35 resultados para materialism


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This exhibition expands upon the history, approaches of experimental film and image making. Through speculative and abstract approaches the artists appropriate images to deal with trauma, confusion and nostalgia. The artists in this exhibition use personal imagery to demonstrate abstract ideals and idiosyncratic perspectives. Work in the show will be made up of photographic prints, collage, 16mm film and video work. Through physical manipulations of the image surface, retrenching of forgotten archives and poetic layerings of time and place, this exhibition aims to examine the de-linear and personal ways artists can experiment with the image.Through incorporating work of long standing artists Dirk De Bruyn and Luigi Fusinato in contrast with the work of young artists Anna Higgins and Beth Caird, the exhibition will examine the relationship between experimental film from a pre-digital context and how it influences, echoes and evolves in a post-digital environment.


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Empirical studies of public opinion on environmental protection have typically been grounded in Inglehart’s post-materialism thesis, proposing that societal affluence encourages materially-sated publics to look beyond their interests and value the environment. These studies are generally conducted within, or at best across, Western, democratic, industrialized countries. Absence of truly cross-cultural research means the theory’s limitations have gone undetected. This article draws on an exceptionally broad dataset—pooling cross-sectional survey data from 80 countries, each sampled at up to three different points over 15 years—to investigate environmental attitudes. We find that post-materialism provides little account of pro-environment attitudes across diverse cultures, and a far from adequate explanation even in the affluent West. We suggest that unique domestic interests, more than broad value systems, are driving emerging global trends in environmental attitudes. The environment’s future champions may be the far from ‘post-material’ citizens of those developing nations most at risk of real material harm from climate change and environmental degradation.


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In this work, purportedly the introduction to a conference workshop, the humanist teacher figure is absent and therefore flattened into the material landscape of the auditorium, which remains open to transformation; the “stage” merely contains an envelope, lamp-lit on a plastic chair, for participants to open if they wish, playing with learner/audience expectations and disrupting conventional ideas of what a conference presentation should be. This work seeks to move beyond merely interrogating designs for future subjects to ask how the pedagogical imagination works with both the material and immaterial, with ecologies continually transforming in the process of making as the audience participates in the unfolding performance. Through this, I have sought to explore ways to challenge delivery or conduit metaphors for education, and to resist stasis and closure.


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This article shifts from the formal learning spaces of school anduniversity to an Australian public swimming pool to playfullyengage some of the dilemmas that recent theory poses forcurriculum studies. The article enacts multiple diffractions(Barad, 2007) as theory becomes swimming and swimmingbecomes theory, and ideas and movements are themselvesdiffracted or changed by the writing of a poem. What does thepool teach us? What is learnt at the pool? How does learningemerge at the pool? Physics, chemistry, biology, and artistrycombine, as multiple human and non-human bodies intra-act(Barad, 2007), calling each other into being in this exploration ofhow distributed agencies and fractal causalities (Bennett, 2010)change how learning might be thought, represented, andswum. The poem incorporated here serves as provocation andinspiration for other scholars struggling with these educationaldilemmas and interested in arts-based research.


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This article shares an experimental poem created by three poet-researchers using an online word processor to collaboratewithin a single document. We attempt to blur the line between creative and academic writing, focusing on the possibilities for writing as a method of inquiry and the opportunities for different perceptions of being that it suggests. Our project unfolds as we also produce a brief diffractive reading that does not mirror or deconstruct the poem, but thinks it in an alternative way, as a broader collaboration, or intra-action between entities, both human and non-human. We avoid determining how our purported individual voices merge to form any united voice. Rather, we are alert to agencies and flows that complicate understandings of us as three rational, discrete, fully formed human figures articulating coherent narratives. We therefore offer a response to theoretical calls to explore collaborative writing as inquiry, through sharing our practice.