87 resultados para essential oils


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Oleocanthal is an olive oil phenolic possessing anti-inflammatory activity. Anecdotal evidence suggests that oleocanthal elicits a stinging sensation felt only at the back of the throat (oropharynx). Due to this compound possessing potentially health-benefiting properties, investigation into the sensory aspects of oleocanthal is warranted to aid in future research. The important link between the perceptual aspects of oleocanthal and health benefits is the notion that variation in sensitivity to oleocanthal irritation may relate to potential differences in sensitivity to the pharmacologic action of this compound. The current study assessed the unique irritant attributes of oleocanthal including its location of irritation, temporal profile, and individual differences in the perceived irritation. We show that the irritation elicited by oleocanthal was localized to the oropharynx (P < 0.001) with little or no irritation in the anterior oral cavity. Peak irritation was perceived 15 s postexposure and lasted over 180 s. Oleocanthal irritation was more variable among individuals compared with the irritation elicited by CO2 and the sweetness of sucrose. There was no correlation between intensity ratings of oleocanthal and CO2 and oleocanthal and sucrose (r = –0.15, n = 50, P = 0.92 and r = 0.17, n = 84, P = 0.12, respectively), suggesting that independent mechanisms underlie the irritation of CO2 and oleocanthal. The unusual spatial localization and independence of acid (CO2) sensations suggest that distinct nociceptors for oleocanthal are located in the oropharyngeal region of the oral cavity.


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Existence of gender differences in cardiovascular disease (CVD) following long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (LCn-3 PUFA) supplementation have suggested that sex hormones play a role in cardio-protection. The objective of this study was to determine gender specific responses in the efficacy of LCn-3 PUFA to inhibit platelet aggregation in vitro. Blood was analyzed for collagen-induced platelet aggregation following pre-incubation with LCn-3 PUFA in healthy adults (n=42). Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) was significantly more effective in reducing platelet aggregation compared with docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). When grouped by gender, this differential pattern was followed in males only. In females, DHA, DPA and EPA were all equally effective. Between group analyses (LCn-3 PUFA vs. gender) showed that both DHA and DPA were significantly less effective in males compared with females. EPA was equally effective in reducing platelet aggregation in both groups. These findings show that significant gender differences exist in platelet aggregation in response to various LCn-3 PUFA treatments.


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The use of ten fatty acid methyl ester reference standards coupled with a detailed quantification method was shown to significantly optimize the fatty acid determination of selected fish and microalgal oils when compared to methods that use only one reference standard (C19:0 or C23:0) as a relative response factor. When using the mixture of ten reference standards after transesterifying oils with NaOH/BF3, determination of total fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid improved by an average of 7.3, 11.5 and 8.4%, respectively. Furthermore, improvements of 13.9, 18.9 and 6.8% of total fatty acids, EPA and DHA, respectively, were obtained when using the mixture of reference standards for fatty acid determination after directly extracting and transesterifying oil contained in microalgal cells with a mixture of methanol, HCl and chloroform. Fatty acid methyl ester standards dissolved in isooctane showed <5% variability throughout 130 days of stability testing when stored at −20 °C. The optimized method can be used for improving the quantification of fatty acids in both oils (fish and microalgal oils) and dry microalgal cells.


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Although mdx mice share the same genetic defect and lack dystrophin expression as in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), their limb muscles have a high regenerative capacity that ensures a more benign phenotype and essentially normal function. The cellular pathways responsible for this enhanced regenerative capacity are unknown. We tested the hypothesis that the calcineurin signal transduction pathway is essential for the successful regeneration following severe degeneration observed in the limb muscles of young mdx mice (2–4 weeks old) and that inhibition of this pathway using cyclosporine A (CsA) would exacerbate the dystrophic pathology. Eighteen-day-old mdx and C57BL/10 mice were treated with CsA for 16 days. CsA administration severely disrupted muscle regeneration in mdx mice, but had minimal effect in C57BL/10 mice. Muscles from CsA-treated mdx mice had fewer centrally nucleated fibers and extensive collagen, connective tissue, and mononuclear cell infiltration than muscles from vehicle-treated littermates. The deleterious effects of CsA on muscle morphology were accompanied by a 30–35% decrease in maximal force producing capacity. Taken together, these observations indicate that the calcineurin signal transduction pathway is a significant determinant of successful skeletal muscle regeneration in young mdx mice. Up-regulating this pathway may have clinical significance for DMD.


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Unsustainable fishing practices have placed a heavy emphasis on aquaculture to meet the global shortfalls in the supply of fish and seafood, which are commonly accepted as the primary source of health-promoting essential omega-3 (n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids). However, dietary fish oil is required for the production of omega-3-rich farmed fish and this commodity, in a vicious circle, is at present derived solely from wild fisheries. Decreasing global availability coupled with the highly variable price of this resource has forced the aquaculture industry to investigate the possibilities of alternative dietary lipid sources. This review attempts to compile all principal information available regarding the effects of fish oil replacement for the diets of farmed finfish, analysing the findings using a comparative approach among different cultured fish species. The review initially focuses on the present situation with regard to the production, availability and main nutritional characteristics of fish oil and the principal alternative lipid sources (such as vegetable oils and animal fats). Following this, the effects of fish oil replacement in finfish nutrition on feed quality, fish performance, feed efficiency, fish lipid metabolism, final eating quality and related economic aspects are presented and discussed.


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Combined effects of hydrogen and air flow rates on the peak response of selected neutral lipid classes (triacylglycerol, diacylglycerol, monoacylglycerol, free fatty acids, and ethyl esters) were studied to optimize and calibrate the Iatroscan Mk-6s Chromarod system for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of lipid classes by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) with flame ionization detection in fish oil during the transesterification process. Air flow rate of 2 L/min, hydrogen flow rate of 150-160 mL/min, and scan rate of 30 s/rod were found to be the optimum conditions. All samples were also analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with evaporative light scattering detection. Quantitative results obtained by TLC with the flame ionization detection method were comparable to those obtained from HPLC with evaporative light scattering detection.


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It has been consistently reported that vegetable oils including canola oil have a life shortening effect in Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHRSP) and this toxic effect is not due to the fatty acid composition of the oil. Although it is possible that the phytosterol content or type of phytosterol present in vegetable oils may play some role in the life shortening effect observed in SHRSP rats this is still not completely resolved. Furthermore supercritical CO2 fractionation of canola oil with subsequent testing in SHRSP rats identified safe and toxic fractions however, the compounds responsible for life shortening effect were not characterised. The conventional approach to screen toxic substances in oils using rats takes more than six months and involves large number of animals. In this article we describe how rapid bioassay-guided screening could be used to identify toxic substances derived from vegetable oils and/or processed foods fortified with vegetable oils. The technique incorporates sequential fractionation of oils/processed foods and subsequent treatment of human cell lines that can be used in place of animal studies to determine cytotoxicity of the fractions with structural elucidation of compounds of interest determined via HPLC-MS and GC-MS. The rapid bioassay-guided screening proposed would require two weeks to test multiple fractions from oils, compared with six months if animal experiments were used to screen toxic effects. Fractionation of oil before bio-assay enhances the effectiveness of the detection of active compounds as fractionation increases the relative concentration of minor components.


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The Mediterranean diet is associated with a lower incidence of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer. The apparent health benefits have been partially attributed to the dietary consumption of virgin olive oil by Mediterranean populations. Most recent interest has focused on the biologically active phenolic compounds naturally present in virgin olive oils. Studies (human, animal, in vivo and in vitro) have shown that olive oil phenolics have positive effects on certain physiological parameters, such as plasma lipoproteins, oxidative damage, inflammatory markers, platelet and cellular function, and antimicrobial activity. Presumably, regular dietary consumption of virgin olive oil containing phenolic compounds manifests in health benefits associated with a Mediterranean diet. This paper summarizes current knowledge on the physiological effects of olive oil phenolics. Moreover, a number of factors have the ability to affect phenolic concentrations in virgin olive oil, so it is of great importance to understand these factors in order to preserve the essential health promoting benefits of olive oil phenolic compounds.


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Comprises a collection of seventeen stories based on Australian women's paintings and a critical exegesis that together represent a creative and theoretical response to the ways in which short fiction writing can be informed by visual art.


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Rapeseed (canola) and other monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA)-rich oils are viewed as good candidates to replace, at least partially, the fish oil normally included in aquaculture feeds (aquafeeds). In fact, their utilization as a dietary lipid source for aquatic animals has some advantages over other readily available terrestrial alternative oils and fats; however, this is not without difficulties. MUFA are, indeed, easily digestible and a good source of available energy, and their deposition into fish flesh is considered to be less detrimental than other fatty acid classes, from a human nutritional viewpoint. This chapter attempts to review the principal information available regarding the utilization of MUFA-rich vegetable oil (VO) in aquaculture feed. Initially the chapter focuses on the rapeseed oil eRa) industry, agronomy, quality improvement, processing, and uses, and the main chemical and physical characteristics of rapeseed oil and other MUFA-rich va such as olive oil, peanut oil, and rice bran oil, amongst others. Following this, the potential advantages and challenges of using these alternative oils in the aquaculture feed industry are presented and discussed.


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RNase MRP is a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) particle which is involved in the processing of pre-rRNA at site A3 in internal transcribed spacer 1. Although RNase MRP has been analysed functionally, the structure and composition of the particle are not well characterized. A genetic screen for mutants which are synthetically lethal (sl) with a temperature-sensitive (ts) mutation in the RNA component of RNase MRP (rrp2-1) identified an essential gene, POP3, which encodes a basic protein of 22.6 kDa predicted molecular weight. Overexpression of Pop3p fully suppresses the ts growth phenotype of the rrp2-1 allele at 34°C and gives partial suppression at 37°C. Depletion of Pop3p in vivo results in a phenotype characteristic of the loss of RNase MRP activity; A3 cleavage is inhibited, leading to under-accumulation of the short form of the 5.8S rRNA (5.8SS) and formation of an aberrant 5.8S rRNA precursor which is 5'-extended to site A2. Pop3p depletion also inhibits pre-tRNA processing; tRNA primary transcripts accumulate, as well as spliced but 5'- and 3'-unprocessed pre-tRNAs. The Pop3p depletion phenotype resembles those previously described for mutations in components of RNase MRP and RNase P (rrp2-1, rpr1-1 and pop1-1). Immunoprecipitation of epitope-tagged Pop3p co-precipitates the RNA components of both RNase MRP and RNase P. Pop3p is, therefore, a common component of both RNPs and is required for their enzymatic functions in vivo. The ubiquitous RNase P RNP, which has a single protein component in Bacteria and Archaea, requires at least two protein subunits for its function in eukaryotic cells.


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A key process in the lifecycle of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is the fast invasion of human erythrocytes. Entry into the host cell requires the apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA-1), a type I transmembrane protein located in the micronemes of the merozoite. Although AMA-1 is evolving into the leading blood-stage malaria vaccine candidate, its precise role in invasion is still unclear. We investigate AMA-1 function using live video microscopy in the absence and presence of an AMA-1 inhibitory peptide. This data reveals a crucial function of AMA-1 during the primary contact period upstream of the entry process at around the time of moving junction formation. We generate a Plasmodium falciparum cell line that expresses a functional GFP-tagged AMA-1. This allows the visualization of the dynamics of AMA-1 in live parasites. We functionally validate the ectopically expressed AMA-1 by establishing a complementation assay based on strain-specific inhibition. This method provides the basis for the functional analysis of essential genes that are refractory to any genetic manipulation. Using the complementation assay, we show that the cytoplasmic domain of AMA-1 is not required for correct trafficking and surface translocation but is essential for AMA-1 function. Although this function can be mimicked by the highly conserved cytoplasmic domains of P. vivax and P. berghei, the exchange with the heterologous domain of the microneme protein EBA-175 or the rhoptry protein Rh2b leads to a loss of function. We identify several residues in the cytoplasmic tail that are essential for AMA-1 function. We validate this data using additional transgenic parasite lines expressing AMA-1 mutants with TY1 epitopes. We show that the cytoplasmic domain of AMA-1 is phosphorylated. Mutational analysis suggests an important role for the phosphorylation in the invasion process, which might translate into novel therapeutic strategies.