61 resultados para genetic and morphological divergence


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Natal dispersal is an important life history trait driving variation in individual fitness, and therefore, a proper understanding of the factors underlying dispersal behaviour is critical to many fields including population dynamics, behavioural ecology and conservation biology. However, individual dispersal patterns remain difficult to quantify despite many years of research using direct and indirect methods. Here, we quantify dispersal in a single intensively studied population of the cooperatively breeding chestnut-crowned babbler (Pomatostomus ruficeps) using genetic networks created from the combination of pairwise relatedness data and social networking methods and compare this to dispersal estimates from re-sighting data. This novel approach not only identifies movements between social groups within our study sites but also provides an estimation of immigration rates of individuals originating outside the study site. Both genetic and re-sighting data indicated that dispersal was strongly female biased, but the magnitude of dispersal estimates was much greater using genetic data. This suggests that many previous studies relying on mark–recapture data may have significantly underestimated dispersal. An analysis of spatial genetic structure within the sampled population also supports the idea that females are more dispersive, with females having no structure beyond the bounds of their own social group, while male genetic structure expands for 750 m from their social group. Although the genetic network approach we have used is an excellent tool for visualizing the social and genetic microstructure of social animals and identifying dispersers, our results also indicate the importance of applying them in parallel with behavioural and life history data.


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We aimed to investigate the relationship between genetic and environmental exposure and vitamin D status at age one, stratified by ethnicity. This study included 563 12-month-old infants in the HealthNuts population-based study. DNA from participants' blood samples was genotyped using Sequenom MassARRAY MALDI-TOF system on 28 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in six genes. Using logistic regression, we examined associations between environmental exposure and SNPs in vitamin D pathway and filaggrin genes and vitamin D insufficiency (VDI). VDI, defined as serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3(25(OH)D3) level ≤50 nmol/L, was measured using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Infants were stratified by ethnicity determined by parent's country of birth. Infants formula fed at 12 months were associated with reduced odds of VDI compared to infants with no current formula use at 12 months. This association differed by ethnicity (P;bsubesub;= 0.01). The odds ratio (OR) of VDI was 0.29 for Caucasian infants (95% CI, 0.18-0.47) and 0.04 for Asian infants (95% CI, 0.006-0.23). Maternal vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding were associated with increased odds of infants being VDI (OR, 2.39; 95% CI, 1.11-5.18 and OR, 2.5; 95% CI, 1.20-5.24 respectively). Presence of a minor allele for any GC SNP (rs17467825, rs1155563, rs2282679, rs3755967, rs4588, rs7041) was associated with increased odds of VDI. Caucasian infants homozygous (AA) for rs4588 had an OR of 2.49 of being associated with VDI (95% CI, 1.19-5.18). In a country without routine infant vitamin D supplementation or food chain fortification, formula use is strongly associated with a reduced risk of VDI regardless of ethnicity. There was borderline significance for an association between filaggrin mutations and VDI. However, polymorphisms in vitamin D pathway related genes were associated with increased likelihood of being VDI in infancy. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We studied the population structure of a high arctic breeding wader bird species, the White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis. Breeding adults, chicks and juveniles were sampled at seven localities throughout the species' breeding range in arctic Canada in 1999. The mitochondrial control region was analysed by DNA sequencing, feathers were analysed for carbon isotope ratios (C13/C12) by isotope ratio mass spectrometry, and morphological measurements were analysed using principal component analyses, taking the effect of sex into account (identified by molecular genetic methods). In general, our results support the notion that the White-rumped Sandpiper is a monotypic species with no subspecies, and most of the morphological and genetic variation occurs within sites. Nevertheless, some differences between sites were found. Birds from the two northernmost sites (Ellesmere and Devon Islands) had relatively longer bill and wing and shorter tarsus than birds sampled further south, possibly reflecting genetic differences between populations. The carbon isotope ratios were higher at the easternmost site (Baffin Island), revealing differences in the isotope content of the food. The mtDNA sequences showed no significant differentiation between sites and no pattern of isolation-by-distance was found. Based on the mtDNA variation, the species was estimated to have a long-term effective population size of approximately 9,000 females. The species shows no clear evidence of any population expansion or decline. Our results indicate that carbon isotope ratios, and possibly also certain mtDNA haplotypes, may be useful as tools for identifying the breeding origin of White-rumped Sandpipers on migration and wintering sites.


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The pattern of tonic and phasic components in an EMG signal reflects the underlying behaviour of the central nervous system (CNS) in controlling the musculature. One avenue for gaining a better understanding of this behaviour is to seek a quantitative characterisation of these phasic and tonic components. We propose that these signal characteristics can range between unvarying, tonic and intermittent, phasic activation through a continuum of EMG amplitude modulation. In this paper, we present two new algorithms for quantifying amplitude modulation: a linear-envelope approach, and a mathematical morphology approach. In addition we present an algorithm for synthesising EMG signals with known amplitude modulation. The efficacy of the synthesis algorithm is demonstrated using real EMG data. We present an evaluation and comparison of the two algorithms for quantifying amplitude modulation based on synthetic data generated by the proposed synthesis algorithm. The results demonstrate that the EMG synthesis parameters represent 91.9% and 96.2% of the variance of linear-envelopes extracted from lumbo-pelvic muscle EMG signals collected from subjects performing a repetitive-movement task. This depended, however, on the muscle and movement-speed considered (F=4.02, p<0.001). Coefficients of determination between input and output amplitude modulation variables were used to quantify the accuracy of the linear-envelope and morphological signal processing algorithms. The linear-envelope algorithm exhibited higher coefficients of determination than the most accurate morphological approach (and hence greater accuracy, T=8.16, p<0.001). Similarly, the standard deviation of the coefficients of determination was 1.691 times smaller (p<0.001). This signal processing algorithm represents a novel tool for the quantification of amplitude modulation in continuous EMG signals and can be used in the study of CNS motor control of the musculature in repetitive-movement tasks.


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The population dynamics of island species are considered particularly sensitive to variation in environmental, demographic and/or genetic processes. However, few studies have attempted to evaluate the relative importance of these processes for key vital rates in island endemics. We integrated the results of long-term capture–mark–recapture analysis, prey surveys, habitat quality assessments and molecular analysis to determine the causes of variation in the survival rates of Komodo dragons Varanus komodoensis at 10 sites on four islands in Komodo National Park, Indonesia. Using open population capture–mark–recapture methods, we ranked competing models that considered environmental, ecological, genetic and demographic effects on site-specific Komodo dragon survival rates. Site-specific survival rates ranged from 0.49 (95% CI: 0.33–0.68) to 0.92 (0.79–0.97) in the 10 study sites. The three highest-ranked models (i.e. ΔQAICc < 2) explained ∼70% of variation in Komodo dragon survival rates and identified interactions between inbreeding coefficients, prey biomass density and habitat quality as important explanatory variables. There was evidence of additive effects from ecological and genetic (e.g. inbreeding) processes affecting Komodo dragon survival rates. Our results indicate that maintaining high ungulate prey biomass and habitat quality would enhance the persistence of Komodo dragon populations. Assisted gene flow may also increase the genetic and demographic viability of the smaller Komodo dragon populations.


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New treatments are currently required for the common metabolic diseases obesity and type 2 diabetes. The identification of physiological and  biochemical factors that underlie the metabolic disturbances observed in obesity and type 2 diabetes is a key step in developing better therapeutic outcomes. The discovery of new genes and pathways involved in the  pathogenesis of these diseases is critical to this process, however  identification of genes that contribute to the risk of developing these diseases represents a significant challenge as obesity and type 2 diabetes are complex diseases with many genetic and environmental causes. A number of diverse approaches have been used to discover and validate potential new targets for obesity and diabetes. To date, DNA-based approaches using candidate gene and genome-wide linkage analysis have had limited success in identifying genomic regions or genes involved in the development of these diseases. Recent advances in the ability to evaluate linkage analysis data from large family pedigrees using variance components based linkage analysis show great promise in robustly identifying genomic regions associated with the development of obesity and diabetes. RNA-based technologies such as cDNA microarrays have identified many genes differentially expressed in tissues of healthy and diseased subjects. Using a combined approach, we are endeavouring to focus attention on differentially expressed genes located in chromosomal regions previously linked with obesity and / or diabetes. Using this strategy, we have identified Beacon as a potential new target for obesity and diabetes.


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One of the most important requirements for systematic and phylogenetic studies is the identification of gene regions with the appropriate level of variation for the question of interest. Molecular phylogenetic and systematic studies of freshwater crayfish have made use of DNA sequences mainly from ribosomal genes, especially the 16S rRNA gene region. Thus, little information is available on other potentially useful mitochondrial gene regions for systematic studies in these animals. In this study, we look at nucleotide variation and phylogenetic relations within and between four species of freshwater crayfish of the genus Cherax from the southwest of Western Australia using four fragments amplified from the 16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI), and Cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene regions. Samples of Engaeus strictifrons, Euastacus bispinosus, and Geocharax falcata were also sequenced for comparative purposes. The size of the fragments varied from 358 bp to 600 bp. Across all samples, the four fragments showed significant phylogenetic signal and showed similar proportions of variable sites (28.81–37.33%). Average divergence within species for the mitochondrial gene regions varied from 1.18% to 4.91%, with the 16S rRNA being the least variable and Cyt b the most variable. Average divergence between species ranged 7.63–15.53%, with 16S rRNA being the least variable and COI the most variable. At the generic level, average divergence ranged 17.21–23.82%. Phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, and COI regions generated four clades consistent with the presence of four species previously identified on the basis of allozyme and morphological studies. The relationships among samples were largely congruent across the data set, although some relationships remained unresolved. Not all samples could be amplified using the Cyt b primers, and some of those that were showed quite anomalous relationships, suggesting that one or more Cyt b pseudogenes were being amplified.


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This study uses nucleotide sequences from the 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene to investigate the taxonomy and phylogeny of freshwater crayfish belonging to the 'Cherax destructor' complex. The sequencing of an approximately 440-bp fragment of this gene region from freshwater crayfish sampled from 14 locations identified significant haplotype diversity. Phylogenetic analysis found three distinct clades that correspond to the species C. rotundus, C. setosus and C. destructor. C. rotundus is largely confined to Victoria, and C. setosus is restricted to coastal areas north of Newcastle in New South Wales. C. destructor is widely distributed in eastern Australia and shows significant phylogeographic structure, with three well supported clades. None of these clades, however, correspond to species previously recognised as C. esculus, C. davisi or C. albidus. The failure to genetically distinguish these morphologically defined species is consistent with reproductive information and morphological plasticity relating to habitat similar to that documented for other Cherax species.


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Chronic inflammation has a pathological role in many common diseases and is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Here we assess the role of genetic variation in selenoprotein S (SEPS1, also called SELS or SELENOS), a gene involved in stress response in the endoplasmic reticulum and inflammation control. After resequencing SEPS1, we genotyped 13 SNPs in 522 individuals from 92 families. As inflammation biomarkers, we measured plasma levels of IL-6, IL-1b and TNF-a. Bayesian quantitative trait nucleotide analysis identified associations between SEPS1 polymorphisms and all three proinflammatory
cytokines. One promoter variant, 105G-A, showed strong evidence for an association with each cytokine (multivariate P = 0.0000002). Functional analysis of this polymorphism showed that the A variant significantly impaired SEPS1 expression after exposure to endoplasmic reticulum stress agents (P = 0.00006). Furthermore, suppression of SEPS1 by short interfering RNA in macrophage cells increased the release of IL-6 and TNF-a. To investigate further the significance of the observed associations, we genotyped 105G-A in 419 Mexican American individuals from 23 families for replication. This analysis confirmed a significant
association with both TNF-a (P = 0.0049) and IL-1b (P = 0.0101). These results provide a direct mechanistic link between SEPS1 and the production of inflammatory cytokines and suggest that SEPS1 has a role in mediating inflammation.


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Should computer programming be taught within schools of architecture?

Incorporating even low-level computer programming within architectural education curricula is a matter of debate but we have found it useful to do so for two reasons: as an introduction or at least a consolidation of the realm of descriptive geometry and in providing an environment for experimenting in morphological time-based change.

Mathematics and descriptive geometry formed a significant proportion of architectural education until the end of the 19th century. This proportion has declined in contemporary curricula, possibly at some cost for despite major advances in automated manufacture, Cartesian measurement is still the principal ‘language’ with which to describe building for construction purposes. When computer programming is used as a platform for instruction in logic and spatial representation, the waning interest in mathematics as a basis for spatial description can be readdressed using a left-field approach. Students gain insights into topology, Cartesian space and morphology through programmatic form finding, as opposed to through direct manipulation.

In this context, it matters to the architect-programmer how the program operates more than what it does. This paper describes an assignment where students are given a figurative conceptual space comprising the three Cartesian axes with a cube at its centre. Six Phileban solids mark the Cartesian axial limits to the space. Any point in this space represents a hybrid of one, two or three transformations from the central cube towards the various Phileban solids. Students are asked to predict the topological and morphological outcomes of the operations. Through programming, they become aware of morphogenesis and hybridisation. Here we articulate the hypothesis above and report on the outcome from a student group, whose work reveals wider learning opportunities for architecture students in computer programming than conventionally assumed.


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Goat fibre production is affected to a similar extent by genetic and environmental influences. Environmental influences include bio-geophysical factors (photoperiod, climate-herbage system and soil-plant trace nutrient composition), country of origin, nutrition factors (live weight, growth patterns) and management factors (farm, herd age and sex structure). Nutrition and management influences discussed include rate of stocking, energy nutrition, live weight change, parturition and management during shearing. The nutritional variation within and among years is the most important climatic factor influencing cashmere production, fibre diameter and fibre curvature (crimp). With productive cashmere goats, large responses to energy supplementation have been measured with optimum nutritional management. The effects and importance of management and hygiene during fibre harvesting (shearing) in producing quality fibre are emphasised.


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The development of traceability methods to distinguish between farmed and wild-caught fish and seafood is becoming increasingly important. However, very little is known about how to distinguish fish originating from different farms. The present study addresses this issue by attempting to discriminate among intensively farmed freshwater Murray cod originating from different farms (indoor recirculating, outdoor floating cage, and flow through systems) in different geographical areas, using a combination of morphological, chemical, and isotopic analyses. The results show that stable isotopes are the most informative variables. In particular, δ13C and/or δ15N clearly linked fish to a specific commercial diet, while δ18O linked fish to a specific water source. Thus, the combination of these isotopes can distinguish among fish originating from different farms. On the contrary, fatty acid and tissue proximate compositions and morphological parameters, which are useful in distinguishing between farmed and wild fish, are less informative in discriminating among fish originating from different farms.


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In this study the nutrition, growth and production of C. destructor was examined. Selected nutritional requirements of juvenile animals were determined under controlled conditions with the aim of developing a pelleted diet for use in hatcheries, nurseries and growout situations. The best developed diet was assessed for its potential as a supplementary feed for animals cultured in earthen environments. The protein requirements were first determined simultaneously with an evaluation of the effect of replacing animal protein (fishmeal) by soybean meal. Juveniles were reared communally for 59 d on isoenergetic diets containing 15-30% protein and graded levels of soybean meal (0-60%, of protein). When soybean meal was included at a level of 40-60%, growth was reduced relative to that achieved with control diets containing 15% and 20% protein, but this was not the case at a 20% soybean meal substitution level. A two-way interaction occurred between dietary protein and soybean meal content. Higher protein feeds enabled higher soybean meal inclusion levels without significantly affecting growth. Protein increases of 5% produced better growth at the 40% and 60% soybean meal substitution levels. This effect was less pronounced in the control and the 20% soybean meal diets. Carcass %protein increased and %lipid decreased as dietary protein increased. A similar effect occurred by increasing the soybean meal level to 60%. No obvious trend in carcass moisture, energy, and ash occurred. A protein requirement of 30% was apparent when fish meal and soybean meal were included in diets at levels of 20% and 24% (dry matter) respectively. Alternative protein sources to soybean meal were subsequently identified. Juveniles were maintained for 12 weeks on isoenergetic diets containing 30% protein and differing in the primary source of protein used, with meat, snail, soybean, yabby, and zooplankton meals comprising the major protein ingredient. No significant difference occurred in mean weight (MW), percentage weight gain (%WG), SGR or survival among diets. Food conversion ratios (FCR) were low, with a minimum value of 0.95 for the snail-based diet. The apparent net protein utilisation (ANPU) varied from 29.6% (zooplankton-based diet) to 41.2% (snail-based diet). Carcass composition varied with diet, with the greatest difference occurring in carapace colour. Animals fed the zooplankton-based diet developed the strongest, most natural pigmentation. A new combination of previously used protein-based ingredients was subsequently tested with reference to two yabby species, Cherax albidus and Cherax destructor, that were grown simultaneously in identical conditions. Juvenile male animals were reared individually for 20 weeks on isoenergetic diets containing 15% or 30% protein with fish meal, soybean meal, yabby meal and wheat products forming the basis of the diets. C albidus grew the fastest and utilised the food the most effectively. Carcass composition was influenced by diet with the 30% protein diet resulting in an increase in carcass protein and ash and a decrease in carcass lipid and energy relative to the low protein diet. Carcass moisture and calcium were not affected by diet. The intermoult period (IP) was highly dependent on the premoult weight (W) but the mean moult increment (WI, as weight) was independent of the PM. The orbital carapace length (OCL) and the abdominal length (ABL) %moult increments generally declined with an increase in PM whereas the propus length (PL) %moult increment generally increased. The IP, WI, %OCL, %ABL, and %PL moult increments varied according to diet and to species. Elevated dietary protein caused a reduction to the IP (for similar sized animals) by 11 d and 7 d and an increase to the WI by 85% and 81% in C. albidus and C destructor respectively. Dietary induced morphological changes also occurred. Animals of a standard OCL (both species) had significantly larger abdomens when fed the higher protein diet. Growth on the best developed diet was compared to the growth obtained on a natural diet of freshwater zooplankton. Juveniles were reared individually for 12 weeks on the two diets. The MW, %WG and SGR were higher for the zooplankton diet. Carcass composition was influenced by diet and the zooplankton fed animals had a higher carcass %protein, %lipid, %ash and %fibre content and were more richly pigmented than animals fed pellets. The IP and the WI were highly dependent on the PM and varied according to diet; feeding with zooplankton reduced the IP by 1.2 days and increased the WI by 13.7% compared to pellets. Nutrient digestibility was determined for the pelleted diets evaluated in the growth trials. Protein digestibility (PD) and dry matter digestibility (DMD), using chromic oxide (Cr2O3) as an exogenous marker, were high for all diets, at around 93% and 83% respectively. Ash digestibility varied considerably from 17% to 73% for the snail and yabby meal diets respectively. Crude fibre digestibility was around 50% and probably indicates cellulase activity. Alternative markers to Cr2O3 were evaluated. Ash was considered to be the most suitable alternative to Cr2O3, providing a reasonable, albeit lower, estimate of nutrient digestibility. Cr2O3 and ash were preferentially excreted whereas fibre was retained in the digestive system for a longer period, consequently, the collection of a particular fraction of the deposited faeces (late or early) substantially affected the digestibility coefficients. In earthen-based environments, animals fed the best developed diet were compared to animals cultured using a forage crop of clover (Trifolium repens). Three supplementary feeding strategies representing varying levels of management intensity were evaluated in a series of trials conducted in ponds and pond microcosms. Growth on pellets consistently exceeded that obtained with the forage crop, with final MW being 67-159% higher than that using clover and appeared to be the result of direct pellet consumption and from a pellet fertiliser effect (on the sediment). Within-pond DMD and PD were high and similar for each treatment (DMD = 51-58%; PD = 89-92%). In the control pond, DMD and PD increased with each successive flood. The faecal egestion rate (PER) decreased with each successive flood in all ponds, and is negatively related to animal weight and to foregut fullness (FF) according to power curves. FF was consistently lowest in the control pond. Mean FF was 48.5%, 62.3%, and 26.7% for the pellet, crop and control ponds respectively. FF increased to the third flood in each pond. The foregut protein content was high in all samples and the mean values were 33.9%, 32.7% and 35.6% for the pellet, crop and control ponds respectively. Foregut ash was highly variable within each pond and is inversely related to the foregut protein content. In the control and pellet ponds the highest foregut ash content occurred during flood 1. The culture system (aquaria or pond) strongly influenced the composition of the foregut content. The foregut of animals fed the manufactured diet (B2) in ponds contained approximately 176% more ash and 5% more protein than the foregut of animals fed in bare-bottom tanks. The FF of the tank fed animals was approximately 45% higher than the FF of pond fed animals after a similar feeding period. Base-line yields for extensive production systems appeared to be around 400kg ha-1. The supplementary addition of T. repens produced yields of approximately 635kg ha-1 (in ponds) to around 1086kg ha-1 (in tanks). The sequential addition of cut-clover to tanks stimulated growth to levels approaching those achieved on pellets. Yabbies stocked into ponds at 15-20 m-2 with a mean weight of 2.67g and fed a 30% protein pelleted diet for 100 d, resulted in a yield of approximately 1117kg ha-1, but only 2% of the population were above a marketable size of 50g. The feed utilisation indices were better for animals reared on pellets in bare-bottom tanks than in earthen environments, indicating some degree of pellet wastage when natural feeds are simultaneously present. High apparent food conversion ratios and low protein efficiency ratios occurred when the forage crop was provided. A considerable quantity of the dry matter and protein content of the forage crop was either inefficiently utilised or directed into other production pathways. Sowing a forage crop into pond microcosms to which a pelleted diet was also provided, did not enhance growth performance. Pelleted feed inputs at a rate of approximately 129g m-2 to 198g m-2 (dry matter) and 38g -2 to 64g m-2 (protein) over 70-100 d resulted in acceptable growth and feed utilisation indices for animals reared in ponds and pond microcosms. Forage crop inputs of approximately 533g m-2 to 680g m-2 (as dry matter) or 84g m-2 to 177g m-2 (as protein) over a 70-100 d period produced reasonable growth rates but poor feed utilisation indices. Low inputs of dry matter (from 113-296g m-2) and protein (from 24-54g m-2) from clover were sufficient to maintain high growth rates in pond microcosms for around 28 d. In ponds, a very low level of 21g m-2 (dry matter) and 4.3g m-2 (protein) was sufficient for around 3 weeks. Forage depletion appeared to occur beyond week 3-4 and was probably a major growth limiting factor. The mean hepatosomatic index (HSI) was 9.44, 7.68, and 6.79 for the pellet, crop, and control ponds respectively. The relationship between hepatopancreas weight and overall animal weight was significantly different between treatments. The hepatopancreas of pellet-fed animals had the highest %lipid and lowest %ash, %protein, %carbohydrate and %moisture content. In terms of absolute quantities, the only major difference in hepatopancreas composition between treatments occurred for lipid and dry matter content. The hepatopancreas of the pellet-fed animals was a cream/cream-yellow colour and was very fragile, whereas in the other ponds it was a more ‘natural’ bright yellow colour and was structurally more robust. C. destructor has a capacious foregut, being approximately 5 times the volume of similar sized Penaeids. The foregut volume (V, ml) of the yabby is related to animal weight (W, g) according to V = 0.048 W0.9543. Animals that were starved for 96 h and then fed diet B2 were almost completely foil after 30 min. The ‘apparent enzymatic response’ of animals fed various natural and artificial diets in tanks was evaluated. Nutrient processing time and the enzymatic response following ingestion appeared to be regulated by the chemical and physical properties of the diet. For the natural feeds, foregut protein was 1.2% higher (for zooplankton) and up to 300% higher (for detritus) than dietary protein, whereas ash was 7.5% higher (zooplankton) and 46-63% lower (detritus) than dietary ash. For animals fed diet B2 after 48 h without food, FF was approximately half that of 96 h starved animals after a similar feeding period but foregut protein and ash contents were similar. Finally, the physiological and morphological attributes elucidated in this study are discussed with reference to the ecology of the yabby. High growth rates, excellent feed utilisation indices and high digestibility coefficients for a wide range of diet-types illustrate nutritional flexibility. A capacious foregut, a large hepatopancreas with a high energy storage capacity, the ability to partition and preferentially excrete the low nutrient value inorganic component of the diet, the capacity to alter body form, nutrient processing time and enzymatic secretions in relation to diet-type, and modified behaviour according to feed availability also demonstrate plasticity/adaptability/flexibility. The combined effect of these important characteristics ensures survival in environments that may be adverse and highly variable in terms of nutrient availability. Collectively the morphological and digestive traits elucidated in this study reflect the generalist-type nature of C destructor and indicate that a polytrophic classification still seems appropriate. Several priority areas for further nutrition research are identified and recommendations are made regarding the best-practices to use in the commercial culture of the yabby. Of paramount importance is the further clarification of the nutritional requirements and feeding preferences of animals in various phases of development.


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Background :
The correlations between systolic blood pressure (SBP) and total cholesterol levels (CHOL) might result from genetic or environmental factors that determine variation in the phenotypes and are shared by family members. Based on 330 nuclear families in the Framingham Heart Study, we used a multivariate normal model, implemented in the software FISHER, to estimate genetic and shared environmental components of variation and genetic and shared environmental correlation between the phenotypes. The natural logarithm of the phenotypes measured at the last visit in both Cohort 1 and 2 was used in the analyses. The antihypertensive treatment effect was corrected before adjustment of the systolic blood pressure for age, sex, and cohort.
Results :
The univariate correlation coefficient was statistically significant for sibling pairs and parent-offspring pairs, but not significant for spouse pairs. In the bivariate analysis, the cross-trait correlation coefficients were not statistically significant for all relative pairs. The shared environmental correlation was statistically significant, but the genetic correlation was not significant.
Conclusion :
There is no significant evidence for a close genetic correlation between systolic blood pressure and total cholesterol levels. However, some shared environmental factors may determine the variation of both phenotypes.


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Cyclaneusma minus is a plant pathogen that has financial impacts on the forestry industry. This study characterised the genetic variation in Australian and New Zealand isolates of Cyclaneusma minus using both molecular and morphological techniques and developed a PCR detection test for the presence of Cyclaneusma minus in tree plantations.