75 resultados para clonal integration


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This report is the result of an exciting journey of discovery. As with all journeys, we have been to many exotic places, have met extraordinary people, and at times have been challenged to keep going ahead rather than retreating. Good journeys are also enjoyed best in good company. We would like to thank VicHealth for giving us the opportunity to embark on our voyage, but also specifically to some great VicHealth staff: John Biviano, Siân Lloyd, Barb Mouy and Ali Barr have all been travelers along the way, providing us with encouragement, directions and nourishment. We know that our Project Advisory Committee and the then Chief Executive of VicHealth, dr. Rob Moody, have followed our progress on the journey with great interest. A special word of thanks to professor David Hill, chair of our advisory committee and member of the VicHealth Board of Governance, to sit down with us and critically review our navigation procedures. But we could not have reached our destination without the great assistance of the people and agencies that gave us their time, energy, and sometimes precious resources, to engage in data collection for our case studies. Again, a particular word of appreciation, to professor Brian Head, and to Ruth Belben for her incredibly efficient assistance, in organising the ARACY workshop on 24 November, 2006 in which we were given an opportunity to triangulate our position with colleagues from research, policy and practice.


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Information literacy has become an important skill for undergraduate students due to societal changes that have seen information become a valuable commodity, the need for graduates to become lifelong learners, and the recognition that information literacy is an underpinning generic skill for effective learning in higher education. This paper describes a sequence of purposefully designed activities to help students learn and practice information literacy skills that were integrated into a first-year engineering and technology study unit as a core element of the unit syllabus. A formal evaluation of these activities was planned and undertaken in semester 1 2003.


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SWAT cannot accurately simulate the seasonal fluctuations or the long-term trend of the Leaf Area Index (LAI) of evergreen forests. This deficiency has detrimental impacts for the prediction of interception and transpiration, two processes that have a significant influence on catchment water yield. This paper details the integration of the forest growth model 3-PG with SWAT to improve the simulation of LAI for evergreen forests. The integrated model, called SWAT/3-PG, was applied to the Woady Yaloak River Catchment in southern Australia where eucalyptus forests and pine plantations account for 30% of the total land use. SWAT/3-PG simulated the LAI of eucalypts and pines more accurately and realistically than the original version of SWAT. Forest LAI simulated by SWAT/3-PG agreed reasonably well with estimates of forest LAI derived independently from a Landsat satellite image. SWAT/3- PG has considerable value as a tool that managers can utilise to predict the impacts of land use change in catchments where evergreen forests are prevalent.


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This paper serves to specify and ground research into interfunctional integration in a wider theoretical context with particular reference to the interaction between technology and marketing in the biotechnology sphere. The general and specific problem areas are specified as those of interfunctional relations and the dyadic relationship between marketing and biotechnical managerial functions in particular. The contextual/organisational generative mechanisms that are likely to keep interfunctional relations at the centre of scholarly attention for some time are explored from the perspective of cybernetic theory. The law of requisite variety states that in an effective open system environmental variety is matched by internal structural variety. As organisations are faced with ever more turbulent, and complex environments, this must be matched by an increased internal complexity within the organisation. The two modes of response, namely holographic and mechanistic, both highlight the need to further our understanding of interfunctional differences. Having established the problem and its genesis, a specific research agenda is outlined as the exploration of the interfunctional differences from a decision-making perspective.


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The Customer Analytics (CA) function is increasingly leveraged for Customer Relationship Management (CRM), however it may lack the value of marketing knowledge available from the Marketing Research (MR) function due to inadequate interfunctional knowledge integration. This paper develops a set of sixteen propositions from a synthesis of the marketing and knowledge management literatures relating key organisational influences on the integration of knowledge between the MR and CA functions. A range of strategic, cultural, structural and technical influences is reflected by the propositions. It is planned to test the propositions in future empirical research.


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Healthcare professionals need to be cognizant of integration of research into practice literature to advance clinical practice. This article describes the strengths and limitations associated with 10 currently used integration of research into practice strategies and the issues that need to be considered when selecting an appropriate strategy. Selecting the right strategy that ensures the uptake of best available evidence is an essential component of developing evidence-based practice and ultimately improving patient care.


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Middle managers in today's organisations have reported experiencing longer working hours and intensified work regimes. These increased pressures, in turn, have led to growing difficulty in addressing the integration of their work and personal lives. In an exploratory study of the daily workplace experiences of Australian middle managers and the impacts on their personal lives, one of the key themes to emerge was respondents' concerns about the negative effects on their friendships. This paper discusses middle managers' recognition of the value of friendships for their wellbeing, and the resultant anger and sadness reported at the strain on these relationships due to competing time demands. The significant role that friendships play in alleviating some of the stresses of work demands, while concurrently being impeded by these same demands, is an important issue for organisations to consider. These findings indicate the need for middle managers to truly have an ability to engage in activities - and friendships - which will aid them in their working lives. The study also indicates a need for further investigation into the development and maintenance of friendships for both middle managers and other groups of employees.


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Corporate governance has gained increasing importance in the last decade as organisations have been involved in bankruptcies and frauds alongside decreases in organisational value and jobs. Researchers have signalled a need for new perspectives and models of governance, especially one that clearly identifies and embeds employees as part of the system. This article explores the importance of human resources as a key component of the governance system. It discusses whether organisational rhetoric in relation to stakeholders and social responsibility incorporates employees and in doing so it delves into the concept of labour as a key stakeholder. The article examines publicly available reports of two resource-based firms and two finance-sector firms: Rio Tinto, Shell Australia, Westpac and ANZ Bank to explore the position of labour. It concludes that the position of labour as a stakeholder is problematic, with a divergence between espoused statements on CSR and how they are operationalised throughout the organisation. The emphasis seems to be on environmental and financial sustainability with lesser importance placed on dimensions of workplace management and accompanying employee relations approaches.


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Four decades ago Australia was credited as being an early leader in  implementing integrated coastal management (ICM). Nevertheless, as a  federation of states and territories Australia has since struggled to fully  implement vertical integration of its coastal governance arrangements. In particular the federal government has historically possessed only a minor role in coastal management despite the recommendations of several major inquires suggesting that this role needed to be enhanced. This article examines a series of circumstances and events over the past two years in Australia that has created the opportunity for the federal government to adopt a more significant and prominent role in coastal management and hence to substantially complete the vertical integration of ICM in Australia. These stimuli for coastal policy reform could also play a role in enhancing ICM in other federated nations.