45 resultados para epigraphic habit


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A 0.79C-1.5Si-1.98Mn-0.98Cr-0.24Mo-1.06Al-1.58Co (wt%) steel was isothermally heat treated at 200°C for 10 days to produce a nano-structured bainitic steel. The microstructure consisted of nanobainitic ferrite laths with a high dislocation density and retained austenite films having extensive twins. The crystallographic analysis using TEM and EBSD revealed that the bainitic ferrite laths are close to the Nishiyama-Wassermann orientation relationship with their parent austenite. There was only one type of packet identified in a given transformed austenite grain. Each packet consisted of two different blocks having variants with the same habit plane, but different crystallographic orientations. Atom Probe Tomography (APT) revealed that the carbon content of nanobainitic ferrite laths was much higher than expected from the para-equilibrium level. This was explained due to the long heat treatment time, which led to the formation of fine Fe-C clusters on areas with high dislocation densities in bainitic ferrite laths.


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The visibility of bodies of colour in public space can engender responses of anxiety, insecurity and discomfort in cities with white majority cultures. Such embodied responses that privilege the invisibility of whiteness have effects if they mark Aboriginal people and asylum seekers who arrive by boat as ‘out of place’ in public spaces of Australian cities. Drawing on fieldwork conducted in Darwin, I argue, however, that such white spaces are interrupted by habits of touch, multi-sensory events that contribute to fleshy moments of belonging for these racialised bodies that experience dispossession and displacement. Such belonging emerges from the intertwining fleshiness of bodies in a world where we affect and are affected by other bodies and things.

The paper explores two events held in public spaces of suburban Darwin, a weekly painting activity at a beach reserve that engages ‘Long Grassers’, Aboriginal people who live in open spaces, and a cooking session at a community centre that welcomes asylum-seeker families from a detention centre. Felix Ravaisson's philosophy of habit as virtue and spontaneous practice is a starting point for thinking about how haptic knowledges can provide a nuanced understanding of belonging, encounter and ethical engagement in a racially diverse white settler city.


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Historians have typically focused on the ‘six o'clock swill’ as the pub drinker's principal response to the introduction of the early closing of pubs in most Australian states during World War I. While this focus has enhanced our understanding of gendered pub drinking practices during trading hours it has circumscribed our knowledge of the range of responses to six o'clock closing. Less frequently analysed is what the pub drinker did after the hour of six o'clock. In this article I explore how ‘habit memory’, especially people's everyday drinking habits persisted despite the best efforts to regulate them. I consider how factors such as class, leisure and gender were implicated in drinking habits, and why there was an increase in what were defined as illegal drinking practices such as sly-grogging and after-hours trading. This article suggests that the pub drinker resented the violation of familiar customs and was prepared to engage in illegal activities in order to obtain alcohol.


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The early development of Hindu Javanese architecture can be traced through interpretation of epigraphs, archaeological excavations, and comparison of extant temples with other traditions. However, while many scholars have speculated on connections between Javanese Hindu temples and presumed antecedents in India, these have been made on the basis of visual comparison and epigraphic interpretations. No Indian temple has been conclusively shown to be a model for the earliest Javanese temples. Archaeologist and temple historian Michael Meister has shown in his analysis of the geometric composition of early Hindu temples in South Asia how a ritual sixty-four square mandala was the geometric basis of temple construction during the formative period (fifth to eighth century) of the Indian architectural tradition. Working from an understanding of temple construction sequence as well as their ritual underpinnings, Meister found that the sixtyfour square mandala's dimensions correlate closely to the constructed dimensions at the level of the vedibandha (which corresponds with the plan level of the sanctuary threshold). Furthermore, he shows how the horizontal profile of the cella depends on the number of offsets and the proportional relationships between ech offset based on the subdivision of the sixty-four square grid. The authors have investigated whether a similar compositional basis can be found for the earliest Javanese temples on the Dieng Plateau in the highlands of central Java, despite differences in architectonic and symbolic expression. The analysis of relationships between ritual geometry and actual temple layouts for these buildings has the potential to furthering our understanding of the connections between Hindu temples in Java and those in India.


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Self-presentation through the creation of profiles and pages on digitally networked spaces is becoming ever more ubiquitous. In order to develop greater depth of understanding of the place of social media in our self-identification practice, my dissertation investigates the experiences of online persona creation by eight artists. Drawing on sociological and cultural studies approaches to understanding identity as performance, I tie current artists’ presentational and representational practices to historically grounded, socio-culturally constructed discourses of ‘artistness’. Through this connection, I argue that the creation of online persona has not radically changed notions of what it means to be an artist, or how artistness is represented and understood by audiences of fans or followers, but rather that digital technology has allowed for renegotiation of the boundaries of artistness that still draws from historical understandings of the role and persona of the artist. This shifting of boundaries, allowing for more inclusivity within the art world, is demonstrated by my focus on ‘fringe’ artists: those whose creative practice places them outside of the traditional art world and its existing structures of representation, distribution and consumption. The eight fringe artists who participated in this study are drawn from street art, performance poetry, craftivism and tattoo.

Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis drives the methodological focus on the experiences of the artists. Rather than a consideration of behaviour and habit, or what the artists do, this phenomenological approach allowed me to instead focus on what it is like for the artists to create persona, what drives particular types of representational practices. Using unstructured interviews, and online listening as an extension of participant observation, the artists’ narratives of experience are expressed through transcript extracts and screenshots: both are necessary to fully explore the nature of online persona creation.

My analysis of the artists experiences has demonstrated that there are three somewhat distinct registers of performance with which an artist’s persona can engage: the professional register, where one demonstrates ones proficiency, experience, popularity, and professionalism; the personal register, where one connects with
wider social and political interests and activities; and the intimate register, where one allows the audience in to one’s private world. These three registers occupy the same performance space, but are implicitly or explicitly for different segments of the digitally networked audience of fans, followers, friends and family. The complexity of the performance and reception of these registers is influenced by the shared nature of the performance space – where previously different roles would be performed for different audiences without reference to one another, the networked nature of online social media influences decisions of how much, and when, to share with whom.

Interpreted here using themes of strategy|happenstance, specialisation|diversification, visibility|self-protection,
self|others and work|play, the professional, personal and intimate registers of performance enable us to see the consideration and care with which each participant creates their artists persona. The experiences of performing the self in these three registers, as presented here, provides an insight into the complexities involved in creating online persona, while also demonstrating that this type of presentation of self is, in itself, no different from the types of role play and performance of self that has arguably always occurred in our physical world. Despite focusing on the role and performance of artistness, this dissertation speaks to the creation and performance of online persona more broadly. 


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This essay complements recent work by Soreana Corneanu situating Bacon’s epistemology in a larger lineage of literature concerning ‘cultura animi’ in early modern Europe, by focusing on Bacon’s conception of a therapeutic philosophical ‘Georgics of the mind’ in The Advancement of Learning, the Essays, and other texts. We aim to show firstly (in Part 2) how Bacon’s conception of human nature, and the importance of habit and custom, reflects the ancient pagan thinkers’ justifications of philosophical therapeutics. Attention will also be paid in this connection to Bacon’s sensitivity to another marker of ancient therapeutic philosophy as Pierre Hadot in particular has recently presented it: the proliferation of different rhetorical and literary forms aiming at different pedagogic, therapeutic, and psychogogic aims. Part 3 then will examine Bacon’s changes in practical or ‘magistral’ philosophy, carried out on the therapeutic ethical grounds which Part 2 has examined, but proposing a much more active ‘architecture of fortune’ to philosophical and political aspirants.


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The development of capacities of creativity has long been important in creative arts education (Morgan, 2012) and is increasingly becoming important to other fields in higher education (McWilliam and Haukka, 2008, Csikszentmihalyi, 2006, Edward, McGoldrick & Oliver, 2006). To develop such capabilities at least two factors need to be addressed: defining 'creativity' and thinking about how to teach it. This paper has two aims; firstly to consider the idea that creativity is a process (Morgan, 2012) of changing habits (Koestler, 1964, McWilliam and Sandra Haukka, 2008) that is inherently traumatic (Peirce, 1940) because it involves taking risks with habits which have previously proven useful and comforting. The centrality of trauma and risk raises concerns if creativity is to become a standard graduate attribute; concerns for students asked to take risk and the concern that the university is traditionally adverse to risk-taking. Secondly, a technique for teaching how to be creative derived from Russian Formalism is considered. Ostranenie, or making strange might be deployed with the aim of teaching students a technique for habit breaking


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This paper considers the practice of learning-by-heart and argues for its relevance to learning, to thought (as defined by Gilles Deleuze) and as a way of turning towards the ‘new’ or ‘the future’, via the operation of repetition. It considers two modes in which rote learning can be productive and provocative—firstly, when the content itself is something worth retaining, and secondly, when the actual process of the learning itself and then the repeating align themselves with the criteria of ‘practice’, as framed by the author here. In the face of rote learning’s reputation as an out-moded pedagogical tool, the paper argues that it inhabits a paradoxical and productive site, whereby what begins as a repetition of the same, can open towards pure repetition (as Deleuze frames this notion), and facilitate inventiveness and a courting of the new. In this way, poetry, and the learning of it by rote, constitute a unique constellation, disputing the platitude that learning is ‘only discovering what one already knew’ and instead proposing that learning is closer to an awesome ordeal, one that leads to concepts and collisions that did not exist before and cannot be predicted in advance.


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Parents have a major influence on young children's diets, food choices and habit formation. However, research concerning parental influence on children's diets is limited. Qualitative research informs quantitative research with a narrative of 'what works' and is a valuable tool to inform intervention design and practice. This article presents a systematic review of qualitative research with parents of preschool children and their influence on their child's diet. Nine studies were identified. Findings highlight the need to promote culturally tailored programmes to combat specific cultural differences such as attitudes; perceptions and concerns; address common barriers to providing healthy foods and challenges faced by lower income families; the use of food to shape a child's behaviour; that children will grow out of excess weight; common misconceptions such as a heavier child is healthier and depriving a child's food request could result in starvation. Research on parental understanding of healthy diets and feeding practices is lacking. Further insights into how to positively influence children's diets will come from research examining parent feeding practices and nutrition knowledge. © The Author(s) 2013.


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In this paper we derive conditions under which optimal tax rates for addictive goods exceed tax rates for non-addictive consumption goods within a rational addiction framework where exogenous government spending cannot be financed with lump sum taxes. We reexamine classic results on optimal commodity taxation and find a rich set of new findings. Two dynamic effects exist. First, households anticipating higher future addictive tax rates reduce current addictive consumption, so they will be less addicted when the tax rate increases. Therefore, addictive tax revenue falls prior to the tax increase. Surprisingly, the optimal tax rate on addictive goods is generally decreasing in the strength of tolerance, since strong tolerance strengthens this tax anticipation effect. Second, high current tax rates on addictive goods make households less addicted in the future, affecting all future tax revenues in a way which depends on how elasticities are changing over time. Classic results on uniform commodity taxation emerge as special cases when elasticities are constant and the addiction function is homogeneous of degree one. Finally, we also study features of addictive goods such as complementarity to leisure that, while not directly related to the definition of addiction, are nonetheless properties many addictive goods display.


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The resolved shear stress is believed to play an important role in twin formation. The present study tests this idea for an extruded magnesium alloy by examining "tension" twinning in different grain orientations. Electron backscatter diffraction analysis is employed for alloy AZ31 tested in compression along the extrusion axis to strains between 0.008 and 0.015. For heavily twinned grains, it is seen that twinning occurs on 2.3 twin systems per grain on average. The active systems are also most commonly those with, or very near to, the highest Schmid factor. The most active system in multiply twinned grains accounts on average for ∼0.6 of the twinning events. In addition, it is found that the twin habit plane falls within 6° of the K1 plane. Orientations with the highest Schmid factors (0.45-0.5) for twinning display twin aspect ratios greater by ∼40% and twin number densities greater by ∼10 times than orientations with maximum Schmid factors for twinning of 0.15-0.2. Thus the Schmid factor for twinning is seen to affect nucleation more than thickening in the present material. Viscoplastic crystal plasticity simulations are employed to obtain approximations for the resolved shear stress. Both the twin aspect ratio and number density correlate quite well with this term. The effect of the former can be assumed to be linear and that of the latter follows a power law with exponent ∼13. Increased aspect ratios and number densities are seen at low Schmid factors and this may relate to stress fluctuations, caused most probably in the present material by the stress fields at the tips of blocked twins. Overall, it is evident that the dominance of twinning on high Schmid factor systems is preserved at the low strains examined in the present work, despite the stress fluctuations known to be present. © 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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How did branded bottles of water insinuate themselves into our daily lives? Why did water become an economic good—no longer a common resource but a commercial product, in industry parlance a “fast moving consumer good,” or FMCG? Plastic Water examines the processes behind this transformation. It goes beyond the usual political and environmental critiques of bottled water to investigate its multiplicity, examining a bottle of water’s simultaneous existence as, among other things, a product, personal health resource, object of boycotts, and part of accumulating waste matter. Throughout, the book focuses on the ontological dimensions of drinking bottled water—the ways in which this habit enacts new relations and meanings that may interfere with other drinking water practices.


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OBJECTIVE: This paper aims to provide an overview of evidence-based psychological treatments for trichotillomania. CONCLUSIONS: Advances in the understanding of the phenomenology of trichotillomania has led to the augmentation of behavioural treatments with dialectical behaviour therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy. Further studies of treatment component efficacy and cognitive behavioural models are required.


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Since semantic trajectories can discover more semantic meanings of a user's interests without geographic restrictions, research on semantic trajectories has attracted a lot of attentions in recent years. Most existing work discover the similar behavior of moving objects through analysis of their semantic trajectory pattern, that is, sequences of locations. However, this kind of trajectories without considering the duration of staying on a location limits wild applications. For example, Tom and Anne have a common pattern of Home→Restaurant → Company → Restaurant, but they are not similar, since Tom works at Restaurant, sends snack to someone at Company and return to Restaurant while Anne has breakfast at Restaurant, works at Company and has lunch at Restaurant. If we consider duration of staying on each location we can easily to differentiate their behaviors. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for discovering common behaviors by considering the duration of staying on each location of trajectories (DoSTra). Our approach can be used to detect the group that has similar lifestyle, habit or behavior patterns and predict the future locations of moving objects. We evaluate the experiment based on synthetic dataset, which demonstrates the high effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method.


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In the current study, the crystallographic of intervariant boundary planes distribution in the lath martensite has been measured as a function of lattice misorientation and boundary plane orientation using five macroscopic parameters approach. The distribution revealed a relatively high anisotropy with a tendency for the lath interfaces to terminate on (110) planes. This results from the crystallographic constraints associated with the shear transformation rather than a low energy interface configuration. The lath martensite habit plane was determined to be mostly (110) or near (110). The relative populations of boundaries with [111] and [110] misorientations were greater than other high index misorientations, mostly characterised as (110) symmetric tilt and (110) twist boundary types, respectively.