50 resultados para experimental film


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Jorge Lorenzo Flores Garza’s On the Road by Jack Kerouac had its Australian premiere in July this year at the Walker Street Gallery in Melbourne. It screened as part of the ‘Outside the Outside’ series curated by Dirk de Bruyn and Glenn D’Cruz, and was introduced by Steven McIntyre.

On the Road by Jack Kerouac is the most recent work by Mexican filmmaker Jorge Lorenzo, whose previous 1/48” (2008) was listed in Cahiers du Cinéma’s top 10 most subversive films of all time. Somewhere between a book on a film, and a film of a book, Lorenzo’s work is an exact re-typing of Jack Kerouac’s On the Road, made by threading a continuous roll of 35mm negative (like Kerouac’s original scroll) through a Olivetti typewriter.


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History is our audience is intended to interrogate the role of the audience, history and community within experimental artist run initiatives and contemporary art organisations.


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With reference to recent neurological research into Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) using new imaging technologies and models of implicit and explicit memory systems developed from this research, The Performance of Trauma in Moving ...


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This examination of the gaps and ambiguities linked to Cantrills Filmnotes (CF), an Australian publication on experimental film, offers a case study on the production and ownership of Pierre Bourdieu’s 'cultural capital' in film art at the margins, witnessed first-hand. CF emerged at the intersection between the street and the academy, spanning that period from the 70s till its abandonment in 2000 during which, it is argued here, it migrated from the former to the latter. This examination surveils, in retrospect, for whose benefit was the magazine's accumulation of power, status and prestige exercised, in whose service was it exacted? CF’s manifesto-like editorial rhetoric was often directed at perceived shortcomings of those institutions servicing film art in Australia. What is revealed when such a critical eye focuses on the production of Cantrills Filmnotes (CF) itself? CF's cultural production has a further dimension of both taking on and taking place inside a colonial mind-set, a cultural cringe often the subject of editorial commentary, elucidating a practice residing at the geographic margins of a marginal arts practice. The founders and editors of CF, the married couple Corinne and Arthur Cantrill both suffered and benefited from CF’s impact on this international field of art production.


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Rote Movie (1994, 16mm, 12 min.)Understanding Science (1992, 16mm. 18 min.)Death Of Place (2013, digital, 14 min.)Empire (2014, digital, silent, 8 min.)Found Found Found (2014, digital, 18 min.)


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This feature-length experimental film is the result of an intimate collaboration between Bosnian filmmaker/poet/painter/musician/performace artist Saidin Salkic (On Karasevdah: Srebrenica Blues, 2007 & Konvent 2010) and veteran Australian experimental filmmaker and film educator John Cumming (Obsession, Recognition & Sabotage 1985-87, First time Tragedy Second Tome Farce, 1989, The Hollow Centre 1999). Created over a period of four years it draws on the traditions and possibilities of improvisation – in cinematography, experimental cinema, dance, music and performance – with moments of intensity and repose, fluidity and halting re-composure. Cumming’s camera and Salkic’s movement work in front of it are at once expressionistic and in dialectical tension as are Salkic’s poetry, his haunting improvisations on piano and melodica and Cumming’s industrial soundscapes. SYNOPSIS: In the midst of fascist-capitalist madness, the Foreigner (a poet/dancer with sun on his palms and blood from his dreams on his face) hovers in neon twilight with last whispers of sanity on his lips, guarding and protecting the world – forever. REVIEW: ‘Full of mystery and beauty, punctuated by strange eruptions of silent cinema, of Chaplin, of film history made personal … not the film of a dance but a dance itself around pure presence … something unique and precious.’ Maximilian Le Cain, http://lecain.blogspot.com.au/2015/11/a-few-reflections-on-manifesto-of.html


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A stable aqueous electrolyte film is formed between a mercury drop and a flat mica surface due to electrical double-layer repulsion when a negative potential is applied to the mercury. Film thickness has been measured as a function of applied potential while keeping the film pressure constant. By making measurements in this way, it is possible to map the data directly according to the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. An excellent fit to the data is obtained, providing direct evidence for this classical equation and its use as the basis of the Gouy-Chapman model of the diffuse double layer in electrolyte solutions.


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Accurate measurements of the shape of a mercury drop separated from a smooth flat solid surface by a thin aqueous film reported recently by Connor and Horn (Faraday Discuss. 2003, 123, 193-206) have been analyzed to calculate the excess pressure in the film. The analysis is based on calculating the local curvature of the mercury/aqueous interface, and relating it via the Young-Laplace equation to the pressure drop across the interface, which is the difference between the aqueous film pressure and the known internal pressure of the mercury drop. For drop shapes measured under quiescent conditions, the only contribution to film pressure is the disjoining pressure arising from double-layer forces acting between the mercury and mica surfaces. Under dynamic conditions, hydrodynamic pressure is also present, and this is calculated by subtracting the disjoining pressure from the total film pressure. The data, which were measured to investigate the thin film drainage during approach of a fluid drop to a solid wall, show a classical dimpling of the mercury drop when it approaches the mica surface. Four data sets are available, corresponding to different magnitudes and signs of disjoining pressure, obtained by controlling the surface potential of the mercury. The analysis shows that total film pressure does not vary greatly during the evolution of the dimple formed during the thin film drainage process, nor between the different data sets. The hydrodynamic pressure appears to adjust to the different disjoining pressures in such a way that the total film pressure is maintained approximately constant within the dimpled region.


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Sexual arousal is a complex and dynamic element of women’s sexuality. Accounts vary, however most multidimensional models highlight the cognitive, affective and physiological components of the female sexual arousal response. While literature examining the peripheral physiological changes that occur during female sexual arousal abounds, there has been a dearth of literature pertaining to the cognitive and affective components. Thus, while many authors have included cognitive and emotions as independent components of the female sexual arousal response, there has been little empirical research to validate this approach. The aim of the current thesis was to examine the cognitive and affective components of female sexual arousal in more depth, investigating the nature of the relationship between these components under various experimental conditions. In order to do so, two integrated studies were conducted, each highlighting the effects of either external or internal variables on women’s subjective sexual arousal, absorption, positive affect and negative affect. Study One was designed to evaluate women’s emotional and cognitive processing of two elements of erotic film – foreplay and erotic context. 60 women were asked to report their subjective sexual arousal, absorption, positive affect and negative affect in response to one of four erotic film excerpts. The erotic excerpts varied in accordance with the degree of foreplay (low vs. high) depicted and the context in which the sexual activities took place (novel vs. habitual context). Women in the study responded more favourably to the high foreplay erotic film excerpt, subsequently reporting higher degrees of subjective sexual arousal, absorption and positive affect. Women also responded favourably to the erotic excerpt filmed in a novel context, reporting greater subjective sexual arousal as a result. The environment in which the sexual encounters were filmed failed to have an effect however, on women’s absorption or their positive or negative affect. The results of Study One suggest that stimulus specific variables, such as the degree of foreplay depicted, have a significant influence on female cognitive and emotional processing of erotic film. The results also suggest that a relationship exists between absorption, subjective sexual arousal and positive affect, albeit a correlational one. Specifically, there was evidence of parallel processing during sexual arousal, as participant reported sexual arousal, absorption and positive affect all increased and decreased in unison. Based on the results it was suggested that future research attempt to experimentally manipulate one of these variables, to examine its direct effect on the remaining variable. Thus, Study Two aimed to examine the effects of absorption on women’s cognitive and emotional processing of erotica. Study Two manipulated absorption at two levels (high vs. low), examining the impact of these states on participants’ subsequent absorption, subjective sexual arousal and positive and negative affect. 62 women were asked to read one of two sets of test session instructions. The first, participant-oriented instruction set, instructed participants to immerse themselves in the erotic film excerpt, as if they were active participants in the sexual exchange. The second, spectator-oriented instruction set, directed participants to observe and evaluate the erotic film. These instructions were designed to elicit high and low degrees of absorption, respectively. The utility of this approach when manipulating female absorption, was demonstrated by self reported ratings of absorption, given at the conclusion of the film presentation. Participants were also asked to report their subjective sexual arousal and positive and negative affect at the conclusion of the erotic film presentation. The findings of this study suggest that the adoption of a participant-oriented (high absorption) perspective elicits more favourable responses from participants than a spectator-oriented (low absorption) perspective, with participants in the former experimental group reporting greater degrees of subjective sexual arousal and positive affect. Negative affect was equivalent across experimental conditions, with the participants reporting that they experienced little to no aversive feelings during either of the experimental conditions. The results suggest that the degree to which a women immerses and absorbs herself in a sexual stimulus has a significant impact in her subsequent cognitive and affective processing of that stimulus. More specifically, it appears that women respond more favourably when they are highly absorbed and immersed in a stimulus, reporting greater subjective sexual arousal and positive affect. Overall, the results of Studies One and Two highlight the dynamic and complex nature of female sexual arousal. It appears that women have definite cognitive and affective responses to sexual stimuli. The magnitude of these responses may be mediated by a number of factors however, including the intrinsic qualities of the stimulus and the degree to which the woman attends to the stimulus. Both these variables act to either enhance or inhibit the sexual arousal response. There results have important implications for current sexuality literature. While women’s cognitions and emotions in response to erotic film were generally highly correlated, in some instances they differed, warranting their inclusion as separate elements in models of female sexual arousal. Furthermore, it might be suggested that the inclusion of an additional variable – absorption – into current models of female sexual arousal would prove beneficial, aiding researchers to better understand and predict the arousal process. As such, recommendations are made for a revised model of female sexual arousal. In terms of future directions, the results of the present thesis have implications for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions, suggesting that clinicians need to understand the internal and external variables that might contribute to the aetiology and maintenance of their presenting problems.


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Using film grammar as the underpinning, we study the extraction of structures in video based on color using a wide configuration of clustering methods combined with existing and new similarity measures. We study the visualisation of these structures, which we call Scene-Cluster Temporal Charts and show how it can bring out the interweaving of different themes and settings in a film. We also extract color events that filmmakers use to draw/force a viewer's attention to a shot/scene. This is done by first extracting a set of colors used rarely in film, and then building a probabilistic model for color event detection. We demonstrate with experimental results from ten movies that our algorithms are effective in the extraction of both scene-cluster temporal charts and color events.


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In order to enable high-level semantics-based video annotation and interpretation, we tackle the problem of automatic decomposition of motion pictures into meaningful story units, namely scenes. Since a scene is a complicated and subjective concept, we first propose guidelines from film production to determine when a scene change occurs in film. We examine different rules and conventions followed as part of Film Grammar to guide and shape our algorithmic solution for determining a scene boundary. Two different techniques are proposed as new solutions in this paper. Our experimental results on 10 full-length movies show that our technique based on shot sequence coherence performs well and reasonably better than the color edges-based approach.


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We examine localised sound energy patterns, or events, that we associate with high level affect experienced with films. The study of sound energy events in conjunction with their intended affect enable the analysis of film at a higher conceptual level, such as genre. The various affect/emotional responses we investigate in this paper are brought about by well established patterns of sound energy dynamics employed in audio tracks of horror films. This allows the examination of the thematic content of the films in relation to horror elements. We analyse the frequency of sound energy and affect events at a film level as well as at a scene level, and propose measures indicative of the film genre and scene content. Using 4 horror, and 2 non-horror movies as experimental data we establish a correlation between the sound energy event types and horrific thematic content within film, thus enabling an automated mechanism for genre typing and scene content labeling in film.


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This paper explores from a phenomenological perspective the work of Australian Experimental Animator Neil Taylor (1945-), works situated between animation, performance and sculpture. Taylor’s animated scribbling repetitively and automatically inscribe the surfaces of flipbooks or note pads (Short Lives (1980-90)) and cash register rolls (Roll Film 1990 and Copy Copy 1998) often enhanced by hand-made ‘machines’ designed to facilitate and shape this idiosyncratic activity. Taylor’s work is informed by his successful wire-based sculptural practice and his 20 years experience of teaching animation to tertiary students and 8 years previously in the Australian Technical School system (a system that has since been dismantled but for which these animations remain as an aesthetic trace). His work can be generally situated inside an avant-garde project ‘that continues to explore the physical properties of film and the nature of perceptual transactions which take place between viewer and film.’ (John Hanhardt, 1976: 44) This is performative research into the minutiae of the moving image and its ability to register body gesture. Hanhardt, John G. (1976) The Medium Viewed: The American Avant-Garde Film. A History of American Avant-Garde Cinema. New York, American federation of the Arts.