42 resultados para Two Measures


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Background: The 22-item Well-being Questionnaire (W-BQ22) (Bradley, 1994) includes Anxiety, Depression, Energy and Positive Well-being subscales. However, the constructs of anxiety and depression could not be easily distinguished from each other. Consequently, the W-BQ12 was designed to include just three subscales, Negative Well-being (including only negatively-worded anxiety and depression items), Energy (2 positively- and 2 negativelyworded items) and Positive Well-being (all positively-worded items). The SF-36 (Ware & Sherbourne, 1983), a widely used health status measure, includes a 4-item vitality subscale (2 positively- and 2 negatively-worded items) and a 5-item mental health scale (2 positively worded and 3 negatively-worded items).

Method: Factor structures of W-BQ22, W-BQ12 and SF-36 were compared using data from 789 outpatients with diabetes.

Results: W-BQ22 factor analysis showed negatively-worded anxiety and depression items loading together, while positively-worded depression items loaded with positive well-being items and separately from positively-worded anxiety items. W-BQ12 loaded as intended on 3 factors, with negatively-worded anxiety and depression items loading together on one factor: negative well-being. The four energy items (2 positively- and 2 negatively-worded) loaded together (factor 3) and the four positive well-being items loaded together (factor 1). Unforced factor analysis of the SF-36 produced 5 factors and split the mental health and vitality items into two components, which could only be defined in terms of positive and negative wording. A forced 8-factor solution produced similar results, with the mental health and vitality items being split into two components according to their positive or negative wording. A forced 2-factor solution brought mental health/vitality items together, separate from physical health items.

Conclusion: The previously unrecognised influence of positive and negative wording on factor structure is clearly shown here to be of importance in conceptualising and designing measures of psychological well-being to be used with people with diabetes and may be of relevance for other populations.


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Large populations of marine turtles breeding in the Cayman Islands were drastically reduced in the early 1800s. However, marine turtle nesting still occurs in the islands. The present-day status of this nesting population provides insight into the conservation of marine turtles, a long-lived species. In 1998 and 1999, the first systematic survey of marine turtle nesting in the Cayman Islands found 38 nests on 22 beaches scattered through the three islands. Three species were found: the green Chelonia mydas, hawksbill Eretmochelys imbricata and loggerhead Caretta caretta turtles. Comparison with other rookeries suggests that the small number of sexually mature adults surviving Cayman’s huge perturbations may be impeding population recovery. This shows the need to implement conservation measures prior to massive reductions in population size.


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We present a new approach for defining similarity measures for Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy sets (AIFS), in which a similarity measure has two components indicating the similarity and hesitancy aspects. We justify that there are at least two facets of uncertainty of an AIFS, one of which is related to fuzziness while other is related to lack of knowledge or non-specificity. We propose a set of axioms and build families of similarity measures that avoid counterintuitive examples that are used to justify one similarity measure over another. We also investigate a relation to entropies of AIFS, and outline possible application of our method in decision making and image segmentation. © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Human actions have been widely studied for their potential application in various areas such as sports, pervasive patient monitoring, and rehabilitation. However, challenges still persist pertaining to determining the most useful ways to describe human actions at the sensor, then limb and complete action levels of representation and deriving important relations between these levels each involving their own atomic components. In this paper, we report on a motion encoder developed for the sensor level based on the need to distinguish between the shape of the sensor's trajectory and its temporal characteristics during execution. This distinction is critical as it provides a different encoding scheme than the usual velocity and acceleration measures which confound these two attributes of any motion. At the same time, we eliminate noise from sensors by comparing temporal and spatial indexing schemes and a number of optimal filtering models for robust encoding. Results demonstrate the benefits of spatial indexing and separating the shape and dynamics of a motion, as well as its ability to decompose complex motions into several atomic ones. Finally, we discuss how this specific type of sensor encoder bears on the derivation of limb and complete action descriptions.


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Pixel-scale fine details are often lost during image processing tasks such as image reduction and filtering. Block or region based algorithms typically rely on averaging functions to implement the required operation and traditional function choices struggle to preserve small, spatially cohesive clusters of pixels which may be corrupted by noise. This article proposes the construction of fuzzy measures of cluster compactness to account for the spatial organisation of pixels. We present two construction methods (minimum spannning trees and fuzzy measure decomposition) to generate measures with specific properties: monotonicity with respect to cluster size; invariance with respect to translation, reflection and rotation; and, discrimination between pixel sets of fixed cardinality with different spatial arrangements. We apply these measures within a non-monotonic mode-like averaging function used for image reduction and we show that this new function preserves pixel-scale structures better than existing monotonie averages.


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In cost-effectiveness analyses of drugs or health technologies, estimates of life years saved or quality-adjusted life years saved are required. Randomised controlled trials can provide an estimate of the average treatment effect; for survival data, the treatment effect is the difference in mean survival. However, typically not all patients will have reached the endpoint of interest at the close-out of a trial, making it difficult to estimate the difference in mean survival. In this situation, it is common to report the more readily estimable difference in median survival. Alternative approaches to estimating the mean have also been proposed. We conducted a simulation study to investigate the bias and precision of the three most commonly used sample measures of absolute survival gain - difference in median, restricted mean and extended mean survival - when used as estimates of the true mean difference, under different censoring proportions, while assuming a range of survival patterns, represented by Weibull survival distributions with constant, increasing and decreasing hazards. Our study showed that the three commonly used methods tended to underestimate the true treatment effect; consequently, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) would be overestimated. Of the three methods, the least biased is the extended mean survival, which perhaps should be used as the point estimate of the treatment effect to be inputted into the ICER, while the other two approaches could be used in sensitivity analyses. More work on the trade-offs between simple extrapolation using the exponential distribution and more complicated extrapolation using other methods would be valuable.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess the prevalence of patients fulfilling clinical review criteria (CRC), to determine activation rates for CRC assessments, to compare baseline characteristics and outcomes of patients who fulfilled CRC with patients who did not, and to identify the documented nursing actions in response to CRC values. DESIGN, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: A cross-sectional study using a retrospective medical record audit, in a universityaffiliated, tertiary referral hospital with a two-tier rapid response system in Melbourne, Australia. We used a convenience sample of hospital inpatients on general medical, surgical and specialist service wards admitted during a 24-hour period in 2013. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Medical emergency team (MET) or code blue activation, unplanned intensive care unit admissions, hospital length of stay and inhospital mortality. For patients who fulfilled CRC or MET criteria during the 24- hour period, the specific criteria fulfilled, escalation treatments and outcomes were collected. RESULTS: Of the sample (N = 422), 81 patients (19%) fulfilled CRC on 109 occasions. From 109 CRC events, 66 patients (81%) had at least one observation fulfilling CRC, and 15 patients (18%) met CRC on multiple occasions. The documented escalation rate was 58 of 109 events (53%). The number of patients who fulfilled CRC and subsequent MET call activation criteria within 24 hours was significantly greater than the number who did not meet CRC (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: About one in five patients reached CRC during the study period; these patients were about four times more likely to also fulfil MET call criteria. Contrary to hospital policy, escalation was not documented for about half the patients meeting CRC values. Despite the clarity of escalation procedures on the graphic observation chart, escalation remains an ongoing problem. Further research is needed on the impact on patient outcomes over time and to understand factors influencing staff response.


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The limited Australian measures to reduce population sodium intake through national initiatives targeting sodium in the food supply have not been evaluated. The aim was, thus, to assess if there has been a change in salt intake and discretionary salt use between 2011 and 2014 in the state of Victoria, Australia. Adults drawn from a population sample provided 24 h urine collections and reported discretionary salt use in 2011 and 2014. The final sample included 307 subjects who participated in both surveys, 291 who participated in 2011 only, and 135 subjects who participated in 2014 only. Analysis included adjustment for age, gender, metropolitan area, weekend collection and participation in both surveys, where appropriate. In 2011, 598 participants: 53% female, age 57.1(12.0)(SD) years and in 2014, 442 participants: 53% female, age 61.2(10.7) years provided valid urine collections, with no difference in the mean urinary salt excretion between 2011: 7.9 (7.6, 8.2) (95% CI) g/salt/day and 2014: 7.8 (7.5, 8.1) g/salt/day (p = 0.589), and no difference in discretionary salt use: 35% (2011) and 36% (2014) reported adding salt sometimes or often/always at the table (p = 0.76). Those that sometimes or often/always added salt at the table and when cooking had 0.7 (0.7, 0.8) g/salt/day (p = 0.0016) higher salt excretion. There is no indication over this 3-year period that national salt reduction initiatives targeting the food supply have resulted in a population reduction in salt intake. More concerted efforts are required to reduce the salt content of manufactured foods, together with a consumer education campaign targeting the use of discretionary salt.


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We adapted/developed and examined the test–retest reliability and internal consistency of eight parent-report measures of home and neighborhood environmental correlates of physical activity appropriate for Chinese preschool-aged children and their parents/primary caregivers living in densely populated urban environments. This study consisted of a qualitative (cognitive interviews) and a quantitative (test–retest reliability) component. Chinese versions of the measures were pilot-tested on 20 parents of Hong Kong preschool-aged children using cognitive interviews. Measures were then administered to 61 parents twice, 1 week apart. Test–retest reliability and internal consistency were computed. Except for two items, the test–retest reliability of items and scale summary scores ranged from moderate to excellent. The internal consistency of the measures exceeded recommended minimal values (Cronbach’s α >.70). The parent-report measures examined in this study are potentially appropriate for use in investigations of environmental correlates of the physical activity of Chinese preschool-aged children living in densely populated urban environments. However, their predictive validity with respect to Chinese preschool-aged children’s physical activity needs to be assessed in future studies.


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BACKGROUND: Problem gambling is a serious public health concern at an international level where population prevalence rates average 2% or more and occurs more frequently in younger populations. The most empirically established treatments until now are combinations of cognitive and behavioural techniques labelled cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). However, there is a paucity of high quality evidence for the comparative efficacy of core CBT interventions in treating problem gamblers. This study aims to isolate and compare cognitive and behavioural (exposure-based) techniques to determine their relative efficacy.

METHODS: A sample of 130 treatment-seeking problem gamblers will be allocated to either cognitive or exposure therapy in a two-group randomised, parallel design. Repeated measures will be conducted at baseline, mid and end of treatment (12 sessions intervention period), and at 3, 6 and 12 months (maintenance effects). The primary outcome measure is improvement in problem gambling severity symptoms using the Victorian Gambling Screen (VGS) harm to self-subscale. VGS measures gambling severity on an extensive continuum, thereby enhancing sensitivity to change within and between individuals over time.

DISCUSSION: This article describes the research methods, treatments and outcome measures used to evaluate gambling behaviours, problems caused by gambling and mechanisms of change. This study will be the first randomised, parallel trial to compare cognitive and exposure therapies in this population.

ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The study was approved by the Southern Adelaide Health Service/Flinders University Human Research Ethics Committee. Study findings will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations.


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The interplay between the fat mass- and obesity-associated (FTO) gene variants and diet has been implicated in the development of obesity. The aim of the present analysis was to investigate associations between FTO genotype, dietary intakes and anthropometrics among European adults. Participants in the Food4Me randomised controlled trial were genotyped for FTO genotype (rs9939609) and their dietary intakes, and diet quality scores (Healthy Eating Index and PREDIMED-based Mediterranean diet score) were estimated from FFQ. Relationships between FTO genotype, diet and anthropometrics (weight, waist circumference (WC) and BMI) were evaluated at baseline. European adults with the FTO risk genotype had greater WC (AA v. TT: +1·4 cm; P=0·003) and BMI (+0·9 kg/m2; P=0·001) than individuals with no risk alleles. Subjects with the lowest fried food consumption and two copies of the FTO risk variant had on average 1·4 kg/m2 greater BMI (Ptrend=0·028) and 3·1 cm greater WC (Ptrend=0·045) compared with individuals with no copies of the risk allele and with the lowest fried food consumption. However, there was no evidence of interactions between FTO genotype and dietary intakes on BMI and WC, and thus further research is required to confirm or refute these findings.


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Effective performance measurement drives performance and supports the development of construction. Only minimal literature measuring construction performance, efficiency and effectiveness simultaneously can be identified. A global relational two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) method is here proposed in order to produce effective and informative performance results. A relational two-stage DEA method systematically measures overall efficiency for a whole construction system and also yields scores for the individual stages of construction. The DEA results can be directly compared through global benchmark technology. The Australian construction industry is employed in order to implement the new method, in which profitability performance as a vital indicator of business survival, and its two dimensions of efficiency and effectiveness, are measured. The construction profitability performance and efficiency measures obtained provide evidence of underperformance and a slight imbalance in Australia between 1991 and 2012, while the measures obtained for the effectiveness factor indicate better achievement. The approach here developed promotes progress in modelling two-stage performance measurement and it can be replicated worldwide by construction projects, organizations or industries in order to quantify their performance, identify internal inefficiency components and recognize competitive advantages for promoting sustainable development.