59 resultados para bloqueio femoral


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Background : Previous research in psychiatric and community samples has demonstrated reduced bone mineral density (BMD) in individuals with both clinical depression and depressive symptoms, although the findings are equivocal. This study aimed to investigate the association between self-reported depression and BMD in a community sample of men aged 20–96 years enrolled in the Geelong Osteoporosis Study.

Methods : A self-report questionnaire based on DSM-IV criteria was used to determine lifetime prevalence rates of depression within the study sample at baseline. Those currently taking oral glucocorticoids, testosterone or bisphosphonates were excluded from the analysis (n = 23) resulting in a sample of 1279 men.

Results : In this sample, 155 men reported a lifetime history of depression (LHX). There were no differences in age, weight, height, calcium intake, smoking rates or unadjusted BMD at the femoral neck between the cases and the controls, whereas unadjusted BMD at the spine was significantly lower in those with a LHX (1.254 ± 0.187 vs 1.293 ± 0.194 g/cm2). BMD adjusted for age, weight, calcium intake and smoking was 3.6% lower at the spine (1.255 ± 0.016 vs 1.295 ± 0.006 g/cm2) and 3.4% lower at the femoral neck (0.973 ± 0.011 vs 1.007 ± 0.004 g/cm2) in those with a LHX compared to controls.

Conclusion : These data are consistent with previous findings of diminished BMD in people with depressive disorders and symptoms and suggest that depression may be a risk factor for reduced BMD in community-dwelling adult men.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the relative contribution of peak muscle force (isokinetic peak torque) with surrogate estimates of muscle force, including leg lean tissue mass (LTM) and vertical jump height (VJH), on bone mass, geometry and strength in healthy prepubertal girls (n = 103).

Total leg and FN BMC and leg LTM were measured by DXA; the hip strength analysis program was used to assess FN diameter, cross-sectional area (CSA) and section modulus (Z). Isokinetic peak torque of the knee extensors and flexors (60°·s-1) were used as direct measures of peak muscle force. VJH was measured as an estimate of neuromuscular function. Total leg length or femoral length was used as a surrogate measure of moment arm length.

All estimates of muscle function, except VJH, were positively associated with leg BMC (r = 0.72 - 0.90) and FN BMC, geometry and strength (r = 0.35-0.65) (all, P < 0.001). Multiple linear regression analyses revealed that leg LTM and isokinetic peak torque were independently and equally predictive of leg BMC and FN BMC, bone geometry and strength, explaining 8 to 28% of the variance in each of the bone traits after accounting for moment arm length. When isokinetic peak torque was corrected for both leg LTM and moment arm length, it remained an independent predictor of BMC, CSA and Z, but only accounted for an additional 2 to 5% of the variance.

Conclusion: These data suggest that DXA-derived leg LTM can be used as a reasonable surrogate for isokinetic peak muscle forces when assessing bone strength in relation to muscular function in healthy pre-pubertal girls.


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The osteogenicity of a given exercise may be estimated by calculating an osteogenic index (OI) consisting of magnitude and rate of strain. Volleyball involves repetitive jumping and requires high power output and thus may be expected to be beneficial to bone and performance. The purpose of the present study was to examine if habitual volleyball playing is reflected in OI. Ten elderly habitual volleyball players [age 69.9 (SD 4.4) years] and ten matched controls volunteered [age 69.7 (4.2) years] as subjects. Distal tibia (d), tibial mid-shaft (50) and femoral neck (F) bone characteristics were measured using pQCT and DXA. To estimate skeletal rigidity, cross-sectional area (ToA50), and compressive (BSId) and bending strength indices (SSImax50) were calculated. Maximal performance was assessed with eccentric ankle plantar flexion, isometric leg press and countermovement jump (CMJ). A fast Fourier transform (FFT) was calculated from the acceleration of the center of mass during the CMJ. Maximal acceleration (MAG) and mean magnitude frequency (MMF) were selected to represent the constituents of OI. OI was calculated as the sum of the products of magnitudes and corresponding frequencies. Volleyball players had 7% larger ToA50 and 37% higher power in CMJ, 15% higher MAG and 36% higher OI (P B 0.047) than the matched controls. No difference was observed in leg press, plantar flexion or the MMF (P C 0.646). In conclusion, habitual volleyball players may be differentiated from their matched peers by their dynamic jumping performance, and the differences are reflected in the magnitude but not rate of loading.


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Overall, socioeconomic status (SES) is inversely associated with poorer health outcomes. However, current literature provides conflicting data of the relationship between SES and bone mineral density (BMD) in men. In an age-stratified population-based randomly selected cross-sectional study of men (n = 1467) we assessed the association between SES and lifestyle exposures in relation to BMD. SES was determined by matching the residential address for each subject with Australian Bureau of Statistics 2006 census data for the study region. BMD was measured at the spine and femoral neck by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Lifestyle variables were collected by self-report. Regression models were age-stratified into younger and older groups and adjusted for age, weight, dietary calcium, physical activity, and medications known to affect bone. Subjects with spinal abnormalities were excluded from analyses of BMD at the spine. In younger men, BMD was highest at the spine in the mid quintiles of SES, where differences were observed compared to quintile 1 (1–7%, p < 0.05). In older men, the pattern of BMD across SES quintiles was reversed, and subjects from mid quintiles had the lowest BMD, with differences observed compared to quintile 5 (1–7%, p < 0.05). Differences in BMD at the spine across SES quintiles represent a potential 1.5-fold increase in fracture risk for those with the lowest BMD. There were no differences in BMD at the femoral neck. Further research is warranted which examines the mechanisms that may underpin differences in BMD across SES quintiles and to address the current paucity of data in this field of enquiry.


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Summary : A large population-based random sample of Australian white men was used to provide normative bone mineral density (BMD) data at multiple anatomical sites. The femoral neck BMD data are very similar to those obtained in USA non-Hispanic white males participating in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III (NHANES III). The reference ranges will be suitable for similar populations.

Introduction : To provide normative BMD data for Australian men derived from a large population-based random sample.

Methods :
An age-stratified random sample of men was recruited from the Australian electoral rolls (n = 1,467 aged 20–97 years). BMD was quantified at multiple sites using Lunar densitometers.

Results : Age-related differences in BMD were best predicted by linear relationships at the spine and hip and by quadratic functions at the whole body and forearm. At the spine, a small age-related increase in mean BMD was observed. Although in the subset with no spinal abnormalities, there was a decrease of 0.003 g/cm2 per year from age 20. At the hip sites, mean BMD decreased at 0.001–0.006 g/cm2 per year from age 20. At the forearm and whole body, BMD peaked at 41–47 years. Apart from a small difference in men greater than or equal to 80 years, the Australian femoral neck BMD data are not different to those obtained in USA non-Hispanic white males participating in NHANES III and were generally similar to those of large studies from Canada (CaMos) and Spain.

Conclusions :
These data supply BMD reference ranges at multiple anatomical sites that will be applicable to white Australian men and similar populations such as USA non-Hispanic white men.


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To evaluate the prevalence of osteoporosis at various sites among Australian women, cross-sectional bone mineral density (BMD) data for adult females was obtained from an age-stratified population-based sample (n = 1494; 20–94 yr) drawn at random from the Barwon Statistical Division, a population characteristic of Australia. Age- and weight- (and for three sites, height) matched reference ranges for BMD at the lumbar spine, proximal femur, forearm, and total body were developed using regression techniques. The cutoff BMD level for osteoporosis at the PA spine was 0.917 g/cm2 and 0.713 g/cm2 at the femoral neck according to the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. The upper cutoff level for osteopenia was 1.128 g/cm2 at the PA spine and 0.913 g/cm2 for the femoral neck. The proportion of Australian women categorized as having osteoporosis at the PA spine, femoral neck, or midforearm ranged from 0.9% among those aged 40–44 yr to 87.0% for those older than 79 yr. This study provides reference data representative of the Australian female population. A large proportion of elderly Australian women has osteoporosis according to the WHO guidelines.


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In Australia, benefits for antifracture therapies have been available for patients with osteoporosis and a prior fracture. No benefits were available to those with no prior fracture. We aimed to define, in women with no prior fracture, age-related thresholds of bone mineral density (BMD) associated with fracture risk equivalent to that of women with prior fracture and osteoporosis. A case-control study of women (≥50 yr) was conducted, including 291 fracture cases and 823 controls. BMD was measured at the proximal femur and posterior anterior (PA) spine. A fracture risk score (FRS) for the group with no prior fracture was calculated with discriminant analysis. The thresholds for equivalent fracture risk between those with no prior fracture and those with prior fracture were assessed using logistic regression. Increasing the FRS to +0.98 in women with no prior fracture resulted in equivalent odds of sustaining a fracture to those with prior fracture and osteoporosis. The corresponding T-score thresholds at the spine were −4.6 at 50 yr, −3.9 at 60 yr, −3.1 at 70 yr, and −2.4 at 80 yr. The femoral neck T-score thresholds were lower by 0.5 standard deviation. The high-risk individuals defined by this study should be considered for primary fracture prevention therapy.


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Purpose: To develop and evaluate a fracture risk (FRISK) score based on multiple-site bone mineral density (BMD) measurements and other risk factors, to enable prediction of future fracture occurrence.

Materials and Methods:
All participants gave written informed consent, and the study was approved by the Barwon Health Research and Ethics Advisory Committee. BMD was measured at the femoral neck and spine in two concurrently recruited groups: women 60 years of age or older who had sustained a low-trauma fracture of the hip, spine, humerus or distal forearm during a 2-year ascertainment period (n = 231; mean age, 74 years ± 7 [standard deviation]) and a population-based random sample of women who had not sustained a fracture during the recruitment period (n = 448; mean age, 72 years ± 8). Falls in the previous year and the number of self-reported fractures in adult life were recorded. Coefficients of a multiple logistic regression model were used as weightings for a combined model. A longitudinal population-based sample was used to assess the fracture risk equation (n = 600; median age, 74 years; interquartile range, 67–82 years).

The FRISK score was obtained from the following equation: 9.304 − 4.735BMDSP − 4.530BMDFN + 1.127FS + 0.344NPF + 0.037W, where BMDSP is spinal BMD (in grams per square centimeter), BMDFN is femoral neck BMD, FS is falls score, NPF is number of previous fractures, and W is weight (in kilograms). The FRISK score successfully predicted 75% of fractures 2 years after baseline measurements in subjects in the longitudinal study with 68% specificity.

This study resulted in the derivation of a fracture risk score that successfully predicted 75% of fractures 2 years after baseline.


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Both serum leptin and bone mineral density are positively correlated with body fat, generating the hypothesis that leptin may be a systemic and/or local regulator of bone mass. We investigated 214 healthy, nonobese Australian women aged 20-91 yr. Bone mineral content, projected bone area, and body fat mass were measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry and fasting serum leptin levels by RIA. Associations between bone mineral content (adjusted for age, body weight, body fat mass, and bone area) and the natural logarithm of serum leptin concentrations were analyzed by multiple regression techniques. There was a significant positive association at the lateral spine, two proximal femur sites (Ward's triangle and trochanter), and whole body (partial r2 = 0.019 to 0.036; all P < 0.05). Similar trends were observed at the femoral neck and posterior-anterior-spine. With bone mineral density the dependent variable (adjusted for age, body weight, and body fat mass), the association with the natural logarithm of leptin remained significant at the lateral spine (partial r2 = 0.030; P = 0.011), was of borderline significance at the proximal femur sites (partial r2 = 0.012 to 0.017; P = 0.058 to 0.120), and was not significant at the other sites. Our results demonstrate an association between serum leptin levels and bone mass consistent with the hypothesis that circulating leptin may play a role in regulating bone mass.


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Background Recent data suggest that 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors (statins) decrease fracture risk and increase bone mineral density (BMD).

Methods This cross-sectional study is set in southeastern Australia. We evaluated the association between statin use, fracture risk, and BMD in 1375 women (573 with incident fractures and 802 without incident fracture, all drawn from the same community). Fractures were identified radiologically. Medication use and lifestyle factors were documented by questionnaire.

Results Unadjusted odds ratio for fracture associated with statin use was 0.40 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.23-0.71). Adjusting for BMD at the femoral neck, spine, and whole body increased the odds ratio to 0.45 (95% CI, 0.25-0.80), 0.42 (95% CI, 0.24-0.75), and 0.43 (95% CI, 0.24-0.78), respectively. Adjusting for age, weight, concurrent medications, and lifestyle factors had no substantial effect on the odds ratio for fracture. Statin use was associated with a 3% greater adjusted BMD at the femoral neck (P = .08), and BMD tended to be greater at the spine and whole body but did not achieve statistical significance.

Conclusion The substantial 60% reduction in fracture risk associated with statin use is greater than would be expected from increases in BMD alone.


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Fractures associated with severe trauma are generally excluded from estimates of the prevalence of osteoporotic fractures in the community. Because the degree of trauma is difficult to quantitate, low bone mass may contribute to fractures following severe trauma. We ascertained all fractures in a defined population and compared the bone mineral density (BMD) of women who sustained fractures in either 'low' or 'high' trauma events with the BMD of a random sample of women from the same population. BMD was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and expressed as a standardized deviation (Z score) adjusted for age. The BMD Z scores (mean ± SEM) were reduced in both the low and high trauma groups, respectively: spine-posterior-anterior (- 0.50 ± 0.05 and -0.21 ± 0.08), spine-lateral (-0.28 ± 0.06 and -0.19 ± 0.10), femoral neck (-0.42 ± 0.04 and -0.26 ± 0.09), Ward's triangle (- 0.44 ± 0.04 and -0.28 ± 0.08), trochanter (-0.44 ± 0.05 and -0.32 ± 0.08), total body (-0.46 ± 0.06 and -0.32 ± 0.08), ultradistal radius (- 0.47 ± 0.05 and -0.42 ± 0.07), and midradius (-0.52 ± 0.06 and -0.33 ± 0.09). Except at the PA spine, the deficits were no smaller in the high trauma group. Compared with the population, the age-adjusted odds ratio for osteoporosis (t-score < -2.5) at one or more scanning sites was 3.1 (95% confidence interval 1.9, 5.0) in the high trauma group and 2.7 (1.9, 3.8) in the low trauma group. The data suggest that the exclusion of high trauma fractures in women over 50 years of age may result in underestimation of the contribution of osteoporosis to fractures in the community. Bone density measurement of women over 50 years of age who sustain fractures may be warranted irrespective of the classification of trauma.


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In January 2006, the Renal Dialysis Unit at Geelong Hospital appointed a Vascular Access Nurse. A Transonic Flow Qc HDO2 Ultrasound Dilution Monitor was purchased to monitor access flow and recirculation in arteriovenous fistulae in an attempt to predict AVF stenoses requiring early surgical correction.

A bi-monthly monitoring program tested all facility-based patients. 82 patients were assessed for access flow and recirculation between February and December 2006.

18 (22%) had poor AVF function; 13 with access flows <500ml/minute on initial testing and 5 with an access flow decreasing >25% over a four month period. Of the 18 patients shown to have poor access flow, 2 died within one month of measurement while 5 were too frail to attempt corrective surgery. The remaining 11 proceeded to ultrasound or fistulography. A >50% stenosis was detected in all 11 cases. Of these, 4 had successful vein patch surgery and one had PTFE grafting, each with marked improvement in access flow. One had failed vein patch surgery requiring creation of a femoral AVF, one patient required cvc insertion to await AVF creation, and one had failed stenting requiring a permanent cvc. 3 died before planned surgery.

5 of the 82 patients that had access flow assessment, and needed further evaluation, proceeded to successful pre-emptive surgical intervention. We believe the Transonic is a useful adjunct to routine clinical AVF surveillance, in providing early evidence of AVF failure that can be avoided by pre-emptive surgery.


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Background:  An audit performed in the use of non-irradiated femoral head bone graft at the Geelong Hospital over a 10-year period. While it is thought the non-irradiated bone graft provides a better structural construct there is theoretical increased risk of infection transmission.

Methods:  We performed a retrospective review of prospectively collected data in the use of non-irradiated bone allograft used from the Geelong Hospital Douglas Hosking Research Institute bone bank over a 10-year period. The review was performed using data collected from the bone bank and correlating it with the patient’s medical record. All complications, including infections, related to the use of the allograft were recorded.

Results:  We found that over the 10 years to 2004 that 811 femoral heads were donated, with 555 being used over 362 procedures in 316 patients. We identified a total of nine deep infections, of which seven were in joint replacements. Overall this was a 2.5% deep infection rate, which was lowered to 1.4% if the previously infected joints that were operated on were excluded.

Conclusion:  The use of non-irradiated femoral head bone graft was safe in a regional setting.


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Aim: The aetiology of the development of type 2 diabetes remains unresolved. In the present study, we assessed whether an impairment of insulin-mediated microvascular perfusion occurs early in the onset of insulin resistance. Materials and methods: Hooded Wistar rats were fed either a normal diet (ND) or a high-fat diet (HFD) for 4 weeks. Anaesthetized animals were subjected to an isoglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic clamp (3 or 10 mU/min/kg × 2 h), and measurements were made of glucose infusion rate (GIR), hindleg glucose uptake, muscle glucose uptake by 2-deoxy-d-glucose (R′g), glucose appearance (Ra), glucose disappearance (Rd), femoral blood flow (FBF) and hindleg 1-methylxanthine disappearance (1-MXD, an index of microvascular perfusion). Results: Compared with ND-fed animal, HFD feeding led to a mild increase in fasting plasma glucose and plasma insulin, without an increase in total body weight. During the clamps, HFD rats showed an impairment of insulin-mediated action on GIR, hindleg glucose uptake, R′g, Ra, Rd and FBF, with a greater loss of insulin responsiveness at 3 mU/min/kg than at 10 mU/min/kg. The HFD also impaired insulin-mediated microvascular perfusion as assessed by 1-MXD. Interestingly, 1-MXD was the only measurement that remained unresponsive to the higher dose of 10 mU/min/kg insulin. Conclusions: We conclude that the early stage of insulin resistance is characterized by an impairment of the insulin-mediated microvascular responses in skeletal muscle. This is likely to cause greater whole body insulin resistance by limiting the delivery of hormones and nutrients to muscle.


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 This article discusses the medicolegal implications of a recent judgment in relation to a patient who suffered significant morbidity as a result of patient positioning during an operative procedure. The patient developed an unexpected serious complication following surgery, in the context of a preoperative consent that did not cover every potential complication or contingency. The court held that the failure to warn of a particular risk that would have prevented the patient from undergoing a procedure but did not occur will not necessarily result in a finding of negligence in relation to another risk where the harm did occur. This finding is well aligned to current clinical practice and at the same time does not abrogate the practitioner's duty to provide a comprehensive list of possible complications during the consent process for any proceduralist. In the context of a procedure requiring anaesthesia, the importance of communication and understanding between the anaesthetist and proceduralist as to which aspects of the consent process are undertaken by whom, and to ensure the process is done comprehensively, is of great importance and is indirectly highlighted by this recent judgment.