41 resultados para generalized entropy


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Erroneous patient birthdates are common in health databases. Detection of these errors usually involves manual verification, which can be resource intensive and impractical. By identifying a frequent manifestation of birthdate errors, this paper presents a principled and statistically driven procedure to identify erroneous patient birthdates.


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A method for combining a proportional-hazards survival time model with a bioassay model where the log-hazard function is modelled as a linear or smoothing spline function of log-concentration combined with a smoothing spline function of time is described. The combined model is fitted to mortality numbers, resulting from survival times that are grouped due to a common set of observation times, using Generalized Additive Models (GAMs). The GAM fits mortalities as conditional binomials using an approximation to the log of the integral of the hazard function and is implemented using freely-available, general software for fitting GAMs. Extensions of the GAM are described to allow random effects to be fitted and to allow for time-varying concentrations by replacing time with a calibrated cumulative exposure variable with calibration parameter estimated using profile likelihood. The models are demonstrated using data from a studies of a marine and a, previously published, freshwater taxa. The marine study involved two replicate bioassays of the effect of zinc exposure on survival of an Antarctic amphipod, Orchomenella pinguides. The other example modelled survival of the daphnid, Daphnia magna, exposed to potassium dichromate and was fitted by both the GAM and the process-based DEBtox model. The GAM fitted with a cubic regression spline in time gave a 61 % improvement in fit to the daphnid data compared to DEBtox due to a non-monotonic hazard function. A simulation study using each of these hazard functions as operating models demonstrated that the GAM is overall more accurate in recovering lethal concentration values across the range of forms of the underlying hazard function compared to DEBtox and standard multiple endpoint probit analyses.


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Recently, the Big Data paradigm has received considerable attention since it gives a great opportunity to mine knowledge from massive amounts of data. However, the new mined knowledge will be useless if data is fake, or sometimes the massive amounts of data cannot be collected due to the worry on the abuse of data. This situation asks for new security solutions. On the other hand, the biggest feature of Big Data is "massive", which requires that any security solution for Big Data should be "efficient". In this paper, we propose a new identity-based generalized signcryption scheme to solve the above problems. In particular, it has the following two properties to fit the efficiency requirement. (1) It can work as an encryption scheme, a signature scheme or a signcryption scheme as per need. (2) It does not have the heavy burden on the complicated certificate management as the traditional cryptographic schemes. Furthermore, our proposed scheme can be proven-secure in the standard model. © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We address the problem of estimating the running quantile of a data stream when the memory for storing observations is limited.We (i) highlight the limitations of approaches previously described in the literature which make them unsuitable for non-stationary streams, (ii) describe a novel principle for the utilization of the available storage space, and (iii) introduce two novel algorithms which exploit the proposed principle. Experiments on three large realworld data sets demonstrate that the proposed methods vastly outperform the existing alternatives.


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In this paper, a general class of Halanay-type non-autonomous functional differential inequalities is considered. A new concept of stability, namely global generalized exponential stability, is proposed. We first prove some new generalizations of the Halanay inequality. We then derive explicit criteria for global generalized exponential stability of nonlinear non-autonomous time-delay systems based on our new generalized Halanay inequalities. Numerical examples and simulations are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the obtained results.


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High entropy alloys (HEA) are a relatively new metal alloy system that have promising potential in high temperature applications. These multi-component alloys are typically produced by arc-melting, requiring several remelts to achieve chemical homogeneity. Direct laser fabrication (DLF) is a rapid prototyping technique, which produces complex components from alloy powder by selectively melting micron-sized powder in successive layers. However, studies of the fabrication of complex alloys from simple elemental powder blends are sparse. In this study, DLF was employed to fabricate bulk samples of three alloys based on the AlxCoCrFeNi HEA system, where x was 0.3, 0.6 and 0.85M fraction of Al. This produced FCC, FCC/BCC and BCC crystal structures, respectively. Corresponding alloys were also produced by arc-melting, and all microstructures were characterised and compared longitudinal and transverse to the build/solidification direction by x-ray diffraction, glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (EDX and EBSD). Strong similarities were observed between the single phase FCC and BCC alloys produced by both techniques, however the FCC/BCC structures differed significantly. This has been attributed to a difference in the solidification rate and thermal gradient in the melt pool between the two different techniques. Room temperature compression testing showed very similar mechanical behaviour and properties for the two different processing routes. DLF was concluded to be a successful technique to manufacture bulk HEA[U+05F3]s.


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This work investigates the material birefringence in a polymer strip waveguide which originates from thermal stress during the fabrication process. The stress is estimated through a comprehensive numerical study based on a realistic finite element model. The characteristics of birefringence are obtained in a generalized form and expressed by an empirical formula, which is applicable to various polymer materials. The developed formula can be employed to specify the photo-elastic birefringence of a polymer strip channel only by knowing the birefringence in its planar film. This will eliminate the necessity of extensive numerical analysis of thermal stress in such polymer waveguides, and accordingly help the management of stress-induced effects efficiently.


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Shannon entropy H and related measures are increasingly used in molecular ecology and population genetics because (1) unlike measures based on heterozygosity or allele number, these measures weigh alleles in proportion to their population fraction, thus capturing a previously-ignored aspect of allele frequency distributions that may be important in many applications; (2) these measures connect directly to the rich predictive mathematics of information theory; (3) Shannon entropy is completely additive and has an explicitly hierarchical nature; and (4) Shannon entropy-based differentiation measures obey strong monotonicity properties that heterozygosity-based measures lack. We derive simple new expressions for the expected values of the Shannon entropy of the equilibrium allele distribution at a neutral locus in a single isolated population under two models of mutation: the infinite allele model and the stepwise mutation model. Surprisingly, this complex stochastic system for each model has an entropy expressable as a simple combination of well-known mathematical functions. Moreover, entropy- and heterozygosity-based measures for each model are linked by simple relationships that are shown by simulations to be approximately valid even far from equilibrium. We also identify a bridge between the two models of mutation. We apply our approach to subdivided populations which follow the finite island model, obtaining the Shannon entropy of the equilibrium allele distributions of the subpopulations and of the total population. We also derive the expected mutual information and normalized mutual information ("Shannon differentiation") between subpopulations at equilibrium, and identify the model parameters that determine them. We apply our measures to data from the common starling (Sturnus vulgaris) in Australia. Our measures provide a test for neutrality that is robust to violations of equilibrium assumptions, as verified on real world data from starlings.


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The need to estimate a particular quantile of a distribution is an important problem that frequently arises in many computer vision and signal processing applications. For example, our work was motivated by the requirements of many semiautomatic surveillance analytics systems that detect abnormalities in close-circuit television footage using statistical models of low-level motion features. In this paper, we specifically address the problem of estimating the running quantile of a data stream when the memory for storing observations is limited. We make the following several major contributions: 1) we highlight the limitations of approaches previously described in the literature that make them unsuitable for nonstationary streams; 2) we describe a novel principle for the utilization of the available storage space; 3) we introduce two novel algorithms that exploit the proposed principle in different ways; and 4) we present a comprehensive evaluation and analysis of the proposed algorithms and the existing methods in the literature on both synthetic data sets and three large real-world streams acquired in the course of operation of an existing commercial surveillance system. Our findings convincingly demonstrate that both of the proposed methods are highly successful and vastly outperform the existing alternatives. We show that the better of the two algorithms (data-aligned histogram) exhibits far superior performance in comparison with the previously described methods, achieving more than 10 times lower estimate errors on real-world data, even when its available working memory is an order of magnitude smaller.