GTPase effector, rhotekin, and the possibility that they may have similar roles. Here we show that stable expression of RTKN2 in HEK cells enhanced survival in response to intrinsic apoptotic agents; 25-hydroxy cholesterol and camptothecin, but not the extrinsic agent, TNFα. Inhibitors of NF-KappaB, but not MAPK, reversed the resistance and mitochondrial pro-apoptotic genes, Bax and Bim, were down regulated. In these cells, there was no evidence of RTKN2 binding to the GTPases, RhoA or Rac2. Consistent with the role of RTKN2 in HEK over-expressing cells, suppression of RTKN2 in primary human CD4+ T-cells reduced viability and increased sensitivity to 25-OHC. The expression of the pro-apoptotic genes, Bax and Bim were increased while BCL-2 was decreased. In both cell models RTKN2 played a role in the process of intrinsic apoptosis and this was dependent on either NF-KappaB signaling or expression of downstream BCL-2 genes. As RTKN2 is a highly expressed in CD4+ T-cells it may play a role as a key signaling switch for regulation of genes involved in T-cell survival.


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Zinc homeostasis was investigated in Nostoc punctiforme. Cell tolerance to Zn2+ over 14 days showed that ZnCl2 levels above 22 µM significantly reduced cell viability. After 3 days in 22 µM ZnCl2, ca. 12% of the Zn2+ was in an EDTA-resistant component, suggesting an intracellular localization. Zinquin fluorescence was detected within cells exposed to concentrations up to 37 µM relative to 0 µM treatment. Radiolabeled 65Zn showed Zn2+ uptake increased over a 3-day period, while efflux occurred more rapidly within a 3-h time period. Four putative genes involved in Zn2+ uptake and efflux in N. punctiforme were identified: (i) the predicted Co/Zn/Cd cation transporter, putative CDF; (ii) the predicted divalent heavy-metal cation transporter, putative Zip; (iii) the ATPase component and Fe/Zn uptake regulation protein, putative Fur; and (iv) an ABC-type Mn/Zn transport system, putative zinc ZnuC, ZnuABC system component. Quantitative real-time PCR indicated the responsiveness of all four genes to 22 µM ZnCl2 within 3 h, followed by a reduction to below basal levels after 24 h by putative ZIP, ZnuC, and Fur and a reduction to below basal level after 72 h by putative CDF efflux gene. These results demonstrate differential regulation of zinc transporters over time, indicating a role for them in zinc homeostasis in N. punctiforme.


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Metagenomics provides culture-independent access to gene pool of the whole microbial communities. To identify genes responsible for salt tolerance in unculturable bacteria, Escherichia coli clones were enriched with an ability to grow at inhibitory NaCl concentrations (750 mM) from a pond water metagenomic library. From two unique clones, genes encoding for proteins with similarity to a putative general stress protein (GspM) harbouring GsiB domain and a putative enoyl-CoA hydratase (EchM) were identified to be responsible for salt tolerance. The gspM was expressed by its native promoter whereas the echM was expressed from the lacZ promoter of the plasmid. EchM was overexpressed with a hexahistidyl tag. Purified EchM showed crotonyl-CoA hydratase activity. These genes have potential application in generating salt tolerant recombinant bacteria or transgenic plants.


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The biochemical and molecular processes that maintain the stem cell pool, and govern the proliferation and differentiation of haemopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) have been widely investigated but are incompletely understood. The purpose of this study was to identify and characterise novel genes that may play a part in regulating the mechanisms that control the proliferation, differentiation and self-renewal of human HSPCs. Reverse transcription differential display polymerase chain reaction (dd-PCR) was used to identify differences in gene expression between a HSPC population defined by expression of the CD34 phenotype, and the more mature CD34 depleted populations. A total of 6 differentially expressed complementary deoxyribonucleic acid (cDNA) sequences were identified. Four of these transcripts were homologous to well characterised genes, while two (band 1 and band 20) were homologous to unknown and uncharacterised partial gene sequences on the GenBank database and were thus chosen for further investigation. The partial cDNA sequences for band 1 and band 20 were designated ORP-3 and MERP-1 (respectively) due to homologies with other well-characterised gene families. Differential expression of the ORP-3 and MERP-1 genes was confirmed using Taqman™ real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with 3 - 4-fold and 4-10 -fold higher levels in the CD34+ fractions of haemopoietic cells compared to CD34- populations respectively. Additionally, expression of both these genes was down regulated with proliferation and differentiation of CD34+ cells further confirming higher expression in a less differentiated subset of haemopoietic cells. The full coding sequences of ORP-3 and MERP-1 were elucidated using bioinformatics, rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and PCR amplification. The MERP-1 cDNA is 2600 nucleotides (nt) long, and localizes by bioinformatics to chromosome 7.. It consists of three exons and 2 introns spanning an entire length of 31.4 kilobases (kb). The MERP-1 open reading frame (ORF) codes for a putative 344 amino acid (aa) type II transmembrane protein with an extracellular C-terminal ependymin like-domain and an intracellular N-terminal sequence with significant homology to the cytoplasmic domains of members of the protocadherin family of transmembrane glycoproteins. Ependymins and protocadherins are well-characterised calcium-dependant cell adhesion glycoproteins. Although the function of MERP-1 remains to be elucidated, it is possible that MERP-1 like its homologues plays a role in calcium dependent cell adhesion. Differential expression of the MERP-1 gene in haemopoietic cells suggests a role in haemopoietic stem cell proliferation and differentiation, however, its broad tissue distribution implies that it may also play a role in many cell types. Characterization of the MERP-1 protein is required to elucidate these possible roles. The ORP-3 cDNA is 6631nt long, and localizes by bioinformatics to chromosome 7pl5-p21. It consists of 23 exons and 22 introns spanning an entire length of 183.5kb. The ORP-3 ORF codes for a putative 887aa protein which displays the consensus sequence for a highly conserved oxysterol-binding domain. Other well-characterised proteins expressing these domains have been demonstrated to bind oxysterols (OS) in a dose dependant fashion. OS are hydroxylated derivatives of cholesterol Their biological activities include inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis and cell proliferation in a variety of cell types, including haemopoietic cells. Differential expression of the ORP-3 gene in haemopoietic cells suggests a possible role in the transduction of OS effects on haemopoietic cells, however, its broad tissue distribution implies that it may also play a role in many cell types. Further investigation of ORP-3 gene expression demonstrates a significant correlation with CD34+ sample purity, and 2-fold higher expression in a population of haemopoietic cells defined by the CD34+38- phenotype compared to more mature CD34+38+ cells. This finding, taken together with the previous observation of down-regulation of ORP-3 expression with proliferation and differentiation of CD34+ cells, indicates that ORP-3 expression may be higher in a less differentiated subset of cells with a higher proliferative capacity. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that expression of the ORP-3 gene is approximately 2-fold lower in differentiated HL60 promyelocytic cells compared to control, undifferentiated cells. ORP-3 expression in HL60 cells during normal culture conditions was also found to vary with expression positively correlated with cell number. This indicates a possible cell cycle effect on ORP-3 gene expression with levels highest when cell density, and therefore the percentage of cells in G(0)/G(1) phase of the cell cycle is highest. This observation also correlates with the observation of higher ORP-3 expression in CD34+38-cells, and in CD34+ and HL60 cells undergoing OS induced and camptothecin induced apoptosis that is preceded by cell cycle arrest at G(0)/G(1). Expression of the ORP-3 gene in CD34+ HSPCs from UCB was significantly decreased to approximately half the levels observed in control cells after 24 hours incubation in transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGFâl). As ≥90% of these cells are stimulated into cell cycle entry by TGFâl, this observation further supports the hypothesis that ORP-3 expression is highest when cells reside in the G(0)/G(1) phase of the cell cycle. Data obtained from investigation of ORP-3 gene expression in synchronised HL60 cells however does not support nor disprove this hypothesis. Culture of CD34+ enriched HSPCs and HL60 cells with 25-OHC significantly increased ORP-3 gene expression to approximately 1.5 times control levels. However, as 25-OHC treatment also increased the percentage of apoptotic cells in these experiments, it is not valid to make any conclusions regarding the regulation of ORP-3 gene expression by OS. Indeed, the observation that camptothecin induced apoptosis also increased ORP-3 gene expression in HL60 cells raises the possibility that up-regulation of ORP-3 gene expression is also associated with apoptosis, Taken together, expression of the ORP-3 gene appears to be regulated by differentiation and apoptosis of haemopoietic progenitors, and may also be positively associated with proliferative and G(0)/G(1) cell cycle status indicating a possible role in all of these processes. Given the important regulatory role of apoptosis in haemopoiesis and differential expression of the ORP-3 gene in haemopoietic progenitors, final investigations were conducted to examine the effects OS on human HSPCs. Granulocyte/macrophage colony forming units (CFU-GM) generated from human bone marrow (ABM) and umbilical cord blood (UCB) were grown in the presence of varying concentrations of three different OS - 7keto-cholesterol (7K-C), 7beta-hydroxycholesterol (7p-OHC) and 25-hydroxycholesterol (25-OHC). Similarly, the effect of OS on HL60 and CD34+ cells was investigated using annexin-V staining and flow cytometry to measure apoptosis. Reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) was used to assess differentiative status of HL60 cells. CFU-GM from ABM and HL60 growth was inhibited by all three OS tested, with 25-OHC being the most potent. 25-OHC inhibited ≥50% of bone marrow CFU-GM and ≥95% of HL60 cell growth at a level of 1 ug/ml. Compared to UCB, CFU-GM derived from ABM were more sensitive to the effects of all OS tested. Only 25-OHC and 7(5-OHC significantly inhibited growth of UCB derived CFU-GM. OS treatment increased the number of annexin-V CD34+ cells and NBT positive HL60 cells indicating that OS inhibition of CFU-GM and HL60 cell growth can be attributed to induction of apoptosis and differentiation. From these studies, it can be concluded that dd-PCR is an excellent tool for the discovery of novel genes expressed in human HSPCs. Characterisation of the proteins encoded by the novel genes ORP-3 and MERP-1 may reveal a regulatory role for these genes in haemopoiesis. Finally, investigations into the effects of OS on haemopoietic progenitor cells has revealed that OS are a new class of inhibitors of HSPC proliferation of potential relevance in vivo and in vitro.